'Equality' Versus 'Equitable Treatment' - Kamala Harris Tweets Out Harris/Biden Marxist Intent For America


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“'Equality' suggests, ‘Oh, everyone should get the same amount.’ The problem with that, not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount, but you started out back there and I started out over here—we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me. It’s about giving people the resources and the support they need, so that everyone can be on equal footing and then compete on equal footing.”
-- Kamala Harris

For the new Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Party It is not good enough to 'level the 'playing field' by ensuring the rules and laws both see and treat each other equally going forward to make sure EVERYONE has the same exact opportunities in life. Even everyone being 'equal', having the same opportunities, pay, etc... in life is still 'UNFAIR'.

'Equitable treatment' is that everyone ends up “at the same place.”
-- Kamala Harris

By 'same place' Harris means at the same exact status / way - especially FINANCIALLY. If it was mandated that from now on everyone was to be paid the exact same thing, according to Harris, that would mean that the rich would remain rich and the Middle and Lower Classes would remain Middle and Lower classes. They would never 'catch' up to those who have far more than they do....and THAT isn't FAIR.

The fact that someone else may have worked harder, took risks (choices), or even inherited money from parents who worked hard....but whatever the reason, the fact that some people have more money /assets than others is 'NOT FAIR', according to Harris, and something needs to be done to correct that...someone needs to affect that change. The Democrats, Harris, and 'China' Joe want to be the the 'who' that affects that 'change'.

The Change they are talking about can only be brought about by 'making everyone 'equal' in about every way. They are not talking about 'GIVING' people who have less more money to rise to the level of those who have more. No, they are talk about TAKING as much as is needed from those who 'have' and giving it to those who have less.

'A Rising Tide Lifts ALL boats': President Trump's economy, his 1st 3 years in office, resulted in a 'rising tide' that 'lifted ALL boats':
--- Lowest unemployment rate in decades
--- Lowest Black, Latino, Asia, Women's, and Young People's unemployment rate in US HISTORY
--- More jobs, higher pay, raises, bonuses, more opportunity to excel.

'A Socialist 'Red' Tide Drains the Water Until ALL boats are resting Equally On the Bottom"
--- ALL 'boats' are not raised but instead the govt raids / takes from those who have more to those who have less.

This DOCTRINE comes from Communist Karl Marx, who is famous for saying, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs".

'Equitable Treatment' is achieved through SELF-APPOINTED Judges who decide what is 'FAIR', by SELF-APPOINTED RULERS who have shed their mantle as 'Servants of the People' and now enforce edicts / rules that violate everything our Constitution stands for in order to 'REDISTRIBUTE WEALTH' (NOT THEIRS) as THEY see fit. \

Remember, the same self-appointed leaders who are telling Americans that others having 'more' than they do is 'UNFAIR' and that all of this wealth needs to be RE-DISTRIBUTED are the same people who:

-- Live in million dollar mansions outside of their own districts.
-- Declare you cannot defend yourself on your own property with your own legally-owned firearm, that the police should be eliminated / defunded, and that America should have no walls while they have their own armed security teams and live behind high-walled fences.

-- Who smiles and laughed and gave an interview in front of her $25 THOUSAND dollar freezer eating expensive gourmet ice creams WHILE blocking financial COVID-19 relief bills AND while oppressive Democrat mandated lock downs that resulted in:
--- 46% of ALL black-owned small businesses, 36% of all Latino-owned businesses, 31% of ALL Asian-owned small businesses, and 26% of ALL women-owned small businesses in the United States were destroyed... (That's a massive sabotage of our economy and a betrayal of Americans who were forced to close for good, losing their 'dreams' and financial independence.)

'Equitable Treatment' - the draining of all the water to LOWER all Americans down to the same financial status / 'place' does NOT include those self-appointed RULERS who will impose the actions required to do this.

You think Nancy Pelosi is going to give up her multi-million dollar mansion (ONE of her homes) and her $25k freezer ... or Maxine Waters will give up her multi-million dollar mansion OUTSIDE of the district she represents when the 'water is drained' to FORCE 'Equitable treatment' on Americans?

Harris is showing no interest in attempting to hide her and the new Liberal Progressive Socialist/Communist Democrat Party's agenda for America is her attempt to 'educate' us all on the difference between 'Equality' and 'Equitable Treatment'. I personally want to THANK Kamala Harris for enlightening us all on her Marxist Agenda.

Harris Tweets Out Communist Propaganda'

One manifestation of the failure of the American public education infrastructure is the ignorance of the population (voters) about the differences among economic systems, and the utter failure of socialism/communism, wherever it has been tried.

The longer the time passes since the fall of the Soviet Union, the more kids grow up with no knowledge or understanding of a group of nations where, if you tried to leave they SHOT YOU! Where the grocery stores in the most resource-rich country on earth (Russia) were either empty or full of crap that nobody wanted. Where everyone but party apparatchiks was miserable.

The same slogans that lured communists in the 30's are being trotted out again and our ignorant population sucks it all up.
“'Equality' suggests, ‘Oh, everyone should get the same amount.’ The problem with that, not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount, but you started out back there and I started out over here—we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me. It’s about giving people the resources and the support they need, so that everyone can be on equal footing and then compete on equal footing.”
-- Kamala Harris

For the new Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Party It is not good enough to 'level the 'playing field' by ensuring the rules and laws both see and treat each other equally going forward to make sure EVERYONE has the same exact opportunities in life. Even everyone being 'equal', having the same opportunities, pay, etc... in life is still 'UNFAIR'.

'Equitable treatment' is that everyone ends up “at the same place.”
-- Kamala Harris

By 'same place' Harris means at the same exact status / way - especially FINANCIALLY. If it was mandated that from now on everyone was to be paid the exact same thing, according to Harris, that would mean that the rich would remain rich and the Middle and Lower Classes would remain Middle and Lower classes. They would never 'catch' up to those who have far more than they do....and THAT isn't FAIR.

The fact that someone else may have worked harder, took risks (choices), or even inherited money from parents who worked hard....but whatever the reason, the fact that some people have more money /assets than others is 'NOT FAIR', according to Harris, and something needs to be done to correct that...someone needs to affect that change. The Democrats, Harris, and 'China' Joe want to be the the 'who' that affects that 'change'.

The Change they are talking about can only be brought about by 'making everyone 'equal' in about every way. They are not talking about 'GIVING' people who have less more money to rise to the level of those who have more. No, they are talk about TAKING as much as is needed from those who 'have' and giving it to those who have less.

'A Rising Tide Lifts ALL boats': President Trump's economy, his 1st 3 years in office, resulted in a 'rising tide' that 'lifted ALL boats':
--- Lowest unemployment rate in decades
--- Lowest Black, Latino, Asia, Women's, and Young People's unemployment rate in US HISTORY
--- More jobs, higher pay, raises, bonuses, more opportunity to excel.

'A Socialist 'Red' Tide Drains the Water Until ALL boats are resting Equally On the Bottom"
--- ALL 'boats' are not raised but instead the govt raids / takes from those who have more to those who have less.

This DOCTRINE comes from Communist Karl Marx, who is famous for saying, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs".

'Equitable Treatment' is achieved through SELF-APPOINTED Judges who decide what is 'FAIR', by SELF-APPOINTED RULERS who have shed their mantle as 'Servants of the People' and now enforce edicts / rules that violate everything our Constitution stands for in order to 'REDISTRIBUTE WEALTH' (NOT THEIRS) as THEY see fit. \

Remember, the same self-appointed leaders who are telling Americans that others having 'more' than they do is 'UNFAIR' and that all of this wealth needs to be RE-DISTRIBUTED are the same people who:

-- Live in million dollar mansions outside of their own districts.
-- Declare you cannot defend yourself on your own property with your own legally-owned firearm, that the police should be eliminated / defunded, and that America should have no walls while they have their own armed security teams and live behind high-walled fences.

-- Who smiles and laughed and gave an interview in front of her $25 THOUSAND dollar freezer eating expensive gourmet ice creams WHILE blocking financial COVID-19 relief bills AND while oppressive Democrat mandated lock downs that resulted in:
--- 46% of ALL black-owned small businesses, 36% of all Latino-owned businesses, 31% of ALL Asian-owned small businesses, and 26% of ALL women-owned small businesses in the United States were destroyed... (That's a massive sabotage of our economy and a betrayal of Americans who were forced to close for good, losing their 'dreams' and financial independence.)

'Equitable Treatment' - the draining of all the water to LOWER all Americans down to the same financial status / 'place' does NOT include those self-appointed RULERS who will impose the actions required to do this.

You think Nancy Pelosi is going to give up her multi-million dollar mansion (ONE of her homes) and her $25k freezer ... or Maxine Waters will give up her multi-million dollar mansion OUTSIDE of the district she represents when the 'water is drained' to FORCE 'Equitable treatment' on Americans?

Harris is showing no interest in attempting to hide her and the new Liberal Progressive Socialist/Communist Democrat Party's agenda for America is her attempt to 'educate' us all on the difference between 'Equality' and 'Equitable Treatment'. I personally want to THANK Kamala Harris for enlightening us all on her Marxist Agenda.

Harris Tweets Out Communist Propaganda'
Equality in the US means equal protection of the laws.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France
Democrats are selling Something-For-Nothing and its just an unattainable lie
Equality of opportunity not of outcomes. Anyone who thinks equality of outcomes has any semblance in reality is not only completely full of shyte, they are dangerous.

If I race against Usain Bolt, I can't tell him to slow down in the name of equal outcomes. Competition and ambition is what forces progress and invention. You take away any of that incentive and you stunt the human mind and body.

Any politician talking about this should tell their big money donors that if elected, they will take their assets and distribute them among others. They are full of it. It's a desire to destroy the already dwindling Middle Class and have the poor fight among each other on the race to the bottom. The wealthiest never pay a price, and why should they?

The desire shouldn't be to have everyone run slower, it should be to encourage others to run faster!
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“'Equality' suggests, ‘Oh, everyone should get the same amount.’ The problem with that, not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount, but you started out back there and I started out over here—we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me. It’s about giving people the resources and the support they need, so that everyone can be on equal footing and then compete on equal footing.”
-- Kamala Harris

For the new Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Party It is not good enough to 'level the 'playing field' by ensuring the rules and laws both see and treat each other equally going forward to make sure EVERYONE has the same exact opportunities in life. Even everyone being 'equal', having the same opportunities, pay, etc... in life is still 'UNFAIR'.

'Equitable treatment' is that everyone ends up “at the same place.”
-- Kamala Harris

By 'same place' Harris means at the same exact status / way - especially FINANCIALLY. If it was mandated that from now on everyone was to be paid the exact same thing, according to Harris, that would mean that the rich would remain rich and the Middle and Lower Classes would remain Middle and Lower classes. They would never 'catch' up to those who have far more than they do....and THAT isn't FAIR.

The fact that someone else may have worked harder, took risks (choices), or even inherited money from parents who worked hard....but whatever the reason, the fact that some people have more money /assets than others is 'NOT FAIR', according to Harris, and something needs to be done to correct that...someone needs to affect that change. The Democrats, Harris, and 'China' Joe want to be the the 'who' that affects that 'change'.

The Change they are talking about can only be brought about by 'making everyone 'equal' in about every way. They are not talking about 'GIVING' people who have less more money to rise to the level of those who have more. No, they are talk about TAKING as much as is needed from those who 'have' and giving it to those who have less.

'A Rising Tide Lifts ALL boats': President Trump's economy, his 1st 3 years in office, resulted in a 'rising tide' that 'lifted ALL boats':
--- Lowest unemployment rate in decades
--- Lowest Black, Latino, Asia, Women's, and Young People's unemployment rate in US HISTORY
--- More jobs, higher pay, raises, bonuses, more opportunity to excel.

'A Socialist 'Red' Tide Drains the Water Until ALL boats are resting Equally On the Bottom"
--- ALL 'boats' are not raised but instead the govt raids / takes from those who have more to those who have less.

This DOCTRINE comes from Communist Karl Marx, who is famous for saying, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs".

'Equitable Treatment' is achieved through SELF-APPOINTED Judges who decide what is 'FAIR', by SELF-APPOINTED RULERS who have shed their mantle as 'Servants of the People' and now enforce edicts / rules that violate everything our Constitution stands for in order to 'REDISTRIBUTE WEALTH' (NOT THEIRS) as THEY see fit. \

Remember, the same self-appointed leaders who are telling Americans that others having 'more' than they do is 'UNFAIR' and that all of this wealth needs to be RE-DISTRIBUTED are the same people who:

-- Live in million dollar mansions outside of their own districts.
-- Declare you cannot defend yourself on your own property with your own legally-owned firearm, that the police should be eliminated / defunded, and that America should have no walls while they have their own armed security teams and live behind high-walled fences.

-- Who smiles and laughed and gave an interview in front of her $25 THOUSAND dollar freezer eating expensive gourmet ice creams WHILE blocking financial COVID-19 relief bills AND while oppressive Democrat mandated lock downs that resulted in:
--- 46% of ALL black-owned small businesses, 36% of all Latino-owned businesses, 31% of ALL Asian-owned small businesses, and 26% of ALL women-owned small businesses in the United States were destroyed... (That's a massive sabotage of our economy and a betrayal of Americans who were forced to close for good, losing their 'dreams' and financial independence.)

'Equitable Treatment' - the draining of all the water to LOWER all Americans down to the same financial status / 'place' does NOT include those self-appointed RULERS who will impose the actions required to do this.

You think Nancy Pelosi is going to give up her multi-million dollar mansion (ONE of her homes) and her $25k freezer ... or Maxine Waters will give up her multi-million dollar mansion OUTSIDE of the district she represents when the 'water is drained' to FORCE 'Equitable treatment' on Americans?

Harris is showing no interest in attempting to hide her and the new Liberal Progressive Socialist/Communist Democrat Party's agenda for America is her attempt to 'educate' us all on the difference between 'Equality' and 'Equitable Treatment'. I personally want to THANK Kamala Harris for enlightening us all on her Marxist Agenda.

Harris Tweets Out Communist Propaganda'
Equality in the US means equal protection of the laws.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France
So you disagree with Harris' definition of 'Equality' but do not have a problem with their plan to impose a Marxist communist style of government.


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