End Times Prophecy

Just accompanied my mother for the international bridge tournament...
SO? I've been to Delaware. I have no idea how
the population of Delaware feels about Biden.
During the time of BABY DOC DUVALIER----I worked
with some Haitians. Baby Doc was the son of PAPA
DOC. ----both dictators. Even in the USA Haitians
were VERY RELUCTANT to voice criticism of either----
so a Haitian I knew well----confided---in extreme
CONFIDENCE. Even in the time of THE SHAH---
SAVAK was an issue in Iran----did you have your HIJAB
on straight?

I've never worn a hijab. Western women don't.

Swartzkoff's father trained the SAVAK.
I've never worn a hijab. Western women don't.

Swartzkoff's father trained the SAVAK.
oh gee-----ALL OF THEM?-----so the "SHAH" did not
have much of a scary DICTATORSHIP afterall. Tell
me more saudi fairy tales
oh gee-----ALL OF THEM?-----so the "SHAH" did not
have much of a scary DICTATORSHIP afterall. Tell
me more saudi fairy tales
How could you be so ignorant? Kermit Roosevelt and Swartzkoff's father modeled the Savak after the Gestapo.
How could you be so ignorant? Kermit Roosevelt and Swartzkoff's father modeled the Savak after the Gestapo.
oh? is that how Iran got rid of the
zoroastrians and jews?----well---not
exactly---the shiite muslims got rid of
the zoroastrians and the Ayatoilets got
the jews ON THE RUN. What is the
GESTAPO MODEL? What is the present
model involving dead young women and
the garroting of homosexuals via DEREK

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