Encouraging the Slacker Lifestyle...


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. ObamaCare….significant in so many ways….it included a symbolic cultural declaration: The law allows children to stay on their parents health insurance plan up to age 26. The bill codifies, in federal law, the dramatic shift in the age at which young people should be considered independent by legally extending the right to continue to remain under mom and dad’s wings for an additional half-decade.

a. As more and more young people take a leisurely journey to adulthood, the age of 18 and 21 increasingly lack relevance for the actual path to independence.

b. Liberalism infantilizes the citizenry: 26 has become the new 18.

2. “Previous generations crossed the frozen Bering Straits, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, discovered the New World, traveled the Oregon Trail, climbed Mount Everest.” The Greatest Generation included teenage boys who went off to liberate Europe, island-hp through the Pacific, and defeat the Japanese Empire…So far, though, the great pioneering move of Generation Me is to move back home to live in mom’s basement. Sykes, “50 Rules Kids Won’t Learn in School,” p. 79.

3. Today, so many are failing or refusing to leave home, that sociologists and demographers have come up with euphemisms, such as ‘emerging adults,’ thresholders, twixters, an kidults. None of them should be taken as compliments.

a. “Our findings, as well as the work of other scholars, confirm
that it takes much longer to make the transition to adulthood
today than decades ago, and arguably longer than it has at
any time in America’s history” http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~jdowd/furstenbergetal-growingup.pdf

b. “ In reality, however, by age 21, few young people today would actually be considered “adult” based on the traditional markers—leaving home, finishing school, starting a job, getting married, and having children.” http://www.transad.pop.upenn.edu/downloads/ch1-fff-formatted.pdf

4. The number of so-called “boomerangs,” adult children between the ages of 18and 24 who move back home is up by 50% since 1970. Census figures suggest hat 56% of men and 43% of women between the ages of d18 and 24 continue to live with a parent. Even more continue eto rely on the bank of Mom and Dad well past the age when grown-ups were once expected to pay their own way. Sykes, “ A Nation of Moochers,” p. 209.

5. “Youth receive substantial help from their parents. On average, for youth both living at home and living independently, parents provide roughly $38,000 in material assistance for food, housing, education, or direct cash assistance, throughout the transition to adulthood (ages 18–34). http://www.transad.pop.upenn.edu/projects/policybrief.pdf

a. “It helps to pay for housing, bills and travel expenses, and the support has been increasing for the past two decades as education is extended, marriage is delayed and young people take the scenic route from adolescence to adulthood.” http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/20/fashion/thursdaystyles/20money.html?pagewanted=all

6. Of course, there are good aspects of this extension of one’s childhood….but, in the big picture, it suggests a declining premium on independence, and on the strength of character.

a. Politically, the delayed-adulthood shifts millions into a period of prolonged dependency, not just on mom and dad….but on government programs that enable a slacker lifestyle.

What does this bode for the future of this great nation?
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The only reason the kids never leave home is because their parents give them no reason to, free food, no bills, someone to clean up after you and do your laundry, why would anyone leave that? A friend of mine is 27 years old now and never left home, he has 3 kids with his girlfriend and they all live with his mom who is a nurse who basically takes care of everything, I find it hard to consider him an adult even though technically he is one.
Whatever happened to people wanting to move out after high school? Back in the 90's I used to see kids talking about that all the time and saving money to move out, now? not so much.
This would have been very helpful to me in my twenties, would have saved me about $5000 in medical bills. People in their twenties can't find the good jobs that were once available to their parents when they were in their twenties.
I would also remind you the parents are the ones who are paying the premiums and health care costs, not the tax payers.

And the number one reason why we need Obamacare is for doctors to get paid for end of life counseling. You guys are so hung up on hating the bill, that you don't realize we really need a few things that are in the bill. Please join the real world.
Whatever happened to people wanting to move out after high school? Back in the 90's I used to see kids talking about that all the time and saving money to move out, now? not so much.

They can't find the jobs....Probably has something to do with it. ;)

And why does it matter to anyone other than the children and the parents they live with? In some cultures it is quite normal for children to live with their parents until they are married or even after they are married sometimes.
This would have been very helpful to me in my twenties, would have saved me about $5000 in medical bills. People in their twenties can't find the good jobs that were once available to their parents when they were in their twenties.
I would also remind you the parents are the ones who are paying the premiums and health care costs, not the tax payers.

And the number one reason why we need Obamacare is for doctors to get paid for end of life counseling. You guys are so hung up on hating the bill, that you don't realize we really need a few things that are in the bill. Please join the real world.

Ya end of life counseling. You know where the doctor tries to talk that old person into dieing quietly at home or a hospice rather then use any medical care to prolong their life.

You know where the Doctor tells that person with a supposed terminal disease they should stop all aggressive expensive treatment and move to a hospice and die quietly sans all the expense to maybe save their life.

That sure is a needed conversation.
Whatever happened to people wanting to move out after high school? Back in the 90's I used to see kids talking about that all the time and saving money to move out, now? not so much.

They can't find the jobs....Probably has something to do with it. ;)

And why does it matter to anyone other than the children and the parents they live with? In some cultures it is quite normal for children to live with their parents until they are married or even after they are married sometimes.

That is true I know in the Italian culture its like that.
This would have been very helpful to me in my twenties, would have saved me about $5000 in medical bills. People in their twenties can't find the good jobs that were once available to their parents when they were in their twenties.
I would also remind you the parents are the ones who are paying the premiums and health care costs, not the tax payers.

And the number one reason why we need Obamacare is for doctors to get paid for end of life counseling. You guys are so hung up on hating the bill, that you don't realize we really need a few things that are in the bill. Please join the real world.

Ya end of life counseling. You know where the doctor tries to talk that old person into dieing quietly at home or a hospice rather then use any medical care to prolong their life.

You know where the Doctor tells that person with a supposed terminal disease they should stop all aggressive expensive treatment and move to a hospice and die quietly sans all the expense to maybe save their life.

That sure is a needed conversation.

You know the one where the person is dying from dementia, and they explain to the family member what happens when they die from dementia, and when it is actually time to put their family member on hospice so they dont have to suffer anymore because the family can't accept that they are dying. There is a point when you try to cure someone, and there is a point when you make them comfortable.
You have no clue what you are talking about RGS. ;)
I deal with families who have no clue what is going on with their parent every day. I also provide end of life care for many people, like give them morphine that is provided by hospice.
This program is very much needed, and if you don't think so come do my job for a week. After you do my job for a week, you will wake up to the fact you had no clue on this subject.
I think we are doing teenagers a big disservice too by taking care of all their shit for them, just enables them to never leave.

I agree....

But then there are kids out there after graduation that can't find a good enough paying job to pay rent, food, medical, clothing....i have one of them. She's my youngest, and she has tried so hard to be independent and do things on her own, but sometimes they need help. She's at home now, has a good job finally and is saving up to buy a house. I don't give her anything but a roof over her head. In fact she buys groceries quite a lot which helps us out, and pays her own bills, and she's not on assistance, although she did have a food card for about 6 months before she finally got a better job. So this isn't a problem to us and i don't think we're doing anything wrong by just basically giving her a temporary place to stay. The way she is, i KNOW she'll be out on her own just as soon as she can.

Then there's quite a few people i know that do let there kids stay home, do whatever they want....forget about a job! They aren't even looking for one!
This would have been very helpful to me in my twenties, would have saved me about $5000 in medical bills. People in their twenties can't find the good jobs that were once available to their parents when they were in their twenties.
I would also remind you the parents are the ones who are paying the premiums and health care costs, not the tax payers.

And the number one reason why we need Obamacare is for doctors to get paid for end of life counseling. You guys are so hung up on hating the bill, that you don't realize we really need a few things that are in the bill. Please join the real world.

Ya end of life counseling. You know where the doctor tries to talk that old person into dieing quietly at home or a hospice rather then use any medical care to prolong their life.

You know where the Doctor tells that person with a supposed terminal disease they should stop all aggressive expensive treatment and move to a hospice and die quietly sans all the expense to maybe save their life.

That sure is a needed conversation.

You know the one where the person is dying from dementia, and they explain to the family member what happens when they die from dementia, and when it is actually time to put their family member on hospice so they dont have to suffer anymore because the family can't accept that they are dying. There is a point when you try to cure someone, and there is a point when you make them comfortable.
You have no clue what you are talking about RGS. ;)
I deal with families who have no clue what is going on with their parent every day. I also provide end of life care for many people, like give them morphine that is provided by hospice.
This program is very much needed, and if you don't think so come do my job for a week. After you do my job for a week, you will wake up to the fact you had no clue on this subject.

The spokeswoman for Obama on this particular point was very clear what she meant and why the clause was being forced on Doctors, she went on to say billions could be saved if only enough people would simply consent to die without expensive end of life treatments.
Whatever happened to people wanting to move out after high school? Back in the 90's I used to see kids talking about that all the time and saving money to move out, now? not so much.

They can't find the jobs....Probably has something to do with it. ;)

And why does it matter to anyone other than the children and the parents they live with? In some cultures it is quite normal for children to live with their parents until they are married or even after they are married sometimes.

I don't believe that is the case.

Rather...they decline to take the jobs available, and government programs make that a viable choice....an easy choice.

There's lots of evidence to that effect.
Doctors need to be paid to provide end of life counceling, period.

The bill FORCES them to do it yearly for certain ages and certain conditions. They are REQUIRED by Obamacare to try and talk those patients into Hospice and if they do not do the required counseling they lose payments.
And the number one reason why we need Obamacare is for doctors to get paid for end of life counseling. You guys are so hung up on hating the bill, that you don't realize we really need a few things that are in the bill. Please join the real world.
Oh, puuuuLEEEASE!

You don't need to be an MD to be any good at end of life counseling....Aside from that, who says that the counselors aren't getting paid right now?

Speaking of joining the real world, not to mention derailing the thread....
I think we are doing teenagers a big disservice too by taking care of all their shit for them, just enables them to never leave.

I agree....

But then there are kids out there after graduation that can't find a good enough paying job to pay rent, food, medical, clothing....i have one of them. She's my youngest, and she has tried so hard to be independent and do things on her own, but sometimes they need help. She's at home now, has a good job finally and is saving up to buy a house. I don't give her anything but a roof over her head. In fact she buys groceries quite a lot which helps us out, and pays her own bills, and she's not on assistance, although she did have a food card for about 6 months before she finally got a better job. So this isn't a problem to us and i don't think we're doing anything wrong by just basically giving her a temporary place to stay. The way she is, i KNOW she'll be out on her own just as soon as she can.

Then there's quite a few people i know that do let there kids stay home, do whatever they want....forget about a job! They aren't even looking for one!

Your situation is different because your daughter has a job, she isn't just hanging out all day at the house doing nothing. If she's helping you out I look at that as a completely different thing than a useless body sitting around the house all day eating up all the food, hitting the bong and smoking XBOX 360 all day, I have friends that do just that.
Whatever happened to people wanting to move out after high school? Back in the 90's I used to see kids talking about that all the time and saving money to move out, now? not so much.

They can't find the jobs....Probably has something to do with it. ;)

And why does it matter to anyone other than the children and the parents they live with? In some cultures it is quite normal for children to live with their parents until they are married or even after they are married sometimes.

I don't believe that is the case.

Rather...they decline to take the jobs available, and government programs make that a viable choice....an easy choice.

There's lots of evidence to that effect.

Actually in some cases, the parents just pay for everything. My friend with the 3 kids has food stamps but his mom pays for the bulk of everything.
Ya end of life counseling. You know where the doctor tries to talk that old person into dieing quietly at home or a hospice rather then use any medical care to prolong their life.

You know where the Doctor tells that person with a supposed terminal disease they should stop all aggressive expensive treatment and move to a hospice and die quietly sans all the expense to maybe save their life.

That sure is a needed conversation.

You know the one where the person is dying from dementia, and they explain to the family member what happens when they die from dementia, and when it is actually time to put their family member on hospice so they dont have to suffer anymore because the family can't accept that they are dying. There is a point when you try to cure someone, and there is a point when you make them comfortable.
You have no clue what you are talking about RGS. ;)
I deal with families who have no clue what is going on with their parent every day. I also provide end of life care for many people, like give them morphine that is provided by hospice.
This program is very much needed, and if you don't think so come do my job for a week. After you do my job for a week, you will wake up to the fact you had no clue on this subject.

The spokeswoman for Obama on this particular point was very clear what she meant and why the clause was being forced on Doctors, she went on to say billions could be saved if only enough people would simply consent to die without expensive end of life treatments.

"Last year, bureaucrats at the VA's National Center for Ethics in Health Care advocated a 52-page end-of-life planning document, "Your Life, Your Choices." It was first published in 1997 and later promoted as the VA's preferred living will throughout its vast network of hospitals and nursing homes. After the Bush White House took a look at how this document was treating complex health and moral issues, the VA suspended its use. Unfortunately, under President Obama, the VA has now resuscitated "Your Life, Your Choices."
Who is the primary author of this workbook? Dr. Robert Pearlman, chief of ethics evaluation for the center, a man who in 1996 advocated for physician-assisted suicide in Vacco v. Quill before the U.S. Supreme Court and is known for his support of health-care rationing.

"Your Life, Your Choices" presents end-of-life choices in a way aimed at steering users toward predetermined conclusions, much like a political "push poll." For example, a worksheet on page 21 lists various scenarios and asks users to then decide whether their own life would be "not worth living."

There also are guilt-inducing scenarios such as "I can no longer contribute to my family's well being," "I am a severe financial burden on my family" and that the vet's situation "causes severe emotional burden for my family."

When the government can steer vulnerable individuals to conclude for themselves that life is not worth living, who needs a death panel?
This hurry-up-and-die message is clear and unconscionable. Worse, a July 2009 VA directive instructs its primary care physicians to raise advance care planning with all VA patients and to refer them to "Your Life, Your Choices." Not just those of advanced age and debilitated condition—all patients. America's 24 million veterans deserve better.
Jim Towey: The Death Book for Veterans - WSJ.com

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