Elon Musk and the Nazi Salute

The answer is no.
How do you know?
He hasn't. Dispense with the obfuscation.
He sympathizes with white supremacist groups, so there's some evidence he approves of that ideology.
You call him a Nazi,
Where did I call him a "Nazi"? I said he performed a Nazi salute and I supported with opinions from other including Germans some of whom are Jews.
make all sorts of inferences and allusions to that fact, yet you are wholly, purposefully, ignorant of what the Nazis as a whole actually did to innocent people.
We haven't discussed what the Nazis did other than me showing you that Hitler never called for the extermination of European Jews.
No, you say? You ARE aware of what they did?
Yes and I'm aware of how they began too, how the ideology formed and developed and how an uncritical population failed to see the signs and - like you - thought there was nothing to be worried about when they ELECTED the Nazi party in 1933.
Despite comparing someone whose behavior and practiced ideologies run completely counter to what the Nazis did? I don't find this kind of joke funny, Sherlock. So stop telling it.
He supports the AfD - a far right fascist party in Germany.
He called for the racist Tommy Robinson in Britain to be released from prison.
He has agreed to pay Robinson's legal fees going forward.
He sympathizes with white supremacists.
He recently performed a Nazi salute - twice.

Now based on this circumstantial evidence I'd say Musk was a white supremacist.

If the AfD takes positions similar to the Nazi party, they would not be permitted to operate in the German system of government.
I never said they espoused positions similar to the Nazi party did I? I said the AfD are an anti-democratic and anti-immigrant extremist party (just go and look).
Do you now? So why did I just blow all of your contentions clear out of the water?
All you blow is hot air, now stop wasting my time and do some basic research before you post, it will save you some embarrassment going forward.
If you are any sort of intelligent person, you would know what unchecked hatred can make a person do. You can't exterminate and oppress a people unless you are in a position of power. Keep the goalposts where they are, please.

No. I'm not stupid. Only stupid people like you sit there and attempt to defend Hitler
I never defended or attempted to defend Hitler, please quote the post where I did so if you think I did.
whilst accusing someone else of belonging to that same vein for making a simply innocuous hand gesture that even the ADL did not see as the salute.

"But I didn't defend him!"

But you did. By asserting he did not call for the extermination of six million Jews and "never did." Never did?
Read what I said very carefully, you're getting emotional. Now look:

Critics of the idea that Hitler personally developed and instigated the Final Solution generally point to the absence of a Führer-signed decree ordering this genocidal campaign as evidence for their position. However, there is good reason why, in spite of Hitler's being directly responsible for implementing the Final Solution, a written order has never been found: his desire to avoid public association with it for fear of outrage and reprisal, both domestic and international, over his brutal policies of mass murder.

I am not "defending" Hitler here I am showing you how Musk not explicitly calling for white supremacy does not means he is not a white supremacist. The defense you THINK I am making for Hitler is the defense you are ACTUALLY making for Musk.

Go look up the 'Final Solution' or the Wansee Conference of 1942. That could have only been the result of premeditation. He knew what he wanted the moment he came to power. Your language is dangerous. In an effort to label someone as one of his sympathizers, you trip all over yourself and end up defending Hitler himself.

Just. Stop.

Elon Musk is a racist, he is not an egalitarian and he supports and colludes with extremists, white supremacists and anti-democratic groups.

Source: https://digitalcommons.iwu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1170&context=constructing
I never defended or attempted to defend Hitler, please quote the post where I did so if you think I did.

Read what I said very carefully, you're getting emotional. Now look:

I am not "defending" Hitler here I am showing you how Musk not explicitly calling for white supremacy does not means he is not a white supremacist. The defense you THINK I am making for Hitler is the defense you are ACTUALLY making for Musk.

Elon Musk is a racist, he is not an egalitarian and he supports and colludes with extremists, white supremacists and anti-democratic groups.

Source: https://digitalcommons.iwu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1170&context=constructing
How do you know?
Musk, being the most preeminent scientist and engineers of our time, and you can't do a simple google search of his past actions and statements? Come now. Not going to handhold you.

He sympathizes with white supremacist groups, so there's some evidence he approves of that ideology.
By saying or doing what? Waving at a crowd in the same manner all politicians do? Please.

He supports the AfD - a far right fascist party in Germany.
He called for the racist Tommy Robinson in Britain to be released from prison.
He has agreed to pay Robinson's legal fees going forward.
He sympathizes with white supremacists.
He recently performed a Nazi salute - twice.

1) But they aren't Nazis, so that precludes Elon from being one. Not now, not ever.
2) What did Tommy Robinson do to be put in prison? How is he racist? If he is who you say he is, there's a reason I ignored him.
3) Cool.
4) So Trump supporters are white supremacists? So, where's our backlash over Marco Rubio or Usha Vance? Better yet, where is Musk's?
5) According to you, supposed body language expert and authority on European fascism.
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I never said they espoused positions similar to the Nazi party did I? I said the AfD are an anti-democratic and anti-immigrant extremist party (just go and look).
I'm not disputing what they are.

But pay attention to what thread you're in. And then tell me again what you are and are not alluding to. Speech is far, far more nuanced than you realize, and you clearly don't grasp it well enough to understand what you're insinuating. AfD and the Nazi Party share similar, disperate viewpoints, and therefore, since Elon shows support for them, he must be a Nazi and white supremacist.

Aside from being a colossal logical fallacy, that contention is incredibly stupid.
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I never defended or attempted to defend Hitler, please quote the post where I did so if you think I did.

Read what I said very carefully, you're getting emotional. Now look:

I am not "defending" Hitler here I am showing you how Musk not explicitly calling for white supremacy does not means he is not a white supremacist. The defense you THINK I am making for Hitler is the defense you are ACTUALLY making for Musk.

Elon Musk is a racist, he is not an egalitarian and he supports and colludes with extremists, white supremacists and anti-democratic groups.

Source: https://digitalcommons.iwu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1170&context=constructing
"Critics of the idea that Hitler personally developed and instigated the Final Solution generally point to the absence of a Führer-signed decree ordering this genocidal campaign as evidence for their position."

Then why did Hitler allow it? His rhetoric and the actions of his government match. Exactly. But do go on.
Elon Musk is a racist, he is not an egalitarian and he supports and colludes with extremists, white supremacists and anti-democratic groups.
That same, tired old refrain.

Is he? I follow him extensively, and I don't see any of that. Trust me when I say I have been following him for well over a decade, due to my love of the sciences and astronomy. The moment I found anything like that out about him would have been grounds for me to disabuse myself of him.


you're getting emotional
Hardly. I'm not the one spewing your emotional epithets. You are.
Musk, being the most preeminent scientists and engineers of our time,
Musk is not a scientist or an engineer, I can see now that your under his spell. He is not "preeminent" at all. I'm well versed in technology and science myself and the history of science and technology, Musk is not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination.

Nikola Tesla was a scientist but that does not make Musk one just because he runs a firm named "Tesla".
and you can't do a simple google search of his past actions and statements? Come now. Not going to handhold you.
What exactly are you asking me? I've cited and quoted several sources that support my view that Musk is a political extremist.
By saying or doing what? Waving at a crowd in the same manner all politicians do? Please.

1) But they aren't Nazis, so that precludes Elon from being one. Not now, not ever.
2) What did Tommy Robinson do to be put in prison? How is he racist? If he is who you say he is, there's a reason I ignored him.
3) Cool.
4) So Trump supporters are white supremacists? So, where's our backlash over Marco Rubio or Usha Vance? Better yet, where is Musk's?
5) According to you, supposed body language expert and authority on European fascism.
I'm British and well aware of Tommy Robinson and his ties to English racists.
That same, tired old refrain.

Is he? I follow him extensively, and I don't see any of that. Trust me when I say I have been following him for well over a decade, due to my love of the sciences and astronomy. The moment I found anything like that out about him would have been grounds for me to disabuse myself of him.


Hardly. I'm not the one spewing your emotional epithets. You are.

This is sycophancy, you are an admirer of Musk, infatuated with the personality cult and therefore unable to engage in rational reasoned discourse, only emotional arguments.
Oh look the ADL are being seen as hypocrites - what a surprise :auiqs.jpg:


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