Elon Musk and the Nazi Salute


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
Effin Nazii that he is. The nerve of the guy to render a Nazi salute for everyone to see..


Oh, wait...

The media, as is its want, lost what little of it's collective mind that it had when Musk expressed some heartfelt gratitude to the crowd. Yet they were silent -- at least I don't remember them saying anything about these people tossing out Nazi salutes -- the left did the same.
We know for sure Elon Musk is a racist Nazi. He did a proper Nazi salute. He should be fired by Trump. When an employee does something so inappropriate, immoral, unethical, and racist of which their own boss cannot and would not do they should be fired.

Musk will be out the door real soon because he was behind the outster of Viveck Rameswamy. Bible says when you dig a whole for someone dig one for yourself as well.

You posted pics of people waving. Obama is left-handed like I me. We automatically always raise our left hand. Your pics show them greeting a crowd. You must understand that Elon Musk was not greeting any crowds. He had already talked to the crowd then he did his Nazi Salute-twice. He is the demonic loser I have been calling him. I have the gift of discernment, and all I ever get from him is that he is evil. That is what I've been saying way before he did the nazi salute. You are embarrassed and ashamed of what he did that is why you're posting this thread.
We know for sure Elon Musk is a racist Nazi. He did a proper Nazi salute. He should be fired by Trump. When an employee does something so inappropriate, immoral, unethical, and racist of which their own boss cannot and would not do they should be fired.

Musk will be out the door real soon because he was behind the outset of Viveck Rameswamy. Bible says when you dig a whole for someone dig one for yourself as well.

You posted pics of people waving. Obama is left-handed like I me. We automatically always raise our left hand. Your pics show them greeting a crowd. You must understand that Elon Musk was not greeting any crowds. He had already talked to the crowd then he did his Nazi Salute. He is the demonic loser I have been calling him. I have the gift of discernment, and all I ever get from him is that he is evil. That is what I've been saying way before he did the nazi salute.
So, you can read minds now? You KNOW for sure?

I'm thinking that your partisan hate is speaking. Mainly because you just blew right past the image of four Democrats giving a Nazi salute.
We know for sure Elon Musk is a racist Nazi. He did a proper Nazi salute. He should be fired by Trump. When an employee does something so inappropriate, immoral, unethical, and racist of which their own boss cannot and would not do they should be fired.

Musk will be out the door real soon because he was behind the outster of Viveck Rameswamy. Bible says when you dig a whole for someone dig one for yourself as well.

You posted pics of people waving. Obama is left-handed like I me. We automatically always raise our left hand. Your pics show them greeting a crowd. You must understand that Elon Musk was not greeting any crowds. He had already talked to the crowd then he did his Nazi Salute-twice. He is the demonic loser I have been calling him. I have the gift of discernment, and all I ever get from him is that he is evil. That is what I've been saying way before he did the nazi salute. You are embarrassed and ashamed of what he did that is why you're posting this thread.
Didn't watch the full video, did you? Shut your pie hole until you do!
Maybe he did Sieg Heil , if he was rather carried away by the euphoria .

Remember Elon has excellent Fourth Reich pedigree .
Jewish bloodlines ,South African German heritage , long time CIA asset and a key Deep State figurehead .
High risk taker . Developed dark sense of humour.
And Gay .

Perfect profile .

This is a dupicated Topic and this post is a copy of the one I made there
"Never let a good NARRATIVE go to waste."
--- The demented LEFT

I'm not the left, and I know you were not referring solely to me. I voted for Trump all three times he ran for office, but when an employee does wrong you have to fire them.

Elon Musk is as wrong for that position as Vivek was. That position requires an elite and well experienced financial analyst and we all know. There several of them for Trump to chose from.
useless pics to pacifier your guilt of once again Musk letting you down.
I'm not the left, and I know you were not referring solely to me. I voted for Trump all three times he ran for office, but when an employee does wrong you have to fire them.

Elon Musk is as wrong for that position as Vivek was. That position requires an elite and well experienced financial analyst and we all know. There several of them for Trump to chose from.
My post has nothing to do with you.
I'm not the left, and I know you were not referring solely to me. I voted for Trump all three times he ran for office, but when an employee does wrong you have to fire them.

Elon Musk is as wrong for that position as Vivek was.
That position requires an elite and well experienced financial analyst and we all know. There several of them for Trump to chose from.
First, he's not an employee.

Second, that is not a Nazi salute.

Third, you are being duped by the leftist media.

Have a nice day! Go take a nap!
The desperation is funny to watch. The Democrats are nervous and they should be....

Time to put on "grown up" panties and do something constructive instead of destructive. Anyone can destroy. It takes thought and care to construct.

Effin Nazii that he is. The nerve of the guy to render a Nazi salute for everyone to see..


Oh, wait...

The media, as is its want, lost what little of it's collective mind that it had when Musk expressed some heartfelt gratitude to the crowd. Yet they were silent -- at least I don't remember them saying anything about these people tossing out Nazi salutes -- the left did the same.
There is a difference in raising your arm and snapping a Nazi salute
Effin Nazii that he is. The nerve of the guy to render a Nazi salute for everyone to see..


Oh, wait...

The media, as is its want, lost what little of it's collective mind that it had when Musk expressed some heartfelt gratitude to the crowd. Yet they were silent -- at least I don't remember them saying anything about these people tossing out Nazi salutes -- the left did the same.
No... it was NOT a Nazi salute.

It was the tail-end of a sweeping gesture, to his front, and then to his back, of him "sending-out his heart" to his audience.

It would have been better had he splayed-out his fingers rather than close-together so LibTards could not freeze-frame him but...

The guy has Asperger Syndrome (difficulty with social interactions and norms); easily excitable and not thinking in those terms...

The man is also the richest in the world; highly intelligent in his own right; he wouldn't intentionally serve-up such a salute...

But... the LibTards have a new punching-bag... the guy who is on-board to gut wasteful Federal programming and over-staffing...

After all.... Rich... White... South African... " Steeeeeeeeerrrriiiikkkkke Threeeeeeeeeeeee... Yer Out !!!!!! " ... right, LibTards?
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