Elizabeth Warren to Pro-Life Democrats: Our Party “Stands for” Abortion

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Ah yes, the party of INFANTICIDE has finally made a declarative POLICY PLATFORM for the 2020 election....they have no room for anyone who believes a fetus is a human, but simply a GROUP OF CELLS......GOOD CHOICE, baby killers!!!!


LIFE NEWS ^ | Nov. 21, 2019

The Democratic Party still has a lot of pro-life voters, but many of its leaders apparently would rather stay in the good graces of the abortion industry and its huge cash contributions than the voters it claims to serve.

For several years now, party leaders have been mulling an abortion litmus test for candidates. That test would require candidates to conform to the Democratic Party’s platform of taxpayer-funded abortions for any reason up to birth — or lose the party’s support. One prominent Democratic group, the Democratic Attorney General Association, announced last week that it only will endorse candidates who support abortion on demand going forward, National Review reported.

The controversy prompted a question during the Democratic presidential debate Wednesday in Georgia. Elizabeth Warren, a top contender, refused to give a definite answer, but “she made it pretty clear there was no room” for pro-life Democrats in the party, Monica Showalter wrote at the American Thinker.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

“I believe that abortion rights are human rights,” Warren said. “I believe that they are also economic rights. And protecting the right of a woman to be able to make decisions about her own body is fundamentally what we do and what we stand for as a Democratic Party.”

[Debate moderator Rachel Maddow] followed up and pressed Warren to give a specific answer.

“Senator Warren, I’m going to push you on this a little bit for a specific answer to the question. Governor John Bel Edwards in Louisiana is an anti-abortion governor who has signed abortion restrictions in Louisiana. Is there room for him in the Democratic Party with those politics?” Maddow asked.

“I have made clear what I think the Democratic Party stands for,” Warren answered. “I’m not here to try to drive anyone out of this party. I’m not here to try to build fences. But I am here to say this is what I will fight for as president of the United States. The women of America can count on that.”

Though Democrat leaders claim their radical pro-abortion stance represents the majority, polls show otherwise. According to a national poll by Marist University in January, three in four Americans (75 percent) say abortion should be limited to – at most – the first three months of pregnancy. This includes most Republicans (92 percent), Independents (78 percent) and Democrats (60 percent). Recent Gallup polling also found that 53 percent of Americans oppose all or most abortions.

A Politico/Harvard University poll in 2016 found that just 36 percent of likely voters supported taxpayer funding for abortions, while 58 percent opposed it.

The Democratic Party has not always been so extreme on abortion. The party, which prides itself in fighting for the vulnerable, once welcomed strong pro-life politicians who fought for the rights of unborn babies. In recent years, however, the party has shifted to align itself closely with the abortion industry, which contributes tens of millions of dollars to Democratic candidates annually.

In October, Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion chain in America, announced a $45 million election budget for 2020 to defeat President Donald Trump and pro-life candidates. Kelley Robinson, executive director of the superPAC Planned Parenthood Votes, said the $45 million is just an initial projection, and they hope to spend even more.
Ah yes, the party of INFANTICIDE has finally made a declarative POLICY PLATFORM for the 2020 election....they have no room for anyone who believes a fetus is a human, but simply a GROUP OF CELLS......GOOD CHOICE, baby killers!!!!


LIFE NEWS ^ | Nov. 21, 2019

The Democratic Party still has a lot of pro-life voters, but many of its leaders apparently would rather stay in the good graces of the abortion industry and its huge cash contributions than the voters it claims to serve.

For several years now, party leaders have been mulling an abortion litmus test for candidates. That test would require candidates to conform to the Democratic Party’s platform of taxpayer-funded abortions for any reason up to birth — or lose the party’s support. One prominent Democratic group, the Democratic Attorney General Association, announced last week that it only will endorse candidates who support abortion on demand going forward, National Review reported.

The controversy prompted a question during the Democratic presidential debate Wednesday in Georgia. Elizabeth Warren, a top contender, refused to give a definite answer, but “she made it pretty clear there was no room” for pro-life Democrats in the party, Monica Showalter wrote at the American Thinker.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

“I believe that abortion rights are human rights,” Warren said. “I believe that they are also economic rights. And protecting the right of a woman to be able to make decisions about her own body is fundamentally what we do and what we stand for as a Democratic Party.”

[Debate moderator Rachel Maddow] followed up and pressed Warren to give a specific answer.

“Senator Warren, I’m going to push you on this a little bit for a specific answer to the question. Governor John Bel Edwards in Louisiana is an anti-abortion governor who has signed abortion restrictions in Louisiana. Is there room for him in the Democratic Party with those politics?” Maddow asked.

“I have made clear what I think the Democratic Party stands for,” Warren answered. “I’m not here to try to drive anyone out of this party. I’m not here to try to build fences. But I am here to say this is what I will fight for as president of the United States. The women of America can count on that.”

Though Democrat leaders claim their radical pro-abortion stance represents the majority, polls show otherwise. According to a national poll by Marist University in January, three in four Americans (75 percent) say abortion should be limited to – at most – the first three months of pregnancy. This includes most Republicans (92 percent), Independents (78 percent) and Democrats (60 percent). Recent Gallup polling also found that 53 percent of Americans oppose all or most abortions.

A Politico/Harvard University poll in 2016 found that just 36 percent of likely voters supported taxpayer funding for abortions, while 58 percent opposed it.

The Democratic Party has not always been so extreme on abortion. The party, which prides itself in fighting for the vulnerable, once welcomed strong pro-life politicians who fought for the rights of unborn babies. In recent years, however, the party has shifted to align itself closely with the abortion industry, which contributes tens of millions of dollars to Democratic candidates annually.

In October, Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion chain in America, announced a $45 million election budget for 2020 to defeat President Donald Trump and pro-life candidates. Kelley Robinson, executive director of the superPAC Planned Parenthood Votes, said the $45 million is just an initial projection, and they hope to spend even more.
Despicable. But FAUXCAHONTAS IS a Dim Dem, so NOT surprising in the least.


Ah yes.
The Christian that's not really a Christian.
Got it.
That would be you.
You FAKE Christians are unreal.
Been to Church lately?

Yes, I support abortion laws, because without them, it would only be worse. Bottom Line.
You, personally, don't give a rats ass about babies being aborted.
Just a talking point.
If you had a 14 year old daughter that was roughed up by an illegal, and got pregnant.
What would you do?


Ah yes.
The Christian that's not really a Christian.
Got it.
That would be you.
You FAKE Christians are unreal.
Been to Church lately?

Yes, I support abortion laws, because without them, it would only be worse. Bottom Line.
You, personally, don't give a rats ass about babies being aborted.
Just a talking point.
If you had a 14 year old daughter that was roughed up by an illegal, and got pregnant.
What would you do?
I AM a Christian that believes in and prays to GOD each and every day. That's probably more than you can say about your miserable self.


Ah yes.
The Christian that's not really a Christian.
Got it.
That would be you.
You FAKE Christians are unreal.
Been to Church lately?

Yes, I support abortion laws, because without them, it would only be worse. Bottom Line.
You, personally, don't give a rats ass about babies being aborted.
Just a talking point.
If you had a 14 year old daughter that was roughed up by an illegal, and got pregnant.
What would you do?
I AM a Christian (LIAR) that believes in and prays to GOD each and every day. (LIAR)
That's probably more than you can say
about your miserable self.

That's true.
Your so-called God that you pretend to pray too daily, took my son from me and my family.
So Called God had a PLAN, and his PLAN was to NOT save my 11 year old son from Cancer.
So, this so called god did my SON a death penalty.


Ah yes.
The Christian that's not really a Christian.
Got it.
That would be you.
You FAKE Christians are unreal.
Been to Church lately?

Yes, I support abortion laws, because without them, it would only be worse. Bottom Line.
You, personally, don't give a rats ass about babies being aborted.
Just a talking point.
If you had a 14 year old daughter that was roughed up by an illegal, and got pregnant.
What would you do?
Rape, incest, threat to life of the Mother are allowed abortions in most Christian cultures.
Your boy the illegal, fell under that condition
week14-fetus.jpg ... a 14 week group of cells..

... or when Democrats believe science and reality means absolutely nothing and they can profit and receive political donations from a hideous death sentence..

Yup, the Democratic Party loves and protects all the children...
Last edited:
View attachment 291069 ... a 14 week group of cells..

... or when Democrats believe science and reality means absolutely nothing and they can profit and receive political donations from a hideous death sentence..

Yup, the Democratic Party loves and protects all the children...

Then what happens when that baby is born?

Will you personally support that baby?
Of course not.

Hypocrite Much?
View attachment 291069 ... a 14 week group of cells..

... or when Democrats believe science and reality means absolutely nothing and they can profit and receive political donations from a hideous death sentence..

Yup, the Democratic Party loves and protects all the children...

Then what happens when that baby is born?

Will you personally support that baby?
Of course not.

Hypocrite Much?

So you begrudgingly accept your own hypocrisy and attempt to project hypocrisy to me by assuming too much .. :lol:

Well regardless.. welcome to the USMB Winco..
View attachment 291069 ... a 14 week group of cells..

... or when Democrats believe science and reality means absolutely nothing and they can profit and receive political donations from a hideous death sentence..

Yup, the Democratic Party loves and protects all the children...

Then what happens when that baby is born?

Will you personally support that baby?
Of course not.

Hypocrite Much?

So you begrudgingly accept your own hypocrisy and attempt to project hypocrisy to me by assuming too much .. :lol:

Well regardless.. welcome to the USMB Winco..

Not sure what you are projecting.
Try to explain your point. I would be glad to debate.
Ah yes, the party of INFANTICIDE has finally made a declarative POLICY PLATFORM for the 2020 election....they have no room for anyone who believes a fetus is a human, but simply a GROUP OF CELLS......GOOD CHOICE, baby killers!!!!


LIFE NEWS ^ | Nov. 21, 2019

The Democratic Party still has a lot of pro-life voters, but many of its leaders apparently would rather stay in the good graces of the abortion industry and its huge cash contributions than the voters it claims to serve.

For several years now, party leaders have been mulling an abortion litmus test for candidates. That test would require candidates to conform to the Democratic Party’s platform of taxpayer-funded abortions for any reason up to birth — or lose the party’s support. One prominent Democratic group, the Democratic Attorney General Association, announced last week that it only will endorse candidates who support abortion on demand going forward, National Review reported.

The controversy prompted a question during the Democratic presidential debate Wednesday in Georgia. Elizabeth Warren, a top contender, refused to give a definite answer, but “she made it pretty clear there was no room” for pro-life Democrats in the party, Monica Showalter wrote at the American Thinker.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

“I believe that abortion rights are human rights,” Warren said. “I believe that they are also economic rights. And protecting the right of a woman to be able to make decisions about her own body is fundamentally what we do and what we stand for as a Democratic Party.”

[Debate moderator Rachel Maddow] followed up and pressed Warren to give a specific answer.

“Senator Warren, I’m going to push you on this a little bit for a specific answer to the question. Governor John Bel Edwards in Louisiana is an anti-abortion governor who has signed abortion restrictions in Louisiana. Is there room for him in the Democratic Party with those politics?” Maddow asked.

“I have made clear what I think the Democratic Party stands for,” Warren answered. “I’m not here to try to drive anyone out of this party. I’m not here to try to build fences. But I am here to say this is what I will fight for as president of the United States. The women of America can count on that.”

Though Democrat leaders claim their radical pro-abortion stance represents the majority, polls show otherwise. According to a national poll by Marist University in January, three in four Americans (75 percent) say abortion should be limited to – at most – the first three months of pregnancy. This includes most Republicans (92 percent), Independents (78 percent) and Democrats (60 percent). Recent Gallup polling also found that 53 percent of Americans oppose all or most abortions.

A Politico/Harvard University poll in 2016 found that just 36 percent of likely voters supported taxpayer funding for abortions, while 58 percent opposed it.

The Democratic Party has not always been so extreme on abortion. The party, which prides itself in fighting for the vulnerable, once welcomed strong pro-life politicians who fought for the rights of unborn babies. In recent years, however, the party has shifted to align itself closely with the abortion industry, which contributes tens of millions of dollars to Democratic candidates annually.

In October, Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion chain in America, announced a $45 million election budget for 2020 to defeat President Donald Trump and pro-life candidates. Kelley Robinson, executive director of the superPAC Planned Parenthood Votes, said the $45 million is just an initial projection, and they hope to spend even more.

I think every true blue democrat should then be asked to put their money where their mouth is and get a vasectomy and tubes tied to show that they are 100% against having any kids! For the best abortion is a pregnancy that never even takes place, and wouldn't the world be a lot better off with fewer godless heathens?

Let's start with the big cities like LA, SF, Chicago and NYC where population is a real issue, and make it a requirement and to get urban population under control and democrats would then need to apply for license at a certain age not to be castrated to have kids only as the local population and resources can support it.

I'm sure this is a proposition that Lizzy Warren can fully support.
View attachment 291069 ... a 14 week group of cells..

... or when Democrats believe science and reality means absolutely nothing and they can profit and receive political donations from a hideous death sentence..

Yup, the Democratic Party loves and protects all the children...

Then what happens when that baby is born?

Will you personally support that baby?
Of course not.

Hypocrite Much?

So you begrudgingly accept your own hypocrisy and attempt to project hypocrisy to me by assuming too much .. :lol:

Well regardless.. welcome to the USMB Winco..

Not sure what you are projecting.
Try to explain your point. I would be glad to debate.

Eh, I shouldn't have to .. just try to think and not waste my time... mmkay..


Ah yes.
The Christian that's not really a Christian.
Got it.
That would be you.
You FAKE Christians are unreal.
Been to Church lately?

Yes, I support abortion laws, because without them, it would only be worse. Bottom Line.
You, personally, don't give a rats ass about babies being aborted.
Just a talking point.
If you had a 14 year old daughter that was roughed up by an illegal, and got pregnant.
What would you do?
Well, what do you know, a fucking low 2 digit IQ ASSHOLE HERE that cant imagine a agnostic that has morals, ethics and principles ...all things this piece of shit doesn't have, So this baby killer asks what would I do. First I would hope I installed the same values that he never had in the 14 year old....that meaning she although rough mentally on her, she would bring the baby to birth. THEN AFTER the baby is born, she would, after looking at that innocent being, and holding him/her see if she would want to continue being a mother, or would give the baby up for adoption, and I would stand behind her decision.

Unfortunately leftist Shiits like Wino here, don't have the mental or moral capabilities to do the right thing....but thanks for asking subhuman, we recognize your insanity and immorality! :)
View attachment 291069 ... a 14 week group of cells..

... or when Democrats believe science and reality means absolutely nothing and they can profit and receive political donations from a hideous death sentence..

Yup, the Democratic Party loves and protects all the children...

Then what happens when that baby is born?

Will you personally support that baby?
Of course not.

Hypocrite Much?

And why not Wino, we support MILLIONS of illegal and legal immigrants....surely taking care of ONE BABY is even to your diseased mind a easily doable thing to do!


Ah yes.
The Christian that's not really a Christian.
Got it.
That would be you.
You FAKE Christians are unreal.
Been to Church lately?

Yes, I support abortion laws, because without them, it would only be worse. Bottom Line.
You, personally, don't give a rats ass about babies being aborted.
Just a talking point.
If you had a 14 year old daughter that was roughed up by an illegal, and got pregnant.
What would you do?
I AM a Christian that believes in and prays to GOD each and every day. That's probably more than you can say about your miserable self.

When you say this in this way, I have my doubts. A person seeking God does not address another in this way.
Ah yes, the party of INFANTICIDE has finally made a declarative POLICY PLATFORM for the 2020 election....they have no room for anyone who believes a fetus is a human, but simply a GROUP OF CELLS......GOOD CHOICE, baby killers!!!!


LIFE NEWS ^ | Nov. 21, 2019

The Democratic Party still has a lot of pro-life voters, but many of its leaders apparently would rather stay in the good graces of the abortion industry and its huge cash contributions than the voters it claims to serve.

For several years now, party leaders have been mulling an abortion litmus test for candidates. That test would require candidates to conform to the Democratic Party’s platform of taxpayer-funded abortions for any reason up to birth — or lose the party’s support. One prominent Democratic group, the Democratic Attorney General Association, announced last week that it only will endorse candidates who support abortion on demand going forward, National Review reported.

The controversy prompted a question during the Democratic presidential debate Wednesday in Georgia. Elizabeth Warren, a top contender, refused to give a definite answer, but “she made it pretty clear there was no room” for pro-life Democrats in the party, Monica Showalter wrote at the American Thinker.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

“I believe that abortion rights are human rights,” Warren said. “I believe that they are also economic rights. And protecting the right of a woman to be able to make decisions about her own body is fundamentally what we do and what we stand for as a Democratic Party.”

[Debate moderator Rachel Maddow] followed up and pressed Warren to give a specific answer.

“Senator Warren, I’m going to push you on this a little bit for a specific answer to the question. Governor John Bel Edwards in Louisiana is an anti-abortion governor who has signed abortion restrictions in Louisiana. Is there room for him in the Democratic Party with those politics?” Maddow asked.

“I have made clear what I think the Democratic Party stands for,” Warren answered. “I’m not here to try to drive anyone out of this party. I’m not here to try to build fences. But I am here to say this is what I will fight for as president of the United States. The women of America can count on that.”

Though Democrat leaders claim their radical pro-abortion stance represents the majority, polls show otherwise. According to a national poll by Marist University in January, three in four Americans (75 percent) say abortion should be limited to – at most – the first three months of pregnancy. This includes most Republicans (92 percent), Independents (78 percent) and Democrats (60 percent). Recent Gallup polling also found that 53 percent of Americans oppose all or most abortions.

A Politico/Harvard University poll in 2016 found that just 36 percent of likely voters supported taxpayer funding for abortions, while 58 percent opposed it.

The Democratic Party has not always been so extreme on abortion. The party, which prides itself in fighting for the vulnerable, once welcomed strong pro-life politicians who fought for the rights of unborn babies. In recent years, however, the party has shifted to align itself closely with the abortion industry, which contributes tens of millions of dollars to Democratic candidates annually.

In October, Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion chain in America, announced a $45 million election budget for 2020 to defeat President Donald Trump and pro-life candidates. Kelley Robinson, executive director of the superPAC Planned Parenthood Votes, said the $45 million is just an initial projection, and they hope to spend even more.

One of your polls was not right or you didn't quote it right!

Most voters oppose Hillary Clinton’s proposal to allow federal tax dollars to cover abortion — but her most ardent supporters love it.

A new poll conducted for POLITICO by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that only 36 percent of likely voters want to overturn the long-standing ban on Medicaid paying for abortion with federal funds. But among self-described Clinton voters, 57 percent support scrapping the current rules.

POLITICO-Harvard poll: Clinton voters eager to scrap Hyde Amendment

Ever hear of the Hyde Amendment?
State Funding of Abortion Under Medicaid

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