Elizabeth Warren Leaves The Bank Regulators Wanting @ Banking Committee Hearing


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I absolutely LOVE this woman.

We need like 10 more of her in Congress, just 10 should be able to clean up this whole mess.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD7zM9K0X4c]Banking Committee Hearing - Illegal Foreclosures - YouTube[/ame]

Go Liz....GO!!!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Sounded pretty softball to me. She never mentioned Bundled Subprime Mortgages or the MERS system that allowed "robo-signing". (I'll bet the OP doesn't even know about that much less understand it)

Doesn't matter anyway, Eric Holder already said some Banks are "Too big to Prosecute".
Sounded pretty softball to me. She never mentioned Bundled Subprime Mortgages or the MERS system that allowed "robo-signing". (I'll bet the OP doesn't even know about that much less understand it)

Doesn't matter anyway, Eric Holder already said some Banks are "Too big to Prosecute".
When I first moved to ATL in 08 I worked for a lawfirm where I had to access the MERS website for information.
Yep, 10 more fake indian Marxists would work wonders for this country.... :thup:
Modern-day Carrie Nation wants to take a hatchet to big banks...
Bust Up the Banks; 'Banking Should Be Boring,' Says Elizabeth Warren
July 12, 2013 --- Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), alarmed that big banks are getting bigger, says she has a plan to bust them apart.
To prevent another financial crisis, Warren wants to revive portions of the Banking Act of 1933, dubbed Glass-Steagall, a law passed after the Great Depression to separate commercial banking from investment banking. "Banking should be boring," she told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Friday.

In 1933, "We separated what's called commercial banking -- that's your checking account, the savings account, the part that has FDIC insurance -- from all of the risk taking activities, you know, the gambling that takes place on Wall Street. And we built a big wall between those two, and it worked for nearly 50 years," Warren said. "But the banks wanted the profits you get from the high-risk gambling. And the high-risk (gamblers) wanted access to the money in those checking accounts and those deposit accounts. And so they kept hammering on Washington -- 'Come on, change it, change it, change it.' The regulators started opening up loopholes in that Act and then finally in 1999, Congress just got rid of what was left of the old Glass-Steagall law. So we get the crisis in 2008."

According to the commission created by Congress to examine the causes of the 2008 financial crisis, "it was the collapse of the housing bubble -- fueled by low interest rates, easy and available credit, scant regulation, and toxic mortgages...that ignited a string of events, which led to a full-blown crisis in the fall of 2008."

The report notes that plenty of warning signs were ignored or discounted before the failure of Lehman Brothers caused credit markets to seize up and the stock market to fall, plunging the economy into recession. But "little meaningful action was taken to quell the threats in a timely manner," the report concluded. Warren said her effort to pass a 21st century Glass-Steagall Act has the support of Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Maria Cantwell (D-Wash), and Angus King (I-Maine). The basic principle, she said: "If you want to take risks, do it on Wall Street, do it somewhere else without deposit money that's insured by the federal government. Banking should be boring," she said.

Dodd-Frank is 'not enough'
For all the whining and bed wetting libtards do over "big banks" I just have to wonder where their "outrage" is over the slimy billionaires who made out like bandits thanks to their moonbat messiah's "stimulus" spending, or the fact that he has gotten whatever billions of dollars now from the same said billionaires in campaign donations?

It further astounds me how sociopathic liars like Warren are "heros" among the moonbat zealotry after exploiting farcical aboriginal heritage for personal gain.

Actually that last part is a lie. I haven't been "astounded" by leftist hypocrisy since I found out Ted Kennedy left a woman for dead in the back of his car, which also happened to be right around the time I rejected liberalism.
Hmmmmm... You are aware that Ms.Warren took advantage of bank foreclosures to flip houses for profit right?

Kinda like here taking on major corporations as clients vs the workers, or her claim of Indians descent claiming she did so because she wanted to meet other Indians- but she never joined or attended a meeting of the Harvard Native American club. Wouldn't that be you first place to check.

This woman is the biggest fraud I have ever seen. And that is saying a lot.
Hmmmmm... You are aware that Ms.Warren took advantage of bank foreclosures to flip houses for profit right?

Kinda like here taking on major corporations as clients vs the workers, or her claim of Indians descent claiming she did so because she wanted to meet other Indians- but she never joined or attended a meeting of the Harvard Native American club. Wouldn't that be you first place to check.

This woman is the biggest fraud I have ever seen. And that is saying a lot.

The first maxim of Law:

"One shall not be a Judge of their own Cause."

In the original language:
"Nemo iudex in causa sua."

The exact translation:
No man a judge in his own cause
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Banks can't force people to borrow money from them. Do we want a free country or not?

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