Elizabeth Warren: 'End Electoral College'

If there was ever a time for the Electoral college to prove it's worth it was the 2016 election....

But all they proved was their worthlessness!

It's time to abolish the EC!
What are you talking about? The electoral college worked as it was supposed to
and saved this great nation of ours.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it 'saved' America?

If there was ever a time for the Electoral college to prove it's worth it was the 2016 election....

But all they proved was their worthlessness!

It's time to abolish the EC!
What are you talking about? The electoral college worked as it was supposed to
and saved this great nation of ours.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it 'saved' America?
The proof is in the puddin', just look at the Supreme Court. Crooked Hillary
would have nominated a liberal and our Constitution would be in jeopardy.

It wasn't that hard, McRocket
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Monday that she fully supports abolishing the Electoral College and moving toward a national vote, the first time the 2020 presidential candidate has publicly taken the stance.

“My view is that every vote matters,” the Massachusetts Democrat said to roaring applause at her CNN presidential town hall at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

More: Elizabeth Warren Calls For Getting Rid Of The Electoral College

Amen! I couldn't agree more! Elections should be about people - not acreage! BTW, the rest of the link is worth reading.

Ah.....so she's appealing directly to the dumbest people in the country. How diabolical.
From the OP:

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton beat President Donald Trump by almost 3 million votes in the 2016 election by leading in strongly Democratic states. But Trump eventually won with the Electoral College’s help in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan. Trump is the fifth United States president to have taken office without winning the national popular vote.
Washington redskin,
Actually the conservative/libertarian side receive more of the popular vote... lol
2016 Presidential General Election Results
Squeaked by in those swing states ....Won't get lucky again

We’ll see. Hope you’re right
If there was ever a time for the Electoral college to prove it's worth it was the 2016 election....

But all they proved was their worthlessness!

It's time to abolish the EC!
What are you talking about? The electoral college worked as it was supposed to
and saved this great nation of ours.
Oh? It gave us Bush and Trump. That said, I'm not in favor of abolishing it.

There's a reason that Republicans always point out that we are a Republic and not a democracy. They are referring to the fact that in a "true" democracy that the popular vote is the end all and be all and they know that they don't have the popular vote.

So do we do away with the electoral college? I think that would be mistake. What we DO...is VOTE...in big numbers. Don't let voter suppression efforts stop us.

They can only win (steal) elections when they are close. We need to get out and vote in BIG numbers or surrender to this insanity
If there was ever a time for the Electoral college to prove it's worth it was the 2016 election....

But all they proved was their worthlessness!

It's time to abolish the EC!
What are you talking about? The electoral college worked as it was supposed to
and saved this great nation of ours.
Oh? It gave us Bush and Trump. That said, I'm not in favor of abolishing it.

There's a reason that Republicans always point out that we are a Republic and not a democracy. They are referring to the fact that in a "true" democracy that the popular vote is the end all and be all and they know that they don't have the popular vote.

So do we do away with the electoral college? I think that would be mistake. What we DO...is VOTE...in big numbers. Don't let voter suppression efforts stop us.

They can only win (steal) elections when they are close. We need to get out and vote in BIG numbers or surrender to this insanity
I think your side is the one that steals elections, Lesh.
Why is it that whenever there is a close vote, the more times they recount the more times they find more ballots that always..ALWAYS
goes to a democrat? What are the odds of that?
I realize it's a fun and handy cliche for the idiot leftists, but the Electoral College isn't about giving political power to land mass. It's about requiring Presidential Candidates to build a coalition across a broad diversity of interests, not just a particular region or narrow interest. So we're never doing away with the Electoral College. And if Elizabeth Warren is too dumb to understand that she will never be President.
Won't happen.
Thread is another exercise in futility.
Don`t be so sure that it won`t happen. Women and non whites get to vote these days and I`m sure people thought that would never happen either.

What's involved in doing away with the Electoral College? Do you even know, or do you foolishly assume it just requires winning a plurality in a vote? (Let me know if you need me to define "plurality" for you.)
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If there was ever a time for the Electoral college to prove it's worth it was the 2016 election....

But all they proved was their worthlessness!

It's time to abolish the EC!
What are you talking about? The electoral college worked as it was supposed to
and saved this great nation of ours.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it 'saved' America?
The proof is in the puddin', just look at the Supreme Court. Crooked Hillary
would have nominated a liberal and our Constitution would be in jeopardy.

It wasn't that hard, McRocket
If Hillary is considered crooked what does that make the world class liar and thief trump ? I know,,A republican
I always thought america was a democracy...but when Bush Jr got elected we the citizens of the world were shocked.

Because you're ignorant.

Ignorant? I was shocked by one of the strangest and politically motivated SCOTUS rulings since Dred Scott. Bush v Gore

I know! Ruling that Florida should recount according to Florida law.

It was also apparently weird that Florida had to certify its election returns by the deadline set by Florida law. Shocking!
If there was ever a time for the Electoral college to prove it's worth it was the 2016 election....

But all they proved was their worthlessness!

It's time to abolish the EC!
What are you talking about? The electoral college worked as it was supposed to
and saved this great nation of ours.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it 'saved' America?
The proof is in the puddin', just look at the Supreme Court. Crooked Hillary
would have nominated a liberal and our Constitution would be in jeopardy.

It wasn't that hard, McRocket

So your idea of a 'link to unbiased, factual proof' of how Trump 'saved this great nation of ours' is your assumption of whom Clinton would have nominated for the Supreme Court?


So noted.

Have a nice day.
Why should a vote in Montana be worth more than a vote in Pennsylvania?

The nations elections should not be decided by America's urban centres, run by party hacks.
They are the ones who make this nation great, rural farmers live off the subsidies paid by the urban hard working, open minded diverse citizens....the fucks who are sitting in their farm receiving our money don't like us minorities and whites who are open minded.
disclaimer: not all farmers but most.
She knows how to end it.

the key number is 2/3s.

and she knows it ain't going to happen.

Everything in the Rat platform is like that....they know it will never happen and don't want it to happen....everything about them is FAKE.
If there was ever a time for the Electoral college to prove it's worth it was the 2016 election....

But all they proved was their worthlessness!

It's time to abolish the EC!
What are you talking about? The electoral college worked as it was supposed to
and saved this great nation of ours.

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that it 'saved' America?
The proof is in the puddin', just look at the Supreme Court. Crooked Hillary
would have nominated a liberal and our Constitution would be in jeopardy.

It wasn't that hard, McRocket

So your idea of a 'link to unbiased, factual proof' of how Trump 'saved this great nation of ours' is your assumption of whom Clinton would have nominated for the Supreme Court?


So noted.

Have a nice day.
You are delusional if you thought crooked Hillary would have nominated anyone other than a liberal judge, McRocket.
YOU have a good day, son.
Why should a states electors go against the majority of a state?
Because people should be the electors, not sage brush and cattle. Our most populous state has 70 X more people than our least populated state but their EC ratio is 18:1. Why should people be penalized for living in a more desirable state? The Founders are way over rated. In what other contest is the #2 finisher declared the winner?

Change it then cupcake, all you need is two thirds approval of the House, two thirds approval of the Senate and 38 states to ratify the amendment. Go for it, I look forward to watching it's progress.
The Electoral College Pact is another way to change the EC and much more doable.
Changing the Electoral College System

I can see where you'd prefer to just twist and pervert the law to force your will on others rather than follow correct procedures and change it by way of convincing people to agree with you. Leftists always prefer the sleaziest, most oppressive methods to get their way.
It was also apparently weird that Florida had to certify its election returns by the deadline set by Florida law. Shocking!
florida Law demands a full recount. Republicans dragged that out as long as possible and only THEN demanded that the deadline be held. There was no pressing need to enforce that deadline. There WAS a pressing need to follow the law and do the full recount.

They are the ones who make this nation great, rural farmers live off the subsidies paid by the urban hard working, open minded diverse citizens....the fucks who are sitting in their farm receiving our money don't like us minorities and whites who are open minded.
disclaimer: not all farmers but most.

We need to stop that. We have a symbiotic relationship. Farmers need cites as much as cities need farmers. We are ALL Americans and we need to stop this divisive bullshit. Yea there are ignorant people on both sides. Don't be one of them
It was also apparently weird that Florida had to certify its election returns by the deadline set by Florida law. Shocking!
florida Law demands a full recount. Republicans dragged that out as long as possible and only THEN demanded that the deadline be held. There was no pressing need to enforce that deadline. There WAS a pressing need to follow the law and do the full recount.

There was a pressing need to enforce the deadline, because it is a law.
I can see where you'd prefer to just twist and pervert the law to force your will on others rather than follow correct procedures and change it by way of convincing people to agree with you. Leftists always prefer the sleaziest, most oppressive methods to get their way.

Oh be honest at least. You're just protecting the added power that the electoral college gives to less populous states. I happen to agree with you that it shouldn't be changed for exactly that reason. That added power is what drew rural states into the Union and has kept them there.

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