Elephant Drawing Elephant

Wow, what a sweetheart.

C'mon Dems, show an ass with that many brains.
Problem is...the elephants are shocked with a cattle prod to do this "trick" until the prod is no longer needed. Then they allow people to watch the "cute" trick the elephant does.
Sorta like the cute tricks elephants do in the circus but nobody sees what they endure when the tent is closed up and the animals are shoved back in their tiny cages and the elephants chained where they rock and rock and rock. Oh, and those that think rocking elephants are them dancing...wrong. That is how they show their distress.
I went to Catholic schools in the early 60's. In some ways I was cattle-prodded to learn things too.

I will never stop thanking them.
But you could have left any time you wanted. Big difference.

However, with that said, I have no intention of arguing about animal cruelty and/or those who think animals are here for your entertainment.

Gracie is correct that these elephants are treated very cruelly in order to get them to perform.

There's no excuse for torturing any animal for our profit and entertainment.
I went to Catholic schools in the early 60's. In some ways I was cattle-prodded to learn things too.

I will never stop thanking them.

Do you believe you were incapable of learning without being mistreated and abused?
I went to Catholic schools in the early 60's. In some ways I was cattle-prodded to learn things too.

I will never stop thanking them.

Do you believe you were incapable of learning without being mistreated and abused?

Nope, but it certainly sped up the process and resulted in higher achievements at lower grade levels than in the public system.
I went to Catholic schools in the early 60's. In some ways I was cattle-prodded to learn things too.

I will never stop thanking them.
If the elephant was cattle prodded into painting pics then there's no reason for that creature to feel greatful to his masters for teaching him.
Going to a catholic school and electro-shocking an elephant are two different things entirely.
One of these is totally unnacceptable.
I went to Catholic schools in the early 60's. In some ways I was cattle-prodded to learn things too.

I will never stop thanking them.
If the elephant was cattle prodded into painting pics then there's no reason for that creature to feel greatful to his masters for teaching him.
Going to a catholic school and electro-shocking an elephant are two different things entirely.
One of these is totally unnacceptable.

Why are some people so totally bereft of a sense of humor?
I went to Catholic schools in the early 60's. In some ways I was cattle-prodded to learn things too.

I will never stop thanking them.
If the elephant was cattle prodded into painting pics then there's no reason for that creature to feel greatful to his masters for teaching him.
Going to a catholic school and electro-shocking an elephant are two different things entirely.
One of these is totally unnacceptable.

Why are some people so totally bereft of a sense of humor?

If that was meant to be a joke then sorry I missed the point of it.
I went to Catholic schools in the early 60's. In some ways I was cattle-prodded to learn things too.

I will never stop thanking them.
If the elephant was cattle prodded into painting pics then there's no reason for that creature to feel greatful to his masters for teaching him.
Going to a catholic school and electro-shocking an elephant are two different things entirely.
One of these is totally unnacceptable.

Why are some people so totally bereft of a sense of humor?

If that was meant to be a joke then sorry I missed the point of it.

I see you didn't attend Catholic schools.
I went to Catholic schools in the early 60's. In some ways I was cattle-prodded to learn things too.

I will never stop thanking them.
If the elephant was cattle prodded into painting pics then there's no reason for that creature to feel greatful to his masters for teaching him.
Going to a catholic school and electro-shocking an elephant are two different things entirely.
One of these is totally unnacceptable.

Why are some people so totally bereft of a sense of humor?

If that was meant to be a joke then sorry I missed the point of it.

I see you didn't attend Catholic schools.

No I didn't go to a catholic school. But I went to a lot of shitty public schools.
But I like the fact that at least in the catholic schools they wouldn';t put up with half the shit that I saw go
on in the public schools that I went to.
Public schools are very lax when it comes to penalizing or administering any form of disciplinary action whatsoever.
Also quality of education leaves much to be desired.
However I don't care or wouldn't care for the religious indoctrination that probably does go on in a
catholic or christian school.

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