Eight years after Trayvon Martin, another 17-year-old is killed in a Sanford, Florida, stand your ground case

It seems that the man who died, was commiting a serious crime in breaking/entering a car, that is made clear in the story.

The problem is that the shooter doesn't appear to have enough self defense reason to shoot a man IN THE BACK!

In fact, he claims to have been firing a warning shot to scare the guy away. Last guy who did that in Florida, at least the last one I heard of, got 20 years. This one should, too.

Don't fire a warning shot. If you fear for your life, shoot until the threat is gone. Then shut your fucking mouth until your attorney arrives and don't say anything to anyone other than your attorney. I don't understand why there are still idiots that don't understand those rules.
Anytime you see a black man running thru a white neighborhood it's only logical to assume either he has stolen something or just committed a crime and is running from the police. ... :cool:

Any time I see a post like this, it is only logical to assume an IQ of less than 70.

Why would that post make you think of your IQ? Any time I see you, I think the same thing, that your IQ is under 70.
Anytime you see a black man running thru a white neighborhood it's only logical to assume either he has stolen something or just committed a crime and is running from the police. ... :cool:

Any time I see a post like this, it is only logical to assume an IQ of less than 70.

Why would that post make you think of your IQ? Any time I see you, I think the same thing, that your IQ is under 70.

Cool story, I don't give a crap about what you think. Your stance is beyond absurd. Would you like to go through some black on white crime statistics?
Well, the boy shouldn't have been breaking into cars, but I don't think gunning him down is a proper response. At least give him a warning shot!
Aye man?! Da fuq you doin'? POW! Right by his his leg..Get the fuck outta here! Then if he charges me, he's dead.

Unfortunately, most jurisdictions won't prosecute vehicle break-ins unless it's an add-on to some other crime the do care about.

I'm very torn on these kinds of crime. It's a question of who owns your property? Do you own it or is it in the public domain and it belongs to the biggest, meanest, person who wants it? I don't want to ever have to shoot someone but, when someone is stealing my property that should be my choice; thieves should live in fear of being shot and killed.

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?

Yes. But then we would have never heard about the case.

Next stupid question?

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.
In this case it was not Stand-Your-Ground law but the Castle law

the homeowner was defending his property
Yes, but we are expected to stand down when thugs threaten or rob us. This is the progressive way.
First rule: The white man is racist.

Second Rule: The white 'system' is racist.

Third Rule: Therefore all actions are in repulsion of an inherently evil system and people.

Just wait till YOU are the minority white people. Do you think those opinions will go away?

Eggxactly!!! I think you and I are the only ones in the country to understand this, and I'm only 50% white.
I always knew it was you, Barry

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?

Yes. But then we would have never heard about the case.

Next stupid question?

What is an unarmed person to do to protect themselves if someone approaches them with a shotgun? Pretty much the only thing they can do is to lunge at the gun and hit the person in the head.

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?

Yes. But then we would have never heard about the case.

Next stupid question?

What is an unarmed person to do to protect themselves if someone approaches them with a shotgun? Pretty much the only thing they can do is to lunge at the gun and hit the person in the head.

Yes, if you suspect that they are there to shoot you.

If you suspect they want to only talk with you which was the case here - then it's enough to not lunge at the shotgun. However, if you have committed string of crimes and don't want to go to prison... well...

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?
What would he be defending against? Its not like to white guy tried to attack him.

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?

Yes. But then we would have never heard about the case.

Next stupid question?

What is an unarmed person to do to protect themselves if someone approaches them with a shotgun? Pretty much the only thing they can do is to lunge at the gun and hit the person in the head.
The burglar is the one who approached. Didnt you watch the video?
Anytime you see a black man running thru a white neighborhood it's only logical to assume either he has stolen something or just committed a crime and is running from the police. ... :cool:

Any time I see a post like this, it is only logical to assume an IQ of less than 70.

Why would that post make you think of your IQ? Any time I see you, I think the same thing, that your IQ is under 70.

Cool story, I don't give a crap about what you think. Your stance is beyond absurd. Would you like to go through some black on white crime statistics?

No, I wouldn't. It's just not relevant. If you want to talk about black on black, or black on white, statistics, start another thread. What I want to talk about in the two threads where I've engaged you is the cases described in the titles of those two threads - and how stupid you are.

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?
What would he be defending against? Its not like to white guy tried to attack him.

If you were running on the street and someone approached you with a shotgun, you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself?
A nearby neighbor of mine went outside to investigate someone breaking into his car. With no provocation, the thug breaking into the car pulled a gun and shot my neighbor dead. I work with his wife. It's very sad.

You have two choices when someone is stealing your property. Stay in the house and hope they leave some for you, or go out and intervene. When intervening, always assume that the thieves are going to try to kill you because it happens. At that point, you get beyond the Texas-only protect your property law. Now you get into stand-your-ground and reasonable person arguments. Approach with caution because you can lose a reasonable person argument to an unreasonable prosecutor and unreasonable jury.

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?
What would he be defending against? Its not like to white guy tried to attack him.

If you were running on the street and someone approached you with a shotgun, you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself?
Yes. The first thing you do to defend yourself is to NOT try to punch him and wrestle his gun away.

Do you understand what SELF DEFENSE means?

The Arbery defenders seem to have MAJOR TROUBLE with the concept.

I most certainly do. Do you understand the difference between shooting to protect property and shooting to defend your own life or the life of another? I'll give ou a hint, only one has to do with the SELF-defense laws.

Did you fail to see the black man lunging at the white person, also hitting him in the head?

The white person was protecting himself, not property.

If the black man had pulled out a gun and shot the white guy (when the white guy was approaching him with a shotgun), would you consider the black guy had acted in self-defense?
What would he be defending against? Its not like to white guy tried to attack him.

If you were running on the street and someone approached you with a shotgun, you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself?
Yes. The first thing you do to defend yourself is to NOT try to punch him and wrestle his gun away.

True. However, if a person decides to approach someone holding a shotgun, they should expect that some people might try to protect themselves by grabbing the gun and attempting to subdue the person with the gun.

The physical attack against them was not unprovoked as the presence of a firearm was what provoked the attack.
..if you commit a crime, you initiate the problem ....
.. if a criminal is shot dead, it is undeniable that it is GOOD for everyone--good for the community
..T Martin was doing nothing wrong..Zimmerman should be in jail..Zimmerman was not standing his ground---not at all...he kept going after Martin
That's been disproven so many times it's sad that you're STILL trying to push that narrative, Harmonica! When Martin attacked Zimmerman...the neighborhood watch Captain was on his way back to meet police! When Martin talked to his friend he told her he was outside of the condo he was staying at. In order to get from THAT location back to where Zimmerman was walking, Martin had to be "going after" Zimmerman!

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