Judge In Flynn Case Gets The Call


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Emmet Sullivan deserves to be impeached and disbarred. He's deep state player up to the top of his pointy head, and he knows it too. there's nothing fair or apolitical about Sullivan. He's p'owned by the Democrat stranglehold that runs the Deep State shennanigans that are not only Unconstitutional, it is a seditious group that runs around like a chicken with its head cut off to hurt conservative Americans, the founders of America, and anything to do with Christians. They're worse than the damn Romans who did illicit group sex and fed Christians to the Lions for their pleasure and amusement. :cranky:
Yes because anything tramp says goes, make up and lock up political opponents, while setting indicted criminals (as long as they are friends with tramp) free.
Emmet Sullivan deserves to be impeached and disbarred. He's deep state player up to the top of his pointy head, and he knows it too. there's nothing fair or apolitical about Sullivan. He's p'owned by the Democrat stranglehold that runs the Deep State shennanigans that are not only Unconstitutional, it is a seditious group that runs around like a chicken with its head cut off to hurt conservative Americans, the founders of America, and anything to do with Christians. They're worse than the damn Romans who did illicit group sex and fed Christians to the Lions for their pleasure and amusement. :cranky:
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All this back and forth and mind changing means that Obama is squirming real bad. He doesn't want freedom loving Americans to know how evil he really was and still is.
Well if Obama didn't want anyone in the United States of America to think on his evil doin's, he shouldn't have handed over the Aleutians to the Russians and let his boss, Hillary Clinton, talk him into selling off 20% of the Uranium in the USA that was set aside for America's defense from interlopers like the Russians who chose Hillary for President because she was easy to help them screw their old cold war enemies who just so happened to be the United States of America. Hillary sold America out long ago when her commie professors handed her an AK-47 to be photographed holding up the Administration building at her Alma Mater.

And Obama is up to his big earlobes and Hillary's little ones in getting his'n'her pals in the FBI to link Trump to Russia using Carter Page, the WP and the NYT:
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Yes because anything tramp says goes, make up and lock up political opponents, while setting indicted criminals (as long as they are friends with tramp) free.
No, dimwit....this is about the rule of law.
If nobody is pressing charges.....the judge isn't supposed to go shopping for evidence from outside sources. That would taint the process and infringe on the Flynn's right to a speedy trial and fair hearing.
As it is....the names of these unknown parties hasn't been released.....so Flynn cannot face his accusers....which is guaranteed in the 6th Amendment.
They're trying to use what is in all practicality, unknown sources to convict the accused. Which means whatever evidence they produce cannot even be verified as being genuine. This is merely a delay tactic. It's intended to keep Flynn locked up until after the election.

But the problem I see here is folks on the left don't give a flying-fuck about what is right or wrong.
They just want to be able to destroy the lives of people they hate.....and so folks like you don't care how it gets done.
Judge is in the spotlight for possibly being shady, so goes ahead and proves he's corrupt?
Is he falling on the sword for Obama?
Yes because anything tramp says goes, make up and lock up political opponents, while setting indicted criminals (as long as they are friends with tramp) free.
No, dimwit....this is about the rule of law.
If nobody is pressing charges.....the judge isn't supposed to go shopping for evidence from outside sources. That would taint the process and infringe on the Flynn's right to a speedy trial and fair hearing.
As it is....the names of these unknown parties hasn't been released.....so Flynn cannot face his accusers....which is guaranteed in the 6th Amendment.
They're trying to use what is in all practicality, unknown sources to convict the accused. Which means whatever evidence they produce cannot even be verified as being genuine. This is merely a delay tactic. It's intended to keep Flynn locked up until after the election.

But the problem I see here is folks on the left don't give a flying-fuck about what is right or wrong.
They just want to be able to destroy the lives of people they hate.....and so folks like you don't care how it gets done.
It has nothing to do with the rule of law. Its the republicans who are trying to destroy people's reputations.
Yes because anything tramp says goes, make up and lock up political opponents, while setting indicted criminals (as long as they are friends with tramp) free.
No, dimwit....this is about the rule of law.
If nobody is pressing charges.....the judge isn't supposed to go shopping for evidence from outside sources. That would taint the process and infringe on the Flynn's right to a speedy trial and fair hearing.
As it is....the names of these unknown parties hasn't been released.....so Flynn cannot face his accusers....which is guaranteed in the 6th Amendment.
They're trying to use what is in all practicality, unknown sources to convict the accused. Which means whatever evidence they produce cannot even be verified as being genuine. This is merely a delay tactic. It's intended to keep Flynn locked up until after the election.

But the problem I see here is folks on the left don't give a flying-fuck about what is right or wrong.
They just want to be able to destroy the lives of people they hate.....and so folks like you don't care how it gets done.
You’re projecting. It is about the rule of law. Barr is trampling all over the rule of law for political purposes. I know the sun sets and rises on Trump for Trumpist like yourself but the Judge is doing his job. Judges do not have to accept the recommendations of prosecutors. It is that way in criminal prosecutions. Yeah, so you can keep your deep state bullshit or whatever incoherent Babble your spewing these days to yourself as you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Yes because anything tramp says goes, make up and lock up political opponents, while setting indicted criminals (as long as they are friends with tramp) free.
No, dimwit....this is about the rule of law.
If nobody is pressing charges.....the judge isn't supposed to go shopping for evidence from outside sources. That would taint the process and infringe on the Flynn's right to a speedy trial and fair hearing.
As it is....the names of these unknown parties hasn't been released.....so Flynn cannot face his accusers....which is guaranteed in the 6th Amendment.
They're trying to use what is in all practicality, unknown sources to convict the accused. Which means whatever evidence they produce cannot even be verified as being genuine. This is merely a delay tactic. It's intended to keep Flynn locked up until after the election.

But the problem I see here is folks on the left don't give a flying-fuck about what is right or wrong.
They just want to be able to destroy the lives of people they hate.....and so folks like you don't care how it gets done.
It has nothing to do with the rule of law. Its the republicans who are trying to destroy people's reputations.
The Republicans didn't force him to do this. Obama and Hillary did.
The judge has a right to refuse to go along with it.
The prosecution has no case...and no charges.....most judges would dismiss the case....but not this one.
Emmet Sullivan deserves to be impeached and disbarred. He's deep state player up to the top of his pointy head, and he knows it too. there's nothing fair or apolitical about Sullivan. He's p'owned by the Democrat stranglehold that runs the Deep State shennanigans that are not only Unconstitutional, it is a seditious group that runs around like a chicken with its head cut off to hurt conservative Americans, the founders of America, and anything to do with Christians. They're worse than the damn Romans who did illicit group sex and fed Christians to the Lions for their pleasure and amusement. :cranky:

Odd that any judge, governor, politician, or anybody else who has otherwise always enjoyed a spotless reputation is immediately smeared as part of the DEEP STATE as soon as he does anything other than praise Trump. You don't think that is odd? It seems to be a reflex action by Trump and his crazies.
All this back and forth and mind changing means that Obama is squirming real bad. He doesn't want freedom loving Americans to know how evil he really was and still is.
Well if Obama didn't want anyone in the United States of America to think on his evil doin's, he shouldn't have handed over the Aleutians to the Russians and let his boss, Hillary Clinton, talk him into selling off 20% of the Uranium in the USA that was set aside for America's defense from interlopers like the Russians who chose Hillary for President because she was easy to help them screw their old cold war enemies who just so happened to be the United States of America. Hillary sold America out long ago when her commie professors handed her an AK-47 to be photographed holding up the Administration building at her Alma Mater.

And Obama is up to his big earlobes and Hillary's little ones in getting his'n'her pals in the FBI to link Trump to Russia using Carter Page, the WP and the NYT:

That would be so much more effective if you had the Twilight Zone theme music playing in the background while wearing a tinfoil hat.
Yes because anything tramp says goes, make up and lock up political opponents, while setting indicted criminals (as long as they are friends with tramp) free.
No, dimwit....this is about the rule of law.
If nobody is pressing charges.....the judge isn't supposed to go shopping for evidence from outside sources. That would taint the process and infringe on the Flynn's right to a speedy trial and fair hearing.
As it is....the names of these unknown parties hasn't been released.....so Flynn cannot face his accusers....which is guaranteed in the 6th Amendment.
They're trying to use what is in all practicality, unknown sources to convict the accused. Which means whatever evidence they produce cannot even be verified as being genuine. This is merely a delay tactic. It's intended to keep Flynn locked up until after the election.

But the problem I see here is folks on the left don't give a flying-fuck about what is right or wrong.
They just want to be able to destroy the lives of people they hate.....and so folks like you don't care how it gets done.
It has nothing to do with the rule of law. Its the republicans who are trying to destroy people's reputations.
It was the Democrats who lied their asses off to get elected to run ruin the House of Representatives with socialism. It was the Democrats who lied their asses off through omitting the fact that it was Hillary Clinton, not President Trump who colluded with the Russians. Furthermore, it was ridiculous because the many people associated with President Trump were attacked by Democrat dowager Rep. Maxine Waters et al and
Barack Obama, who ordered Comey and other associates in the FBI to go after Trumpboth before and after President Trump's inauguration.

Nothing so asinine has occurred by doing hateful things to the next President, although Hillary and Bill Clinton packed up the Presidential China and were forced to return it after their move from 1600 PA Avenue and their screwing up of all the computers which made President George W. Bush's staff made to feel unwelcome their first couple of months trying to completely reorganize the American government. And the Dowagers Hillary, Whatzername Pelosi and her demonic House chairmen/henchmen Nadler and Schiff, and Barack made President Trump's life and family members live in a similar hell, except it went on for several years, not several weeks after inauguration.

The incendiary condition of the Democrats was a heinous blow to the Constitution and its amendments, and the friendly atmosphere that courtesy gave to the lawmaking properties before Hillary Clinton got her claws into it, hiding behind Bill's turning the oval office into his personal brothel for which I wish someone had burned the historic desk upon which he shamefully used to screw young female interns and other women, many to their horror with a Secret service looking helplessly on to ensure nobody harmed the President while he harmed women, and his wife ran the Presidency hiding behind being the "first lady".

I wonder why the Democrats are annoying the public to the point? Do they desire a Royalty situation as a resolution to end their hatred of having the everyday people of America represented and decisions going to the majority within reason? It seems so, and I don't care for it.
All this back and forth and mind changing means that Obama is squirming real bad. He doesn't want freedom loving Americans to know how evil he really was and still is.
Well if Obama didn't want anyone in the United States of America to think on his evil doin's, he shouldn't have handed over the Aleutians to the Russians and let his boss, Hillary Clinton, talk him into selling off 20% of the Uranium in the USA that was set aside for America's defense from interlopers like the Russians who chose Hillary for President because she was easy to help them screw their old cold war enemies who just so happened to be the United States of America. Hillary sold America out long ago when her commie professors handed her an AK-47 to be photographed holding up the Administration building at her Alma Mater.

And Obama is up to his big earlobes and Hillary's little ones in getting his'n'her pals in the FBI to link Trump to Russia using Carter Page, the WP and the NYT:

That would be so much more effective if you had the Twilight Zone theme music playing in the background while wearing a tinfoil hat.

Sorry, I'll leave the drama to you. I'm an ordinary retired working person who turned her business into a charity for Wounded soldiers to receive homemade quilts for several years, handicapped kids until OSHA forced the daycare center for handicapped to bleach all the quilts we made for them while the Democrats tried to hamstring women running small businesses to do traditional housewiferly things that they felt demeaned women. Actually, the Democrats demeaned women to carry out their whittling away at the morals of America so they could turn this into a Communist country where you all can just kill free people who don't kiss your ass.
Yes because anything tramp says goes, make up and lock up political opponents, while setting indicted criminals (as long as they are friends with tramp) free.
No, dimwit....this is about the rule of law.
If nobody is pressing charges.....the judge isn't supposed to go shopping for evidence from outside sources. That would taint the process and infringe on the Flynn's right to a speedy trial and fair hearing.
As it is....the names of these unknown parties hasn't been released.....so Flynn cannot face his accusers....which is guaranteed in the 6th Amendment.
They're trying to use what is in all practicality, unknown sources to convict the accused. Which means whatever evidence they produce cannot even be verified as being genuine. This is merely a delay tactic. It's intended to keep Flynn locked up until after the election.

But the problem I see here is folks on the left don't give a flying-fuck about what is right or wrong.
They just want to be able to destroy the lives of people they hate.....and so folks like you don't care how it gets done.
It has nothing to do with the rule of law. Its the republicans who are trying to destroy people's reputations.
You are undoubtedly one of the most pathetic shitforbrains assholes on this site.
It's little wonder you dont live in this country. If you did your neighbors would run your ass out of town on a rail them tar and feather your worthless ass.
.the judge isn't supposed to go shopping for evidence from outside sources. That would taint the process and infringe on the Flynn's right to a speedy trial and fair hearing.
BINGO.... We have a WINNER!

The Judge is supposed to evaluate all evidence brought before him not demand every tom, dick and harry give him some. He is not an investigator. He is to be impartial and look only at the facts presented. He has exceeded his lawful mandate. The moment Barr withdrew the prosecution for cause the judge has no further authority except to follow up on charging the prosecutorial misconduct that was exposed and recommend prosecution and/or disbarment.

Flynn's exoneration should have been automatic and he should have been real pissed at the prosecutors for lying to him, not going around looking for someone to make up a reason to keep the lie going..
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