Eight-year-old Girl In Australia Asks Muslim Youth To Back Jihad


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
They certainly start them young.

Eight-year-old girl in Australia asks Muslim youth to back jihad

Sep 22, 2014 at 01:28pm IST

Sydney: An incident has shocked not only the Australian security agencies who are chasing the Islamists on the ground, but also the entire world. According to a report in 'Australian', an eight-year-old girl has called the Muslim youths to back jihad. The worst fears have come true. The report says, "As Julia Gillard struggled to explain how Muslim children could be used to incite violence, eight-year-old Ruqaya yesterday fronted a congress of Islamic fundamendalists in Sydney to espouse her love for jihad. Addressing a 600-strong crowd at the Australian chapter of Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Bankstown in the city's west, the young girl urged all Muslim youth to fight for the restoration of the Islamic caliphate, a single global government for all Muslims established under strict sharia law."

The girl said, "My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, as the world gathers against the believers in Syria...seeking to hijack our sincere and blessed uprisings, children in Sydney would like to send their message of hope and support to the Muslims of (Syria), especially to the children and mothers," she read from notes. "These uprisings have demonstrated that this umma (global Muslim community) is alive and well, her love is for jihad, she is unshackled herself from the fear which she held, and she yearns to once again live under the banner of (the Islamic state). Children as young as myself can be seen on the streets joining the uprisings, risking their lives to bring food, water and medicine to their wounded family members, some of them never returning to their mothers ... Nobody is too young," she said.

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A full-scale war must be fought for the minds of these young children who are being brainwashed with this bullshit. That and annihilate the adults warping their minds with their insane propoganda.
zoom---the little girl is just repeating that which muslim children learn from the cradle----I heard it from young adult muslims more than 45 years ago----and even in a mosque in the USA---shouted at an audience that was about half young boys It is simply what muslims believe----one is either a muslim or an

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