Economy shrinks at fastest quarterly rate on record

And most countries handled it way better.
Another silly, meaningless comment without defining what "better" is supposed to be, as if we could apply other country's methods to ours.
Stop making excuses, his response has been awful.
Yet that's all you do.
Worst drop to GDP ever and the most deaths.
Another meaningless unqualified comment as the situation has no standard to compare it to as its never happened here before and no more deaths than many common annual causes. Ironic that most of the deaths happened in Democrat controlled regions and 40-80% of them in the nursing homes.
He has neither protected the economy or lives. Most death and biggest gdp drop. You are a big fan of failure.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

And you want a bumbling, scatterbrained old codger like Biden to manage the recovery.

Think about that for a minute.
You want the guy who ruined us to continue? Think about that.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

Trump now can brag about a record breaking Presidency

Worst economy ever

rightwinger: whoo hoo, the US economy sucks, yeah, (tosses confetti in the air), bam, bam, bam! What are deaths up to, 200K yet? Yeah God, more dead! More unemployed, yay, yay, yay!!!!!
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

And you want a bumbling, scatterbrained old codger like Biden to manage the recovery.

Think about that for a minute.
You want the guy who ruined us to continue? Think about that.

The guy who got in your way so you tried to trip him and make him fail every way that you could. Yeah, that's a "Trump" failure. No, it's yours.

So how many people are you willing to kill to get power back? You're not blinking at 200K, you're begging for more. Just like the other leftist murdering regimes though history
Thank China for unleashing a bioweapon!

Their aim is to destroy America's middle class. And so far it's working towards achieving a have and have-not society here.
He has neither protected the economy
How do you shut down everything yet "protect the economy?" You folks just don't think very far ahead, do you? It's all the Democrats who keep fighting not to reopen things up!

or lives.
Tell me who has protected lives with much fewer deaths per capita. Countries who thought they beat it are getting it back again. HOW DOES TRUMP STOP CUOMO FROM BEING THE BIGGEST MASS MURDERING THE COUNTRY?

Most death and biggest gdp drop.
Any data to support that? Any data to linkl it to Trump and not the Dems? I thought not otherwise you'd produce it.

You are a big fan of failure.
Only failure here is that suffered us by the Left. Most of the hardest hit places have all been from people and places who refused to follow Trump's leadership. Now show me where Biden would have done any better? He was calling Trump a xenophobe back in March just for stopping travel from China!
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

And you want a bumbling, scatterbrained old codger like Biden to manage the recovery.

Think about that for a minute.
You want the guy who ruined us to continue? Think about that.

The guy who got in your way so you tried to trip him and make him fail every way that you could. Yeah, that's a "Trump" failure. No, it's yours.

So how many people are you willing to kill to get power back? You're not blinking at 200K, you're begging for more. Just like the other leftist murdering regimes though history
Trump policy has failed on its own.
He has neither protected the economy
How do you shut down everything yet "protect the economy?" You folks just don't think very far ahead, do you? It's all the Democrats who keep fighting not to reopen things up!

or lives.
Tell me who has protected lives with much fewer deaths per capita. Countries who thought they beat it are getting it back again. HOW DOES TRUMP STOP CUOMO FROM BEING THE BIGGEST MASS MURDERING THE COUNTRY?

Most death and biggest gdp drop.
Any data to support that? Any data to linkl it to Trump and not the Dems? I thought not otherwise you'd produce it.

You are a big fan of failure.
Only failure here is that suffered us by the Left. Most of the hardest hit plasces hjave all been from people and places who refused to follow Trump's leadership. Now show me where Biden would hasve done any better? He was calling Trump a xenophobe back in March just for stopping travel from China!
Well he managed to be the worst at both.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

And you want a bumbling, scatterbrained old codger like Biden to manage the recovery.

Think about that for a minute.
You want the guy who ruined us to continue? Think about that.

The guy who got in your way so you tried to trip him and make him fail every way that you could. Yeah, that's a "Trump" failure. No, it's yours.

So how many people are you willing to kill to get power back? You're not blinking at 200K, you're begging for more. Just like the other leftist murdering regimes though history
Trump policy has failed on its own.

Really? Then why did you think it was necessary to keep trying to trip him if it was failing on its own. Obviously you weren't so sure of that
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

And you want a bumbling, scatterbrained old codger like Biden to manage the recovery.

Think about that for a minute.
You want the guy who ruined us to continue? Think about that.

The guy who got in your way so you tried to trip him and make him fail every way that you could. Yeah, that's a "Trump" failure. No, it's yours.

So how many people are you willing to kill to get power back? You're not blinking at 200K, you're begging for more. Just like the other leftist murdering regimes though history
Trump policy has failed on its own.

Really? Then why did you think it was necessary to keep trying to trip him if it was failing on its own. Obviously you weren't so sure of that
Nobody has tripped him. He fell on his own. He has the presidency, senate, and Supreme Court. If you can’t succeed with that you have bad policy.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

Trump now can brag about a record breaking Presidency

Worst economy ever

rightwinger: whoo hoo, the US economy sucks, yeah, (tosses confetti in the air), bam, bam, bam! What are deaths up to, 200K yet? Yeah God, more dead! More unemployed, yay, yay, yay!!!!!

It is what you get when you elect a Crackpot Conspiracy Theorist to make your decisions during a pandemic.

It has destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives and created a massive recession bordering on Depression

Negative 33 percent is unprecedented
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

And you want a bumbling, scatterbrained old codger like Biden to manage the recovery.

Think about that for a minute.
You want the guy who ruined us to continue? Think about that.

The guy who got in your way so you tried to trip him and make him fail every way that you could. Yeah, that's a "Trump" failure. No, it's yours.

So how many people are you willing to kill to get power back? You're not blinking at 200K, you're begging for more. Just like the other leftist murdering regimes though history
Trump policy has failed on its own.

Really? Then why did you think it was necessary to keep trying to trip him if it was failing on its own. Obviously you weren't so sure of that
Nobody has tripped him. He fell on his own. He has the presidency, senate, and Supreme Court. If you can’t succeed with that you have bad policy.
You've been trying to trip Trump up since before he got in office. You can't lie or hide any longer. Now you've made sure Covid is as bad as possible while being sure to hurt the economy to the max and have the nerve to say it was Trump that did it. Man are you going to pay for it at the polls.
Thank China for unleashing a bioweapon!

Their aim is to destroy America's middle class. And so far it's working towards achieving a have and have-not society here.

Wasn’t China who told Americans to ignore the TRUMPvirus and told states to reopen prematurely
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

And you want a bumbling, scatterbrained old codger like Biden to manage the recovery.

Think about that for a minute.
You want the guy who ruined us to continue? Think about that.

The guy who got in your way so you tried to trip him and make him fail every way that you could. Yeah, that's a "Trump" failure. No, it's yours.

So how many people are you willing to kill to get power back? You're not blinking at 200K, you're begging for more. Just like the other leftist murdering regimes though history
Trump policy has failed on its own.

Really? Then why did you think it was necessary to keep trying to trip him if it was failing on its own. Obviously you weren't so sure of that
Nobody has tripped him. He fell on his own. He has the presidency, senate, and Supreme Court. If you can’t succeed with that you have bad policy.
You've been trying to trip Trump up since before he got in office. You can't lie or hide any longer. Now you've made sure Covid is as bad as possible while being sure to hurt the economy to the max and have the nerve to say it was Trump that did it. Man are you going to pay for it at the polls.
Trump is in charge moron. He offered nothing. No leadership. He neither saved the economy or lives.
Thank China for unleashing a bioweapon!

Their aim is to destroy America's middle class. And so far it's working towards achieving a have and have-not society here.

Wasn’t China who told Americans to ignore the TRUMPvirus and told states to reopen prematurely
Did China refuse to wear a mask and have a rally during a pandemic? Who was that again?
Well he managed to be the worst at both.
Job well done, Democrats.
Oh that’s cute. No responsibility for the guy in charge.
Things were going great until the democrat governors said they were in charge. Trump's just a bystander now. YOU OWN IT.

Try to man up to your crimes. America is a fucking wreck now and you got no one to blame but the face in the mirror.
Trump refused to lead and left it to the states. Who leaves an international pandemic to states?

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