E bikes are so environmentally friendly .......8 dead

Electric scooters catch fire while charging… 8 dead​

MUMBAI (Reuters) – A fire that started at an electric scooter showroom in India killed at least eight people and injured 11 in the deadliest incident involving electric vehicles in the country.

They blow up just like e cars and buses

They go up so fast you barely got a shot in a tight or trapped situation

Cars are so much better: Last year, 1,300,000 people were killed worldwide in automobile accidents, many of which involved fires. ICE vehicles suffer fires at many times the rate of EVs.
Can you imagine being in an EV BUS and it blowing up... Those things are moving death traps. I am waiting for the first EV fire truck to go up at a fire...
Except, as has already been proven, ICE vehicles are MORE LIKELY to go up in flames.

And this thread is ignoring the facts.

Funny you 'disagreed' with the post but are unable to post a single fact. Why does that not surprise me.

Electric scooters catch fire while charging… 8 dead​

MUMBAI (Reuters) – A fire that started at an electric scooter showroom in India killed at least eight people and injured 11 in the deadliest incident involving electric vehicles in the country.

They blow up just like e cars and buses

They go up so fast you barely got a shot in a tight or trapped situation

How awful. They sound very dangerous.
I am going to go out on a limb and say safety regulations in India are substantially lower than the U.S.
The United States is one of the hardest countries to sell mechanical products to due to all of the safety requirements.
Many items sold in the U.S. are different than the same product sold in other countries that have less safety features.
Glowbully Billygoat

And the cheapest. Gates is a traitor to the High-IQ community; only meek geek pushovers admire him. Since Gates was born in the 1%, in a free country there would be 99 other people as successful as he is.
I love the phrase "meek geek pushovers"! About a million years ago, I had a boyfriend who was a classmate of Gates' in high school, and my friend told the most hilarious stories, with apt impersonations, of how triggered Gates would get when turned down by a high school hottie.

Electric scooters catch fire while charging… 8 dead​

MUMBAI (Reuters) – A fire that started at an electric scooter showroom in India killed at least eight people and injured 11 in the deadliest incident involving electric vehicles in the country.

They blow up just like e cars and buses

They go up so fast you barely got a shot in a tight or trapped situation

In India - a country where American corporations go to avoid health and safety regulations.

Once again, a story to frighten the gullible and the stupid.
Cars are so much better: Last year, 1,300,000 people were killed worldwide in automobile accidents, many of which involved fires. ICE vehicles suffer fires at many times the rate of EVs.
Why do they keep repeating that over and over.
Or rather why can't they stop....

Another day, another EV Battery Fire​

6 hours ago

Eric Worrall


Essay by Eric Worrall
Two snips

Public awareness is growing of the apparent tendency of electric vehicles to spontaneously combust, and burn with a blazing hot, difficult to extinguish fire.

Electric vehicle fires seem much fiercer than the gasoline fire I experienced. They seem to burn hot, much hotter than the gasoline fire which scorched the rear of my vehicle. Worse, EV fires seem to be very difficult to extinguish, and damaged EV batteries remain dangerous even when you think the fire risk is over.
Head over to watts for the video

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