Dying in Darkness


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Six weeks into the Biden regime, Joe’s professed commitment to truth and transparency continues to wane, with the President of the United States failing to hold a press conference, refusing to publish his schedule, hiding visitor logs from the public, and deleting the White House pages for comments and public petitions. Cynics might say that democracy is currently dying in darkness.

Six weeks into the Biden regime, Joe’s professed commitment to truth and transparency continues to wane, with the President of the United States failing to hold a press conference, refusing to publish his schedule, hiding visitor logs from the public, and deleting the White House pages for comments and public petitions. Cynics might say that democracy is currently dying in darkness.

There's a White House press briefing almost every day. President Biden just spoke this afternoon. Unlike his predecessor, I don't feel the need to keep track of his schedule. I have no question he's there to work and do the job he was elected to do. Not rage tweet, watch a lot of Fox News, hold pep rallies, and golf. We're in the middle of a pandemic. One that your hero and savior chose to largely ignore...which is a large reason we're in the predicament we are in now. All this article amounts to is a lot of alt-right tears. Same crap I've been reading on Biden for the last year. :)
Six weeks into the Biden regime, Joe’s professed commitment to truth and transparency continues to wane, with the President of the United States failing to hold a press conference, refusing to publish his schedule, hiding visitor logs from the public, and deleting the White House pages for comments and public petitions. Cynics might say that democracy is currently dying in darkness.

There's a White House press briefing almost every day. President Biden just spoke this afternoon. Unlike his predecessor, I don't feel the need to keep track of his schedule. I have no question he's there to work and do the job he was elected to do. Not rage tweet, watch a lot of Fox News, hold pep rallies, and golf. We're in the middle of a pandemic. One that your hero and savior chose to largely ignore...which is a large reason we're in the predicament we are in now. All this article amounts to is a lot of alt-right tears. Same crap I've been reading on Biden for the last year. :)

You're the reason he's getting away with it.
Comments not allowed on official White House Youtube page.
Petitions not allowed on White House page.
No meeting and greeting the public.
No energy. No inspiration. No leadership.
Comments not allowed on official White House Youtube page.
Petitions not allowed on White House page.
No meeting and greeting the public.
No energy. No inspiration. No leadership.

And a massive wall around the capitol with heavily armed stormtroopers patrolling. For the "most popular president in history".

Jill Biden is not a teacher.
Hunter Biden is not an oil pipeline expert.
And Joe Biden is not the legitimate President.
Six weeks into the Biden regime, Joe’s professed commitment to truth and transparency continues to wane, with the President of the United States failing to hold a press conference, refusing to publish his schedule, hiding visitor logs from the public, and deleting the White House pages for comments and public petitions. Cynics might say that democracy is currently dying in darkness.

There's a White House press briefing almost every day. President Biden just spoke this afternoon. Unlike his predecessor, I don't feel the need to keep track of his schedule. I have no question he's there to work and do the job he was elected to do. Not rage tweet, watch a lot of Fox News, hold pep rallies, and golf. We're in the middle of a pandemic. One that your hero and savior chose to largely ignore...which is a large reason we're in the predicament we are in now. All this article amounts to is a lot of alt-right tears. Same crap I've been reading on Biden for the last year. :)
Yup, transparency is no longer important 'cause my guy is in the Whitehouse.
Six weeks into the Biden regime, Joe’s professed commitment to truth and transparency continues to wane, with the President of the United States failing to hold a press conference, refusing to publish his schedule, hiding visitor logs from the public, and deleting the White House pages for comments and public petitions. Cynics might say that democracy is currently dying in darkness.

There's a White House press briefing almost every day. President Biden just spoke this afternoon. Unlike his predecessor, I don't feel the need to keep track of his schedule. I have no question he's there to work and do the job he was elected to do. Not rage tweet, watch a lot of Fox News, hold pep rallies, and golf. We're in the middle of a pandemic. One that your hero and savior chose to largely ignore...which is a large reason we're in the predicament we are in now. All this article amounts to is a lot of alt-right tears. Same crap I've been reading on Biden for the last year. :)

You're the reason he's getting away with it.

He's working. Not performing any other activities. Because he's interested in doing the job. I can see that in the daily press briefings and the way his administration conducts its business.
What you and others are looking for here is your alt-right "gotcha" moments. Anything to salve your hurt feelings that your savior doesn't occupy that chair anymore.
Well, you know what you can do with your feelings, right? :)
Six weeks into the Biden regime, Joe’s professed commitment to truth and transparency continues to wane, with the President of the United States failing to hold a press conference, refusing to publish his schedule, hiding visitor logs from the public, and deleting the White House pages for comments and public petitions. Cynics might say that democracy is currently dying in darkness.

There's a White House press briefing almost every day. President Biden just spoke this afternoon. Unlike his predecessor, I don't feel the need to keep track of his schedule. I have no question he's there to work and do the job he was elected to do. Not rage tweet, watch a lot of Fox News, hold pep rallies, and golf. We're in the middle of a pandemic. One that your hero and savior chose to largely ignore...which is a large reason we're in the predicament we are in now. All this article amounts to is a lot of alt-right tears. Same crap I've been reading on Biden for the last year. :)
Yup, transparency is no longer important 'cause my guy is in the Whitehouse.

Well, if you feel that way, where was your just and righteous outrage when the last guy's admin was all but invisible? When the "press secretary" was more interested in shouting and berating WH reporters than they were actually informing them of anything going on? Don't see a whole bunch of leaks coming from the WH now do you? You would think with all the nefarious going ons that you righties believe is happening that SOME patriot would whisper to the press. But you're not hearing that are you? That's because there are adults back in charge with a competent, career politician sitting in the Oval Office. Not a disinterested, whiny, corrupt teenager with a cell phone who is more interested what was in it for him than he was about actually doing the job he was elected to do.
Six weeks into the Biden regime, Joe’s professed commitment to truth and transparency continues to wane, with the President of the United States failing to hold a press conference, refusing to publish his schedule, hiding visitor logs from the public, and deleting the White House pages for comments and public petitions. Cynics might say that democracy is currently dying in darkness.

There's a White House press briefing almost every day. President Biden just spoke this afternoon. Unlike his predecessor, I don't feel the need to keep track of his schedule. I have no question he's there to work and do the job he was elected to do. Not rage tweet, watch a lot of Fox News, hold pep rallies, and golf. We're in the middle of a pandemic. One that your hero and savior chose to largely ignore...which is a large reason we're in the predicament we are in now. All this article amounts to is a lot of alt-right tears. Same crap I've been reading on Biden for the last year. :)
Yup, transparency is no longer important 'cause my guy is in the Whitehouse.

Well, if you feel that way, where was your just and righteous outrage when the last guy's admin was all but invisible? When the "press secretary" was more interested in shouting and berating WH reporters than they were actually informing them of anything going on? Don't see a whole bunch of leaks coming from the WH now do you? You would think with all the nefarious going ons that you righties believe is happening that SOME patriot would whisper to the press. But you're not hearing that are you? That's because there are adults back in charge with a competent, career politician sitting in the Oval Office. Not a disinterested, whiny, corrupt teenager with a cell phone who is more interested what was in it for him than he was about actually doing the job he was elected to do.
In the same place it has always been. I was never a Trump supporter. Came close to voting for him because the dems have gotten so bad but the debates sealed the deal there. Trump clearly was disinterested in truth so transparency is intrinsic in that so Trump certainly was not transparent.

Your post is little more than a partisan's blanket prepared response of whataboutism.
Six weeks into the Biden regime, Joe’s professed commitment to truth and transparency continues to wane, with the President of the United States failing to hold a press conference, refusing to publish his schedule, hiding visitor logs from the public, and deleting the White House pages for comments and public petitions. Cynics might say that democracy is currently dying in darkness.

Is Democracy About to Die in Darkness?
Is Democracy About to Die in Darkness? by Emmett Tyrrell (townhall.com)
Democrats in the House of Representatives are calling open season on the First Amendment.
"Let us see how long it takes the media to wake up to the threat the Democrats are posing to the media’s freedom. We all have heard what a grave threat Sen. Joe McCarthy was to freedom of speech in the 1950s. He became one of the most famous figures in American history by threatening free speech. Now you have dozens of Democrats threatening whole networks and no one has complained, not even in the media. What happened to freedom of speech?"

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