Durbin vs. McConnell = Why Is Mitch Working For McConnell


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
McConnell, also referred to as "Moscow Mitch" has a one track mind. He is trying to push through a judge from Kentucky who used to work for him. The Republican Senator from Kentucky is a power hungry old fool. I don't understand how that crooked SOB stays in office. A perfect reason for term limits has his name written all over it.

"Sen. Dick Durban (D-IL) can’t understand why the U.S. Senate is spending its time focusing on a judge from Kentucky when there are issues facing Americans that desperately need help amid the coronavirus crisis."

“Well, I looked around and thought, of all the things the Senate Judiciary Committee should be considering this morning why are we not taking up the question of profiteering or testing or making certain people are held accountable if they misrepresent and do a health scam to a senior citizen?” Durbin asked. “None of those things. What we’re considering is a judge from Kentucky. I don’t think the people from Illinois would be applauding my spending this week on that as opposed to a national emergency and a public health crisis.”

The dems will not be able to run to the courts to get their way any longer...they will have to put their desires up for a vote by the people not go around us to some liberal judge.....hallelujah!!!!
McConnell, also referred to as "Moscow Mitch" has a one track mind. He is trying to push through a judge from Kentucky who used to work for him. The Republican Senator from Kentucky is a power hungry old fool. I don't understand how that crooked SOB stays in office. A perfect reason for term limits has his name written all over it.

"Sen. Dick Durban (D-IL) can’t understand why the U.S. Senate is spending its time focusing on a judge from Kentucky when there are issues facing Americans that desperately need help amid the coronavirus crisis."

“Well, I looked around and thought, of all the things the Senate Judiciary Committee should be considering this morning why are we not taking up the question of profiteering or testing or making certain people are held accountable if they misrepresent and do a health scam to a senior citizen?” Durbin asked. “None of those things. What we’re considering is a judge from Kentucky. I don’t think the people from Illinois would be applauding my spending this week on that as opposed to a national emergency and a public health crisis.”

The Republican Senator from Kentucky is a power hungry old fool. I don't understand how that crooked SOB stays in office. A perfect reason for term limits has his name written all over it.

the same can be said of Durbin, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Leahy, etc.

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