Driven by the pro Israel fanaticism. American man brutally killed a six year old American boy.


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
This man had the devil in him when he stabbed the six year old American boy 25 times

Made Jesus Guy this beautiful child into the kingdom of heaven and may he bless his family.

A Catholic Knight stands up for the poor. And stands up to the wicked. As Christians in America, we must stand up for the poor and for the children who are not able to protect themselves.
This man had the devil in him when he stabbed the six year old American boy 25 times

Made Jesus Guy this beautiful child into the kingdom of heaven and may he bless his family.

A Catholic Knight stands up for the poor. And stands up to the wicked. As Christians in America, we must stand up for the poor and for the children who are not able to protect themselves.

The child is Muslim.
Apparently you decided to convert this child to Christianity.

The criminal is a Christian man. Against a little boy, Muslim. And the mother who survived.

How dare you turn this into some Christian good will leading this child to a Christian heaven?

Shame on you.
Shame on you.
Shame on you.
The child is Muslim.
Apparently you decided to convert this child to Christianity.

The criminal is a Christian man. Against a little boy, Muslim. And the mother who survived.

How dare you turn this into some Christian good will leading this child to a Christian heaven?

Shame on you.
Shame on you.
Shame on you.
Democrats lie about their Christianity all the time. They claim to be Christians who believe in abortion up to the due date,or Christians who want porn available to children in school libraries. They claim to be Christian and support antifa, blm and other violent and depraved terror groups including every Islam nation terror cell that has ever sprouted.

They aren't Christians. PS all democrats are liars, reprobate, criminals. Every one of them, no exceptions. It's like Islam that way.
This man had the devil in him when he stabbed the six year old American boy 25 times

Made Jesus Guy this beautiful child into the kingdom of heaven and may he bless his family.

A Catholic Knight stands up for the poor. And stands up to the wicked. As Christians in America, we must stand up for the poor and for the children who are not able to protect themselves.

One deranged man killing one unfortunate muslim child does not offset thousands of muslim men brutally murdering one thousand Jewish women and children
Religious fanaticism strikes yet again.

What is it with that stuff that makes people so crazy?
I don’t know if it was a case of religious fanaticism. It was undoubtably a case of a 71-year-old man who was motivated by fanaticism from Israel to kill a six year old American boy. I don’t know if he’s an atheist or Christian or a Hindu.

But the pro Israel fanatics are the same as Hamas …. They’re completely insane. They know full well that almost every Palestinian and people in America, who are neutral or pro Palestine , have denounce the attacks by hamas

But they keep on banging on with pure insanity. Most Palestinians agree that Most Jews are good people. Now you look at how the pro Israel fanatics act they hate Muslims and even some of them hate Christians. The engage in all sorts of conspiracy theories like the idea that a “Palestinians hide behind children”.

when all of those beautiful Jewish children when killed in Israel you could make the same non logical argument they make which is that “oh well, they were used as a human shields by Jewish men..”

What you have going on in the Gaza Strip is a situation where the overwhelming majority of people 99% according to report …reject Hamas…. And they are told by the IDF to clear their homes before being bombed to hell in a few moments. They don’t have anywhere to go and often what is happening they go to one area which also gets bombed. … their kids get killed, and then they get called out for using “human shields”
I’m neutral in this thing , recognizing the hate filled criminal Jews, and Muslims on both sides…. I have shown Jewish monsters who have killed innocent children. I provided links and people like Sixties Fan
Never say anything about it. That’s his choice. He has openly stated he hates Islam and thinks Christians have a history of antisemitism

But like most people in the world who recognize common sense, we understand that most Jews and Muslims are good people.

And so what we had here is an attack on an American boy by a 71-year-old man who’s watching all of this crazy pro Israel news on the media. So he stabs a six year old boy 25 times. Now that happened Now that happened here in America. Much of Our media is hyping people up by concentrating on the pro Israel side constantly.

We should ask ourselves as American Christians what would Jesus do. ?? Clearly, Jesus in the Christian religion is absolutely hated by a tiny fraction of people who they don’t care at all.

What pro Israeli are saying about this is if they see Christians say I am neutral or I criticize Israel, shutting off the water of women and children… the Christian gets called all sorts of names

Within time, we will all have a more peaceful world though.
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Democrats lie about their Christianity all the time. They claim to be Christians who believe in abortion up to the due date,or Christians who want porn available to children in school libraries. They claim to be Christian and support antifa, blm and other violent and depraved terror groups including every Islam nation terror cell that has ever sprouted.

They aren't Christians. PS all democrats are liars, reprobate, criminals. Every one of them, no exceptions. It's like Islam that way.
And non Jewish, non Kosher girl turns the thread into another mission about abortion.

Get some therapy.
I don’t know if it was a case of religious fanaticism. It was undoubtably a case of a 71-year-old man who was motivated by fanaticism from Israel to kill a six year old American boy. I don’t know if he’s an atheist or Christian or a Hindu.

But the pro Israel fanatics are the same as Hamas …. They’re completely insane. They know full well that almost every Palestinian and people in America, who are neutral or pro Palestine , have denounce the attacks by hamas

But they keep on banging on with pure insanity. Most Palestinians agree that Most Jews are good people. Now you look at how the pro Israel fanatics act they hate Muslims and even some of them hate Christians. The engage in all sorts of conspiracy theories like the idea that a “Palestinians hide behind children”.

when all of those beautiful Jewish children when killed in Israel you could make the same non logical argument they make which is that “oh well, they were used as a human shields by Jewish men..”

What you have going on in the Gaza Strip is a situation where the overwhelming majority of people 99% according to report …reject Hamas…. And they are told by the IDF to clear their homes before being bombed to hell in a few moments. They don’t have anywhere to go and often what is happening they go to one area which also gets bombed. … their kids get killed, and then they get called out for using “human shields”
Keep lying. You do it so well.
This man had the devil in him when he stabbed the six year old American boy 25 times

Made Jesus Guy this beautiful child into the kingdom of heaven and may he bless his family.

A Catholic Knight stands up for the poor. And stands up to the wicked. As Christians in America, we must stand up for the poor and for the children who are not able to protect themselves.

Were you on meds when you wrote this? Who's the "Jesus Guy" / Catholic Knight in this story?
This man had the devil in him when he stabbed the six year old American boy 25 times

Made Jesus Guy this beautiful child into the kingdom of heaven and may he bless his family.

A Catholic Knight stands up for the poor. And stands up to the wicked. As Christians in America, we must stand up for the poor and for the children who are not able to protect themselves.

Ironically enough, god already knew what would happen and allowed the devil to proceed.
The engage in all sorts of conspiracy theories like the idea that a “Palestinians hide behind children”.
The Hamas and PIJ have done this for many years and the fact that you deny it tells everyone exactly what you are. Perhaps you'd like to tell us those babies weren't beheaded or burned? Those who support evil ARE evil.
This man had the devil in him when he stabbed the six year old American boy 25 times

Made Jesus Guy this beautiful child into the kingdom of heaven and may he bless his family.

A Catholic Knight stands up for the poor. And stands up to the wicked. As Christians in America, we must stand up for the poor and for the children who are not able to protect themselves.

You mean this piece of news==>Landlord kills six-year-old Muslim boy and stabs mother in Illinois hate crime | Illinois | The Guardian – Landlord kills six-year-old Muslim boy and stabs mother in Illinois hate crime

#### The UK's Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The United Kingdom has played a significant role in the conflicts between Jews and Palestinians in the Middle East, particularly during the period of the British Mandate for Palestine from 1920 to 1948. Here are some key points regarding the UK's involvement:

Balfour Declaration and British Mandate: In 1917, during World War I, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, which expressed support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. This declaration had a profound impact on the region and set the stage for future conflicts. Following the war, the League of Nations granted Britain the mandate to administer Palestine.

Implementation of the Mandate: Under the British Mandate, tensions between Jewish and Arab communities in Palestine escalated. The British administration faced challenges in balancing the competing interests of both groups. Jewish immigration increased, leading to concerns among the Arab population about the demographic balance and their political rights.

Arab-Jewish Clashes: The British Mandate witnessed numerous clashes between Arab and Jewish communities. These conflicts were fueled by various factors, including competing national aspirations, land disputes, and the perception of British favoritism towards the Jewish community. The violence intensified in the 1930s and 1940s, with attacks and reprisals from both sides.

Restrictions on Jewish Immigration: During World War II, the British restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine, which led to frustration and resistance from Jewish groups seeking refuge from Nazi persecution. This restriction, combined with the British administration's handling of the conflict, contributed to growing Jewish dissatisfaction with British rule.

End of the Mandate and Israeli Independence: In 1947, the British government decided to terminate the mandate and referred the question of Palestine to the United Nations. The UN proposed a partition plan that would have created separate Jewish and Arab states, but it was rejected by the Arab states and Palestinian leadership. In 1948, following the end of the British Mandate, the State of Israel was declared, leading to a war between Israel and neighboring Arab states.

Legacy: The British Mandate and the UK's involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have had a lasting impact on the region. The unresolved issues and grievances from that period continue to shape the dynamics of the conflict today.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is complex and involves multiple factors and actors beyond the UK's role. The conflict has evolved over time, and various international and regional powers have been involved in attempts to mediate and find a resolution.

Obviously, some Americans can be manipulated by the news media. They do not realize the media themselves are always part of many problems across the globe. Yes, the media bias sometimes brings crimes! lol. :)

Sources :

1. What Is U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

2. Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian

3. Israel Gaza war: History of the conflict explained - BBC News | Israel Gaza war: History of the conflict explained

4. More than a century on: The Balfour Declaration explained
You mean this piece of news==>Landlord kills six-year-old Muslim boy and stabs mother in Illinois hate crime | Illinois | The Guardian – Landlord kills six-year-old Muslim boy and stabs mother in Illinois hate crime

#### The UK's Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The United Kingdom has played a significant role in the conflicts between Jews and Palestinians in the Middle East, particularly during the period of the British Mandate for Palestine from 1920 to 1948. Here are some key points regarding the UK's involvement:

Balfour Declaration and British Mandate: In 1917, during World War I, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, which expressed support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. This declaration had a profound impact on the region and set the stage for future conflicts. Following the war, the League of Nations granted Britain the mandate to administer Palestine.

Implementation of the Mandate: Under the British Mandate, tensions between Jewish and Arab communities in Palestine escalated. The British administration faced challenges in balancing the competing interests of both groups. Jewish immigration increased, leading to concerns among the Arab population about the demographic balance and their political rights.

Arab-Jewish Clashes: The British Mandate witnessed numerous clashes between Arab and Jewish communities. These conflicts were fueled by various factors, including competing national aspirations, land disputes, and the perception of British favoritism towards the Jewish community. The violence intensified in the 1930s and 1940s, with attacks and reprisals from both sides.

Restrictions on Jewish Immigration: During World War II, the British restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine, which led to frustration and resistance from Jewish groups seeking refuge from Nazi persecution. This restriction, combined with the British administration's handling of the conflict, contributed to growing Jewish dissatisfaction with British rule.

End of the Mandate and Israeli Independence: In 1947, the British government decided to terminate the mandate and referred the question of Palestine to the United Nations. The UN proposed a partition plan that would have created separate Jewish and Arab states, but it was rejected by the Arab states and Palestinian leadership. In 1948, following the end of the British Mandate, the State of Israel was declared, leading to a war between Israel and neighboring Arab states.

Legacy: The British Mandate and the UK's involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have had a lasting impact on the region. The unresolved issues and grievances from that period continue to shape the dynamics of the conflict today.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is complex and involves multiple factors and actors beyond the UK's role. The conflict has evolved over time, and various international and regional powers have been involved in attempts to mediate and find a resolution.

Obviously, some Americans can be manipulated by the news media. They do not realize the media themselves are always part of many problems across the globe. Yes, the media bias sometimes brings crimes! lol. :)

Sources :

1. What Is U.S. Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

2. Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian

3. Israel Gaza war: History of the conflict explained - BBC News | Israel Gaza war: History of the conflict explained

4. More than a century on: The Balfour Declaration explained
Yeah, the attack happened in Chicago. It was a 71-year-old landlord who was driven by pro Israel fanaticism. From the reporting, he had a good relationship with his Muslim tenants who are from Palestine or at least him otherwise. And then he is galvanized by all of this pro Israel fanaticism in the news and he goes on to stab a six year old boy 25 times.

I don’t know what the 71 year old mans religion was but as he was stabbing to death a six-year-old child, he was shouting, all sorts of anti-Muslim slogans. He also stabbed the boy’s mother. So the media has hyped people up in this country about this issue. Which is all the more interesting because every weekend in Chicago 50 young men are killed in gang warfare’s, mostly young black men. We have 100,000 Americans dying every year from drugs brought over the border. But our media is hyper concentrating on the Israel Palestine issue. They are not to be directly blamed for the attack in Chicago, but they should be doing a better job covering the news.

And so, for example, the idea that Palestinians use “human shields” is Jewish propaganda. Much like when you have Christian propaganda and Muslim propaganda.

It’s insanity what you actually have in Israel for example is Palestinian get a notification that the IDF is going to bomb the neighborhood in Palestine they’ve done this throughout the years

“ notification “.

Then the Palestinian man takes his family to a location that also gets bombed…. And the Palestinians get called out for using “human shields”

It is satanic propaganda from the devil himself. It’s no different than saying all of those Jewish children who were killed last week in Israel we’re being used a human shields by Israelis

I’m neutral in this conflict. As a Catholic. A follower of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Now for saying that I’m neutral Im called a “joo hater “ an antisemite constantly by pro Israel people. It’s like they are fishing for something that doesn’t exist the idea that I’m against Jews. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest not one bit. I know how I think about these issues. Whereas some of these Jewish monsters are openly against Christians and more so against Muslims but also sometimes they hate Christians even more.

Most people that support Israel are wonderful, hard-working people… Some of the pro Israel people are the most annoying people on the planet. They are usually from outside of Israel too. They are like the BLM activist. They constantly call people racist with no evidence. They do it so much almost every day that they are looking to provoke a response. Well, it just ain’t gonna happen. I am like most Christians who are neutral when it comes to Israel Palestine…we have been trying our best to follow in the footsteps of Jesus ….recognize the common sense that there’s good people from every religion. While at the same time calling out the bad guys
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Yeah, the attack happened in Chicago. It was a 71-year-old landlord who was driven by pro Israel fanaticism. From the reporting, he had a good relationship with his Muslim tenants who are from Palestine or at least him otherwise. And then he is galvanized by all of this pro Israel fanaticism in the news and he goes on to stab a six year old boy 25 times.

I don’t know what the 71 year old mans religion was but as he was stabbing to death a six-year-old child, he was shouting, all sorts of anti-Muslim slogans. He also stabbed the boy’s mother. So the media has hyped people up in this country about this issue. Which is all the more interesting because every weekend in Chicago 50 young men are killed in gang warfare’s, mostly young black men. We have 100,000 Americans dying every year from drugs brought over the border. But our media is hyper concentrating on the Israel Palestine issue. They are not to be directly blamed for the attack in Chicago, but they should be doing a better job covering the news.

And so, for example, the idea that Palestinians use “human shields” is Jewish propaganda. Much like when you have Christian propaganda and Muslim propaganda.

It’s insanity what you actually have in Israel for example is Palestinian get a notification that the IDF is going to bomb the neighborhood in Palestine they’ve done this throughout the years

“ notification “.

Then the Palestinian man takes his family to a location that also gets bombed…. And the Palestinians get called out for using “human shields”

It is satanic propaganda from the devil himself. It’s no different than saying all of those Jewish children who were killed last week in Israel we’re being used a human shields by Israelis

I’m neutral in this conflict. As a Catholic. A follower of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Now for saying that I’m neutral Im called a “joo hater “ an antisemite constantly by pro Israel people. It’s like they are fishing for something that doesn’t exist the idea that I’m against Jews. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest not one bit. I know how I think about these issues. Whereas some of these Jewish monsters are openly against Christians and more so against Muslims but also sometimes they hate Christians even more.

Most people that support Israel are wonderful, hard-working people… Some of the pro Israel people are the most annoying people on the planet. They are usually from outside of Israel too. They are like the BLM activist. They constantly call people racist with no evidence. They do it so much almost every day that they are looking to provoke a response. Well, it just ain’t gonna happen. I am like most Christians who are neutral when it comes to Israel Palestine…we have been trying our best to follow in the footsteps of Jesus ….recognize the common sense that there’s good people from every religion. While at the same time calling out the bad guys
This was not a pro Israel attack, or against Israel attack. This was an attack against Muslims, period.

You need to lie to attack Israel indirectly.

The Landlord was driven by 8 years of Trump ban on Muslims right to immigrate to the US, the endless attacks on Muslims by that man via laws and tweets. They found a fan in that 71 year old man.

President Donald Trump retweeted a doctored image of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wearing a hijab and Senator Chuck Schumer wearing a turban on Jan. 13. In the fake photo, both were seen standing in front of an Iranian flag with a caption saying: “The corrupted Dems trying their best to come to the Ayatollah’s rescue.”

Trump was again criticized for promoting anti-Muslim sentiments and for being a social media troll who spreads false information.

(full article online)

Yeah, the attack happened in Chicago. It was a 71-year-old landlord who was driven by pro Israel fanaticism. From the reporting, he had a good relationship with his Muslim tenants who are from Palestine or at least him otherwise. And then he is galvanized by all of this pro Israel fanaticism in the news and he goes on to stab a six year old boy 25 times.

I don’t know what the 71 year old mans religion was but as he was stabbing to death a six-year-old child, he was shouting, all sorts of anti-Muslim slogans. He also stabbed the boy’s mother. So the media has hyped people up in this country about this issue. Which is all the more interesting because every weekend in Chicago 50 young men are killed in gang warfare’s, mostly young black men. We have 100,000 Americans dying every year from drugs brought over the border. But our media is hyper concentrating on the Israel Palestine issue. They are not to be directly blamed for the attack in Chicago, but they should be doing a better job covering the news.

And so, for example, the idea that Palestinians use “human shields” is Jewish propaganda. Much like when you have Christian propaganda and Muslim propaganda.

It’s insanity what you actually have in Israel for example is Palestinian get a notification that the IDF is going to bomb the neighborhood in Palestine they’ve done this throughout the years

“ notification “.

Then the Palestinian man takes his family to a location that also gets bombed…. And the Palestinians get called out for using “human shields”

It is satanic propaganda from the devil himself. It’s no different than saying all of those Jewish children who were killed last week in Israel we’re being used a human shields by Israelis

I’m neutral in this conflict. As a Catholic. A follower of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Now for saying that I’m neutral Im called a “joo hater “ an antisemite constantly by pro Israel people. It’s like they are fishing for something that doesn’t exist the idea that I’m against Jews. It doesn’t bother me in the slightest not one bit. I know how I think about these issues. Whereas some of these Jewish monsters are openly against Christians and more so against Muslims but also sometimes they hate Christians even more.

Most people that support Israel are wonderful, hard-working people… Some of the pro Israel people are the most annoying people on the planet. They are usually from outside of Israel too. They are like the BLM activist. They constantly call people racist with no evidence. They do it so much almost every day that they are looking to provoke a response. Well, it just ain’t gonna happen. I am like most Christians who are neutral when it comes to Israel Palestine…we have been trying our best to follow in the footsteps of Jesus ….recognize the common sense that there’s good people from every religion. While at the same time calling out the bad guys
Hamas DOES use civilians as humans shield. It is thoroughly documented.

But Pro Russia Roosevelt, wants people to believe otherwise.

And keep bringing Jesus, who would not accept Christianity even if his life depended on it, as your endless excuse for attacking HIS people and HIS Nation, Israel.

What a guy !!!!

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