Zone1 Dramatic Rise in Antisemitism in America


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
I just got off the history forum, where a couple of vicious antisemites are getting their rocks off bullying a Jewish woman (me), and I wondered whether the apparent increase in Jew-hate is just in forums, or it’s for real.

Sadly, it’s for real. The ADL reports a dramatic rise in antisemitism. Most alarming to me is the 40% jump in college antisemitism and almost 50% jump in grade school antisemitism. This is tied, of course, to the anti-Israel fervor in liberal schools, and the conflation of Jews and Israelis.

Let Jews and all decent-minded people fight back against the rising antisemitism in this country.

Don't forget to brag about all that great Jewish support and apologia for the Armenian Genocides your Muslim Hero Kemal committed, and of course his butchering all those Greeks as well.

Of course, they weren't humans, just goyim, so they don't count with you Orthodox and Hasidim. Keep lying and calling people names then snivel about 'bullying', it is hilarious hypocrisy as you run around smearing Christians and great American Presidents.

Did someone mention my name?
Don't forget to brag about all that great Jewish support and apologia for the Armenian Genocides your Muslim Hero Kemal committed, and of course his butchering all those Greeks as well.

Of course, they weren't humans, just goyim, so they don't count with you Orthodox and Hasidim. Keep lying and calling people names then snivel about 'bullying', it is hilarious hypocrisy as you run around smearing Christians and great American Presidents.
Thanks for highlighting everything that is wrong with the internet. Ignorant, stupid people get to share their lies and moronic opinions. I mean you DudleySmith
Thanks for highlighting everything that is wrong with the internet. Ignorant, stupid people get to share their lies and moronic opinions. I mean you DudleySmith
Who in the GOP Congress is as openly anti-semitic as Omar?

Her own party acknowledges her antisemitisms, yet they stick together like glue.


Why does the DNC get a free pass on antisemitism?


Free pass for Omar because:

1. Woman. Check (not that we know what one is mind you)
2. Color other than white. Check.
3. Muslim. Check.
4. Democrat. (and really, that is all she needed.)
Who in the GOP Congress is as openly anti-semitic as Omar?

Her own party acknowledges her antisemitisms, yet they stick together like glue.


Why does the DNC get a free pass on antisemitism?


Free pass for Omar because:

1. Woman. Check (not that we know what one is mind you)
2. Color other than white. Check.
3. Muslim. Check.
4. Democrat. (and really, that is all she needed.)
Yup….she checks all the so-called “victim” boxes.

You can be sure that when there is a conflict between Jews and Muslims, the Democrats will side with the Muslims.
I just got off the history forum, where a couple of vicious antisemites are getting their rocks off bullying a Jewish woman (me), and I wondered whether the apparent increase in Jew-hate is just in forums, or it’s for real.

Sadly, it’s for real. The ADL reports a dramatic rise in antisemitism. Most alarming to me is the 40% jump in college antisemitism and almost 50% jump in grade school antisemitism. This is tied, of course, to the anti-Israel fervor in liberal schools, and the conflation of Jews and Israelis.

Let Jews and all decent-minded people fight back against the rising antisemitism in this country.

You hate a Jew named Soros.
You hate a Jew named Soros.
I hate a far-left Democrat who happens to have a Jewish background. His religion is irrelevant.

Aside from attacking me to put me on the defensive, any comments about the TOPIC - the massive increase in antisemitism?
Who in the GOP Congress is as openly anti-semitic as Omar?

Her own party acknowledges her antisemitisms, yet they stick together like glue.


Why does the DNC get a free pass on antisemitism?


Free pass for Omar because:

1. Woman. Check (not that we know what one is mind you)
2. Color other than white. Check.
3. Muslim. Check.
4. Democrat. (and really, that is all she needed.)
Thanks for an excellent example of WHATABOUTISM. Does the anti-Semitism of Omar excuse that of anyone else?

Here is how the Democrats 'stick together like glue':
Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., faced a firestorm recently after suggesting political support for Israel might entail "allegiance to a foreign country." After critics slammed her remarks as anti-Semitic, the freshman congresswoman apologized, and House Democrats wrote a resolution condemning bigotry.​
Hatred of the Jews was called by a Gentile German leader of the Social Democratic Party, "the socialism of fools." Jew hate combines left wing politics of envy with right wing ethnic and religious bigotry.

Jew haters have watched Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better income. Now they fear being fired and replaced by more intelligent, better paid Jews who will perform their jobs faster, better, and with less effort.

Many white Gentiles who are angry about their economic circumstances are reluctant to direct their anger at rich white Gentiles. They find it easy to hate rich Jews. Hatred of rich Jews easily segues to hatred of all Jews, some of whom are poor.

Jew hate becomes widespread during hard economic times. It was widespread during the Great Depression, but President Roosevelt directed most of the anger toward rich white Gentiles.
Thanks for an excellent example of WHATABOUTISM. Does the anti-Semitism of Omar excuse that of anyone else?

Here is how the Democrats 'stick together like glue':
Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., faced a firestorm recently after suggesting political support for Israel might entail "allegiance to a foreign country." After critics slammed her remarks as anti-Semitic, the freshman congresswoman apologized, and House Democrats wrote a resolution condemning bigotry.​
More specifically, the Republicans wanted a resolution condemning antisemitism after Omar’s remarks, but the Dems insisted on watering it down. They listed a lot of groups, with Jews near the end, and Omar told her constituents that Congress issued a resolution condemning Islamophobia.
Hatred of the Jews was called by a Gentile German leader of the Social Democratic Party, "the socialism of fools." Jew hate combines left wing politics of envy with right wing ethnic and religious bigotry.

Jew haters have watched Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better income. Now they fear being fired and replaced by more intelligent, better paid Jews who will perform their jobs faster, better, and with less effort.

Many white Gentiles who are angry about their economic circumstances are reluctant to direct their anger at rich white Gentiles. They find it easy to hate rich Jews. Hatred of rich Jews easily segues to hatred of all Jews, some of whom are poor.

Jew hate becomes widespread during hard economic times. It was widespread during the Great Depression, but President Roosevelt directed most of the anger toward rich white Gentiles.

And I worry that antisemitism will ramp up even more if and when our economy worsens. Jews will be the scapegoat, as they always are.

Did someone mention my name?
Yep. Kinda figured you'd go straight here. Omar was criticizing the state of Israel and the enabling that the US does for its little brother.

Unfortunately, most of the real anti-semitism....comes from...wait for it...the right wing and the alt-right.
Which, as I remember, are people that fall ideologically on your side of the fence. :) So, there's that.

Space lasers anyone? :)
I just got off the history forum, where a couple of vicious antisemites are getting their rocks off bullying a Jewish woman (me), and I wondered whether the apparent increase in Jew-hate is just in forums, or it’s for real.

Sadly, it’s for real. The ADL reports a dramatic rise in antisemitism. Most alarming to me is the 40% jump in college antisemitism and almost 50% jump in grade school antisemitism. This is tied, of course, to the anti-Israel fervor in liberal schools, and the conflation of Jews and Israelis.

Let Jews and all decent-minded people fight back against the rising antisemitism in this country.

Baraboo (WI) Junior Prom 2018.... Sickening. No action was taken against the students. Apparently the parents were standing off to the side as this is a tradition to take pictures before the Junior Prom on the courthouse steps.
Thanks for highlighting everything that is wrong with the internet. Ignorant, stupid people get to share their lies and moronic opinions. I mean you DudleySmith

So you're calling the Times Of Israel and the rest of the Jewish press antisemitic liars? lol GFY, you're emotionally retarded, like most racists.
I've never really found anything to hate them over. :dunno:

Nobody really does, it's mostly imaginary, just useful for scamming money out of gullible evangelicals and deflecting from their own racist cults and sorry history of murdering others, including other Jews. Mostly it frauds like Lisa here sniveling about others practicing the same exclusionary discrimination they've practiced for 2,500 years.
Nobody really does, it's mostly imaginary, just useful for scamming money out of gullible evangelicals and deflecting from their own racist cults and sorry history of murdering others, including other Jews. Mostly it frauds like Lisa here sniveling about others practicing the same exclusionary discrimination they've practiced for 2,500 years.
While she seems overly invested I've not seen any fraudulent claims from her.

When I think of the Jews of America I usually think of this first.....All else after.


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