Drag queen festival in Austin promotes early sexualization of children/gender confusion

If you know of pedophilia, even in public at a parade, or "deviant sex acts in public," as referred to by Silhouette in #66, you should report it to the police and raise the alarm now that law enforcement has been sensitized to the problem.




So how reported this? Police reports? How many were arrested?
This would be disgusting had we not known of what goes on between Heterosexuals and girls. How about arresting everybody. And get those scantily girls out of football games.
You are seriously sick in the head if you don't find this disgusting. Oh. wait. I think most know you are just as warped.
There is no movement to "normalize" pedophilia, except among men who like to pick on teenage girls and boys, which we are all against. I think that you are actually the drama queen here. Simmer down and get some help. The rest of us will go after the Spacey and Moore types.

Why does US have so many child brides?
Afghanistan Has Stricter Child Marriage Laws Than This U.S. State
Child marriage in the United States - Wikipedia

There is more. Much more. I read somewhere, and I can't find it quickly, that Idaho leads the U.S. in this shameful practice and that Florida is not far behind.

If you know of pedophilia, even in public at a parade, or "deviant sex acts in public," as referred to by Silhouette in #66, you should report it to the police and raise the alarm now that law enforcement has been sensitized to the problem.

Yes there is, you just cant comprehend the information that was put in front of you. Or you are playing stupid and acting like you don't get it to jerk people off.

They are trying to legalize it fool wake up it's all right in front of you hidden in plain view.
Some people are bisexual, you know. Ever heard of it?
I don't understand all of this lurid fascination with what other people do in bed.

1. Yes, all gays seem bisexual to me since the men use each other's assholes as artificial vaginas and the women use dildos. Closeted heterosexuality.

2. The fascination comes when what should be private wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts, such as the drag queen festival. Idiot.

Again with your sordid fascination with what goes on in other people's sex lives.
Nobody "wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts." Who would be demanding such a thing?
This is just idiocy. The name calling just shows how off the beam you are.
Evidently you have a talent for ignoring the facts.

DEMOCRATS want pedophilia normalized, because DEMOCRATS love any kind of sexual PERVERT.
You have a very bizarre and warped view of the world and of other people if you think that it is true that anyone supports pedophilia being "normalized." Why do you think that folks are having all of this discussion of adults with 13, 14, 15 year-olds? Jeffrey Epstein, trump, the altar boys, Spacey, Polanski, etc.? Why do you think that all of these teachers are being jailed?



The LGBTP Movement: How Pedophiles Are Attempting To Hijack Gay Rights
Lysis must be LGBT to see nothing wrong with CHILDREN wondering if another man dressed as a woman is lactating and prancing around in a dress while doing it. Nope. Nothing wrong at all.:cuckoo:
Some people are bisexual, you know. Ever heard of it?
I don't understand all of this lurid fascination with what other people do in bed.

1. Yes, all gays seem bisexual to me since the men use each other's assholes as artificial vaginas and the women use dildos. Closeted heterosexuality.

2. The fascination comes when what should be private wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts, such as the drag queen festival. Idiot.

Again with your sordid fascination with what goes on in other people's sex lives.
Nobody "wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts
." Who would be demanding such a thing?
This is just idiocy. The name calling just shows how off the beam you are.


And yes, the little-princess pageants are terrible this way too..though there aren't any overt deviant sex acts displayed for kids. However it's interesting to note that they revolve around high fashion and GUESS WHAT DEMOGRAPHIC IS USUALLY ASSOCIATED WITH FASHION, ESPECIALLY IF THE MEN RUN THE EVENT?

Remember Sil mentioned NAMBALA :

Lysis must be LGBT to see nothing wrong with CHILDREN wondering if another man dressed as a woman is lactating and prancing around in a dress while doing it. Nope. Nothing wrong at all.:cuckoo:

And of course if anybody disapproves of their public displays of their fetishes and mental illness, they retardedly pretend you're 'invading their privacy n stuff in their own bedrooms' ... Obviously they think schools, public streets, and all other media count as their 'bedrooms' or something.
Lysis must be LGBT to see nothing wrong with CHILDREN wondering if another man dressed as a woman is lactating and prancing around in a dress while doing it. Nope. Nothing wrong at all.:cuckoo:

And of course if anybody disapproves of their public displays of their fetishes and mental illness, they retardedly pretend you're 'invading their privacy n stuff in their own bedrooms' ... Obviously they think schools, public streets, and all other media count as their 'bedrooms' or something.
Where did I say anything except "let's get them all"? I am just concerned that people are using opposition to LGBT folks to hide their own heterosexual sins. Remember, there was no such coordinated effort to condemn what Warren Jeffs and the whole polygamous cults and what fundie cults, like Bill Gothard, have been doing to young girls. There has been no coordinated effort to refute the Robertson duck guy's (his royal "Christian" highness) advertisement to go after teenage girls. I don't like seeing these children at this parade. I don't like allowing young children to participate in "pageants" or "cheerleading" in skimpy, revealing outfits at football games, either. I don't like seeing heterosexuals pointing fingers at the small number of the LGBT community, known as the "drag" community, that is fine with these atrocities against small children, in order to deflect from the problems of child sexual involvement at home.
Remember that the "cause" is to protect children until they have the chance to get an education and define themselves as adults. I have posted at #70 regarding the problem of child "marriage" sexual abuse at #70.
Of course people condemn Warren Jeffs & all the rest. It's just that the hetero culture doesn't have events enticing children to attend to teach them sex acts & depraved sexual thinking.

By the way. Do you support the Harvey Milk foundation?
If the LGBT had any normal common sense or caring for CHILDREN being subjected to their insanity, they would have never agreed to "perform" in any venue where children are present. They would not have dressed up as some demon while reading at the library, or wore something disgusting while twerking all over the floor, posed with a child while their pecker is only covered with rhinestones and glitter. No. If they were NORMAL people with fetishes or different desires IN THE BEDROOM, they would have said "no, I am sorry. I will not subject children to my lifestyle. They are too young and it would be WRONG". But they didn't say that, did they? And what about gay pride parades where they pose and thrust in front of childrens faces or worse...pretend to be having ass sex while on a float in front of children taken there by their parents who want to show support but forget what their children are seeing?

Has ANY lgbt person ever stood up and said "NO! THIS IS NOT RIGHT! This is for ADULTS! Parents, LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN AT HOME!"

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If the LGBT had any normal common sense or caring for CHILDREN being subjected to their insanity, they would have never agreed to "perform" in any venue where children are present. They would not have dressed up as some demon while reading at the library, or wore something disgusting while twerking all over the floor, posed with a child while their pecker is only covered with rhinestones and glitter. No. If they were NORMAL people with fetishes or different desires IN THE BEDROOM, they would have said "no, I am sorry. I will not subject children to my lifestyle. They are too young and it would be WRONG". But they didn't say that, did they? And what about gay pride parades where they pose and thrust in front of childrens faces or worse...pretend to be having ass sex while on a float in front of children taken there by their parents who want to show support but forget what their children are seeing?....Has ANY lgbt person ever stood up and said NO! THIS IS NOT RIGHT! This is for ADULTS! Parents, LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN AT HOME!"......No.
You are correct. To my knowledge not one single member of the depraved extroverted sex cult (LGBT) has EVER stood up and denounced these sex acts in front of kids in public. Not ever once. I'd like to see a link if they did. Their fellow parishioners would club them to death if they squeaked out one word of disapproval of such acts.
Of course people condemn Warren Jeffs & all the rest. It's just that the hetero culture doesn't have events enticing children to attend to teach them sex acts & depraved sexual thinking.

In fact, many so-called 'progressives' sniveled about the 'heavy handed gestapo tactics' the Texas state police used when they raided his compound here and freed those girls.

By the way. Do you support the Harvey Milk foundation?

They all do; they only pretend to be opposed to pedophilia when they perceive the negative publicity it generates, then they go on supporting it anyway; all they want now is try and change the focus away from how sick homosexuals are here.

The irony is they get to hide behind censorship laws to stop the true extent of how sick they are; if what they really find 'acceptable' is ever televised on the MSM outlets in all its 'glory', the entire 'movement' would be instant toast in days, never to be sold again as something 'harmless and normal'. If anybody tries to post the reality of what they are here, they would be instantly perma-banned, yet the usual advocates for the sickos are free to lie and attack those who aren't stupid enough to buy the 'victim pity party' they're selling with impunity.
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Can't believe anyone is surprised by the depths of depravity of filthy degenerate trash like the LGBTBBQ 'community.'

Every last one of them is a sexual predator and potentially a pedophile, without question. If they're not physically molesting kids, they are mentally molesting them, trying to indoctrinate them into their miserable, disgusting deathstyles.
Lysis must be LGBT to see nothing wrong with CHILDREN wondering if another man dressed as a woman is lactating and prancing around in a dress while doing it. Nope. Nothing wrong at all.:cuckoo:

And of course if anybody disapproves of their public displays of their fetishes and mental illness, they retardedly pretend you're 'invading their privacy n stuff in their own bedrooms' ... Obviously they think schools, public streets, and all other media count as their 'bedrooms' or something.
Where did I say anything except "let's get them all"? I am just concerned that people are using opposition to LGBT folks to hide their own heterosexual sins. Remember, there was no such coordinated effort to condemn what Warren Jeffs and the whole polygamous cults and what fundie cults, like Bill Gothard, have been doing to young girls. There has been no coordinated effort to refute the Robertson duck guy's (his royal "Christian" highness) advertisement to go after teenage girls. I don't like seeing these children at this parade. I don't like allowing young children to participate in "pageants" or "cheerleading" in skimpy, revealing outfits at football games, either. I don't like seeing heterosexuals pointing fingers at the small number of the LGBT community, known as the "drag" community, that is fine with these atrocities against small children, in order to deflect from the problems of child sexual involvement at home.
Remember that the "cause" is to protect children until they have the chance to get an education and define themselves as adults. I have posted at #70 regarding the problem of child "marriage" sexual abuse at #70.
To the person who rated this post "funny." What is "funny" about it? Are you inclined to chase little girls before they have a chance to grow up, get an education, and decide for themselves what is good for them?
Lysis must be LGBT to see nothing wrong with CHILDREN wondering if another man dressed as a woman is lactating and prancing around in a dress while doing it. Nope. Nothing wrong at all.:cuckoo:

And of course if anybody disapproves of their public displays of their fetishes and mental illness, they retardedly pretend you're 'invading their privacy n stuff in their own bedrooms' ... Obviously they think schools, public streets, and all other media count as their 'bedrooms' or something.
Where did I say anything except "let's get them all"? I am just concerned that people are using opposition to LGBT folks to hide their own heterosexual sins. Remember, there was no such coordinated effort to condemn what Warren Jeffs and the whole polygamous cults and what fundie cults, like Bill Gothard, have been doing to young girls. There has been no coordinated effort to refute the Robertson duck guy's (his royal "Christian" highness) advertisement to go after teenage girls. I don't like seeing these children at this parade. I don't like allowing young children to participate in "pageants" or "cheerleading" in skimpy, revealing outfits at football games, either. I don't like seeing heterosexuals pointing fingers at the small number of the LGBT community, known as the "drag" community, that is fine with these atrocities against small children, in order to deflect from the problems of child sexual involvement at home.
Remember that the "cause" is to protect children until they have the chance to get an education and define themselves as adults. I have posted at #70 regarding the problem of child "marriage" sexual abuse at #70.
To the person who rated this post "funny." What is "funny" about it? Are you inclined to chase little girls before they have a chance to grow up, get an education, and decide for themselves what is good for them?
That was probably Bodecea...she laugh reacts to any post that is not pro-LGBT Pedo cult.
If you know of pedophilia, even in public at a parade, or "deviant sex acts in public," as referred to by Silhouette in #66, you should report it to the police and raise the alarm now that law enforcement has been sensitized to the problem.




So how reported this? Police reports? How many were arrested?
This would be disgusting had we not known of what goes on between Heterosexuals and girls. How about arresting everybody. And get those scantily girls out of football games.
You are seriously sick in the head if you don't find this disgusting. Oh. wait. I think most know you are just as warped.
I said report it to the cops. What are you dreaming of? Some underage kid???
If you know of pedophilia, even in public at a parade, or "deviant sex acts in public," as referred to by Silhouette in #66, you should report it to the police and raise the alarm now that law enforcement has been sensitized to the problem.




So how reported this? Police reports? How many were arrested?
This would be disgusting had we not known of what goes on between Heterosexuals and girls. How about arresting everybody. And get those scantily girls out of football games.
You are seriously sick in the head if you don't find this disgusting. Oh. wait. I think most know you are just as warped.
I said report it to the cops. What are you dreaming of? Some underage kid???

The cop aren't going to do anything you think they don't know it isn't there already . We keep telling you this is being pushed and legalized, they are acclimating the public into accepting it all. Inspite of what you think or see.
If you know of pedophilia, even in public at a parade, or "deviant sex acts in public," as referred to by Silhouette in #66, you should report it to the police and raise the alarm now that law enforcement has been sensitized to the problem.




So how reported this? Police reports? How many were arrested?
This would be disgusting had we not known of what goes on between Heterosexuals and girls. How about arresting everybody. And get those scantily girls out of football games.
You are seriously sick in the head if you don't find this disgusting. Oh. wait. I think most know you are just as warped.
I said report it to the cops. What are you dreaming of? Some underage kid???

Haven't you noticed the leftist democratic kunts aren't on sunset strip ripping up the perverts star of fame, but man the minute the press said Trump " only said pussy grab" those liberal bitches were at his Hollywood star breaking it apart , drawing on it etc.................. The HYPOCRITICAL THINKING THESE POS LOSER SPEW is sickening.

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