Drag queen festival in Austin promotes early sexualization of children/gender confusion

This is fucking SICK.

Used to be a lot more of them online; they have all magically disappeared of course. As I've said before, this entire fake 'Rights Movement' would disappear in about two weeks if it weren't for censorship laws that prevent the facts about 'diversity' from being reported fully over what these mentally ill fetishists want to normalize.

View attachment 160330
‘Gay’ laws set stage for pedophilia ‘rights’
Linda Harvey of Mission America said the push for equal rights for pedophiles will become more common as LGBT groups continue to assert themselves.

and the sick part is we have been warning about this for years and dumb fks don't and won't pay attention to it.

Who is Linda Harvey and why should we care?
Anyway, hers is a very weird, illogical assertion. I doubt that many adults would go along with permitting sexual activity with children, including teenagers. This is why people like Spacey and Moore and the like are in so much hot water. This has nothing to do with LGBT rights.

you doubt wrong, did you watch the video in the posted article? If that is allowed and accepted what makes you think child molesting isn't next. WATCH THE VIDEO ALL OF IT.

As they fought for their rights the PERVERTS wanted put into their rights as well why do you think we have LGBTQP now duhhhhh

View attachment 160338
I see people under the complete control of Satan, and the DEMOCRATS LOVE THEM. Sexual PERVERTS, sodomites, pedophiles, all people the democrats LOVE.
This is fucking SICK.

Used to be a lot more of them online; they have all magically disappeared of course. As I've said before, this entire fake 'Rights Movement' would disappear in about two weeks if it weren't for censorship laws that prevent the facts about 'diversity' from being reported fully over what these mentally ill fetishists want to normalize.

View attachment 160330
‘Gay’ laws set stage for pedophilia ‘rights’
Linda Harvey of Mission America said the push for equal rights for pedophiles will become more common as LGBT groups continue to assert themselves.

and the sick part is we have been warning about this for years and dumb fks don't and won't pay attention to it.

Who is Linda Harvey and why should we care?
Anyway, hers is a very weird, illogical assertion. I doubt that many adults would go along with permitting sexual activity with children, including teenagers. This is why people like Spacey and Moore and the like are in so much hot water. This has nothing to do with LGBT rights.

you doubt wrong, did you watch the video in the posted article? If that is allowed and accepted what makes you think child molesting isn't next. WATCH THE VIDEO ALL OF IT.

As they fought for their rights the PERVERTS wanted put into their rights as well why do you think we have LGBTQP now duhhhhh

View attachment 160338
Yup, the peds have been watching the homos successfully push their agenda on normal people to force them to shut up and not oppose them, and now they're ready to use the same tactics to further their agenda.
Some people are bisexual, you know. Ever heard of it?
I don't understand all of this lurid fascination with what other people do in bed.

1. Yes, all gays seem bisexual to me since the men use each other's assholes as artificial vaginas and the women use dildos. Closeted heterosexuality.

2. The fascination comes when what should be private wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts, such as the drag queen festival. Idiot.

Again with your sordid fascination with what goes on in other people's sex lives.
Nobody "wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts." Who would be demanding such a thing?
This is just idiocy. The name calling just shows how off the beam you are.
Evidently you have a talent for ignoring the facts.

DEMOCRATS want pedophilia normalized, because DEMOCRATS love any kind of sexual PERVERT.
Some people are bisexual, you know. Ever heard of it?
I don't understand all of this lurid fascination with what other people do in bed.

1. Yes, all gays seem bisexual to me since the men use each other's assholes as artificial vaginas and the women use dildos. Closeted heterosexuality.

2. The fascination comes when what should be private wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts, such as the drag queen festival. Idiot.

Again with your sordid fascination with what goes on in other people's sex lives.
Nobody "wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts." Who would be demanding such a thing?
This is just idiocy. The name calling just shows how off the beam you are.
Evidently you have a talent for ignoring the facts.

DEMOCRATS want pedophilia normalized, because DEMOCRATS love any kind of sexual PERVERT.

Dems create their own dream world to deny it, that way it makes them look like they don't actually support it. So they dream up whatever bs they can , excuses, excuses . Wait until one of their own kids or grand kids become the victim.
Infowars reporter Millie Weaver goes undercover as ‘Rainbow Snatch’ to the Austin International Drag Festival to investigate how children are being over-sexualized and indoctrinated into fetish lifestyles. The drag festival was sated with raunchy language and provocative dancing with very young children participating. Astonishingly, the afternoon event climaxed with a burlesque dance from an 11-year-old transgender boy.

Liberals ‘Drag’ Kids Into Early Sexualization

Oh but don't worry you can always use the source as your fkd up reasons to deny your kids are being sexualized right under your pathetic fkn noses. And you retards accept this bs. MENTAL you are all MENTAL those of you who allow this to go on in schools/ in general.

View attachment 160178


Some people are bisexual, you know. Ever heard of it?
I don't understand all of this lurid fascination with what other people do in bed.

1. Yes, all gays seem bisexual to me since the men use each other's assholes as artificial vaginas and the women use dildos. Closeted heterosexuality.

2. The fascination comes when what should be private wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts, such as the drag queen festival. Idiot.

Again with your sordid fascination with what goes on in other people's sex lives.
Nobody "wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts
." Who would be demanding such a thing?
This is just idiocy. The name calling just shows how off the beam you are.


And yes, the little-princess pageants are terrible this way too..though there aren't any overt deviant sex acts displayed for kids. However it's interesting to note that they revolve around high fashion and GUESS WHAT DEMOGRAPHIC IS USUALLY ASSOCIATED WITH FASHION, ESPECIALLY IF THE MEN RUN THE EVENT?
Some people are bisexual, you know. Ever heard of it?
I don't understand all of this lurid fascination with what other people do in bed.

1. Yes, all gays seem bisexual to me since the men use each other's assholes as artificial vaginas and the women use dildos. Closeted heterosexuality.

2. The fascination comes when what should be private wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts, such as the drag queen festival. Idiot.

Again with your sordid fascination with what goes on in other people's sex lives.
Nobody "wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts." Who would be demanding such a thing?
This is just idiocy. The name calling just shows how off the beam you are.
Evidently you have a talent for ignoring the facts.

DEMOCRATS want pedophilia normalized, because DEMOCRATS love any kind of sexual PERVERT.
You have a very bizarre and warped view of the world and of other people if you think that it is true that anyone supports pedophilia being "normalized." Why do you think that folks are having all of this discussion of adults with 13, 14, 15 year-olds? Jeffrey Epstein, trump, the altar boys, Spacey, Polanski, etc.? Why do you think that all of these teachers are being jailed?
Some people are bisexual, you know. Ever heard of it?
I don't understand all of this lurid fascination with what other people do in bed.

1. Yes, all gays seem bisexual to me since the men use each other's assholes as artificial vaginas and the women use dildos. Closeted heterosexuality.

2. The fascination comes when what should be private wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts, such as the drag queen festival. Idiot.

Again with your sordid fascination with what goes on in other people's sex lives.
Nobody "wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts." Who would be demanding such a thing?
This is just idiocy. The name calling just shows how off the beam you are.
Evidently you have a talent for ignoring the facts.

DEMOCRATS want pedophilia normalized, because DEMOCRATS love any kind of sexual PERVERT.
You have a very bizarre and warped view of the world and of other people if you think that it is true that anyone supports pedophilia being "normalized." Why do you think that folks are having all of this discussion of adults with 13, 14, 15 year-olds? Jeffrey Epstein, trump, the altar boys, Spacey, Polanski, etc.? Why do you think that all of these teachers are being jailed?

Some people are bisexual, you know. Ever heard of it?
I don't understand all of this lurid fascination with what other people do in bed.

1. Yes, all gays seem bisexual to me since the men use each other's assholes as artificial vaginas and the women use dildos. Closeted heterosexuality.

2. The fascination comes when what should be private wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts, such as the drag queen festival. Idiot.

Again with your sordid fascination with what goes on in other people's sex lives.
Nobody "wants special public rights to access children with inappropriate sexual acts." Who would be demanding such a thing?
This is just idiocy. The name calling just shows how off the beam you are.
Evidently you have a talent for ignoring the facts.

DEMOCRATS want pedophilia normalized, because DEMOCRATS love any kind of sexual PERVERT.
You have a very bizarre and warped view of the world and of other people if you think that it is true that anyone supports pedophilia being "normalized." Why do you think that folks are having all of this discussion of adults with 13, 14, 15 year-olds? Jeffrey Epstein, trump, the altar boys, Spacey, Polanski, etc.? Why do you think that all of these teachers are being jailed?
Oh BULL SHIT, you pathetic DRAMA QUEEN. Either you're playing stupid or you just ARE stupid, or you didn't read ANY of the prior posts in this thread. The push is ALREADY ON to normalize pedophilia, and it's being done by the usual democrat filth that so loves the sexual perverts in kullyfornia.

Now we all know it and we all see it, so stop playing stupid... unless you just ARE stupid.
There is no movement to "normalize" pedophilia, except among men who like to pick on teenage girls and boys, which we are all against. I think that you are actually the drama queen here. Simmer down and get some help. The rest of us will go after the Spacey and Moore types.

Why does US have so many child brides?
Afghanistan Has Stricter Child Marriage Laws Than This U.S. State
Child marriage in the United States - Wikipedia

There is more. Much more. I read somewhere, and I can't find it quickly, that Idaho leads the U.S. in this shameful practice and that Florida is not far behind.

If you know of pedophilia, even in public at a parade, or "deviant sex acts in public," as referred to by Silhouette in #66, you should report it to the police and raise the alarm now that law enforcement has been sensitized to the problem.
If you know of pedophilia, even in public at a parade, or "deviant sex acts in public," as referred to by Silhouette in #66, you should report it to the police and raise the alarm now that law enforcement has been sensitized to the problem.




I guess you might say some of these shots came from San Francisco, where it's legal for men to expose themselves to children in public. And to display overt sex acts to public where children are in attendance. So you see, pedophilia is already legal in California.
If you know of pedophilia, even in public at a parade, or "deviant sex acts in public," as referred to by Silhouette in #66, you should report it to the police and raise the alarm now that law enforcement has been sensitized to the problem.




So how reported this? Police reports? How many were arrested?
This would be disgusting had we not known of what goes on between Heterosexuals and girls. How about arresting everybody. And get those scantily girls out of football games.
NAMBLA and similar criminal fronts in Europe were proud and open members of the ILGA since its founding; one of the first Causes Celebre for the sickos was the police arresting a gang of pedos who preyed on young boys in Boston. The ILGA nor any other 'rights' hoax peddlers said so much as 'Boo!' about NAMBLA membership from 1977 to 1994. The Stonewall Inn was in fact a notorious hangout for 'chickenhawks' and child prostitutes, as well as 'drag queens'. Anybody trying to peddle the bullshit homosexuals aren't fond of pedophilia and kiddie rape is a liar. They even make martyrs out of them. See Harvey Milk and Mathew Sheppard for the latest and 'greatest' of those these sickos gush over.
As gay Americans are no more likely, and no more less likely, to molest young adults/children, sexualization is not confined to any sexual orientation. But promoting sad lies to prove otherwise alienates rational swing voters. I will not list again well known sleaze bags who are republican, that contributes to what I know is wrong.
As gay Americans are no more likely, and no more less likely, to molest young adults/children, sexualization is not confined to any sexual orientation. But promoting sad lies to prove otherwise alienates rational swing voters. I will not list again well known sleaze bags who are republican, that contributes to what I know is wrong.
""Sad lies"? Did you get a glance at the picture above bro?
I looked at the page, are stating felonies are being photographed and spread ONLINE?

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