Dr. Luc Montagnier and COVID-19

Dr. Luc Montagnier is a French virologist he is the recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine this for discovering the Human Immunodeficiency Virus aka HIV/AIDS. He also has worked as a researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris and as a full time Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

The reason I have illustrated Dr. Luc Montagnier's medical and scientific credentials or some of them, this to illustrate that this man in qualified in his field, that he is not a lunatic or a Conspiracy Theorist, however of course the crowd who have been doing 24/7 PR across the MSM and Social Media for Communist China will call him a lunatic and a Conspiracy Theorist, this because the first group are PAID to do that and the second group possessing ZERO Independent Thinking Skills are TOLD to call experts like him these names because they do NOT adhere to the Pro-China Narrative.

So Dr. Luc Montagnier has looked at the breakdown of the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus and his conclusion is that it is NOT a Natural Virus ie. that has originated naturally outside from animal to human via one of China's DISGUSTING and IMMORAL Wet Markets. In his research he has found that the COVID-19 Genome contains elements of both HIV AND Malaria and that he says this is NOT possible to have two different strains like this in a virus that has originated naturally OUTSIDE a LAB without ANY intervention by an External Agency ie. a Lab. He believes that COVID-19 was manmade and manufactured INSIDE a lab, this is the man who co-discover the HIV/AIDS virus and was awarded the Nobel Prize for doing so.

The Communist Chinese Government and their lapdogs including WHO and The UN continue to deny that COVID-19 was manufactured in the level 4 Biolab in Wuhan, it would be interesting if EVERYONE was allowed to see what financial funding from China that many of these Technocrat Scientists who 24/7 are doing EVERYTHING they can to DEFLECT ALL attention AWAY from China are getting from China. There is underway in multiple Western nations investigations into the level 4 Biolab in Wuhan and the EXACT origin of COVID-19 and the connection between this level 4 Biolab AND the virus. China will not get away with this.

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Also IF COVID-19 was not intended to be a Bioweapon, why have China appointed a Chinese General with a Bioweapons background to the level 4 Biolab in Wuhan? The Chinese Army is now running the Wuhan lab.

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General Chen Wei:

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Here's the video the duration is 3 minutes and 16 seconds, for the Muppets who SCREAM RACIST every time ANYONE suggests that China who are NOT friends of The West might have manufactured COVID-19 in that level 4 Biolab, this below BEFORE the below video are the two who produced the below video, they are BOTH Indian:

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Trump tells China is bad and all follow. This is not scientific, it is political.

What if the virus originates in an US lab?

Why would America want to spread the thing across the entire Western world though? The motive would be what? China having it spread across the entire Western world the motive would be to collapse the Western Economy leaving the Chinese Economy standing and then the entire Western world is at the mercy of Communist China.

Nobody would intentionally unleash a virus to harm others. If China plans to destroy the West´s economy, where would it sell its products to, then? If the US plans to poison the rest of the world, why are their own people affected to such an extend?

You can see the video. The corona type in China requires a prior version it mutated from that is not found in China, but in the US. Therefore the US must be the location it comes from.

I have posted another video you can watch. It is about a lab in the US that didn´t adhere to the precautions:


You have the Chinese propaganda down pat. This Virus is 1 step removed from the virus found in Bats. That step is found in Wuhan in the general populace. This means it originated in Wuhan as there are now 3 strains and changes since Wuhan.

Way to much evidence that this originated in China.

Phrump is aggressively blaming China to distract from the fact that the virus comes from the US.

I will take the five countries intelligence agencies who have issued biological assessment reports over your propaganda. What they say is stunning and its not being reported because it would cause a massive outcry from the west for revenge. When people are made aware that China protected themselves while allowing the world to be seeded with COVID-19 people become visibly upset. This was a conscious decision by Chinese authorities to protect themselves but not the rest of the world even when they were fully aware of what it was they were dealing with.

If such reports existed, Trump would have used them. The idiocy of politicising the crisis is not helpful in any way.

IF this COVID-19 would have originated in Russia in say St. Petersburg if they had a level 4 Biolab and then ALL of St. Petersburg was put into lockdown because half of them had COVID-19 and then all of a sudden it began to spread across The West etc then the MSM and the Leftists would MONTHS ago have immediately DEMANDED that Russia was bombed, the MSM and the Leftists immediately would have declared that Russia had launched a deliberate Biological Weapon attack on The West.

But with China if you point out COVID-19 started in Wuhan where they have a level 4 Biolab and that was the FIRST place on the planet for the population of Wuhan to all get COVID-19 and then all of a sudden it started to spread via travel into Western nations the MSM and the Leftists ALL scream Conspiracy Theory. Wonder why they are ALL so obsessed with protecting and defending China?

I don't understand. My best guess is that is a Socialist / Communist Good Ole Boy network thing?

Dr. Luc Montagnier is a French virologist he is the recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine this for discovering the Human Immunodeficiency Virus aka HIV/AIDS. He also has worked as a researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris and as a full time Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

The reason I have illustrated Dr. Luc Montagnier's medical and scientific credentials or some of them, this to illustrate that this man in qualified in his field, that he is not a lunatic or a Conspiracy Theorist, however of course the crowd who have been doing 24/7 PR across the MSM and Social Media for Communist China will call him a lunatic and a Conspiracy Theorist, this because the first group are PAID to do that and the second group possessing ZERO Independent Thinking Skills are TOLD to call experts like him these names because they do NOT adhere to the Pro-China Narrative.

So Dr. Luc Montagnier has looked at the breakdown of the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus and his conclusion is that it is NOT a Natural Virus ie. that has originated naturally outside from animal to human via one of China's DISGUSTING and IMMORAL Wet Markets. In his research he has found that the COVID-19 Genome contains elements of both HIV AND Malaria and that he says this is NOT possible to have two different strains like this in a virus that has originated naturally OUTSIDE a LAB without ANY intervention by an External Agency ie. a Lab. He believes that COVID-19 was manmade and manufactured INSIDE a lab, this is the man who co-discover the HIV/AIDS virus and was awarded the Nobel Prize for doing so.

The Communist Chinese Government and their lapdogs including WHO and The UN continue to deny that COVID-19 was manufactured in the level 4 Biolab in Wuhan, it would be interesting if EVERYONE was allowed to see what financial funding from China that many of these Technocrat Scientists who 24/7 are doing EVERYTHING they can to DEFLECT ALL attention AWAY from China are getting from China. There is underway in multiple Western nations investigations into the level 4 Biolab in Wuhan and the EXACT origin of COVID-19 and the connection between this level 4 Biolab AND the virus. China will not get away with this.

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Also IF COVID-19 was not intended to be a Bioweapon, why have China appointed a Chinese General with a Bioweapons background to the level 4 Biolab in Wuhan? The Chinese Army is now running the Wuhan lab.

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General Chen Wei:

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Here's the video the duration is 3 minutes and 16 seconds, for the Muppets who SCREAM RACIST every time ANYONE suggests that China who are NOT friends of The West might have manufactured COVID-19 in that level 4 Biolab, this below BEFORE the below video are the two who produced the below video, they are BOTH Indian:

View attachment 331500

Trump tells China is bad and all follow. This is not scientific, it is political.

What if the virus originates in an US lab?

Why would America want to spread the thing across the entire Western world though? The motive would be what? China having it spread across the entire Western world the motive would be to collapse the Western Economy leaving the Chinese Economy standing and then the entire Western world is at the mercy of Communist China.

Nobody would intentionally unleash a virus to harm others. If China plans to destroy the West´s economy, where would it sell its products to, then? If the US plans to poison the rest of the world, why are their own people affected to such an extend?

You can see the video. The corona type in China requires a prior version it mutated from that is not found in China, but in the US. Therefore the US must be the location it comes from.

I have posted another video you can watch. It is about a lab in the US that didn´t adhere to the precautions:


You have the Chinese propaganda down pat. This Virus is 1 step removed from the virus found in Bats. That step is found in Wuhan in the general populace. This means it originated in Wuhan as there are now 3 strains and changes since Wuhan.

Way to much evidence that this originated in China.

Phrump is aggressively blaming China to distract from the fact that the virus comes from the US.

I will take the five countries intelligence agencies who have issued biological assessment reports over your propaganda. What they say is stunning and its not being reported because it would cause a massive outcry from the west for revenge. When people are made aware that China protected themselves while allowing the world to be seeded with COVID-19 people become visibly upset. This was a conscious decision by Chinese authorities to protect themselves but not the rest of the world even when they were fully aware of what it was they were dealing with.

If such reports existed, Trump would have used them. The idiocy of politicising the crisis is not helpful in any way.

They exist and will be useful in the near future. Rule #1 in warfare and chess is never give up your hand. They know you have the information and that power is very useful.
Even if doctor Luc Montagnier is right and all this pandemic is manmade the question would be: who did it? :eusa_think:
Maybe China or maybe somebody else
A few weeks ago the Filipino tv showed a man who said that if coronavirus is not natural maybe India have done it (I did not understand it really well but the interviewed that they have bad relations with China because of some territorial disputes so the Indian government wanted to ruin China reputation all over the world) :dunno:
Even if doctor Luc Montagnier is right and all this pandemic is manmade the question would be: who did it? :eusa_think:
Maybe China or maybe somebody else
A few weeks ago the Filipino tv showed a man who said that if coronavirus is not natural maybe India have done it (I did not understand it really well but the interviewed that they have bad relations with China because of some territorial disputes so the Indian government wanted to ruin China reputation all over the world) :dunno:
There are roughly 14 P4 Biological labs which house this virus globally. Those same labs house the HIV virus. These are your potential sources. By looking at the virus and its mutations you can track where it came from. Wuhan is step one. This is where it originated. Way to much evidence of its origin is available to discredit it. The Chinese have tried no less than 9 times to claim it originated elsewhere but there is simply overwhelming evidence proving otherwise.
The Chinese and their lap dog media have tried to deny China was the source of the Covid 19 virus
but the evidence is clear. Yes, they are responsible for this pandemic disaster.
They are sticking to their lie and now how do we deal with China?
I am more of the mind that this was an accidental release and that it was in a lab and somehow got out. I do believe it was a mistake by China.
Dr. Luc Montagnier is a French virologist he is the recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine this for discovering the Human Immunodeficiency Virus aka HIV/AIDS. He also has worked as a researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris and as a full time Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.

The reason I have illustrated Dr. Luc Montagnier's medical and scientific credentials or some of them, this to illustrate that this man in qualified in his field, that he is not a lunatic or a Conspiracy Theorist, however of course the crowd who have been doing 24/7 PR across the MSM and Social Media for Communist China will call him a lunatic and a Conspiracy Theorist, this because the first group are PAID to do that and the second group possessing ZERO Independent Thinking Skills are TOLD to call experts like him these names because they do NOT adhere to the Pro-China Narrative.

So Dr. Luc Montagnier has looked at the breakdown of the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus and his conclusion is that it is NOT a Natural Virus ie. that has originated naturally outside from animal to human via one of China's DISGUSTING and IMMORAL Wet Markets. In his research he has found that the COVID-19 Genome contains elements of both HIV AND Malaria and that he says this is NOT possible to have two different strains like this in a virus that has originated naturally OUTSIDE a LAB without ANY intervention by an External Agency ie. a Lab. He believes that COVID-19 was manmade and manufactured INSIDE a lab, this is the man who co-discover the HIV/AIDS virus and was awarded the Nobel Prize for doing so.

The Communist Chinese Government and their lapdogs including WHO and The UN continue to deny that COVID-19 was manufactured in the level 4 Biolab in Wuhan, it would be interesting if EVERYONE was allowed to see what financial funding from China that many of these Technocrat Scientists who 24/7 are doing EVERYTHING they can to DEFLECT ALL attention AWAY from China are getting from China. There is underway in multiple Western nations investigations into the level 4 Biolab in Wuhan and the EXACT origin of COVID-19 and the connection between this level 4 Biolab AND the virus. China will not get away with this.

View attachment 331495

View attachment 331494

Also IF COVID-19 was not intended to be a Bioweapon, why have China appointed a Chinese General with a Bioweapons background to the level 4 Biolab in Wuhan? The Chinese Army is now running the Wuhan lab.

View attachment 331497

General Chen Wei:

View attachment 331499

Here's the video the duration is 3 minutes and 16 seconds, for the Muppets who SCREAM RACIST every time ANYONE suggests that China who are NOT friends of The West might have manufactured COVID-19 in that level 4 Biolab, this below BEFORE the below video are the two who produced the below video, they are BOTH Indian:

View attachment 331500

Trump tells China is bad and all follow. This is not scientific, it is political.

What if the virus originates in an US lab?

Why would America want to spread the thing across the entire Western world though? The motive would be what? China having it spread across the entire Western world the motive would be to collapse the Western Economy leaving the Chinese Economy standing and then the entire Western world is at the mercy of Communist China.

Nobody would intentionally unleash a virus to harm others. If China plans to destroy the West´s economy, where would it sell its products to, then? If the US plans to poison the rest of the world, why are their own people affected to such an extend?

You can see the video. The corona type in China requires a prior version it mutated from that is not found in China, but in the US. Therefore the US must be the location it comes from.

I have posted another video you can watch. It is about a lab in the US that didn´t adhere to the precautions:


You have the Chinese propaganda down pat. This Virus is 1 step removed from the virus found in Bats. That step is found in Wuhan in the general populace. This means it originated in Wuhan as there are now 3 strains and changes since Wuhan.

Way to much evidence that this originated in China.

Phrump is aggressively blaming China to distract from the fact that the virus comes from the US.

I will take the five countries intelligence agencies who have issued biological assessment reports over your propaganda. What they say is stunning and its not being reported because it would cause a massive outcry from the west for revenge. When people are made aware that China protected themselves while allowing the world to be seeded with COVID-19 people become visibly upset. This was a conscious decision by Chinese authorities to protect themselves but not the rest of the world even when they were fully aware of what it was they were dealing with.

If such reports existed, Trump would have used them. The idiocy of politicising the crisis is not helpful in any way.

They exist and will be useful in the near future. Rule #1 in warfare and chess is never give up your hand. They know you have the information and that power is very useful.

Yeah, warfare, total annihilation because some people got sick.
Even if doctor Luc Montagnier is right and all this pandemic is manmade the question would be: who did it? :eusa_think:
Maybe China or maybe somebody else
A few weeks ago the Filipino tv showed a man who said that if coronavirus is not natural maybe India have done it (I did not understand it really well but the interviewed that they have bad relations with China because of some territorial disputes so the Indian government wanted to ruin China reputation all over the world) :dunno:
Who would make a virus that does no harm to most infected?
Even if doctor Luc Montagnier is right and all this pandemic is manmade the question would be: who did it? :eusa_think:
Maybe China or maybe somebody else
A few weeks ago the Filipino tv showed a man who said that if coronavirus is not natural maybe India have done it (I did not understand it really well but the interviewed that they have bad relations with China because of some territorial disputes so the Indian government wanted to ruin China reputation all over the world) :dunno:
Who would make a virus that does no harm to most infected?
This is another good question! :omg::dunno:

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