Maria Bartiromo nails lindsey graham for lying to American public


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Graham tries to play both sides or something like that....not sure what his problem is actually....whatever it is he cannot be relied always take the truthful path.

Re read re assess!
Pretty sure you cannot trust the public spiritedness of Lyndsey, or any of the other big time politicians of the Left or Right. I suspect they all know, both sides have been into what the general public would call dirty deeds, including criminality and would rather not get too deeply into on the record testimony for fear of what would come out and be in the congressional record. We all heard what the Democrats brought out into the open, but it should not be forgotten that the public part was after many, many hours and days of behind closed door committee investigation with both sides and you can be sure that the Democrats were not quick or designing to bring out points prejudicial to their narrative. Almost none of the facts were disputed by the Republicans, favoring more to just dance around them, complaining it should not have (by their interpretation of the law) come out in the first place. In what we have seen and heard and been investigated at lower level, I am pretty sure, both sides are kind of squeamish to show the public how far it goes on either side, during an election year.
Graham tries to play both sides or something like that....not sure what his problem is actually....whatever it is he cannot be relied always take the truthful path.

Even though I agree with their assessment of Graham I still feel I just point out that this is from gateway pundit and thus highly unlikely to be accurate.
Graham tries to play both sides or something like that....not sure what his problem is actually....whatever it is he cannot be relied always take the truthful path.

Clapper, Brennan and Comey probably have dirt on every member of Congress with very few exceptions. If it's not bribery it's blackmail or something else.
Graham tries to play both sides or something like that....not sure what his problem is actually....whatever it is he cannot be relied always take the truthful path.

Yes, Lindsey Graham is indeed a fraud and hypocrite because he usually plays both sides. However, in this case, it was just a matter of government officials doing their job and Graham knew that because he believes that Trump is guilty as hell. "Deep State".....nonsense. If Trump is successful in placing in our institutions only those loyal to him instead of loyalty to the American people, our country is doomed to morph into a Putin clone.
I personally think Barr told them to let Durham do his job without interference, to not jeopardize that investigation.
Lindsey doesn't want to have any hearings. It's easier to keep the crazies stirred up hoping for a hearing than it is to have a hearing and not to be able to prove any of the right's pet conspiracy theories.
GRAHAM: I’m going to let Horowitz do his job to tell us what happened with the FISA warrant process. Then, I’m not going to get in Durham’s way, who’s looking at putting people in jail, but I am going to explain to the American people that everybody that was investigating Trump hated his guts and liked Clinton.

I’m going to help tell that story, but I’m not going to do anything until Horowitz issues his report.
As I thought
Graham tries to play both sides or something like that....not sure what his problem is actually....whatever it is he cannot be relied always take the truthful path.

Lindsey Graham is nothing more than a life long political leech like any other politician who won't do anything else but suck at the taxpayer tit. I even cringed today as Nunes was pissing and moaning at governor nusance for Yosemite and Kings Canyon parks being closed which are both FEDERAL parks. Politicians all suck, it's just that some like Pelosi Schiff and Schumer for example suck way worse than the others because they seem to work a lot harder at fucking everyone and the country over.
GRAHAM: I’m going to let Horowitz do his job to tell us what happened with the FISA warrant process. Then, I’m not going to get in Durham’s way, who’s looking at putting people in jail, but I am going to explain to the American people that everybody that was investigating Trump hated his guts and liked Clinton.

I’m going to help tell that story, but I’m not going to do anything until Horowitz issues his report.
As I thought

NEWS FLASH!!! People that investigated Jeffrey Dahmer didn't like him either. Does that mean Dahmer was innocent too?
GRAHAM: I’m going to let Horowitz do his job to tell us what happened with the FISA warrant process. Then, I’m not going to get in Durham’s way, who’s looking at putting people in jail, but I am going to explain to the American people that everybody that was investigating Trump hated his guts and liked Clinton.

I’m going to help tell that story, but I’m not going to do anything until Horowitz issues his report.
As I thought

NEWS FLASH!!! People that investigated Jeffrey Dahmer didn't like him either. Does that mean Dahmer was innocent too?
Newsflash! Strawman.
GRAHAM: I’m going to let Horowitz do his job to tell us what happened with the FISA warrant process. Then, I’m not going to get in Durham’s way, who’s looking at putting people in jail, but I am going to explain to the American people that everybody that was investigating Trump hated his guts and liked Clinton.

I’m going to help tell that story, but I’m not going to do anything until Horowitz issues his report.
As I thought

NEWS FLASH!!! People that investigated Jeffrey Dahmer didn't like him either. Does that mean Dahmer was innocent too?
Newsflash! Strawman.

Answer the question coward.
Maria FORCED that POS graham to admit on TV that he was going to do NOTHING!

We should all take turns kicking miss linsay in the ass with our steel toed boots on!

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