Dr. Anthony Fauci now admits the mRNA Covid vaccines hardly work and might not be approvable


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022

But this means all the Branch Covidians who have been screaming at us for the past few years about getting vaxxed have now even lost the great Saint Fauci!

This truly is the final nail in the coffin. If this doesn't awaken the sheeple, nothing will.

I suspect the vast majority will never admit it or apologize, true to form of course.

....a bombshell paper he co-authored last month suggests ALL vaccines for common respiratory viruses may face intractable hurdles. And that's not even the worst news.​

Fauci just helped spearhead the effort to push a new type of vaccine on the world. After only a few months of testing, the United States and other countries injected their citizens with more than 3 billion doses of mRNA.

Yet with these words, Fauci is admitting that effort has failed completely. He’s not excluding the mRNAs from “past unsuccessful attempts” that “have been a public health failure.” He’s not saying they can form the basis for “bold new paths.”

He’s washing his hands of them - and whatever the long-term consequences of their failed effort to rewire the immune system may be.

And there it is, folks.

The Con Man wants to ride off into the sunset with a clean conscience, so he lays this egg on all his dumb cult-like supporters who just wouldn't listen to reason.

We tried to warn you, but you let politics override common sense.

Hang your heads in shame.
Meanwhile, because we live in an Orwellian Clown World:

These people are criminal scum, shamelessly profiting off their shilling for Big Pharma.

You'd think Democrats would oppose that - but the Dems always prove to be the opposite of what they claim.

And the dangerous grifting continues...

But this means all the Branch Covidians who have been screaming at us for the past few years about getting vaxxed have now even lost the great Saint Fauci!

This truly is the final nail in the coffin. If this doesn't awaken the sheeple, nothing will.

I suspect the vast majority will never admit it or apologize, true to form of course.

....a bombshell paper he co-authored last month suggests ALL vaccines for common respiratory viruses may face intractable hurdles. And that's not even the worst news.​

Fauci just helped spearhead the effort to push a new type of vaccine on the world. After only a few months of testing, the United States and other countries injected their citizens with more than 3 billion doses of mRNA.

Yet with these words, Fauci is admitting that effort has failed completely. He’s not excluding the mRNAs from “past unsuccessful attempts” that “have been a public health failure.” He’s not saying they can form the basis for “bold new paths.”

He’s washing his hands of them - and whatever the long-term consequences of their failed effort to rewire the immune system may be.

And there it is, folks.

The Con Man wants to ride off into the sunset with a clean conscience, so he lays this egg on all his dumb cult-like supporters who just wouldn't listen to reason.

We tried to warn you, but you let politics override common sense.

Hang your heads in shame.
Nice mis-read of what Faucci said.

He merely points to the effectiveness of infection prevention in respitory vaccines vs other vaccines. But the very nature of infection location is the reason, not the vaccines themselves.

But this means all the Branch Covidians who have been screaming at us for the past few years about getting vaxxed have now even lost the great Saint Fauci!

This truly is the final nail in the coffin. If this doesn't awaken the sheeple, nothing will.

I suspect the vast majority will never admit it or apologize, true to form of course.

....a bombshell paper he co-authored last month suggests ALL vaccines for common respiratory viruses may face intractable hurdles. And that's not even the worst news.​

Fauci just helped spearhead the effort to push a new type of vaccine on the world. After only a few months of testing, the United States and other countries injected their citizens with more than 3 billion doses of mRNA.

Yet with these words, Fauci is admitting that effort has failed completely. He’s not excluding the mRNAs from “past unsuccessful attempts” that “have been a public health failure.” He’s not saying they can form the basis for “bold new paths.”

He’s washing his hands of them - and whatever the long-term consequences of their failed effort to rewire the immune system may be.

And there it is, folks.

The Con Man wants to ride off into the sunset with a clean conscience, so he lays this egg on all his dumb cult-like supporters who just wouldn't listen to reason.

We tried to warn you, but you let politics override common sense.

Hang your heads in shame.
Here is even a better video of Fauci talking about mRNA vaccines…in 2019.

He says they would take a decade to approve even if they were perfect:

Here is even a better video of Fauci talking about mRNA vaccines…in 2019.

He says they would take a decade to approve even if they were perfect:

The same would hold true for the moon lander program, or the atomic bomb, or any other matter of national urgency if developed by normal efforts.
Nice mis-read of what Faucci said.

He merely points to the effectiveness of infection prevention in respitory vaccines vs other vaccines. But the very nature of infection location is the reason, not the vaccines themselves.

Since I know you must genuinely care about the truth, and aren't just trying to dismiss your own cognitive dissonance, I will do some spoon feeding for you. (Since, being the oh so open minded leftist you are, you neglected to even read the article you're commenting on.)

Heeeeeeeere comes the airplane:

At its core, the piece raises the question of whether any vaccines can ever work well enough to matter against bugs like common coronaviruses, influenza, and RSV.

And that question hides an even more troubling one, one the authors do not ask: have our efforts to beat Sars-Cov-2 by driving our immune response in ways it was not designed to go caused dangers we are only beginning to understand?

And Fauci and his co-authors know where to lay the blame. On the human immune system.

It’s not me (or my vaccines) - it’s you!

No, seriously.

As the paper explains, we spend our lives breathing an almost infinite variety of threats:

Because humans inhale and ingest enormous quantities of exogenous proteins with every breath and mouthful, the respiratory and gastrointestinal immune compartments have evolved to deal with continual and massive antigenic assaults from the outside world.

Thus our immune systems have learned to make a distinction between relatively minor respiratory viruses like influenza and RSV - which have “a short duration of illness and a typically uncomplicated course” - and far more serious intruders like measles, which replicate systemically and can kill even young and healthy people.

Any virologist or immunologist will tell you that - in the words of Science magazine:

For many infectious diseases, naturally acquired immunity is known to be more powerful than vaccine-induced immunity and it often lasts a lifetime.

But our immune systems aren’t trying to provide lifetime protection against the minor respiratory viruses. We’d rather live with them and the minor threats they represent, instead of blowing up our own bodies to defeat an infection that will likely last only a few days.




But this means all the Branch Covidians who have been screaming at us for the past few years about getting vaxxed have now even lost the great Saint Fauci!

This truly is the final nail in the coffin. If this doesn't awaken the sheeple, nothing will.

I suspect the vast majority will never admit it or apologize, true to form of course.

....a bombshell paper he co-authored last month suggests ALL vaccines for common respiratory viruses may face intractable hurdles. And that's not even the worst news.​

Fauci just helped spearhead the effort to push a new type of vaccine on the world. After only a few months of testing, the United States and other countries injected their citizens with more than 3 billion doses of mRNA.

Yet with these words, Fauci is admitting that effort has failed completely. He’s not excluding the mRNAs from “past unsuccessful attempts” that “have been a public health failure.” He’s not saying they can form the basis for “bold new paths.”

He’s washing his hands of them - and whatever the long-term consequences of their failed effort to rewire the immune system may be.

And there it is, folks.

The Con Man wants to ride off into the sunset with a clean conscience, so he lays this egg on all his dumb cult-like supporters who just wouldn't listen to reason.

We tried to warn you, but you let politics override common sense.

Hang your heads in shame.
That's what happens when a president fast tracks a vaccine against the advice of his advisor. How much of our tax dollars did Trump throw at big pharma? We're their kickbacks? Follow the money!

The Repubs in the house better get on this as soon as the inflation lowering bill is submitted.

Hold Trump accountable!
The same would hold true for the moon lander program, or the atomic bomb, or any other matter of national urgency if developed by normal efforts.

The sad part is you don't even realizing you're making his point for him.
That's what happens when a president fast tracks a vaccine against the advice of his advisor. How much of our tax dollars did Trump throw at big pharma? We're their kickbacks? Follow the money!

I agree entirely. Operation Warp Speed was by far the worst thing Trump ever did.

However, many of us on the Right have been pointing this out for quite some time.

See, we got something the Left lacks: integrity.

Funny how his thieving usurper of a successor attempted to take full credit for it, but I doubt I'll hear you complain about that.
You know, just for the fact leftists were so adamant about the shot was enough information to recognize the shot was a bad idea. They're never right. Personally I never rec'd one.

On a side, remember the old saying you can't cure the common cold? They were much smarter than we are today. Can't cure a man-made uncommon cold either.

I agree entirely. Operation Warp Speed was by far the worst thing Trump ever did.

However, many of us on the Right have been pointing this out for quite some time.

See, we got something the Left lacks: integrity.

Funny how his thieving usurper of a successor attempted to take full credit for it, but I doubt I'll hear you complain about that.
Nobody has taken more credit then Trump.
Heeeeeeeere comes the airplane:

At its core, the piece raises the question of whether any vaccines can ever work well enough to matter against bugs like common coronaviruses, influenza, and RSV.

As I explained, it's because of first being viral instead of bacterial. Respiratory instead of contact.

But this means all the Branch Covidians who have been screaming at us for the past few years about getting vaxxed have now even lost the great Saint Fauci!

This truly is the final nail in the coffin. If this doesn't awaken the sheeple, nothing will.

I suspect the vast majority will never admit it or apologize, true to form of course.

....a bombshell paper he co-authored last month suggests ALL vaccines for common respiratory viruses may face intractable hurdles. And that's not even the worst news.​

Fauci just helped spearhead the effort to push a new type of vaccine on the world. After only a few months of testing, the United States and other countries injected their citizens with more than 3 billion doses of mRNA.

Yet with these words, Fauci is admitting that effort has failed completely. He’s not excluding the mRNAs from “past unsuccessful attempts” that “have been a public health failure.” He’s not saying they can form the basis for “bold new paths.”

He’s washing his hands of them - and whatever the long-term consequences of their failed effort to rewire the immune system may be.

And there it is, folks.

The Con Man wants to ride off into the sunset with a clean conscience, so he lays this egg on all his dumb cult-like supporters who just wouldn't listen to reason.

We tried to warn you, but you let politics override common sense.

Hang your heads in shame.
Nonsense! There's no point in wasting time to disprove the OP's obvious lie.

Covid vaccines have saved hundreds of millions of lives.
As I explained, it's because of first being viral instead of bacterial. Respiratory instead of contact.

Yes, you "evolve" with the propaganda.

Because we all know you were almost certainly proclaiming this at the time that the vax mandates were being issued.

But of course!

Besides, the idea is absurd on its face as a justification for what these monsters did. And beyond your clipped sentence the article expresses that quite well.
There's no point in wasting time to disprove the OP's obvious lie.

No, of course not.

Why actually think when you can just mindlessly spout empty headed slanders based on whatever political "team" you go to bat for?

Evidence....pppssshhh. Critical thought - HA!

I trust the Science. (tm)

But this means all the Branch Covidians who have been screaming at us for the past few years about getting vaxxed have now even lost the great Saint Fauci!

This truly is the final nail in the coffin. If this doesn't awaken the sheeple, nothing will.

I suspect the vast majority will never admit it or apologize, true to form of course.

....a bombshell paper he co-authored last month suggests ALL vaccines for common respiratory viruses may face intractable hurdles. And that's not even the worst news.​

Fauci just helped spearhead the effort to push a new type of vaccine on the world. After only a few months of testing, the United States and other countries injected their citizens with more than 3 billion doses of mRNA.

Yet with these words, Fauci is admitting that effort has failed completely. He’s not excluding the mRNAs from “past unsuccessful attempts” that “have been a public health failure.” He’s not saying they can form the basis for “bold new paths.”

He’s washing his hands of them - and whatever the long-term consequences of their failed effort to rewire the immune system may be.

And there it is, folks.

The Con Man wants to ride off into the sunset with a clean conscience, so he lays this egg on all his dumb cult-like supporters who just wouldn't listen to reason.

We tried to warn you, but you let politics override common sense.

Hang your heads in shame.
Yeah, good post -- I feel so stupid for getting scaremongered into getting the Moderna vaccine (I didn't get any boosters and won't --- I caught a horrific case of Covid and damaged my lungs, didn't recover for four months) . I have been studying epidemics as an amateur since I was 15, have a long shelf of books on them and I know, I KNEW that all, 100% of vaccines take literally decades to develop. And that the flu "vaccine" is just a huge scam that doesn't work and they based the Covid thing on that scam and lied to everyone.

Darn it, I will never take another vaccine. Enough.

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