Dow gains 120 points, Republicans blame Obama

Kids... Toro here is probably some series 7 clown workin' the desk at some low rent equity house. And this should be a lesson to ALL of you who have ever even THOUGHT about walking through the door of such a den of theives...

This is the level of 'expertise' you're going to find workin' the desk...

Hey, you believe whatever you need to believe to help you get through the day PI. Doesn't matter to me.
That chart is pretty much worthless. Here's a better chart:


I can understand why some people who don't like Obama or the Democrats would try to explain it away, but if you are going to bang on Obama for the market, you better be careful because odds are that you will look silly.

Your chart tells you little because it only tells you the past 20 years. Why limit yourself to a mere generation? That's about the duration of the average bull market.

Here is the performance of the market from 1901 to 2006 based on political composition of the government. Generally, the market has done worse under Republicans than under Democrats.


The Big Picture

ROFLMNAO... Hey that some serious out of the box thinkin' ya have there... when your argument is refuted... post another box that RESTATES THE SAME FAILED ARGUMENT.

Again, Toro stated herself that the Market will perform better under Hussein because IT CRASHED! She wants to ignore that it was leftist policy that crashed it... even while she touts LEFTIST POLICY MAKERS.
I think they are saying that who has controlled Congress should be taken into account as well as which party controlled the white house.

Sure. Which is why I posted the table above.

But people are taking a highly improbable bet banging on the current President and are likely to be proven wrong 3.5 years from now.

I think the stock market will make big gains over the next few years and Obama will get a lot of undeserved credit for that.

Isn't it cute?

the Economy muddles along, DESPITE the punishing, anti-Capitalist policies of this Marxist regime and Chris here wants to Celebrate a 120pt. gain in the equity markets; and this after the LAST round of Socialist Policies caused the Real Estate Market to CRASH, which resulted in that same market tumbling down FIVE THOUSAND POINTS...

OK Chris... Let's celebrate!

WOO HOO KIDS! The Market is gaining DESPITE ANTI-MARKET POLICIES which PUNISH PRODUCTIVITY, PRIVATE OWNERSHIP and the Unalienable rights of the individual to pursue the fullfilment of one's life through the unfettered use of the product of one's LABOR!

YEEeeeeeeeeeeee HAAAwww.... Go MARKET!

We now return you to the regularly scheduled reality...

The market will significantly outperform under Obama than it did under Bush.




Now understand kids... What she wants to point out here are a couple of misnomers...

First, she wants to point to the "President".... as if the president sets fiscal policy... The President SIGNS fiscal policy and executes the policy PASSED AND IMPLEMENTED BY THE LEGISLATURE...

Second she wants to look at gains...

We should HOPE the market does well... and as one who is ass deep in equities, I'm in that camp; but the Market is due for some gains given it's LOSSES since the LEFTISTS GAINED POWER.

And while it's a delightful little graph which hopes to show how the markets reacts to Republican -v- Democrat Presidents... It should be noted that the Market did its best (according to Toro's little graph, during the period when CONSERVATIVES were passing and implementing FISCAL POLICY! It's the lovely, but tallest 'white' box... labeled "Clinton."

Now lets look at the NASTY red bastard up front... Democrat Congress, Republican President... the problem here is two fold... First Hoover signed the Leftist fiscal policy passed by the Democrat Congress... Second, the market was all but wiped out by that policy... and that which preceded it. Thus the gains represented by the blue box... It shows a 150 percent increase in the overall value of the market... up 150% from damn near nothin'... and it only took 12 years to do it... But it does make a lovely little box... even if it is deceptive as HELL to present it as such.

I just went and read this post.

This is such bullshit garbage. Hoover's budgets never accounted for more than 1% of GDP until 1932, the bottom of the Great Depression. To say that the collapse of the economy was somehow a leftist creation of Congress is just revisionist and regurgitated lies that have been discussed and refuted endlessly, and which I will not do for the umpteenth time with PI.
Corporations make money while unemployment remains high.

You Libs must be so proud. :lol:

This is how it works folks. And nobody deserves credit for any type of recovery. When we have a recession, companies trim the fat and become leaner so that they can remain profitable. Once they have cut the fat and become more profitable in a not so great economic environment, then there is extra money for growth. At that point they beging to expand again, and that is how we come out of a recession. This is basic stuff. It amazes me how so many don't get this.
Corporations make money while unemployment remains high.

You Libs must be so proud. :lol:

This is how it works folks. And nobody deserves credit for any type of recovery. When we have a recession, companies trim the fat and become leaner so that they can remain profitable. Once they have cut the fat and become more profitable in a not so great economic environment, then there is extra money for growth. At that point they beging to expand again, and that is how we come out of a recession. This is basic stuff. It amazes me how so many don't get this.
as long as no one is taxing the fuck out of them


Now understand kids... What she wants to point out here are a couple of misnomers...

First, she wants to point to the "President".... as if the president sets fiscal policy...



Now President ELECT is a completely different matter. :cuckoo:
If it's a Dem then he is totally responsible for the stock market. :rofl:

November 6, 2008
RUSH: The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come. This is an Obama recession. Might turn into a depression. He hasn't done anything yet but his ideas are killing the economy. His ideas are killing Wall Street.
I think they are saying that who has controlled Congress should be taken into account as well as which party controlled the white house.

Sure. Which is why I posted the table above.

But people are taking a highly improbable bet banging on the current President and are likely to be proven wrong 3.5 years from now.

I think the stock market will make big gains over the next few years and Obama will get a lot of undeserved credit for that.

Undeserved blame is another matter entirely.

Like the people who were blaming the market losses on him BEFORE he was even sworn in are going to suddenly give him credit for the gains.
They're PROGRAMMED response to any economic progress is "we would have progressed FASTER." :rofl:


Now understand kids... What she wants to point out here are a couple of misnomers...

First, she wants to point to the "President".... as if the president sets fiscal policy...



Now President ELECT is a completely different matter. :cuckoo:
If it's a Dem then he is totally responsible for the stock market. :rofl:

November 6, 2008
RUSH: The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come. This is an Obama recession. Might turn into a depression. He hasn't done anything yet but his ideas are killing the economy. His ideas are killing Wall Street.
you clearly have no clue how Rush does his show
you prove it over and over
Sure. Which is why I posted the table above.

But people are taking a highly improbable bet banging on the current President and are likely to be proven wrong 3.5 years from now.

I think the stock market will make big gains over the next few years and Obama will get a lot of undeserved credit for that.

Undeserved blame is another matter entirely.

Like the people who were blaming the market losses on him BEFORE he was even sworn in are going to suddenly give him credit for the gains.
They're PROGRAMMED response to any economic progress is "we would have progressed FASTER." :rofl:
and morons like you dont understand hyperbole
I think they are saying that who has controlled Congress should be taken into account as well as which party controlled the white house.

Sure. Which is why I posted the table above.

But people are taking a highly improbable bet banging on the current President and are likely to be proven wrong 3.5 years from now.


Well sure...

I mean the guys' running up 2 trillion dollar annual Federal deficits and that is WITHOUT the future Healthcare catastrophe; and who could claim that such fiscal genius could result in ANYTHING but HIGH PROSPERITY!

Now again friends... One doesn't have to go back TOO far to find these same idiots CRYING in HYSTERICS; claiming that the US was on the precipice of ECONOMIC CATASTROPHE because GW Bush was executing the GWOTon numerous fronts and managing massive natural disasters... running 300-500 billion dollar deficits; a small fraction of that typical of this administration.

Now just IMAGINE what happens when the US again finds itself with massive natural disasters... The US sustained 5 major hurricanes in 03... Add THAT to a two trillion dollar deficit... than ADD THAT to run away costs of Socialized Medicine.

It's absurd to believe that such can result in anything but disaster.
The market will significantly outperform under Obama than it did under Bush.




Now understand kids... What she wants to point out here are a couple of misnomers...

First, she wants to point to the "President".... as if the president sets fiscal policy... The President SIGNS fiscal policy and executes the policy PASSED AND IMPLEMENTED BY THE LEGISLATURE...

Second she wants to look at gains...

We should HOPE the market does well... and as one who is ass deep in equities, I'm in that camp; but the Market is due for some gains given it's LOSSES since the LEFTISTS GAINED POWER.

And while it's a delightful little graph which hopes to show how the markets reacts to Republican -v- Democrat Presidents... It should be noted that the Market did its best (according to Toro's little graph, during the period when CONSERVATIVES were passing and implementing FISCAL POLICY! It's the lovely, but tallest 'white' box... labeled "Clinton."

Now lets look at the NASTY red bastard up front... Democrat Congress, Republican President... the problem here is two fold... First Hoover signed the Leftist fiscal policy passed by the Democrat Congress... Second, the market was all but wiped out by that policy... and that which preceded it. Thus the gains represented by the blue box... It shows a 150 percent increase in the overall value of the market... up 150% from damn near nothin'... and it only took 12 years to do it... But it does make a lovely little box... even if it is deceptive as HELL to present it as such.

I just went and read this post.

This is such bullshit garbage. Hoover's budgets never accounted for more than 1% of GDP until 1932, the bottom of the Great Depression. To say that the collapse of the economy was somehow a leftist creation of Congress is just revisionist and regurgitated lies that have been discussed and refuted endlessly, and which I will not do for the umpteenth time with PI.

Yet there's nothing on the record where such a refutation has occured... Now THATS SWEET IRONY right there... The old "revisionist claiming revisionism...' CLASSIC!

All toro needs to do, is post the argument wherein these would-be refutations exist...

WARNING: DO NOT HOLD YOUR BREATH! Doing so while waiting on a Leftist to support their empty assertions will cause serious bodily injury and/or death!


Now understand kids... What she wants to point out here are a couple of misnomers...

First, she wants to point to the "President".... as if the president sets fiscal policy...



Now President ELECT is a completely different matter. :cuckoo:
If it's a Dem then he is totally responsible for the stock market. :rofl:

November 6, 2008
RUSH: The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come. This is an Obama recession. Might turn into a depression. He hasn't done anything yet but his ideas are killing the economy. His ideas are killing Wall Street.
you clearly have no clue how Rush does his show
you prove it over and over

Clearly I DO or you wouldn't have replied.

August 26, 2008
RUSH: "When critics get it right, then you reply," and when you reply to something they've gotten right, it's evidence that the critic has gotten to you.

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