Dots To Be Connected: Children or Communism


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Is there as connection between having children in a traditional family setting, and resistance to collectivism?

1. Communist spy Whittaker Chambers became anti-communist.
"Chambers’ journey from Communism to anti-Communism started one day when he was watching his firstborn child sitting in her high chair eating. “She was the most miraculous thing,” said Chambers, “that had ever happened in my life.” . Whittaker Chambers on Atheism and Communism | The Other Half of History

a. An argument can be made that having children, being a part of a traditional family, weights against atheistic communism.

2. "Human societies, at all times and places, have organised themselves around the will to live with others, not alone. But not any more. During the past half-century, our species has embarked on a remarkable social experiment. For the first time in human history, great numbers of people – at all ages, in all places, of every political persuasion – have begun settling down as singletons." I want to be alone: the rise and rise of solo living | Life and style | The Guardian

3. Leftist influences encourage both non-traditional families, and the idea of not having children. CNN produced this essay: "Are people without kids happier? New studies offer mixed picture...(CNN) -- When it comes to who is happier -- parents or child-free people -- most of the research up until now has concluded that it is the childless who are more satisfied with their overall lives."
New studies: Are people without kids happier than parents? -

And this article was featured in numerous newspaper articles.

a. More than interesting is that an on-radio interview Dr. Diane Medved, clinical psychologist and best selling author, immediately said 'they must have a political agenda." She went on to say that, having read the two studies that formed the basis of the CNN article, they actually say that couples with children are happier and better off in a number of metrics.

4. Mary Eberstadt, scholar at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, has posited in her book "How The West Really Lost God," that the trend of dissolution of family, is the main reason for the decline of religion. In her view, the image and characterization of the father at the head of the family was a reflection of Judeo-Christianity. And, the growth of the solitaire lifestyle, and specifically, single-mother family, varies, inversely, with religious faith. As she says, familial illiteracy equals religious illiteracy.

a. According to Eberstadt, Judeo-Christian religion is based on a loving, compassionate God, and that concept required one to understand a father-figure in that light. Therefore, non-traditional families, many with no father in the home, are "religiously illiterate," as are the ever-increasing number of families who choose not to have children. After all, Christianity is based on the birth of a child.

5.There is proof that the welfare state, perhaps in substituting for the role of father and provider, causes family dissolution.
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