Doomsday Scenarios


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Has anyone noticed that, other than vague Biblical prophesies, almost all of the environmental doomsday scenarios come from Leftist organizations? Why is that? Have any of them ever come true? Why are these people given any credibility? Is it because of a sympathetic press, or is it because of entertainment value? Just wondering...:confused:
There is no shortage of environmental Doomsday tales..

I LOVED the clips from Sharknado and "Day After Tomorrow" is a real hoot. Perhaps there's a clue.
Hollywood? Leftists?

I have a pet theory.. And that is that leftists have 2 conditions. The first is that the sense of "self-preservation" has been bred right out them -- so that they have to rely on "schooling and herding" impulses for survival.. Hence the insistence on making consensus and driving the herd/school in a consistent direction..

The other is that they pick up a bad case of "co-dependence" from their leftist indoctrination.
A sense that somebody else's failure is THEIR FAULT. By extension -- paranoia that THEY cause doomsday to arrive. And that their personal guilt can fix the afflictions of the world if they take responsibility for all the worlds ills..

Now THAT ought to be PROVOKING some response any time now.. :lol:
Maybe I should keep my social theories to myself..............
Whatever it is --- it's present in AGW in spades..
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Doomsday Scenarios

"Has anyone noticed that, other than vague Biblical prophesies, almost all of the" futuristic doomsday scenarios [that] come from" Rightist groups have to do with homosexuality, abortion, and hosts of locusts and a swarming of froggies? Think "Ben Hur" and the "Ten Commandments". "Why is that? Have any of them ever come true? Why are these people given any credibility? Is it because of a sympathetic press, or is it because of entertainment value? Just wondering... "
There is not a 'doomsday' scenerio for the increasing amount of GHGs in the atmosphere. There is a warning that we are entering unknown territory. Right now, the affects look to be reduced crops due to wider and wilder weather swings even as the population of the world is still increasing. We do not know what the feedbacks of the decrease in the Arctic Ice will be. We are already seeing increasing outgassing from the ocean clathrates. We are seeing outgassing from the permafrost. How much will this increase that amount of CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere in the next 30 years? We don't know. We do know that any additional increase is not good.
Doomsday Scenarios

"Has anyone noticed that, other than vague Biblical prophesies, almost all of the" futuristic doomsday scenarios [that] come from" Rightist groups have to do with homosexuality, abortion, and hosts of locusts and a swarming of froggies? Think "Ben Hur" and the "Ten Commandments". "Why is that? Have any of them ever come true? Why are these people given any credibility? Is it because of a sympathetic press, or is it because of entertainment value? Just wondering... "

You forgot the :confused:
Has anyone noticed that, other than vague Biblical prophesies, almost all of the environmental doomsday scenarios come from Leftist organizations? Why is that? Have any of them ever come true? Why are these people given any credibility? Is it because of a sympathetic press, or is it because of entertainment value? Just wondering...:confused:

Take 90 minutes and check this will all make sense then.

AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie) FREE to watch for a limited time! on Vimeo me, the left/Dems and their public policy are laughable. The GOP are frauds as well. Government by the Establishment........its a fucking Jonestown.
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There is not a 'doomsday' scenerio for the increasing amount of GHGs in the atmosphere. There is a warning that we are entering unknown territory. Right now, the affects look to be reduced crops due to wider and wilder weather swings even as the population of the world is still increasing. We do not know what the feedbacks of the decrease in the Arctic Ice will be. We are already seeing increasing outgassing from the ocean clathrates. We are seeing outgassing from the permafrost. How much will this increase that amount of CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere in the next 30 years? We don't know. We do know that any additional increase is not good.

Did you learn some Michael Jackson dance steps there GoldiRocks??

CBS news just did a story about the OCEANS BOILING away.. Another equates the warming energy to 1000s of atomic bombs going off.. Sea level rises swallowing Florida and Manhattan. No more snow.. No more food... Malaria for all..

Al Gore shows a hurricane the size of the Atlantic?

But that's not doomsday... No sir...

10 Global Warming Doomsday Predictions - John Hawkins - Page full

According to July 5, 1989, article in the Miami Herald, the then-director of the New York office of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Noel Brown, warned of a “10-year window of opportunity to solve” global warming. According to the 1989 article, “A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees,’ threatening political chaos.”

Walking it back bit by bit Goldi???
WARNING Will Robinson!
Revelation 11

The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small-- and (the time has come) for destroying those who destroy the earth.

I guess those who do destroy the Earth will be destroyed themselves by God some day.... is that Karma>? I don't think God was talking about "mother nature" destroying the Earth....?
Religion is the religion of the Right; Politics is the religion of the Left.
Science ain't religion, and AGW is a fact.

AGW doesn't have enough science to back up it's Revelations. Not when FUNDAMENTAL critical numbers for "climate sensitivity" and "CO2 residence time" have such high uncertainties.

It's more of a fortune-telling, tea leaf reading, witchdoctor magic, pop culture artifact..

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