Climate Change? Pshaw. Nothing. Check out this.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
[I wasn't sure whether to post this here or Science and Technology]
Scientists: Yellowstone Supervolcano May Be Ready to Erupt, Monday, 16 Dec 2013 09:26 PM

The hot molten rock beneath Yellowstone National Park is 2 ½ times larger than previously estimated, meaning the park's supervolcano has the potential to erupt with a force about 2,000 times the size of Mount St. Helens, according to a new study.

By measuring seismic waves from earthquakes, scientists were able to map the magma chamber underneath the Yellowstone caldera as 55 miles long, lead author Jamie Farrell of the University of Utah said Monday.

The chamber is 18 miles wide and runs at depths from 3 to 9 miles below the earth, he added.

Read Latest Breaking News from Scientists: Yellowstone Supervolcano May Be Ready to Erupt

With all our technological advances, we're still in the hands of Ma Nature. She sends us massive cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and our scientists still aren't sure why – or even have the faintest idea of who to stop it.
And then comes this story →

When Will Earth Lose Its Oceans?

Dec. 16, 2013 — The natural increase in solar luminosity-a very slow process unrelated to current climate warming-will cause the Earth's temperatures to rise over the next few hundred million years. This will result in the complete evaporation of the oceans. Devised by a team from the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique[1] (CNRS / UPMC / ENS / École polytechnique), the first three-dimensional climate model able to simulate the phenomenon predicts that liquid water will disappear on Earth in approximately one billion years, extending previous estimates by several hundred million years. Published on December 12, 2013 in the journal Nature, the work not only improves our understanding of the evolution of our planet but also makes it possible to determine the necessary conditions for the presence of liquid water on other Earth-like planets.

Oh my goodness? Where can we run to? How can scientists stop this? Another regulation on the use or coal or petroleum? Read more of this dire news @ When will Earth lose its oceans?
Of all the natural things that could go wrong and wipe us out, Yosemite's at the top of my personal worry list. A big rock hurtling through space towards us wouldn't give us much warning. But a supereruption at Yosemite and expanding ask cloud would give me days to stress and freak out :)
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What typically happens is that the big rock impact causes a cascade of other events like volcanoes, and tectonic plates shifting, etc
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[I wasn't sure whether to post this here or Science and Technology]
Scientists: Yellowstone Supervolcano May Be Ready to Erupt, Monday, 16 Dec 2013 09:26 PM

The hot molten rock beneath Yellowstone National Park is 2 ½ times larger than previously estimated, meaning the park's supervolcano has the potential to erupt with a force about 2,000 times the size of Mount St. Helens, according to a new study.

By measuring seismic waves from earthquakes, scientists were able to map the magma chamber underneath the Yellowstone caldera as 55 miles long, lead author Jamie Farrell of the University of Utah said Monday.

The chamber is 18 miles wide and runs at depths from 3 to 9 miles below the earth, he added.

Read Latest Breaking News from Scientists: Yellowstone Supervolcano May Be Ready to Erupt

With all our technological advances, we're still in the hands of Ma Nature. She sends us massive cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and our scientists still aren't sure why – or even have the faintest idea of who to stop it.

that wouldnt leave us much time out here in South Dakota
[I wasn't sure whether to post this here or Science and Technology]
Scientists: Yellowstone Supervolcano May Be Ready to Erupt, Monday, 16 Dec 2013 09:26 PM

The hot molten rock beneath Yellowstone National Park is 2 ½ times larger than previously estimated, meaning the park's supervolcano has the potential to erupt with a force about 2,000 times the size of Mount St. Helens, according to a new study.

By measuring seismic waves from earthquakes, scientists were able to map the magma chamber underneath the Yellowstone caldera as 55 miles long, lead author Jamie Farrell of the University of Utah said Monday.

The chamber is 18 miles wide and runs at depths from 3 to 9 miles below the earth, he added.

Read Latest Breaking News from Scientists: Yellowstone Supervolcano May Be Ready to Erupt

With all our technological advances, we're still in the hands of Ma Nature. She sends us massive cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and our scientists still aren't sure why – or even have the faintest idea of who to stop it.

Newsmax? Now that is a real credible source for your science:lol:

Yes, Yellowstone is due to erupt in the near future, geologically speaking. Certainly within the next 50,000 years.

In the meantime, before 2050 we will see major effects from the warming of this planet. Effects that will not be pleasant for 7 billion humans dependent on large scale agriculture which is dependent on a stable climate.

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