Don't trust Automatic Checkout Machines: Falsely Accused Shoplifting


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2015
I just want to say I have stopped trusting any Automatic Checkout Machine, I see them as dangerous.

It is very easy on these machines to accidently not have an item scanned and not realize it, cashiers miss items all the time on accident when scanning items. Unfortunately sometimes the store doesn't see it as an accident and they have video footage on these machines of you misscanning an item. I have read too many cases of people not realizing an item did not scan and then the store apprehending/arresting the person.. even for items as little as $2-5. I have never been accused of shoplifting with these machines, but I could see it very easily happening one day and that's why I have chosen to stop using them all together I see them as dangerous. Many attorneys now are urging people not to use these machines, they are shoplifting traps. You could very easily be accused of shoplifting when it was just a mistake. Even though it is much slower you are much safer user the checkout lanes with the cashiers and having the cashier scan all your items. If the cashier accidently doesn't scan an item or it misscans the fault is on 'him/her' and not on you. I just have had one too many close calls with these Automatic Checkout Machines and I am never trusting them anymore, really easy to miscan something and be accused of shoplifting with these things. Cameras are on the machines, big brother is watching you. I am following what i read attorneys advising, use the regular checkout lanes and have a cashier checkout your items. If an item doesn't scan the blame goes on the cashier scanning the item and not you, you avoid being accused of shoplifting... now it is the cashier who has to answer for misscanning not you.

I am following the advice of what I read many attorneys advise, use the regular checkout lanes and have the cashier checkout your items.

Anyone have similar experiences?
Unless I have just a few items, I will go to the regular checkout. Let them find where the stupid bar code is

I have been caught a few times not properly scanning. No cops were called, I was just told to go back and scan and pay for the item.
I just want to say I have stopped trusting any Automatic Checkout Machine, I see them as dangerous.

It is very easy on these machines to accidently not have an item scanned and not realize it, cashiers miss items all the time on accident when scanning items. Unfortunately sometimes the store doesn't see it as an accident and they have video footage on these machines of you misscanning an item. I have read too many cases of people not realizing an item did not scan and then the store apprehending/arresting the person.. even for items as little as $2-5. I have never been accused of shoplifting with these machines, but I could see it very easily happening one day and that's why I have chosen to stop using them all together I see them as dangerous. Many attorneys now are urging people not to use these machines, they are shoplifting traps. You could very easily be accused of shoplifting when it was just a mistake. Even though it is much slower you are much safer user the checkout lanes with the cashiers and having the cashier scan all your items. If the cashier accidently doesn't scan an item or it misscans the fault is on 'him/her' and not on you. I just have had one too many close calls with these Automatic Checkout Machines and I am never trusting them anymore, really easy to miscan something and be accused of shoplifting with these things. Cameras are on the machines, big brother is watching you. I am following what i read attorneys advising, use the regular checkout lanes and have a cashier checkout your items. If an item doesn't scan the blame goes on the cashier scanning the item and not you, you avoid being accused of shoplifting... now it is the cashier who has to answer for misscanning not you.

I am following the advice of what I read many attorneys advise, use the regular checkout lanes and have the cashier checkout your items.

Anyone have similar experiences?
So far, I've had no issues. These days, it's sometimes hard to find an actual cashier at checkout time. Home Depot, Walmart, Smith's, etc. often times don't have cashiers in the early morning hours when I prefer to do my shopping. So I've gotten used to the DIY checkout process.
I just want to say I have stopped trusting any Automatic Checkout Machine, I see them as dangerous.

It is very easy on these machines to accidently not have an item scanned and not realize it, cashiers miss items all the time on accident when scanning items. Unfortunately sometimes the store doesn't see it as an accident and they have video footage on these machines of you misscanning an item. I have read too many cases of people not realizing an item did not scan and then the store apprehending/arresting the person.. even for items as little as $2-5. I have never been accused of shoplifting with these machines, but I could see it very easily happening one day and that's why I have chosen to stop using them all together I see them as dangerous. Many attorneys now are urging people not to use these machines, they are shoplifting traps. You could very easily be accused of shoplifting when it was just a mistake. Even though it is much slower you are much safer user the checkout lanes with the cashiers and having the cashier scan all your items. If the cashier accidently doesn't scan an item or it misscans the fault is on 'him/her' and not on you. I just have had one too many close calls with these Automatic Checkout Machines and I am never trusting them anymore, really easy to miscan something and be accused of shoplifting with these things. Cameras are on the machines, big brother is watching you. I am following what i read attorneys advising, use the regular checkout lanes and have a cashier checkout your items. If an item doesn't scan the blame goes on the cashier scanning the item and not you, you avoid being accused of shoplifting... now it is the cashier who has to answer for misscanning not you.

I am following the advice of what I read many attorneys advise, use the regular checkout lanes and have the cashier checkout your items.

Anyone have similar experiences?
I scan and I verify that it scanned.
If the price is screwy I tell the Walmart worker before I leave.
Don't be in a rush.
Make sure as if you're a store employee.
I guess it comes from the time I worked as a bagger when I was a kid.
Never had a problem with self-check out. But then again I decide which to use based on shopping.

If I'm popping in for just a couple of items, self-checkout is fast and convenient. I cross check what I scanned with the display to make sure it registered correctly, then place it in the bagging bin.

However if I have a shopping cart full, that's a different matter. That's when I go into the cashier line. I preload the belt while the customer in front is finishing up. All frozen items together, all chill items together, then dry goods, then raw veggies, then breads. That way on the other end they are ready for bagging by like items.

BTW - Trader Joe's has THE BEST shopping bags if you don't like paper or plastic, although we do most of out food shopping at Kroger or the Commissary. Good size, long handles (which sling over your shoulder) and 100% cotton/canvas which means it's easy to run them through the washer periodically to keep them clean.

If I don't have a lot of stuff I always use self checkout and never have any issues with scanning. My issue is when you have something to light to register you placed it in bag, so I always do that stuff last.
Unless I'm getting a discount to do the job they hire people for, I don't use self check-out. If all they have is self-checkout, I leave my full cart and walk the fuck out.
Unless I'm getting a discount to do the job they hire people for, I don't use self check-out. If all they have is self-checkout, I leave my full cart and walk the fuck out.
Yeah that is the way I am starting to feel too.
I just want to say I have stopped trusting any Automatic Checkout Machine, I see them as dangerous.

It is very easy on these machines to accidently not have an item scanned and not realize it, cashiers miss items all the time on accident when scanning items. Unfortunately sometimes the store doesn't see it as an accident and they have video footage on these machines of you misscanning an item. I have read too many cases of people not realizing an item did not scan and then the store apprehending/arresting the person.. even for items as little as $2-5. I have never been accused of shoplifting with these machines, but I could see it very easily happening one day and that's why I have chosen to stop using them all together I see them as dangerous. Many attorneys now are urging people not to use these machines, they are shoplifting traps. You could very easily be accused of shoplifting when it was just a mistake. Even though it is much slower you are much safer user the checkout lanes with the cashiers and having the cashier scan all your items. If the cashier accidently doesn't scan an item or it misscans the fault is on 'him/her' and not on you. I just have had one too many close calls with these Automatic Checkout Machines and I am never trusting them anymore, really easy to miscan something and be accused of shoplifting with these things. Cameras are on the machines, big brother is watching you. I am following what i read attorneys advising, use the regular checkout lanes and have a cashier checkout your items. If an item doesn't scan the blame goes on the cashier scanning the item and not you, you avoid being accused of shoplifting... now it is the cashier who has to answer for misscanning not you.

I am following the advice of what I read many attorneys advise, use the regular checkout lanes and have the cashier checkout your items.

Anyone have similar experiences?
How do feel about crossing roads ?
Or driving ?
Is it wise to leave home without you being inside a tank ?
I have never left my bedroom in the last few years and have never suffered from anything .
Seems to prove my point

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