Don't Trust Anyone On The Left Or The Right On Newt Gingrich

Newt is getting everthing he deserves.

He courted the very base that is now heaving him on the trash heap for trying to look like a candidate who could win a general election.

He helped create the modern Republican party that fights daily to be smaller and smaller by appealing to fewer and fewer voters.

The republican party can not cheat enough to win this time.
I grew up in Georgia and can verfy that he is a fat, slimy neocon douche. Actually, that description is too kind for him...

And you have such an outstanding record that no one could possibly question your assessment.
Newt is getting everthing he deserves.

He courted the very base that is now heaving him on the trash heap for trying to look like a candidate who could win a general election.

He helped create the modern Republican party that fights daily to be smaller and smaller by appealing to fewer and fewer voters.

The republican party can not cheat enough to win this time.

The republican party has never needed to resort to cheating. That would be your guys.
I remember watching US elections years ago when the candidates had to have no skeletons in their closet whatsoever.
That doesn't seem to matter so much anymore.

Nevertheless, the barefaced hypocrisy of Newt during his crusade on Clinton must count against him.

After watching Obama for the last 3 years you can say that with a straight face? Hypocrite is Obama's middle name. (Barack H. Obama)

The only advantage Obama has over Newt is that he's never been caught cheating on Michelle. I think this is the case because he has a media unwilling to expose him if it was ever discovered.

If hypocrisy is your main objection with Newt on a personal matter then I think you're being intellectually dishonest. I remember all of the excuses that were made for Bill Clinton. This to me seems like yet again another double-standard by the left. It also let's me know that salvation and forgiveness is very selective when it comes to the left.

Let's look at all of the Dems that have been caught in sex scandals and are currently in good standing:

Gov. Elliot Spitzer - Client number 9
Rep. Eric Massa - Playing with boys
Pres. Bill Clinton - The infamous blue dress
V.P. Al Gore - Unhappy endings
Rep. Barney Frank - Love for sale

Then there's John Edwards and Kwame Kilpatrick who aren't in good standing because the Dems have no further use for them.

It has long been a well kept secret that Hillary and Donna Shalala were more then friends when she was the first lady. It was also rumored that she kept staffer Huma Abedin on the payroll for personal reasons. She was paid $700,000 for something. Hillary Clinton's Lesbian lover Huma Abedin? - Huma Abedin - Zimbio

Reliable Source said:

I am close enough to Hillary and Huma to tell you that this “rumor” is true. It is well known inside her campaign that Hillary and Huma are an item. If you call Hillary’s residence in DC first thing in the morning, Huma answers the phone. Same thing late at night and on the road. It’s a closely guarded secret that Hillary’s inner circle guards at all costs.

Hillary Clinton and Her Girlfriends: Out of the Closet and into the Rumor Mill

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not defending anyone of either side, but it seems to me that, in days gone by, the idea of someone with Newt's background running for president would have been unthinkable.
Personally, I don't see how he can't just want to disappear into oblivion.
Newt is getting everthing he deserves.

He courted the very base that is now heaving him on the trash heap for trying to look like a candidate who could win a general election.

He helped create the modern Republican party that fights daily to be smaller and smaller by appealing to fewer and fewer voters.

The republican party can not cheat enough to win this time.

The republican party has never needed to resort to cheating. That would be your guys.

Do you realize how WEAK and STUPID this sort of answer is?

It has NO substance.
Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Peepers
I grew up in Georgia and can verfy that he is a fat, slimy neocon douche. Actually, that description is too kind for him...

And you have such an outstanding record that no one could possibly question your assessment.

Poll: Newt Gingrich not too popular in Georgia - Kendra Marr -

Apparently I'm not the only one with a decent memory (unlike you righties). You guys make it too easy
That's no surprise...the people who actually KNOW these 2 slimebuckets wouldn't trust 'em any further than they can throw 'em.

I've heard Cain's rancid rhetoric daily for over a year now...NO THANKS!!!

That goes DOUBLE for Gingrich!

Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Peepers
I grew up in Georgia and can verfy that he is a fat, slimy neocon douche. Actually, that description is too kind for him...

And you have such an outstanding record that no one could possibly question your assessment.

Poll: Newt Gingrich not too popular in Georgia - Kendra Marr -

Apparently I'm not the only one with a decent memory (unlike you righties). You guys make it too easy
That's no surprise...the people who actually KNOW these 2 slimebuckets wouldn't trust 'em any further than they can throw 'em.

I've heard Cain's rancid rhetoric daily for over a year now...NO THANKS!!!

That goes DOUBLE for Gingrich!


Yeah, Cain is a slimbucket because he's not running as a Democrap.

Don't try to sugarcoat it.

Btw, if you want to see somebody trash Newt, they've dedicated most of Meet The Press this morning to it. Their first guest was Paul Ryan.

It looks like they're gonna ignore Obama's SNAFU with Israel this week.

Guess it didn't happen.
I don't trust Paul Ryan because he's going along with this Demagoguery of Newt.

What a piece of shit.

Fuck Paul Ryan.

He and his budget plan are dead in the water because they can't explain it to the people.

Nobody knows what's in it, similar to Obamacare. So why should they trust it.
Newt, it appears, isn't radically conservative enough for them. So they cut him off at the knees.

If you want to know what Newt Gingrich thinks don't take anyone else's word. Just shut it off. Wait till you can hear him say it himself.

I have and I'm convinced he is the best thing for this country.
This is all you need to know about Newt:

Mr. Whistle,

I'm a tad confused by your condemnation of President Obama for ribbing the crazy birthers. I believe you made disparaging remarks about how people would not respect that sort of thing in a President. You spoke derisively about the "Made in America" coffee mugs.

How is it that you support the man who is nicknamed "Nasty Newt"?
Do you realize how WEAK and STUPID this sort of answer is?

It has NO substance.

Let’s give the benefit of the doubt that the poster was making a joke, knowing there is no evidence in support of the statement.

Gingrich clearly presents a conundrum for the right: he has the name recognition they crave, having served in national government. There’s the nostalgia factor of Gingrich taking control of Congress for the GOP after decades of democratic rule. But he’s also extremely damaged goods with regard to the esteemed criterion of ‘Family Values.’

Imagine if Gingrich were a democrat, however…
Newt is getting everthing he deserves.

He courted the very base that is now heaving him on the trash heap for trying to look like a candidate who could win a general election.

He helped create the modern Republican party that fights daily to be smaller and smaller by appealing to fewer and fewer voters.

The republican party can not cheat enough to win this time.

The republican party has never needed to resort to cheating. That would be your guys.

Do you realize how WEAK and STUPID this sort of answer is?

It has NO substance.

Substance isn't the proper word.

Btw, we're not the ones making backroom deals with the media to Demonize the GOP, print stories to use as facts to base our arguments, and even putting prominent members of the media in our Administration.

The Dems don't know how to govern. They just make it all up as they go along. And when anyone offers solutions they Demonize it to the point that it's unrecognizable. All the while they have to hide their plans from us because they know what the reaction will be.

Democrats want our money, plain and simple. They want to give us just enough to survive on and that's it. They use our money to buy their support. That's why we're in debt. They're ideas don't work so it takes alot of cash to gain that support.

I just saw a bushwacking worse than any I've ever seen used against Obama.

The panel on Fox News lambasted Newt, told lies about what he said, said he was done, finished.

How can they say that? I'll tell you how.

Because the fix is in.

Obama is a shoe-in if they are allowed to dictate to us who will run against him.

Newt, it appears, isn't radically conservative enough for them. So they cut him off at the knees.

It was a pathetic thing to behold.

They also showed some ugly bastard telling Newt to get out now.

In my opinion it was despicable.

Of course they made sure that everyone understood that Mitch Daniels was a great candidate.


I don't know what's going on but it's pretty damned clear that nether side can be trusted now.

If you want to know what Newt Gingrich thinks don't take anyone else's word. Just shut it off. Wait till you can hear him say it himself.

I have and I'm convinced he is the best thing for this country.

I wouldn't vote for him, but I have to agree that he's been demonized for no reason by the whacky right. Gingrich did what Gingrich does, and that's speak rationally when he finally sets his mind to it. All his inflammatory garbage up until now has been part of the ploy to prove that he can be an anti-Obama good ol' boy too. But Gingrich is smart enough to know that there WILL BE no whacky right winger who can actually win the nomination, and whomever the candidate is cannot win the election without taking a centrist position.

Ironically, just like people (and media) does to Obama--latching on to one or two words and twisting those as representing the crux of an actual statement--is exactly what the media did to Gingrich, including Fox and the radio people. He spoke the truth: That "radically" changing Medicare isn't going to fly, and that "social engineering" will be unacceptable, he was right-on (pardon the pun). But the way those comments were repeated by ALL of the pundits was that Gingrich said "Ryan's bill is radical social engineering." And he said no such thing.

Now you see why I'm always so vocal when things Obama says get twisted all out of context.

I'm also amused that the media is spending so much time on his wife's charge account at Tiffany's. I couldn't care less what the wives spend money on to doll themselves up. This is a non-issue. Again, sound familiar?
Newt is a PoS political hack. His record speaks volumes.

I don't trust the man and I am validated by his own personal history, so get lost.

My guess is you don't even know what his record is.

Trust me. His record is better then the Messiah's.

At least Newt's programs came through as advertized.

Which one of Obama's hasn't turned out to be different from what he promised.

I'll count them down for you if you're having trouble grasping it.

For one thing, he's been in Beltway politics a helluva lot longer than Obama, but I can assure you that there are issues Newt won't speak of now, because he's running, but, according to his record, he changed his position quite a lot.

Newt Gingrich on the Issues
Newtie is too unstable to be President as illustrated by both his past congressional antics and his personal life which is an unmitigated disaster.

I don't care about his personal life, but I do think he needs to stop injecting the word "God" or Godlike or Godly into the issues. If he really believes everything will be fine as long as God has the final say-so, he'll be waiting a very long time.

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