Don't like Democratic Socialism?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Treat this like a poll.

Honestly say which you are not now using.

Which are you willing to give up?

Which do you plan to continue using?

The government doesn't own the airlines, the internet. TV, radio stations, cell phone companies, patents, the insurance companies or the car you drive. They regulate these things and in most cases over enthusiastically.

The Military, fire department, and Police are used to defend the citizenry every nation regardless of sociopolitical beliefs provide some form of these unless they won't anarchy.

No one is willing to give up any of these things?
No one is already living with out them?

But, you'll vote for a repub?

How typical of a liberal fanatic. Get people addicted to big govt, then ask how many want to get off "cold turkey".

Drug dealers do the same thing. With the same result.
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State services are not socialism. Don't like it, move. Fed is a different story. Don't like it, you're screwed. The only agency that should fall under fed jurisdiction is the DOD and the umbrella of agencies that fall under the DOD. The rest is socialist sewage that should be handed back to the states.

No one is willing to give up any of these things?
No one is already living with out them?

But, you'll vote for a repub?


I'm willing to give up government, which is entirely different from giving up cell phones. Government didn't invent the cell phone.
The government doesn't own the airlines, the internet. TV, radio stations, cell phone companies, patents, the insurance companies or the car you drive. They regulate these things and in most cases over enthusiastically.

The Military, fire department, and Police are used to defend the citizenry every nation regardless of sociopolitical beliefs provide some form of these unless they won't anarchy.

The police and the fire department can be replaced by private companies. In many cases, they already are.
The government doesn't own the airlines, the internet. TV, radio stations, cell phone companies, patents, the insurance companies or the car you drive. They regulate these things and in most cases over enthusiastically.

The Military, fire department, and Police are used to defend the citizenry every nation regardless of sociopolitical beliefs provide some form of these unless they won't anarchy.

The police and the fire department can be replaced by private companies. In many cases, they already are.
How typical of a liberal fanatic.

Extend government into everything, including programs where it is forbidden to go. Then tell people their only option is to "use them as they are" (which means you "like government socialism")... or do without entirely. No other choices allowed. Then ask them to choose.

And in practically the same breath these people will tell you there's no tendency for the "camel's nose under the tent flap" to get gradually worse and worse.
Treat this like a poll.

Honestly say which you are not now using.

Which are you willing to give up?

Which do you plan to continue using?


I'd say there are two different definitions of socialism at work in this thread.

Human nature is not, at this time, conducive with the kind of Socialism (capitol S) that most Socialists advocate.

Give it 70 years, with a robotic labor force, we will be looking at an entirely different situation, where we may have no choice but to nationalize business and distribute dividends to the people. I doubt at that point that we will have protected what little freedom we enjoy today...because the government that supplies all can also withhold all.

But on the bright side, with any luck, most of us will be dead by then. Hell of a bright side huh...
Treat this like a poll.

Honestly say which you are not now using.

Which are you willing to give up?

Which do you plan to continue using?


Typical trip to the regressive land of the absurd, if you don't support bigger, badder government you will lose all modern conveniences. The world of a unthinking mind is such a mystery, carry on idiot.

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