Here's a question I'm not positive of the answer to.

Why in the world would Trump appointees bring up the 2020 election? Maybe the left considers the controversy to be their finest hour but it's over and (hopefully) the indictments of Biden staffers are coming unless he gives a blanket pardon to everyone who is registered democrat.
Dude seriously go for a drive, take a walk and get some fresh air and while you're at it seek some professional help for this never-ending obsession you have with Trump and all things related to him. As shocking as you might find this there is big, nice world out there beyond Trump you should really check it out.
And send me your tears...

I have started collecting the salty leftist tears. I make a wonderfully soothing tincture that makes conservatives so much happier than Prozac ever could, and I'm getting rich on it.

I think I'll start farming leftist tears like others here farm dairy products. We just keep showing Trump Winning videos and then harvest the tears.

There is no such thing as TDS. It's a meme giving you permission to deny the facts about the Orange Enemy of the State.

Ooh! I could put you on my farm and milk those tears very regularly. Those who deny the condition are the most regular and prolific producers.

Has anyone trump has appointed or nominated to a position in his upcoming admin unequivocally said trump lost the 2020 election? know.........he lost.
Beyond the obvious lack of qualifications as well as disqualifying aspects of their resumes, one could argue he has assembled a group of delusional candidates who do not accept that particular reality.
What could go wrong?
List all the qualifications these nominees do not possess.
Fun fact: Your Daddy Trump got less votes in 2024 than he did on 2020.

Carry on.
Dude. He got 3 million more. Magically, millions of Dem votes went poof. Wonder how that happened?

Presidents before trump have held a sense of ethics and responsibility as they chose cabinet and administration positions. They have held to standards that the most qualified people should be in positions of power, as they are overseeing agencies that are essential and crucial to US citizens. That changed with trump. His lack of ethics and his obvious search for people that are loyal to him and willing to allow him latitude, even beyond legal standards has broken through safeguards of our democracy, puts this country in an alarming position.

If we survive his attack on our union for the next four years, perhaps the next administration will return to the decency we have known. But that is still to be seen.

Presidents before trump have held a sense of ethics and responsibility as they chose cabinet and administration positions. They have held to standards that the most qualified people should be in positions of power, as they are overseeing agencies that are essential and crucial to US citizens. That changed with trump. His lack of ethics and his obvious search for people that are loyal to him and willing to allow him latitude, even beyond legal standards has broken through safeguards of our democracy, puts this country in an alarming position.

If we survive his attack on our union for the next four years, perhaps the next administration will return to the decency we have known. But that is still to be seen.
Standards? Ethics? No. They're at war.
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