Don't Give-up Canadian Dairy Farmers!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Yesterday the U.S. won a trade dispute against Canada for dairy products because what Canada was doing was using tariffs to protect their domestic dairy industry in violation of the Trump era Mexico-U.S.-Canada trade agreement. But to people that want what is good to prevail throughout the world this ruling was a bad development. Yes Canada was protecting their domestic dairy industry but that was a good thing, Canada has a good price floor system on dairy products which enables dairy farmers to make a stable living and stay in business. The government puts a price floor on the price of milk which enables the Canadian dairy industry to support 11,000 Canadian dairy farmers. I hope the Canadian government doesn't abandon Canadian dairy farmers and subject them to be put out of business because of the greed of the American dairy industry and their American stockholders; Canada open up five percent of your dairy industry to U.S. producers than slap major tariffs on U.S. imports just like the U.S. does to protect their steel industry against some foreign imports!

This situation is a call for leaders and good people throughout America to stand up and say this globalization economic model is evil and needs to be permanently stopped because it hurts ordinary people in this case ordinary Canadian dairy farmers and their employees. Greedy America dairy company executives and their companies major stockholders shouldn't be trying to kill the Canadian system; rather, Americans should be seeking to learn from it. America could put price floors on commodities so U.S. farmers can make a stable living and compute the price floors without fertilizers and for that matter ban fertilizers which create runoff to our streams and rivers and coastlines destroying irreplaceable ocean and water habitats. American has abundance and abundance of land we don't need to use these polluting fertilizers; I am in my sixties and when I was a kid and my parents drove me around in PA and NJ I saw an abundance of farms now when I drive those locales I see much less farms and when I see the corn farms the stalks are dramatically closer together so it is true fertilizes dramatically increase output per acre but at what cost polluting and permanently ruining valuable natural resources that God gave our people, we behave like a foolish and irresponsible people letting greed dictate our policies on commodities instead of wisdom!
Canadian dairy good, American dairy bad.

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