Donald Trump's mental health becomes an issue again

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Donald Trump's mental health becomes an issue again​

15 Sep 2021 ~~ By Chris Cillizza
(CNN) Here's a fact you may have missed amid all of the coverage of the allegations and revelations in the new book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa: The top general in the country believed that President Donald Trump was in significant enough mental decline that he took countermeasures to ensure Trump didn't start a war with China on his way out the door.
Yes, that actually happened, according to "Peril." Here's the relevant passage: "Woodward and Costa write that [Joint Chief Chairman Mark] Milley, deeply shaken by the assault, 'was certain that Trump had gone into a serious mental decline in the aftermath of the election, with Trump now all but manic, screaming at officials and constructing his own alternate reality about endless election conspiracies.'
"Milley worried that Trump could 'go rogue,' the authors write. "'You never know what a president's trigger point is,' Milley told his senior staff," according to the book. Think about that for a minute. Milley, the top military adviser to the president, a man who undoubtedly spent considerable time with Trump in this period of time, believed that he was in "serious mental decline" triggered by his election loss.
And here's the thing: Milley wasn't the only person who noticed a change in Trump's behavior in the wake of the election. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a loyal ally of the President, felt the same way. Again, the Woodward/Costa book sheds light here: "The book details a private call McCarthy had with Trump the night before Biden's inauguration. According to Woodward and Costa, McCarthy told Trump, 'I don't know what's happened to you in the last two months. ... You're not the same as you were for the last four years.'

People in DC are living an alternate reality, of their own making, reinforced by the Quisling MSM.
Why would anyone take anything CNN says seriously?
Hash... Mental issues? CNN continues to broadcasts Biden obvious case of dementia without a word about it.
Indeed CNN and the complicit media continue failing the following:

Donald Trump's mental health becomes an issue again​

15 Sep 2021 ~~ By Chris Cillizza
(CNN) Here's a fact you may have missed amid all of the coverage of the allegations and revelations in the new book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa: The top general in the country believed that President Donald Trump was in significant enough mental decline that he took countermeasures to ensure Trump didn't start a war with China on his way out the door.
Yes, that actually happened, according to "Peril." Here's the relevant passage: "Woodward and Costa write that [Joint Chief Chairman Mark] Milley, deeply shaken by the assault, 'was certain that Trump had gone into a serious mental decline in the aftermath of the election, with Trump now all but manic, screaming at officials and constructing his own alternate reality about endless election conspiracies.'
"Milley worried that Trump could 'go rogue,' the authors write. "'You never know what a president's trigger point is,' Milley told his senior staff," according to the book. Think about that for a minute. Milley, the top military adviser to the president, a man who undoubtedly spent considerable time with Trump in this period of time, believed that he was in "serious mental decline" triggered by his election loss.
And here's the thing: Milley wasn't the only person who noticed a change in Trump's behavior in the wake of the election. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a loyal ally of the President, felt the same way. Again, the Woodward/Costa book sheds light here: "The book details a private call McCarthy had with Trump the night before Biden's inauguration. According to Woodward and Costa, McCarthy told Trump, 'I don't know what's happened to you in the last two months. ... You're not the same as you were for the last four years.'

People in DC are living an alternate reality, of their own making, reinforced by the Quisling MSM.
Why would anyone take anything CNN says seriously?
Hash... Mental issues? CNN continues to broadcasts Biden obvious case of dementia without a word about it.
Indeed CNN and the complicit media continue failing the following:
haha, started a thread to bring up a topic so that you could then throw whataboutism at it. Weird!

Donald Trump's mental health becomes an issue again​

15 Sep 2021 ~~ By Chris Cillizza
(CNN) Here's a fact you may have missed amid all of the coverage of the allegations and revelations in the new book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa: The top general in the country believed that President Donald Trump was in significant enough mental decline that he took countermeasures to ensure Trump didn't start a war with China on his way out the door.
Yes, that actually happened, according to "Peril." Here's the relevant passage: "Woodward and Costa write that [Joint Chief Chairman Mark] Milley, deeply shaken by the assault, 'was certain that Trump had gone into a serious mental decline in the aftermath of the election, with Trump now all but manic, screaming at officials and constructing his own alternate reality about endless election conspiracies.'
"Milley worried that Trump could 'go rogue,' the authors write. "'You never know what a president's trigger point is,' Milley told his senior staff," according to the book. Think about that for a minute. Milley, the top military adviser to the president, a man who undoubtedly spent considerable time with Trump in this period of time, believed that he was in "serious mental decline" triggered by his election loss.
And here's the thing: Milley wasn't the only person who noticed a change in Trump's behavior in the wake of the election. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a loyal ally of the President, felt the same way. Again, the Woodward/Costa book sheds light here: "The book details a private call McCarthy had with Trump the night before Biden's inauguration. According to Woodward and Costa, McCarthy told Trump, 'I don't know what's happened to you in the last two months. ... You're not the same as you were for the last four years.'

People in DC are living an alternate reality, of their own making, reinforced by the Quisling MSM.
Why would anyone take anything CNN says seriously?
Hash... Mental issues? CNN continues to broadcasts Biden obvious case of dementia without a word about it.
Indeed CNN and the complicit media continue failing the following:

From CNN, the same company that had a technical director admitting on camera they created propoganda and spread lies to try and get Trump out of office.

From CNN, the same company that had a technical director admitting on camera they created propoganda and spread lies to try and get Trump out of office.

And idiots like fort fuckup believe them, hook line and sinker.

When I used to sell shit I loved people like fort fuckup. They were so stupid you could upsell them on anything.
And idiots like fort fuckup believe them, hook line and sinker.

When I used to sell shit I loved people like fort fuckup. They were so stupid you could upsell them on anything.
Ah, so you are a cheap, unethical salesman. That would explain your affinity for the mentally ill orange slob.
From CNN, the same company that had a technical director admitting on camera they created propoganda and spread lies to try and get Trump out of office.

:thankusmile: and the trump haters can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:auiqs.jpg:
haha, started a thread to bring up a topic so that you could then throw whataboutism at it. Weird!
You would have no problem Biden taking a cognitive test then right?

If not, why not. Didn't you demand it 100 times with Trump...LOLOLOL

And he aced it at 74 yrs old......LOLOLOL...................That had to sting

You do realize your vote caused an American aid worker and his family to go kaboom. How do you feel about voting for their deaths
So reminiscent of china and russia...our leaders' new role model heroes. Doing the very things to quash any dissent from the only accepted line of thinking. Accusing your opposition of mental problems and placing them in institutions for long periods of time.

Donald Trump's mental health becomes an issue again​

15 Sep 2021 ~~ By Chris Cillizza
(CNN) Here's a fact you may have missed amid all of the coverage of the allegations and revelations in the new book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa: The top general in the country believed that President Donald Trump was in significant enough mental decline that he took countermeasures to ensure Trump didn't start a war with China on his way out the door.
Yes, that actually happened, according to "Peril." Here's the relevant passage: "Woodward and Costa write that [Joint Chief Chairman Mark] Milley, deeply shaken by the assault, 'was certain that Trump had gone into a serious mental decline in the aftermath of the election, with Trump now all but manic, screaming at officials and constructing his own alternate reality about endless election conspiracies.'
"Milley worried that Trump could 'go rogue,' the authors write. "'You never know what a president's trigger point is,' Milley told his senior staff," according to the book. Think about that for a minute. Milley, the top military adviser to the president, a man who undoubtedly spent considerable time with Trump in this period of time, believed that he was in "serious mental decline" triggered by his election loss.
And here's the thing: Milley wasn't the only person who noticed a change in Trump's behavior in the wake of the election. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a loyal ally of the President, felt the same way. Again, the Woodward/Costa book sheds light here: "The book details a private call McCarthy had with Trump the night before Biden's inauguration. According to Woodward and Costa, McCarthy told Trump, 'I don't know what's happened to you in the last two months. ... You're not the same as you were for the last four years.'

People in DC are living an alternate reality, of their own making, reinforced by the Quisling MSM.
Why would anyone take anything CNN says seriously?
Hash... Mental issues? CNN continues to broadcasts Biden obvious case of dementia without a word about it.
Indeed CNN and the complicit media continue failing the following:

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