Donald Trump threatens House Republicans to impeach Biden or risk losing their jobs

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Not finished hold on.

I swear if he does this I'm going to give my vote to Ron DeSantis. If he does this Kamala Harris is going to be our new president and she's even worse than Biden. This is a bad move by Trump, and I say that with the utmost respect for him.

Sorry about that, I accidentally hit post before I was finished. So that's why I wanted to post the notice of what happened so my thread wouldn't get locked just in case somebody saw that it was unfinished before.


He is telling the GOP to either impeach Biden or step down.

We saw the frivolous nature of impeachment with the democrats as they tried selling impeachment due to Russian collusion that ended up all being pure fantasy with no evidence.

In fact, the Russian collusion claim was so flimsy, democrats ended up impeaching him over something else instead that was also baseless.

So as we have seen, impeachment is merely a smear job. Nothing needs to be proved, just bash the hell out of someone politically via impeachment.

But it worked. Trump was ultimately defeated, so arguably, this has to be done now to win elections because it obviously works.

But the GOP has actual evidence that is meaningful. It is glaring corruption everyone sees. What gives GOP? Why the delay?

If they don't, they will be routed out of power.

Bottom line
I encourage all GOP voters to not vote for the current GOP members in office.

How much you want to bet the OP will vote for every republican on the ticket?

He is telling the GOP to either impeach Biden or step down.

We saw the frivolous nature of impeachment with the democrats as they tried selling impeachment due to Russian collusion that ended up all being pure fantasy with no evidence.

In fact, the Russian collusion claim was so flimsy, democrats ended up impeaching him over something else instead that was also baseless.

So as we have seen, impeachment is merely a smear job. Nothing needs to be proved, just bash the hell out of someone politically via impeachment.

But it worked. Trump was ultimately defeated, so arguably, this has to be done now to win elections because it obviously works.

But the GOP has actual evidence that is meaningful. It is glaring corruption everyone sees. What gives GOP? Why the delay?

If they don't, they will be routed out of power.

Bottom line
The GOP doesn’t have the evidence. This is obvious to anyone with an average IQ or above but their voters believe ANYTHING they are told so long as it is something negative about the left.
Not finished hold on.

I swear if he does this I'm going to give my vote to Ron DeSantis. If he does this Kamala Harris is going to be our new president and she's even worse than Biden. This is a bad move by Trump, and I say that with the utmost respect for him.

Sorry about that, I accidentally hit post before I was finished. So that's why I wanted to post the notice of what happened so my thread wouldn't get locked just in case somebody saw that it was unfinished before.

No one knows more about politics and how to win elections than him as you would trust in the Lord...he has not been wrong about anything yet......impeach Biden is the only way to save our nation....Kamala will soon be arrested for her various crimes
No one knows more about politics and how to win elections than him as you would trust in the Lord...he has not been wrong about anything yet......impeach Biden is the only way to save our nation....Kamala will soon be arrested for her various crimes

Well Trump is an awesome president, but I don't trust in him like I would the Lord.

He is telling the GOP to either impeach Biden or step down.

We saw the frivolous nature of impeachment with the democrats as they tried selling impeachment due to Russian collusion that ended up all being pure fantasy with no evidence.

In fact, the Russian collusion claim was so flimsy, democrats ended up impeaching him over something else instead that was also baseless.

So as we have seen, impeachment is merely a smear job. Nothing needs to be proved, just bash the hell out of someone politically via impeachment.

But it worked. Trump was ultimately defeated, so arguably, this has to be done now to win elections because it obviously works.

But the GOP has actual evidence that is meaningful. It is glaring corruption everyone sees. What gives GOP? Why the delay?

If they don't, they will be routed out of power.

Bottom line
Trump is not running to be president. He's running to stay out of prison, and to exact revenge. Revenge is the only objective he ever talks about.
Not finished hold on.

I swear if he does this I'm going to give my vote to Ron DeSantis. If he does this Kamala Harris is going to be our new president and she's even worse than Biden. This is a bad move by Trump, and I say that with the utmost respect for him.

Sorry about that, I accidentally hit post before I was finished. So that's why I wanted to post the notice of what happened so my thread wouldn't get locked just in case somebody saw that it was unfinished before.

No - Trump's right.

And the Senate is controlled by Democrats, so Biden won't be removed from office.

It's just important - very important - that Biden be impeached for his ACTUAL and numerous crimes.
Not finished hold on.

I swear if he does this I'm going to give my vote to Ron DeSantis. If he does this Kamala Harris is going to be our new president and she's even worse than Biden. This is a bad move by Trump, and I say that with the utmost respect for him.

Sorry about that, I accidentally hit post before I was finished. So that's why I wanted to post the notice of what happened so my thread wouldn't get locked just in case somebody saw that it was unfinished before.

1 if kamaltoe harriss becomes president nothing will change. She much like Joe will just continue doing what they are told to. Do you honestly believe Joe is in charge of anything or makes any decisions? The very instant trump left office our country began a immediate downhill slide that has only accelerated. Our country has changed more in 2 years than it has in the last 10. No one person can do that. It happened because things are being guided by the entire administration and outside forces like the world economic forum. Joe says what he is told and signs what he is told, harriss would just keep doing that.

2 bringing Biden down isn't just about getting him. If Biden is squeezed hard enough it will set off a chain reaction. People will start squealing left and right to protect themselves. Self preservation among criminals is strong and a whole lot more will come out of it than just Biden. A lot of cancer will be exposed.

3 plus she is a god damned idiot. Even more so than joe. Her having to be publicly exposed has the added benefit of showing what their party is like. It's impossible for her to make any sense and she will have to do a lot of public speaking. She will make them look worse than they already do.
McCarthy will not allow it until he has ample evidence. He is not going to have a clusterfuck on his hands like Pelosi had.
No one knows more about politics and how to win elections than him as you would trust in the Lord...he has not been wrong about anything yet......impeach Biden is the only way to save our nation....Kamala will soon be arrested for her various crimes
Trust him as you would trust in The Lord???:auiqs.jpg: Jeez, you people or f#cked!! :auiqs.jpg:
Not finished hold on.

I swear if he does this I'm going to give my vote to Ron DeSantis. If he does this Kamala Harris is going to be our new president and she's even worse than Biden. This is a bad move by Trump, and I say that with the utmost respect for him.

Sorry about that, I accidentally hit post before I was finished. So that's why I wanted to post the notice of what happened so my thread wouldn't get locked just in case somebody saw that it was unfinished before.

When are you tards going to get it through your heads that it has never been about you and always been about him?
1 if kamaltoe harriss becomes president nothing will change. She much like Joe will just continue doing what they are told to. Do you honestly believe Joe is in charge of anything or makes any decisions? The very instant trump left office our country began a immediate downhill slide that has only accelerated. Our country has changed more in 2 years than it has in the last 10. No one person can do that. It happened because things are being guided by the entire administration and outside forces like the world economic forum. Joe says what he is told and signs what he is told, harriss would just keep doing that.

2 bringing Biden down isn't just about getting him. If Biden is squeezed hard enough it will set off a chain reaction. People will start squealing left and right to protect themselves. Self preservation among criminals is strong and a whole lot more will come out of it than just Biden. A lot of cancer will be exposed.

3 plus she is a god damned idiot. Even more so than joe. Her having to be publicly exposed has the added benefit of showing what their party is like. It's impossible for her to make any sense and she will have to do a lot of public speaking. She will make them look worse than they already do.

Actually, you do make a really good point that somebody else already made to me. Biden and Harris aren't all that much different from one another, but why can't they both just get impeached?

Trust him as you would trust in The Lord???:auiqs.jpg: Jeez, you people or f#cked!! :auiqs.jpg:

You're actually right on the money this time.

When are you tards going to get it through your heads that it has never been about you and always been about him?

Well you always make it about him anyways. He lives in your mind rent free.

He was being sarcastic.

I thought so too until I read the rest of his post.

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