Donald Trump the real deal or the Trojan Horse of the Republican Party?

He's a successful businessman with a big ego who is NOT used to "failing".

With a legacy of bankruptcies. What a "success" that is.

If you're old enough to remember Ross Perot started a 3rd party run, and gained lots of support. Of course it split the GOP in half. BUT just 4 days prior to the election, Ross Perot dropped out of the race. It was too late, his name was still on the ballot, and millions voted for him, and of course, which secured a win for Bill Clinton.

That's a myth. The numbers tell us Perot siphoned off equally from both parties. His run told us nothing about Clinton ideology versus Bush ideology. It told us that a significant number of voters were (and are) fed up with Tweedle Dee vs. Tweedle Dum, a single party pretending it's two different things and thus ensuring we have no electoral choice except "More of the Same".

As for Rump, the idea of such a conspiracy is as absurd as the idea that George W. Bush planned out 9/11. Rump is out there for the same objective he's always out there for, and that is attracting attention to himself. That's it. Come the actual primaries he'll be long gone, because that's where the rubber meets the road, and he'll have too much competition from people talking about actual policies. Rump doesn't do well in that environment, and he knows it. Megalomania is all it's about, and all it ever was about.
It's amusing that posters bring up 4 bankruptcies. The man has made hundreds of $ million plus deals and the casinos in Atlantic City didn't pan out due to the recession. A stupid businessman would have kept pouring money into when the customers weren't coming, right? A smart businessman says you don't throw good money after bad.

There's real things about Trump that are undesirable. His language, ego and name calling are three. Go after that, but you can't get him on economics. He's the real deal. That's why I feel he could really turn the economy around and make treaties that are good for America. Finally!

There may be a better candidate than he is, I just haven't come up with the one yet.
Trump is the American version of North Korea's Kim Jung-un, spouting unrealistic rhetoric and having a bad haircut.
LMAO..another bitter dem. takes a swing.

No, I'm a Republican who isn't a damn fool to trust another amateur in the White House.

Ah...a RINO variety Republican, or as with the JakeAss, a veritable Manchurian Republican! I am sure Bush, or Christie, or even a KasicK would do for you!

So now you're voting for an entertainer? That's what Donald Trump is and represents. The Beauty Pageant--the "you're FIRED show"---casino's lots of gambling. You actually believe he would be a good President?

Look the mask is coming off. Donald can spew out the rhetoric, & can get his supporters all excited and emotional, but his detailed immigration plan is hysterical--it won't work. All he has done is pissed off millions of LEGAL voting Latino's in this country, and they're not going to vote for him.

The most popular Pinata in Mexico today--Top seller is a Donald Trump Pinata--he's insulted them so much. The problem is they have millions of legal family members in the states that are hammering away at the Donald Trump Penata.


The Donald Trump Penata--LOL This one is full of candy--not B.S.
Think about it oreo. You said there are a lot of Latinos that are legal here in the States that will vote against him. Think again. I have illegals and legals working for me in the service industry. My landscapers, manicurist, hair stylist, handyman and paper boy. The legal ones want Trump to stop the illegals. They had to wait their turn and pay to come over legally. If it was good for them, then it should be good for others. They are afraid the family members that are waiting to come will not be able to because there's so many illegals. They could be right. The illegals are scared. They don't want to go back to their home country.

So, Trump funded the beauty pagent, had a show of his own and owned casinos. He made a name for himself. He's also a real estate magnate. Ronald Reagan was an actor and turned out to be on of our best presidents. "Mr. Gorbachav, tear down this wall!"

You need to think some more and stop being so judgmental. Think of each candidate's talents as much as their negatives.
MSNBC played a lot of his presser last night. I wouldn't vote for the guy on a bet, but I have to admit that (a) I watched it longer than I've ever watched a speech or a debate, (b) it's the first time I've ever giggled while watching a presidential candidate mock our fucked up electoral/political system, and (c) I can understand the appeal of some wild guy spitting in the face of these phony politicians from both parties.

And he sure was right about politicians being controlled by donors. I wonder what Jeb's donors are thinking.
Can't make this here stuff up..... just when you thought Rump couldn't go any harder for the Stupid vote:

Donald T. Rump Says 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

Actually that is made up. He said no such thing.

Not in that term but he does say it "won't hold up in court".

When a case goes to SCOTUS, that Court uses the Constitution as its basis. A law either conforms to the Constitution, or does not.

But this isn't a law -- it's an Amendment. Which means it's part of the Constitution itself.

No one can rule a part of the Constitution is unconstitutional. That defies the laws of existence.

With every amendment, there are essays to explain the amendment and their purpose. In the essay on the 14th amendment, they address the intent of the amendment itself. Most everyone knows it was initiallhy written to give freed slaves citizenship. That's easy.

Then came Native Americans and it was decided that they would not be citizens because their allegiance was not to the nation of states, but to their tribes and special customs. That was worked out.

The next came foreigners and this is the part of the essay Trump is aiming talking about.

Paragraph 2:

As Senator Howard remarked, the requirement of "jurisdiction," understood in the sense of "allegiance," "will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States."

Guide to the Constitution
MSNBC played a lot of his presser last night. I wouldn't vote for the guy on a bet, but I have to admit that (a) I watched it longer than I've ever watched a speech or a debate, (b) it's the first time I've ever giggled while watching a presidential candidate mock our fucked up electoral/political system, and (c) I can understand the appeal of some wild guy spitting in the face of these phony politicians from both parties.

And he sure was right about politicians being controlled by donors. I wonder what Jeb's donors are thinking.
What do you think of his immigration policy and do you think he could turn the economy around?
What do you think of his immigration policy and do you think he could turn the economy around?
I think his immigration policy is cartoonish, absurd and unworkable. His "economic policy" appears to be similar. Slapping 25% tariffs on China? Yeah, the country that owns $2T in our treasuries won't object to that, they won't make a peep, they won't react. And I'd sure like to know how he's going to "bring jobs back" from China, Japan, India, Indonesia and Mexico without massively disrupting our economy on multiple levels.

Hey, I'll look at anything, and I'm interested to see what the details of his "economic plan" look like.
What do you think of his immigration policy and do you think he could turn the economy around?
I think his immigration policy is cartoonish, absurd and unworkable. His "economic policy" appears to be similar. Slapping 25% tariffs on China? Yeah, the country that owns $2T in our treasuries won't object to that, they won't make a peep, they won't react. And I'd sure like to know how he's going to "bring jobs back" from China, Japan, India, Indonesia and Mexico without massively disrupting our economy on multiple levels.

Hey, I'll look at anything, and I'm interested to see what the details of his "economic plan" look like.
Trump is the American version of North Korea's Kim Jung-un, spouting unrealistic rhetoric and having a bad haircut.

really? but putting another entitlement (oSCAMcARE) ON our backs in what you liberals claimed was one of the: worst recessions since the GREAT depression that cost us BILLIONS, Stealing almost a TRILLION dollars for something he called a: stimulus were all REALISTIC in some small peoples minds. You democrat voters only care about putting us in more dept for your ENTITLMEMNTS and growing this MONSTER of a Federal Government. the hell with whats RIGHT for the rest of us in this country
what frikken conspiracy theory ISN'T going around about Trump

just wow. You would think the Democrats has NO ONE running

well ok, they do have a bunch OLD WHITE FOGIES running

Trump is an old white fogie.

not as old as the old gray mare, Hillary. and the 100 year old Bernie.
He's certainly accomplished much more than all FOUR of them running, besides being a Career Politician who's been SUCKING a living off us taxpayers until they wheel them out on a gurney.

Hey Stoopid Stuff.

For the gazillionth time. you're wrong.

Can't make this here stuff up..... just when you thought Rump couldn't go any harder for the Stupid vote:

Donald T. Rump Says 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional


His own wife was illegal and married him for citizenship.

That makes his newest kid an anchor baby.

Bet the RWs will make lame ass excuses for that.
What do you think of his immigration policy and do you think he could turn the economy around?
I think his immigration policy is cartoonish, absurd and unworkable. His "economic policy" appears to be similar. Slapping 25% tariffs on China? Yeah, the country that owns $2T in our treasuries won't object to that, they won't make a peep, they won't react. And I'd sure like to know how he's going to "bring jobs back" from China, Japan, India, Indonesia and Mexico without massively disrupting our economy on multiple levels.

Hey, I'll look at anything, and I'm interested to see what the details of his "economic plan" look like.

RWs made excuses for that too.
He's a successful businessman with a big ego who is NOT used to "failing".

With a legacy of bankruptcies. What a "success" that is.

If you're old enough to remember Ross Perot started a 3rd party run, and gained lots of support. Of course it split the GOP in half. BUT just 4 days prior to the election, Ross Perot dropped out of the race. It was too late, his name was still on the ballot, and millions voted for him, and of course, which secured a win for Bill Clinton.

That's a myth. The numbers tell us Perot siphoned off equally from both parties. His run told us nothing about Clinton ideology versus Bush ideology. It told us that a significant number of voters were (and are) fed up with Tweedle Dee vs. Tweedle Dum, a single party pretending it's two different things and thus ensuring we have no electoral choice except "More of the Same".

As for Rump, the idea of such a conspiracy is as absurd as the idea that George W. Bush planned out 9/11. Rump is out there for the same objective he's always out there for, and that is attracting attention to himself. That's it. Come the actual primaries he'll be long gone, because that's where the rubber meets the road, and he'll have too much competition from people talking about actual policies. Rump doesn't do well in that environment, and he knows it. Megalomania is all it's about, and all it ever was about.
It's amusing that posters bring up 4 bankruptcies. The man has made hundreds of $ million plus deals and the casinos in Atlantic City didn't pan out due to the recession. A stupid businessman would have kept pouring money into when the customers weren't coming, right? A smart businessman says you don't throw good money after bad.

There's real things about Trump that are undesirable. His language, ego and name calling are three. Go after that, but you can't get him on economics. He's the real deal. That's why I feel he could really turn the economy around and make treaties that are good for America. Finally!

There may be a better candidate than he is, I just haven't come up with the one yet.

Millions of regular folks has filed for bankruptcy.... which by the way IS A LEGAL option in this country. yet all they can find to dump on a Businessman is he filed bankruptcy. that's how empty the democrat voters are, as is their party. all they can come up with is to SMEAR the other person
He's a successful businessman with a big ego who is NOT used to "failing".

With a legacy of bankruptcies. What a "success" that is.

If you're old enough to remember Ross Perot started a 3rd party run, and gained lots of support. Of course it split the GOP in half. BUT just 4 days prior to the election, Ross Perot dropped out of the race. It was too late, his name was still on the ballot, and millions voted for him, and of course, which secured a win for Bill Clinton.

That's a myth. The numbers tell us Perot siphoned off equally from both parties. His run told us nothing about Clinton ideology versus Bush ideology. It told us that a significant number of voters were (and are) fed up with Tweedle Dee vs. Tweedle Dum, a single party pretending it's two different things and thus ensuring we have no electoral choice except "More of the Same".

As for Rump, the idea of such a conspiracy is as absurd as the idea that George W. Bush planned out 9/11. Rump is out there for the same objective he's always out there for, and that is attracting attention to himself. That's it. Come the actual primaries he'll be long gone, because that's where the rubber meets the road, and he'll have too much competition from people talking about actual policies. Rump doesn't do well in that environment, and he knows it. Megalomania is all it's about, and all it ever was about.
It's amusing that posters bring up 4 bankruptcies. The man has made hundreds of $ million plus deals and the casinos in Atlantic City didn't pan out due to the recession. A stupid businessman would have kept pouring money into when the customers weren't coming, right? A smart businessman says you don't throw good money after bad.

There's real things about Trump that are undesirable. His language, ego and name calling are three. Go after that, but you can't get him on economics. He's the real deal. That's why I feel he could really turn the economy around and make treaties that are good for America. Finally!

There may be a better candidate than he is, I just haven't come up with the one yet.

Millions of regular folks has filed for bankruptcy.... which by the way IS A LEGAL option in this country. yet all they can find to dump on a Businessman is he filed bankruptcy. that's how empty the democrat voters are, as is their party. all they can come up with is to SMEAR the other person

...and meanwhile the chicom spy hillary is selling out our country...but the subversives are outraged...OUTRAGED!...that a businessman restructured debts in 4 of his companies...comical...
He's a successful businessman with a big ego who is NOT used to "failing".

With a legacy of bankruptcies. What a "success" that is.

If you're old enough to remember Ross Perot started a 3rd party run, and gained lots of support. Of course it split the GOP in half. BUT just 4 days prior to the election, Ross Perot dropped out of the race. It was too late, his name was still on the ballot, and millions voted for him, and of course, which secured a win for Bill Clinton.

That's a myth. The numbers tell us Perot siphoned off equally from both parties. His run told us nothing about Clinton ideology versus Bush ideology. It told us that a significant number of voters were (and are) fed up with Tweedle Dee vs. Tweedle Dum, a single party pretending it's two different things and thus ensuring we have no electoral choice except "More of the Same".

As for Rump, the idea of such a conspiracy is as absurd as the idea that George W. Bush planned out 9/11. Rump is out there for the same objective he's always out there for, and that is attracting attention to himself. That's it. Come the actual primaries he'll be long gone, because that's where the rubber meets the road, and he'll have too much competition from people talking about actual policies. Rump doesn't do well in that environment, and he knows it. Megalomania is all it's about, and all it ever was about.
It's amusing that posters bring up 4 bankruptcies. The man has made hundreds of $ million plus deals and the casinos in Atlantic City didn't pan out due to the recession. A stupid businessman would have kept pouring money into when the customers weren't coming, right? A smart businessman says you don't throw good money after bad.

There's real things about Trump that are undesirable. His language, ego and name calling are three. Go after that, but you can't get him on economics. He's the real deal. That's why I feel he could really turn the economy around and make treaties that are good for America. Finally!

There may be a better candidate than he is, I just haven't come up with the one yet.

Millions of regular folks has filed for bankruptcy.... which by the way IS A LEGAL option in this country. yet all they can find to dump on a Businessman is he filed bankruptcy. that's how empty the democrat voters are, as is their party. all they can come up with is to SMEAR the other person

...and meanwhile the chicom spy hillary is selling out our country...but the subversives are outraged...OUTRAGED!...that a businessman restructured debts in 4 of his companies...comical...

AND Obama is selling us out to IRAN AND CUBA. But all they can find to be upset about is someone filing for Bankruptcy. don't think the Progressive/dem party doesn't appreciate this from their tools in their base.
He's a successful businessman with a big ego who is NOT used to "failing".

With a legacy of bankruptcies. What a "success" that is.

If you're old enough to remember Ross Perot started a 3rd party run, and gained lots of support. Of course it split the GOP in half. BUT just 4 days prior to the election, Ross Perot dropped out of the race. It was too late, his name was still on the ballot, and millions voted for him, and of course, which secured a win for Bill Clinton.

That's a myth. The numbers tell us Perot siphoned off equally from both parties. His run told us nothing about Clinton ideology versus Bush ideology. It told us that a significant number of voters were (and are) fed up with Tweedle Dee vs. Tweedle Dum, a single party pretending it's two different things and thus ensuring we have no electoral choice except "More of the Same".

As for Rump, the idea of such a conspiracy is as absurd as the idea that George W. Bush planned out 9/11. Rump is out there for the same objective he's always out there for, and that is attracting attention to himself. That's it. Come the actual primaries he'll be long gone, because that's where the rubber meets the road, and he'll have too much competition from people talking about actual policies. Rump doesn't do well in that environment, and he knows it. Megalomania is all it's about, and all it ever was about.
It's amusing that posters bring up 4 bankruptcies. The man has made hundreds of $ million plus deals and the casinos in Atlantic City didn't pan out due to the recession. A stupid businessman would have kept pouring money into when the customers weren't coming, right? A smart businessman says you don't throw good money after bad.

There's real things about Trump that are undesirable. His language, ego and name calling are three. Go after that, but you can't get him on economics. He's the real deal. That's why I feel he could really turn the economy around and make treaties that are good for America. Finally!

There may be a better candidate than he is, I just haven't come up with the one yet.

Millions of regular folks has filed for bankruptcy.... which by the way IS A LEGAL option in this country. yet all they can find to dump on a Businessman is he filed bankruptcy. that's how empty the democrat voters are, as is their party. all they can come up with is to SMEAR the other person

...and meanwhile the chicom spy hillary is selling out our country...but the subversives are outraged...OUTRAGED!...that a businessman restructured debts in 4 of his companies...comical...

AND Obama is selling us out to IRAN AND CUBA. But all they can find to be upset about is someone filing for Bankruptcy. don't think the Progressive/dem party doesn't appreciate this from their tools in their base.

iran, cuba, mexico,and numerous other south america countries who he allows to dump their third world peasant in america to colonize and displace white people while also skewing the vote. This could be the last election in america depending on how it goes. People are waking up.
With a legacy of bankruptcies. What a "success" that is.

That's a myth. The numbers tell us Perot siphoned off equally from both parties. His run told us nothing about Clinton ideology versus Bush ideology. It told us that a significant number of voters were (and are) fed up with Tweedle Dee vs. Tweedle Dum, a single party pretending it's two different things and thus ensuring we have no electoral choice except "More of the Same".

As for Rump, the idea of such a conspiracy is as absurd as the idea that George W. Bush planned out 9/11. Rump is out there for the same objective he's always out there for, and that is attracting attention to himself. That's it. Come the actual primaries he'll be long gone, because that's where the rubber meets the road, and he'll have too much competition from people talking about actual policies. Rump doesn't do well in that environment, and he knows it. Megalomania is all it's about, and all it ever was about.
It's amusing that posters bring up 4 bankruptcies. The man has made hundreds of $ million plus deals and the casinos in Atlantic City didn't pan out due to the recession. A stupid businessman would have kept pouring money into when the customers weren't coming, right? A smart businessman says you don't throw good money after bad.

There's real things about Trump that are undesirable. His language, ego and name calling are three. Go after that, but you can't get him on economics. He's the real deal. That's why I feel he could really turn the economy around and make treaties that are good for America. Finally!

There may be a better candidate than he is, I just haven't come up with the one yet.

Millions of regular folks has filed for bankruptcy.... which by the way IS A LEGAL option in this country. yet all they can find to dump on a Businessman is he filed bankruptcy. that's how empty the democrat voters are, as is their party. all they can come up with is to SMEAR the other person

...and meanwhile the chicom spy hillary is selling out our country...but the subversives are outraged...OUTRAGED!...that a businessman restructured debts in 4 of his companies...comical...

AND Obama is selling us out to IRAN AND CUBA. But all they can find to be upset about is someone filing for Bankruptcy. don't think the Progressive/dem party doesn't appreciate this from their tools in their base.

iran, cuba, mexico,and numerous other south america countries who he allows to dump their third world peasant in america to colonize and displace white people while also skewing the vote. This could be the last election in america depending on how it goes. People are waking up.

yep, Lets hope they are. thank goodness this behind our backs selling us out is coming into the light before the next elections. LETS Pray it's in time to save us
Trump is the American version of North Korea's Kim Jung-un, spouting unrealistic rhetoric and having a bad haircut.

really? but putting another entitlement (oSCAMcARE) ON our backs in what you liberals claimed was one of the: worst recessions since the GREAT depression that cost us BILLIONS, Stealing almost a TRILLION dollars for something he called a: stimulus were all REALISTIC in some small peoples minds. You democrat voters only care about putting us in more dept for your ENTITLMEMNTS and growing this MONSTER of a Federal Government. the hell with whats RIGHT for the rest of us in this country

And what has that have to do with the guy who believes handouts are smart? I don't believe in bailouts. I'm not a fan of the those by the government, nor of business executives who thrive on the repetitive use of legal ones for their corporations.
It's amusing that posters bring up 4 bankruptcies. The man has made hundreds of $ million plus deals and the casinos in Atlantic City didn't pan out due to the recession. A stupid businessman would have kept pouring money into when the customers weren't coming, right? A smart businessman says you don't throw good money after bad.

There's real things about Trump that are undesirable. His language, ego and name calling are three. Go after that, but you can't get him on economics. He's the real deal. That's why I feel he could really turn the economy around and make treaties that are good for America. Finally!

There may be a better candidate than he is, I just haven't come up with the one yet.

Millions of regular folks has filed for bankruptcy.... which by the way IS A LEGAL option in this country. yet all they can find to dump on a Businessman is he filed bankruptcy. that's how empty the democrat voters are, as is their party. all they can come up with is to SMEAR the other person

...and meanwhile the chicom spy hillary is selling out our country...but the subversives are outraged...OUTRAGED!...that a businessman restructured debts in 4 of his companies...comical...

AND Obama is selling us out to IRAN AND CUBA. But all they can find to be upset about is someone filing for Bankruptcy. don't think the Progressive/dem party doesn't appreciate this from their tools in their base.

iran, cuba, mexico,and numerous other south america countries who he allows to dump their third world peasant in america to colonize and displace white people while also skewing the vote. This could be the last election in america depending on how it goes. People are waking up.

yep, Lets hope they are. thank goodness this behind our backs selling us out is coming into the light before the next elections. LETS Pray it's in time to save us

I don't think trump will let them steal an election from him. He needs to hire as many exit pollers as possible to monitor the voters....and he needs to be aware that the black lies matter crowd and the black pussy panthers will be up to their usual tricks and intimidation tactics at polling places. White people are waking up.
Millions of regular folks has filed for bankruptcy.... which by the way IS A LEGAL option in this country. yet all they can find to dump on a Businessman is he filed bankruptcy. that's how empty the democrat voters are, as is their party. all they can come up with is to SMEAR the other person

...and meanwhile the chicom spy hillary is selling out our country...but the subversives are outraged...OUTRAGED!...that a businessman restructured debts in 4 of his companies...comical...

AND Obama is selling us out to IRAN AND CUBA. But all they can find to be upset about is someone filing for Bankruptcy. don't think the Progressive/dem party doesn't appreciate this from their tools in their base.

iran, cuba, mexico,and numerous other south america countries who he allows to dump their third world peasant in america to colonize and displace white people while also skewing the vote. This could be the last election in america depending on how it goes. People are waking up.

yep, Lets hope they are. thank goodness this behind our backs selling us out is coming into the light before the next elections. LETS Pray it's in time to save us

I don't think trump will let them steal an election from him. He needs to hire as many exit pollers as possible to monitor the voters....and he needs to be aware that the black lies matter crowd and the black pussy panthers will be up to their usual tricks and intimidation tactics at polling places. White people are waking up.

Gawd I'm hoping. he does seem determined.

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