Donald Trump Or Herman Cain for Republican Presidential Nominee?

Republican Primary: Which of these 2 would you vote for?

  • Herman Cain

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters
i'm sorry, i can't get over cain's speech mannerisms.

he may be the most intelligent man on the planet (he isn't) and it wouldn't matter, because i can't stand to listen to him talk. besides that, after his blatant anti-Muslim bigotry i could in no way support him.

and Donald trump? am i actually supposed to take him seriously?

Thats the 2nd time I heard Herman Cain is anti-Muslim and I've been wanting to see it for myself.

Do you have a video of him being anti-Muslim or a transcript of an anti-Muslim rant/speech of his?

And trump is trying to be serious so I'm taking him serious for now.
feeling lazy right now but i did just have an article pulled up from cnn wit ha quote from cain saying he wouldn't appoint any muslim in his administration if he were elected.

that, my friends, is bigotry plain and simple.
Tough call I do like Herman Cain though but I will have to review their goals for leading the country more than I have, before I am set to vote

Thats what i'm doing right now, i'm hoping the forum can dig up stuff that I have yet to find on my own. Its hard to find stuff about Cain besides things his supporters have put out there.

Maybe this will help
Donald Trump on the Issues
Why Herman Cain | RedState

Thanks for the links man. That one on trump actually made me not think he is as horrible a choice as I did when I created this thread earlier.

I've seen the Cain one already, I have a man-crush :lol:
i'm sorry, i can't get over cain's speech mannerisms.

he may be the most intelligent man on the planet (he isn't) and it wouldn't matter, because i can't stand to listen to him talk. besides that, after his blatant anti-Muslim bigotry i could in no way support him.

and Donald trump? am i actually supposed to take him seriously?

Thats the 2nd time I heard Herman Cain is anti-Muslim and I've been wanting to see it for myself.

Do you have a video of him being anti-Muslim or a transcript of an anti-Muslim rant/speech of his?

And trump is trying to be serious so I'm taking him serious for now.
feeling lazy right now but i did just have an article pulled up from cnn wit ha quote from cain saying he wouldn't appoint any muslim in his administration if he were elected.

that, my friends, is bigotry plain and simple.

Im a trusting type of guy but I do like to verify...especially if I have no previous interaction with the person posting.

If you come across the link please remember to post it, unitl then i'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt assume that Cain is not anti-muslim.
[ame=]YouTube - Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration[/ame]
lol freak. What parts of Sharia are creeping in? He seems like a conspiracist.
They are both stupid, just in different ways. I wouldn't vote for either. I'd write in my choice.
i'm sorry, i can't get over cain's speech mannerisms.

he may be the most intelligent man on the planet (he isn't) and it wouldn't matter, because i can't stand to listen to him talk. besides that, after his blatant anti-muslim bigotry i could in no way support him.

and donald trump? am i actually supposed to take him seriously?

Exactly!! I feel the EXACT same way. The man just SOUNDS like a world class dunce. Between him, Heyluh Bawbuh and Bu$h I don't know which one is worse. I guess its between him and Heyluh, Bu$h is at least affable and Heyluh is fat so you get that jolly vibe from him..."Like lookit that goofy fat Southerner roll!" That leaves Cain, who just looks mean and sounds like a DUNCE!

I spit on the idea of any of those ba$tard$ running!

Well at least publically you haven't called him an Uncle Tom or a race traitor yet.

I get that. Both Bush and Obama, as soon as they open their mouths, make my skin crawl.

I totally get that.

Do you have anything that either one stands for publicly and specifically that you think is bad or good?

Yes, Cain sounds like a dunce. He screams and makes a bunch of an empty vessel. That's NOT who I want representing me or this nation. He's a fool.

Trump, a swindler, a huckster, a billionaire son who never saw a hard day's work not one iota in his life. Ran more than one sure shot business to the ground claiming "bankruptcy." A two-bit fleabag entertainer. A slum lord. He's not a only a joke and a fool, but he's a DAMN fool!

Got it?

Yeah I understand that you dont like them both. I'm more looking for info about Herman Cain than Trump.

I was hoping you might have had some negative policy positions that he took that I haven't heard about yet.
It's not just "don't like them" it's that none of them have anything substantive to offer.

Like I said, Trump is a damn fool. And Cain is a walking, talking RW talking point. I don't want a pizza man for my next president nor do I want a proud huckster and swindler.

Why don't you posit what are so good and/or outstanding about You're the one promoting them.
Thats what i'm doing right now, i'm hoping the forum can dig up stuff that I have yet to find on my own. Its hard to find stuff about Cain besides things his supporters have put out there.

Maybe this will help
Donald Trump on the Issues
Why Herman Cain | RedState

Thanks for the links man. That one on trump actually made me not think he is as horrible a choice as I did when I created this thread earlier.

I've seen the Cain one already, I have a man-crush :lol:

Anytime, still it's hard to choose
Trump's also got three children by three women and that speaks to his character, as well as all of his business bankruptcies and his glaringly obvious overinflated ego.

lol freak. What parts of Sharia are creeping in? He seems like a conspiracist.

Thanks for the link.

I actually believe in the seperation of church and state so I dont have a problem with him speaking out against, as he said, "SOME of the muslims want to put sharia law into american courts". In that specific video I do understand that people who are hypersensitive to muslim issues not liking what he said.

I dont like the way he said some if it myself. However I totally agree with the underlying value that he was expressing which is that the church/mosque/temple has no place in the government....just like we try to keep the catholic church separated from the state I think we should do the same with the religion of islam. I'm pretty sure you believe in the separation of church and state too, correct?

lol freak. What parts of Sharia are creeping in? He seems like a conspiracist.

Thanks for the link.

I actually believe in the seperation of church and state so I dont have a problem with him speaking out against, as he said, "SOME of the muslims want to put sharia law into american courts". In that specific video I do understand that people who are hypersensitive to muslim issues not liking what he said.

I dont like the way he said some if it myself. However I totally agree with the underlying value that he was expressing which is that the church/mosque/temple has no place in the government....just like we try to keep the catholic church separated from the state I think we should do the same with the religion of islam. I'm pretty sure you believe in the separation of church and state too, correct?

The underlying value he is expressing is a bigoted one. Any level-headed person would come to that conclusion based on his conclusion: absolutely *no* Muslims in his Administration. He's actually walking on the 1st while ironically thinking that he's defending it. Fancy that.
trump's also got three children by three women and that speaks to his character, as well as all of his business bankruptcies and his glaringly obvious overinflated ego.

obama got help from a guy who should be serving time in prison, and clinton never owned a home

Clinton never owned a home speaks to his character, like 3 different baby's mothers does?

To you, maybe. Not to me. I think they're absolutely unrelated.

The Obama thing? Not relevant to me because working with someone does not imply liking or agreeing with their life's actions. I dislike a bunch of the actions of co-workers, and because I don't quit or if I happen to remain cordial to be better-set for promotions, makes me an accomplice all of a sudden? That's retarded, which is why it was discarded from being an issue by most voters. This is not an endorsement of Obama.

lol freak. What parts of Sharia are creeping in? He seems like a conspiracist.

Thanks for the link.

I actually believe in the seperation of church and state so I dont have a problem with him speaking out against, as he said, "SOME of the muslims want to put sharia law into american courts". In that specific video I do understand that people who are hypersensitive to muslim issues not liking what he said.

I dont like the way he said some if it myself. However I totally agree with the underlying value that he was expressing which is that the church/mosque/temple has no place in the government....just like we try to keep the catholic church separated from the state I think we should do the same with the religion of islam. I'm pretty sure you believe in the separation of church and state too, correct?

The underlying value he is expressing is a bigoted one. Any level-headed person would come to that conclusion based on his conclusion: absolutely *no* Muslims in his Administration. He's actually walking on the 1st while ironically thinking that he's defending it. Fancy that.

uh oh I think we gonna fight :lol:

I might have clicked reply before he said "no muslims" in his admin. I dont get why he would say that it does sound prejudiced.

Ok ok the fighting part, lol..........back to the first ammendment comment. Are you ok with implimenting sharia, aka islamic, law into our court system? I'm asking you honestly here and not trying to imply anything with my question.

if you answer yes I'm going to ask if you feel its ok to have the ten commandments up in public buildings and stuff like that. If you say no to this I am going to ask why its ok for 1 religion, in your opinoin, to be involved in government while its not ok for another.

If you answer No i'm going to say I agree.
trump's also got three children by three women and that speaks to his character, as well as all of his business bankruptcies and his glaringly obvious overinflated ego.

obama got help from a guy who should be serving time in prison, and clinton never owned a home

Clinton never owned a home speaks to his character, like 3 different baby's mothers does?

To you, maybe. Not to me. I think they're absolutely unrelated.

The Obama thing? Not relevant to me because working with someone does not imply liking or agreeing with their life's actions. I dislike a bunch of the actions of co-workers, and because I don't quit or if I happen to remain cordial to be better-set for promotions, makes me an accomplice all of a sudden? That's retarded, which is why it was discarded from being an issue by most voters. This is not an endorsement of Obama.

Do you really want to go down that moral road when talking about Clinton? Mr. I never had sexual relations with that women.
Thanks for the link.

I actually believe in the seperation of church and state so I dont have a problem with him speaking out against, as he said, "SOME of the muslims want to put sharia law into american courts". In that specific video I do understand that people who are hypersensitive to muslim issues not liking what he said.

I dont like the way he said some if it myself. However I totally agree with the underlying value that he was expressing which is that the church/mosque/temple has no place in the government....just like we try to keep the catholic church separated from the state I think we should do the same with the religion of islam. I'm pretty sure you believe in the separation of church and state too, correct?

The underlying value he is expressing is a bigoted one. Any level-headed person would come to that conclusion based on his conclusion: absolutely *no* Muslims in his Administration. He's actually walking on the 1st while ironically thinking that he's defending it. Fancy that.

uh oh I think we gonna fight :lol:

I might have clicked reply before he said "no muslims" in his admin. I dont get why he would say that it does sound prejudiced.

Ok ok the fighting part, lol..........back to the first ammendment comment. Are you ok with implimenting sharia, aka islamic, law into our court system? I'm asking you honestly here and not trying to imply anything with my question.

if you answer yes I'm going to ask if you feel its ok to have the ten commandments up in public buildings and stuff like that. If you say no to this I am going to ask why its ok for 1 religion, in your opinoin, to be involved in government while its not ok for another.

If you answer No i'm going to say I agree.

I'll answer the question, but it doesn't speak to his irrational judgement. Because hiring a Muslim to his administration does not mean the Muslim is some covert operative looking to change us from the inside out, it's certainly a prejudgement, and it's basically anti-American to prequalify a candidate for a job by his/her Religion.

Obviously I don't believe in Sharia Law or implementing it into our Court system, but it's also prejudging every Muslim to believe they all DO BELIEVE that, and I don't believe in Law formed by Religion, of any sort, at all.

The Ten Commandments being up on Public walls is a catch-22 for me. #1. I don't believe that the Religion owns those, I believe they're universally moral independant of Religion. (most of them anyways, I don't have them memorized), but I also NO, I don't believe in spending public money favoring any Religion.
obama got help from a guy who should be serving time in prison, and clinton never owned a home

Clinton never owned a home speaks to his character, like 3 different baby's mothers does?

To you, maybe. Not to me. I think they're absolutely unrelated.

The Obama thing? Not relevant to me because working with someone does not imply liking or agreeing with their life's actions. I dislike a bunch of the actions of co-workers, and because I don't quit or if I happen to remain cordial to be better-set for promotions, makes me an accomplice all of a sudden? That's retarded, which is why it was discarded from being an issue by most voters. This is not an endorsement of Obama.

Do you really want to go down that moral road when talking about Clinton? Mr. I never had sexual relations with that women.

I didn't bring up Clinton, YOU DID. My taliing about Trump's wives has nothing to do with that. I don't make judgements based on "he did it tooo!" kind of shit. If you do, so be it. I don't like the character of a 3-wived, 3-baby mom having man being President. That's all, and that's along with his other glaringly obvious poor attributes.
The underlying value he is expressing is a bigoted one. Any level-headed person would come to that conclusion based on his conclusion: absolutely *no* Muslims in his Administration. He's actually walking on the 1st while ironically thinking that he's defending it. Fancy that.

uh oh I think we gonna fight :lol:

I might have clicked reply before he said "no muslims" in his admin. I dont get why he would say that it does sound prejudiced.

Ok ok the fighting part, lol..........back to the first ammendment comment. Are you ok with implimenting sharia, aka islamic, law into our court system? I'm asking you honestly here and not trying to imply anything with my question.

if you answer yes I'm going to ask if you feel its ok to have the ten commandments up in public buildings and stuff like that. If you say no to this I am going to ask why its ok for 1 religion, in your opinoin, to be involved in government while its not ok for another.

If you answer No i'm going to say I agree.

I'll answer the question, but it doesn't speak to his irrational judgement. Because hiring a Muslim to his administration does not mean the Muslim is some covert operative looking to change us from the inside out, it's certainly a prejudgement, and it's basically anti-American to prequalify a candidate for a job by his/her Religion.

Obviously I don't believe in Sharia Law or implementing it into our Court system, but it's also prejudging every Muslim to believe they all DO BELIEVE that, and I don't believe in Law formed by Religion, of any sort, at all.

The Ten Commandments being up on Public walls is a catch-22 for me. #1. I don't believe that the Religion owns those, I believe they're universally moral independant of Religion. (most of them anyways, I don't have them memorized), but I also NO, I don't believe in spending public money favoring any Religion.

Well in the video he did make the distinction that he doesn't think all muslims want sharia law implimented.

Hearing him just say "no" outright like that is giving me a lot of second thoughts though.

And we agree on public money/govt and religion not being intertwined :D.
Cain clearly mixes Religion with his Gubenatorial duties, ala Huckster except.....seemingly anti something instead.
Clinton never owned a home speaks to his character, like 3 different baby's mothers does?

To you, maybe. Not to me. I think they're absolutely unrelated.

The Obama thing? Not relevant to me because working with someone does not imply liking or agreeing with their life's actions. I dislike a bunch of the actions of co-workers, and because I don't quit or if I happen to remain cordial to be better-set for promotions, makes me an accomplice all of a sudden? That's retarded, which is why it was discarded from being an issue by most voters. This is not an endorsement of Obama.

Do you really want to go down that moral road when talking about Clinton? Mr. I never had sexual relations with that women.

I didn't bring up Clinton, YOU DID. My taliing about Trump's wives has nothing to do with that. I don't make judgements based on "he did it tooo!" kind of shit. If you do, so be it. I don't like the character of a 3-wived, 3-baby mom having man being President. That's all, and that's along with his other glaringly obvious poor attributes.

You are correct but you did mention about the children of trump have three differant mothers. At least Trump married the women he had sex with did clinton?

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