Tina quoted Palin word for word
Donald Trump Quotes by Hillary Clinton:
More countries should have nuclear weapons including Arabia
Default on our debts
Murder of civilians related to terrorists.
I have a very good brain
I know more about Isis than the generals do, believe me.
Climate change invented by Chinese.
Praised Putin.
He has foreign policy experience because he ran the Miss Universe Pageant.
and on
and on...............
Trump talking about Miss Universe Pageant as "foreign policy experience".
When you can quote someone else, it can be devastating. Republicans use partial quotes and do it all the time. You didn't make that, what difference does it make.
If I said, "Republicans say I want to kill my grandmother", they would only use "I want to kill my grandmother" because that's what they do, it's who they are.
Hillary, on the other hand, used Donald's words and quotes in context.
There are those who say, but she didn't give specifics. Only she did. Everything Donald is for, obviously, she is against. Torture, murder, default, Putin and so on. But I suspect she likes Miss Universe, but I'm not sure.