Donald Trump is one of our greatest Presidents


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?
Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?

Ummmm..... can't think of any "true leaders" who can't get their own disapproval ratings below 50%.

You remember "below 50%" right? The margin by which he got Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? As well as Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona and even frickin' Utah?

Not a great omen is it.
Possibly the best president in American history. The Trumpslide in 2020 will be huge. Every American will be voting and finally making America for Americans again!
Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?

Ummmm..... can't think of any "true leaders" who can't get their own disapproval ratings below 50%.

You remember "below 50%" right? The margin by which he got Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? As well as Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona and even frickin' Utah?

Not a great omen is it.

If Pogo were educated as opposed college indoctrinated he'd know the majority did not support Abe Lincoln. Pogo says you're only effective if you're popular, because the public knows stuff.
Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?

Ummmm..... can't think of any "true leaders" who can't get their own disapproval ratings below 50%.

You remember "below 50%" right? The margin by which he got Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? As well as Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona and even frickin' Utah?

Not a great omen is it.

If Pogo were educated as opposed college indoctrinated he'd know the majority did not support Abe Lincoln. Pogo says you're only effective if you're popular, because the public knows stuff.

Lincoln in fact got the lowest popular vote of any winning POTUS in the era of the two party system. But he was running in a field of four major candidates, where "major" means enough support to win Electoral Votes, and his name wasn't even on ballots in the South because the Republican Party, then six years old, didn't put him there. Having major candidates siphon off votes will do that. Wilson, Nixon and Clinton all pulled PVs in the 40s for that reason yet got elected.

What I have listed above though are state returns. You know, the ones the Electrical College apologists always tell us is "who votes". None of those states could come to a consensus on who they picked.
Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?

Ummmm..... can't think of any "true leaders" who can't get their own disapproval ratings below 50%.

You remember "below 50%" right? The margin by which he got Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? As well as Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona and even frickin' Utah?

Not a great omen is it.

If Pogo were educated as opposed college indoctrinated he'd know the majority did not support Abe Lincoln. Pogo says you're only effective if you're popular, because the public knows stuff.
She’s a he or other.
Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?

Ummmm..... can't think of any "true leaders" who can't get their own disapproval ratings below 50%.

You remember "below 50%" right? The margin by which he got Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? As well as Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona and even frickin' Utah?

Not a great omen is it.

If Pogo were educated as opposed college indoctrinated he'd know the majority did not support Abe Lincoln. Pogo says you're only effective if you're popular, because the public knows stuff.

Pogo lives up in the cold. His brain has probably shrunk a tad. Other than that, he's pretty bright.
Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?

Ummmm..... can't think of any "true leaders" who can't get their own disapproval ratings below 50%.

You remember "below 50%" right? The margin by which he got Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? As well as Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona and even frickin' Utah?

Not a great omen is it.
Surely you josh?

Trump's well on the way to being the most corrupt president of all time guaranteed. Look at how man of his 'associates' in prison, or awaiting sentencing and more to come and now he's being impeached. Great??? How can a corrupt guy like this be great to anyone except quite a few gullible morons who believe anything right wing media tells them.
He's well on the way to being the most corrupt president of all time guaranteed. Look at how man of his 'associates' in prison, or awaiting sentencing and more to come. Great??? How can a corrupt guy like this be great to anyone except morons who believe anything right wing media tells them.
Yet no corruption has been proven after wasted millions and years of investigation . Amazing that!
Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?

Give me a fucking break.
Washington went to WAR.
He led men into battle and saw them starve and freeze.
He decisively defeated the British army who invaded this country.
He RESIGNED his military office before running for POTUS which was unusual for the times.

Trump is a lowly cockroach in comparison.
A cockroach with bone spurs and 4 deferments from Viet Nam.
A cockroach who made 9/11 all about him, how one of his buildings was the now tallest after the WTC fell. (It was lie, of course.)
A cockroach who did NOT divest his business interests before taking office.

Your understanding of American history is that of a gerbil.
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Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?

Give me a fucking break.
Washington went to WAR.
He led men into battle and saw them starve and freeze.
He decisively defeated the the British army who invaded this country.
He RESIGNED his military office before running for POTUS.

Trump is a lowly cockroach in comparison.
Your understanding of American history is that of a gerbil.
Have a snickers.
Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?

Ummmm..... can't think of any "true leaders" who can't get their own disapproval ratings below 50%.

You remember "below 50%" right? The margin by which he got Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? As well as Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona and even frickin' Utah?

Not a great omen is it.
Surely you josh?
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View attachment 294602

I'm sure quite a few people adored hitler because the economy was improving under him. There's no proof this is anything but a continuation of Obama's economy vs. the debt trump added. He has no plans to make America great but keep on believing. It's xmas coming up and a lot of little kids still think santa's the guy bringing the gifts just like the trumpbots who waste endless hours here (why?) trying to prove trump's the greatest.
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Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?

Ummmm..... can't think of any "true leaders" who can't get their own disapproval ratings below 50%.

You remember "below 50%" right? The margin by which he got Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? As well as Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona and even frickin' Utah?

Not a great omen is it.

If Pogo were educated as opposed college indoctrinated he'd know the majority did not support Abe Lincoln. Pogo says you're only effective if you're popular, because the public knows stuff.

Lincoln in fact got the lowest popular vote of any winning POTUS in the era of the two party system. But he was running in a field of four major candidates, where "major" means enough support to win Electoral Votes, and his name wasn't even on ballots in the South because the Republican Party, then six years old, didn't put him there. Having major candidates siphon off votes will do that. Wilson, Nixon and Clinton all pulled PVs in the 40s for that reason yet got elected.

What I have listed above though are state returns. You know, the ones the Electrical College apologists always tell us is "who votes". None of those states could come to a consensus on who they picked.

Did you miss the point, or are you deliberately changing the subject? YOU are the one who brought up "below 50%" as a criticism of President Trump, then bring it back up as a credit to Lincoln.

By the way, only about a third of the Colonists supported the Revolutionary War against Great Britain. Does that preclude General Washington from having been a true leader?
He is in fact the most partisan president to ever hold the office.
He's well on the way to being the most corrupt president of all time guaranteed. Look at how man of his 'associates' in prison, or awaiting sentencing and more to come. Great??? How can a corrupt guy like this be great to anyone except morons who believe anything right wing media tells them.
Yet no corruption has been proven after wasted millions and years of investigation . Amazing that!

He was in an ACTIVE FRAUD SUIT before he was even sworn in. And he settled that suit before the EC could consider voting for somebody in an active fraud suit.
Like George Washington, he has persevered through years of internecine warfare and emerged as the true leader of our country. Also like Washington, he will step away from his office voluntarily and without emolument.

Like the Royalists, the Left will hate him all the more for doing so. Why don't they just follow them to Canada?

Ummmm..... can't think of any "true leaders" who can't get their own disapproval ratings below 50%.

You remember "below 50%" right? The margin by which he got Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? As well as Florida, North Cackalackee, AridZona and even frickin' Utah?

Not a great omen is it.

If Pogo were educated as opposed college indoctrinated he'd know the majority did not support Abe Lincoln. Pogo says you're only effective if you're popular, because the public knows stuff.

Lincoln in fact got the lowest popular vote of any winning POTUS in the era of the two party system. But he was running in a field of four major candidates, where "major" means enough support to win Electoral Votes, and his name wasn't even on ballots in the South because the Republican Party, then six years old, didn't put him there. Having major candidates siphon off votes will do that. Wilson, Nixon and Clinton all pulled PVs in the 40s for that reason yet got elected.

What I have listed above though are state returns. You know, the ones the Electrical College apologists always tell us is "who votes". None of those states could come to a consensus on who they picked.

Did you miss the point, or are you deliberately changing the subject? YOU are the one who brought up "below 50%" as a criticism of President Trump, then bring it back up as a credit to Lincoln.

By the way, only about a third of the Colonists supported the Revolutionary War against great Britain. Did that preclude General Washington from having been a true leader?

I said nothing about any "credit". I just neutrally expounded on the previous claim that "the majority did not support Abe Lincoln" with the actual CONTEXT it failed to acknowledge.

Now if you'd like to apply that to state votes quoted, NONE of the states listed had a major third- of fourth-party candidate on the ballot to siphon votes away with the exception of Utah. Utah gave a significant vote to Evan McMullin. That tells us that the electorate of Utah, the most reliably Republican vote in the 57 states, had so little stomach for The Rump that they'd rather cast a protest vote for a homeboy who had no chance of winning the office, than to cast a vote for the R candy. Noses couldn't be held strongly enough.

Washington was elected unanimously. That's a far cry from squeaking by with three million fewer votes arranged just so. Again, the topic was about being a leader AS PRESIDENT, not in war. Read your own title.
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Trump's well on the way to being the most corrupt president of all time guaranteed. Look at how man of his 'associates' in prison, or awaiting sentencing and more to come and now he's being impeached. Great??? How can a corrupt guy like this be great to anyone except quite a few gullible morons who believe anything right wing media tells them.

Good point.
Here's a question for the stupid fucking Trumptards:
How many of Washington's associates sat in prison while he was in office?
He's well on the way to being the most corrupt president of all time guaranteed. Look at how man of his 'associates' in prison, or awaiting sentencing and more to come. Great??? How can a corrupt guy like this be great to anyone except morons who believe anything right wing media tells them.
Yet no corruption has been proven after wasted millions and years of investigation . Amazing that!

He was in an ACTIVE FRAUD SUIT before he was even sworn in. And he settled that suit before the EC could consider voting for somebody in an active fraud suit.

Trumptards have the memories of gerbils.
You're referring to the $35,000,000 class action lawsuit against Trump for FRAUD - Trump University.
Trump said only suckers settled lawsuits.
He settled for $25,000,000.
So he's a sucker along with being a fucking con man.

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