Don’t vote for ineffective Democrats; vote for none of the above.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Don’t vote for ineffective Democrats; vote for none of the above.

The Democratic Party spits with impunity upon liberals and lefties and populists; they acquiesce and surrender to conservatives. They’re much less able to accomplish anything sustainable.

I hear and read of Tea Party’s taking control of the Republican Party insures conservatives future inability to occupy the White House or gain control of both congressional chambers.

I m a populist opposed to “trickle down” economic theorists. I gauge political party’s national political effectiveness by their ability to influence our nation's political policies and I live in a blue congressional district of a blue state.

All parties are more effective when they occupy elected offices and less effective when they lose political elections. But unlike Democrats, Republicans and particularly the Tea Party are recently and currently much less ineffective when they are not in power.
I attribute this to the Tea Party’s strategic outlook, they of course want to be elected but their primary goal is exert maximum influence upon our nation’s political policies. Tea Partiests won’t hesitate to cripple Republicans who hinder Tea Party goals.

Republicans have greater fear and more respect for the ability and willingness of Tea Party to seek retribution for anything undermining or even lesser adherence to conservatism. Republicans believe within safer election districts they need only fight general election skirmishes; but if they fail to respect the Tea Party they evoke all out take-no-prisoners primary wars.

Those more on the left of the political spectrum, (e.g. liberals or populists) have not profited from the Tea Party’s examples and thus they can be disrespected or ignored by the remainder of the Democratic Party. I cannot recall a single significant Clinton administration's economic or social accomplishment that has not been undone by the following Republican administrations.

I live in a blue state. A Democratic candidate not additionally listed on the ballot as a more liberal third party candidate cannot gain my vote.
I do not share the Green Party’s political priorities but I am not generally opposed to their platform and vote for their candidates.
I regret that my state does not profit from Nevada’s example. Nevada voters can demonstrate rejection of all of an office's candidates listed upon the ballot by indicating their votes are for “none of (the) above”. Rather than my prior practice of not voting within many general elections, I intend to commence entering “NOA” as a write in candidate within general elections lacking any appropriate candidates on the ballots.

Respectfully, Supposn
How about not voting?

J Woodie, under Nevada law the number of “none of the above” votes are published but otherwise have no effect upon the election itself. The “none of the above” option does not increase the cost or complexity of administrating elections with the state.

At present it is to politicians self interest to believe and declare the great numbers of people who do not vote are disinterested and unmotivated by politics
High numbers of “none of the above voters” differentiated from those who simply do not vote indicate the numbers that could be motivated to vote for more acceptable candidates and political proposals.

Respectfully, Supposn
Condemn the Tea Party but vote "none of the above" in democrat elections? That's a pretty chicken shit attitude. Get off your ass like the Tea Party and make the democrat party better.
Condemn the Tea Party but vote "none of the above" in democrat elections? That's a pretty chicken shit attitude. Get off your ass like the Tea Party and make the democrat party better.

Why would you throw your vote away by voting for 'none of the above?'

Whitehall & OnePercenters, why would you vote for those would vote for those who would acquiesce and surrender to Tea Party policies that you’re diametrically opposed to?
Rather than negotiating for further advancement, Democrats are betraying their historic populist policies.
Democrats in office believe they’re less political risk to lean back and favor historically failing conservative policies rather than leaning forward and advancing successful populist concepts. They also believe non-voters are indicating their political disinterest.
High numbers of “none of the above voters” differentiated from those who do not vote indicate the numbers of votes not cast due to voters' dissatisfaction with what has been done or what's currently being proposed by all of the candidates.

I believe this could induce all politicians to increase voters’ influences and indicate the limits of the risks inherent to candidates over indulgence to favor their campaign contributors. I cannot assure that the option of voting for none of the above would lead to more democratic elections and increase the proportions of Democratic officeholders but it is of no cost to the government and would certainly not be detrimental to our nation or the Democratic Party.

Respectfully, Supposn
Don’t vote for ineffective Democrats; vote for none of the above.

The Democratic Party spits with impunity upon liberals and lefties and populists; they acquiesce and surrender to conservatives. They’re much less able to accomplish anything sustainable.

I hear and read of Tea Party’s taking control of the Republican Party insures conservatives future inability to occupy the White House or gain control of both congressional chambers.

I m a populist opposed to “trickle down” economic theorists. I gauge political party’s national political effectiveness by their ability to influence our nation's political policies and I live in a blue congressional district of a blue state.

All parties are more effective when they occupy elected offices and less effective when they lose political elections. But unlike Democrats, Republicans and particularly the Tea Party are recently and currently much less ineffective when they are not in power.
I attribute this to the Tea Party’s strategic outlook, they of course want to be elected but their primary goal is exert maximum influence upon our nation’s political policies. Tea Partiests won’t hesitate to cripple Republicans who hinder Tea Party goals.

Republicans have greater fear and more respect for the ability and willingness of Tea Party to seek retribution for anything undermining or even lesser adherence to conservatism. Republicans believe within safer election districts they need only fight general election skirmishes; but if they fail to respect the Tea Party they evoke all out take-no-prisoners primary wars.

Those more on the left of the political spectrum, (e.g. liberals or populists) have not profited from the Tea Party’s examples and thus they can be disrespected or ignored by the remainder of the Democratic Party. I cannot recall a single significant Clinton administration's economic or social accomplishment that has not been undone by the following Republican administrations.

I live in a blue state. A Democratic candidate not additionally listed on the ballot as a more liberal third party candidate cannot gain my vote.
I do not share the Green Party’s political priorities but I am not generally opposed to their platform and vote for their candidates.
I regret that my state does not profit from Nevada’s example. Nevada voters can demonstrate rejection of all of an office's candidates listed upon the ballot by indicating their votes are for “none of (the) above”. Rather than my prior practice of not voting within many general elections, I intend to commence entering “NOA” as a write in candidate within general elections lacking any appropriate candidates on the ballots.

Respectfully, Supposn

Thanks for outlining one of the minor aspects of Obama's win, not to mention Acorning his way to the top. Didn't I say 'conning'? Oops, my bad. :rolleyes:
Condemn the Tea Party but vote "none of the above" in democrat elections? That's a pretty chicken shit attitude. Get off your ass like the Tea Party and make the democrat party better.

Why would you throw your vote away by voting for 'none of the above?'

Whitehall & OnePercenters, why would you vote for those would vote for those who would acquiesce and surrender to Tea Party policies that you’re diametrically opposed to?
Rather than negotiating for further advancement, Democrats are betraying their historic populist policies.
Democrats in office believe they’re less political risk to lean back and favor historically failing conservative policies rather than leaning forward and advancing successful populist concepts. They also believe non-voters are indicating their political disinterest.
High numbers of “none of the above voters” differentiated from those who do not vote indicate the numbers of votes not cast due to voters' dissatisfaction with what has been done or what's currently being proposed by all of the candidates.

I believe this could induce all politicians to increase voters’ influences and indicate the limits of the risks inherent to candidates over indulgence to favor their campaign contributors. I cannot assure that the option of voting for none of the above would lead to more democratic elections and increase the proportions of Democratic officeholders but it is of no cost to the government and would certainly not be detrimental to our nation or the Democratic Party.

Respectfully, Supposn

In one single primary election the Tea Party has succeeded in forcing incumbent long term republican politicians to look over their shoulders and listen to their constituents. What has the democrat party done lately besides support the antics of OWS?
Condemn the Tea Party but vote "none of the above" in democrat elections? That's a pretty chicken shit attitude. Get off your ass like the Tea Party and make the democrat party better.

Why would you throw your vote away by voting for 'none of the above?'

Whitehall & OnePercenters, why would you vote for those would vote for those who would acquiesce and surrender to Tea Party policies that you’re diametrically opposed to?
Rather than negotiating for further advancement, Democrats are betraying their historic populist policies.
Democrats in office believe they’re less political risk to lean back and favor historically failing conservative policies rather than leaning forward and advancing successful populist concepts. They also believe non-voters are indicating their political disinterest.
High numbers of “none of the above voters” differentiated from those who do not vote indicate the numbers of votes not cast due to voters' dissatisfaction with what has been done or what's currently being proposed by all of the candidates.

I believe this could induce all politicians to increase voters’ influences and indicate the limits of the risks inherent to candidates over indulgence to favor their campaign contributors. I cannot assure that the option of voting for none of the above would lead to more democratic elections and increase the proportions of Democratic officeholders but it is of no cost to the government and would certainly not be detrimental to our nation or the Democratic Party.

Respectfully, Supposn

Democrats are the only hope for the middle class. I'm a wealthy registered Republican....I should know.
Condemn the Tea Party but vote "none of the above" in democrat elections? That's a pretty chicken shit attitude. Get off your ass like the Tea Party and make the democrat party better.

Why would you throw your vote away by voting for 'none of the above?'

Whitehall & OnePercenters, why would you vote for those would vote for those who would acquiesce and surrender to Tea Party policies that you’re diametrically opposed to?
Rather than negotiating for further advancement, Democrats are betraying their historic populist policies.
Democrats in office believe they’re less political risk to lean back and favor historically failing conservative policies rather than leaning forward and advancing successful populist concepts. They also believe non-voters are indicating their political disinterest.
High numbers of “none of the above voters” differentiated from those who do not vote indicate the numbers of votes not cast due to voters' dissatisfaction with what has been done or what's currently being proposed by all of the candidates.

I believe this could induce all politicians to increase voters’ influences and indicate the limits of the risks inherent to candidates over indulgence to favor their campaign contributors. I cannot assure that the option of voting for none of the above would lead to more democratic elections and increase the proportions of Democratic officeholders but it is of no cost to the government and would certainly not be detrimental to our nation or the Democratic Party.

Respectfully, Supposn

In one single primary election the Tea Party has succeeded in forcing incumbent long term republican politicians to look over their shoulders and listen to their constituents. What has the democrat party done lately besides support the antics of OWS?

Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

Democrats want to end oil company subsidies.

Democrats want to end off-shoring corporate funds.

Democrats want the wealthy to pay the same effective rate as the middle class.
Whitehall & OnePercenters, why would you vote for those would vote for those who would acquiesce and surrender to Tea Party policies that you’re diametrically opposed to?
Rather than negotiating for further advancement, Democrats are betraying their historic populist policies.
Democrats in office believe they’re less political risk to lean back and favor historically failing conservative policies rather than leaning forward and advancing successful populist concepts. They also believe non-voters are indicating their political disinterest.
High numbers of “none of the above voters” differentiated from those who do not vote indicate the numbers of votes not cast due to voters' dissatisfaction with what has been done or what's currently being proposed by all of the candidates.

I believe this could induce all politicians to increase voters’ influences and indicate the limits of the risks inherent to candidates over indulgence to favor their campaign contributors. I cannot assure that the option of voting for none of the above would lead to more democratic elections and increase the proportions of Democratic officeholders but it is of no cost to the government and would certainly not be detrimental to our nation or the Democratic Party.

Respectfully, Supposn

In one single primary election the Tea Party has succeeded in forcing incumbent long term republican politicians to look over their shoulders and listen to their constituents. What has the democrat party done lately besides support the antics of OWS?

Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

Democrats want to end oil company subsidies.

Democrats want to end off-shoring corporate funds.

Democrats want the wealthy to pay the same effective rate as the middle class.


now tell us the one where 99 weeks of unemployment ins stimulates the economy
Whitehall & OnePercenters, why would you vote for those would vote for those who would acquiesce and surrender to Tea Party policies that you’re diametrically opposed to?
Rather than negotiating for further advancement, Democrats are betraying their historic populist policies.
Democrats in office believe they’re less political risk to lean back and favor historically failing conservative policies rather than leaning forward and advancing successful populist concepts. They also believe non-voters are indicating their political disinterest.
High numbers of “none of the above voters” differentiated from those who do not vote indicate the numbers of votes not cast due to voters' dissatisfaction with what has been done or what's currently being proposed by all of the candidates.

I believe this could induce all politicians to increase voters’ influences and indicate the limits of the risks inherent to candidates over indulgence to favor their campaign contributors. I cannot assure that the option of voting for none of the above would lead to more democratic elections and increase the proportions of Democratic officeholders but it is of no cost to the government and would certainly not be detrimental to our nation or the Democratic Party.

Respectfully, Supposn

In one single primary election the Tea Party has succeeded in forcing incumbent long term republican politicians to look over their shoulders and listen to their constituents. What has the democrat party done lately besides support the antics of OWS?

Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

Democrats want to end oil company subsidies.

Democrats want to end off-shoring corporate funds.

Democrats want the wealthy to pay the same effective rate as the middle class.

Don't democrats realize that all of those things are sure to destroy the middle class? What is the minimum wage supposed to do for middle class families? Give them assurance that there will be a minimum wage job when democrats tax corporations to death and take control of the private sector? The cost of energy is the biggest thing that impacts the middle class and democrats seem determined to ruin the economy with crazy windmill schemes that can't possibly work while Saudi princes get rich and the middle class gets poor.
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Don’t vote for ineffective Democrats; vote for none of the above.

The Democratic Party spits with impunity upon liberals and lefties and populists; they acquiesce and surrender to conservatives. They’re much less able to accomplish anything sustainable.

I hear and read of Tea Party’s taking control of the Republican Party insures conservatives future inability to occupy the White House or gain control of both congressional chambers.

I m a populist opposed to “trickle down” economic theorists. I gauge political party’s national political effectiveness by their ability to influence our nation's political policies and I live in a blue congressional district of a blue state.

All parties are more effective when they occupy elected offices and less effective when they lose political elections. But unlike Democrats, Republicans and particularly the Tea Party are recently and currently much less ineffective when they are not in power.
I attribute this to the Tea Party’s strategic outlook, they of course want to be elected but their primary goal is exert maximum influence upon our nation’s political policies. Tea Partiests won’t hesitate to cripple Republicans who hinder Tea Party goals.

Republicans have greater fear and more respect for the ability and willingness of Tea Party to seek retribution for anything undermining or even lesser adherence to conservatism. Republicans believe within safer election districts they need only fight general election skirmishes; but if they fail to respect the Tea Party they evoke all out take-no-prisoners primary wars.

Those more on the left of the political spectrum, (e.g. liberals or populists) have not profited from the Tea Party’s examples and thus they can be disrespected or ignored by the remainder of the Democratic Party. I cannot recall a single significant Clinton administration's economic or social accomplishment that has not been undone by the following Republican administrations.

I live in a blue state. A Democratic candidate not additionally listed on the ballot as a more liberal third party candidate cannot gain my vote.
I do not share the Green Party’s political priorities but I am not generally opposed to their platform and vote for their candidates.
I regret that my state does not profit from Nevada’s example. Nevada voters can demonstrate rejection of all of an office's candidates listed upon the ballot by indicating their votes are for “none of (the) above”. Rather than my prior practice of not voting within many general elections, I intend to commence entering “NOA” as a write in candidate within general elections lacking any appropriate candidates on the ballots.

Respectfully, Supposn

THAT is the biggest load of horseshit ever posted. You'd have to have brain damage to think that's true
Whitehall & OnePercenters, why would you vote for those would vote for those who would acquiesce and surrender to Tea Party policies that you’re diametrically opposed to?
Rather than negotiating for further advancement, Democrats are betraying their historic populist policies.
Democrats in office believe they’re less political risk to lean back and favor historically failing conservative policies rather than leaning forward and advancing successful populist concepts. They also believe non-voters are indicating their political disinterest.
High numbers of “none of the above voters” differentiated from those who do not vote indicate the numbers of votes not cast due to voters' dissatisfaction with what has been done or what's currently being proposed by all of the candidates.

I believe this could induce all politicians to increase voters’ influences and indicate the limits of the risks inherent to candidates over indulgence to favor their campaign contributors. I cannot assure that the option of voting for none of the above would lead to more democratic elections and increase the proportions of Democratic officeholders but it is of no cost to the government and would certainly not be detrimental to our nation or the Democratic Party.

Respectfully, Supposn

In one single primary election the Tea Party has succeeded in forcing incumbent long term republican politicians to look over their shoulders and listen to their constituents. What has the democrat party done lately besides support the antics of OWS?

Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

Democrats want to end oil company subsidies.

Democrats want to end off-shoring corporate funds.

Democrats want the wealthy to pay the same effective rate as the middle class.

Political lies for the gullible...

almost .. 8 years with at least 66.6% of the federal elected power and nothing on those..

I'm thinking you've been misinformed...but may have a well worn excuse...:itsok:
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In one single primary election the Tea Party has succeeded in forcing incumbent long term republican politicians to look over their shoulders and listen to their constituents. What has the democrat party done lately besides support the antics of OWS?

Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

Democrats want to end oil company subsidies.

Democrats want to end off-shoring corporate funds.

Democrats want the wealthy to pay the same effective rate as the middle class.

Political lies for the gullible...

8 years with at least 66.6% of the federal elected power and nothing on those..

I'm thinking you've been misinformed...but may have a well worn excuse.

66.6% of federal elected power means nothing when it takes 100% to pass a bill into law....See ENDA, Immigration Reform bill from the Senate, Shaheen's Energy bill, Warren's student loan bill....etc etc etc
Democrats want to raise minimum wage.

Democrats want to end oil company subsidies.

Democrats want to end off-shoring corporate funds.

Democrats want the wealthy to pay the same effective rate as the middle class.

Political lies for the gullible...

8 years with at least 66.6% of the federal elected power and nothing on those..

I'm thinking you've been misinformed...but may have a well worn excuse.

66.6% of federal elected power means nothing when it takes 100% to pass a bill into law....See ENDA, Immigration Reform bill from the Senate, Shaheen's Energy bill, Warren's student loan bill....etc etc etc

Not if you have effective leadership with the ability to negotiate in good faith, Democratic :)lol:) leadership are a complete failure on this and Obama rules America like a third world country....:eusa_boohoo:
Political lies for the gullible...

8 years with at least 66.6% of the federal elected power and nothing on those..

I'm thinking you've been misinformed...but may have a well worn excuse.

66.6% of federal elected power means nothing when it takes 100% to pass a bill into law....See ENDA, Immigration Reform bill from the Senate, Shaheen's Energy bill, Warren's student loan bill....etc etc etc

Not if you have effective leadership with the ability to negotiate in good faith, Democratic :)lol:) leadership are a complete failure on this and Obama rules America like a third world country....:eusa_boohoo:

ENDA passed the Senate 64-32 with 12 Republican Senators voting in favor of the bill.

The Immigration Reform bill passed the Senate 68-32 with 14 Republican Senators voting in favor of the bill

The problem is the Nutty Republican house majority's refusal to even put the bills up for a vote....not anything to do with the democrats not being bipartisan.
I'll say it again. The Tea Party achieved the dream of everyone who cares about politics. In one single primary election the Tea Party defeated an arrogant incumbent congressman who didn't bother to campaign because he thought the "house majority leader" could never lose an election. The Tea Party changed the dynamics of modern politics and incumbent republicans are scrambling to assure their constituents that they care more about issues than the D.C. cocktail circuit. What are grass roots democrats doing besides telling people not to vote?

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