Does Trump actually have a plan to reverse the election? Not really, but he reportedly wants the fight.

We didn’t cheat you lost. You sound like me talking about 2000




Trump has not won, and the electors will NOT elect him, so its over. The Bass know what the votes say........

Nope....not over

trump still has a clear path to the WH

Stop playing with yourself and listening to Ted Cruz, its over, the votes tell the story.
Someone needs to say it......
Shut the Fuck Up Already.
You post this same crap at least 10 times every day many duplicate "Trump should just give up" threads do we need really?
100 threads with the exact same theme in 5 days

There's a LEGITIMATE question of fraud..right or wrong....and it deserves to be thoroughly investigated. period.

Cool, so how many baseless "Trump won due to great voter fraud" posts should we put up with a day with 10 out of the last 10 lawsuits have been tossed, some of which were by own damn judges?
We didn’t cheat you lost. You sound like me talking about 2000




Trump has not won, and the electors will NOT elect him, so its over. The Bass know what the votes say........

Nope....not over

trump still has a clear path to the WH

Stop playing with yourself and listening to Ted Cruz, its over, the votes tell the story.

What a pussy Ted Cruz is.
After Rump suggested that his Dad helped kill Kennedy and his wife is ugly?
Just WoW :omg:
And plenty of evidence of contacts and links with Russian entities that backed up the need for the investigation. Not to mention the lying and obstruction from the Administration complicating everything.

Then maybe we should have done a thorough investigation.
Given the investigation all kinds of money, and maybe a few years to complete their job.

Maybe we should have spent some time trying to prove all those allegations.
We could have listened to what people had to say, covered it wall to wall on television.
Maybe we could have even let a whole squad of partisan hacks create a wonderful example of outright propaganda.

You should offer your leadership the next time around, and maybe things will go better.


Dejected isn't the word, depressed is the word

Pathetic. Trump will be forever remembered for WHOOPING YOUR ASS in 2016 :eusa_dance:
just because Donald is a show man, doesn't mean he's not a con man

Trump is in a panic and doesn't know what the hell to do!
If you never learn to lose...and accept it as a part of the learning process (think participation trophies here)...then when it hits you in adulthood, it's much much harder to handle. Trump lacks the tools to handle it well, and the insight to gain them.

Russia Russia Russia....

And plenty of evidence of contacts and links with Russian entities that backed up the need for the investigation. Not to mention the lying and obstruction from the Administration complicating everything.

Good grief...
Trump should not concede until the day Biden takes the oath. After the way Democrats treated him for 4 years, they earned it.

They treated him no badly than you did Obama, get over it.
Obama used taxpayer money that I actually pay in to help finance and arm terrorists groups------without Obama, ISIS would not have grown into the terror group that they became before Trump thumped their arses...all the rapes and murders of isis are on Obama. Obama didn't get treat near as bad as he deserved.
So conservatives, how do we essentially ignore the Senile China owned pedo Blob for 4 years and keep Trump in our hearts and minds as the TRUE President?
What can we do to shove it to the Left and keep our nation on track?

Will we quietly slink into a corner and let the left self destruct (along with the nation), or will we get involved and push back?

I think for the next 4 years we continue to proclaim Trump President and ignore the Left as much as possible, defeat their plans best we can and just
ignore their unConstitutional edicts from Beto etc?

Surely you're not in the mood for unity?

Dejected isn't the word, depressed is the word
Actually, he was Rejected

Only by you leftist Marxist losers and you had to cheat to get there. If sanity prevails, you lefties will have to revert back to your tantrum that has lasted for 4 years to date.
Trump asked the American people to affirm his Presidency

We the people sent him packing

Dejected isn't the word, depressed is the word

Is there any point where this little pouter and his boo boo lip actually, you know.......govern? The man is fighting to retain a job doesn't actually seem to want to do.

With record COVID cases and a 911's worth of deaths every 4 days, I'm having a hard time feeling much sympathy for his little pity party.
If you never learn to lose...and accept it as a part of the learning process (think participation trophies here)...then when it hits you in adulthood, it's much much harder to handle. Trump lacks the tools to handle it well, and the insight to gain them.
Participation trophies are exactly why all you lefties are entitled assholes.

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