Does this scene from saw 6 correctly portray the health insurance industry in America?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Here’s a classic democrat issue to tackle. But our government is constantly giving us talks about foreign events and race relations.

How about the health of the American people. Is it the case that the politicians are always telling us a healthcare decision should be made between a doctor and a patient but in reality, it is made by the insurance companies? And in the so-called wealthiest country of the world, if somebody is deemed to not fall within some kind of a algorithm, then they die because their insurance company won’t cover a life saving operation?
Here’s a classic democrat issue to tackle. But our government is constantly giving us talks about foreign events and race relations.

How about the health of the American people. Is it the case that the politicians are always telling us a healthcare decision should be made between a doctor and a patient but in reality, it is made by the insurance companies? And in the so-called wealthiest country of the world, if somebody is deemed to not fall within some kind of a algorithm, then they die because their insurance company won’t cover a life saving operation?

I hate heartlessness.
I once spent $1,200 on a dying cat that lived 3 more days. I wish I hadn't done that.
You're asking if a horror movie accurately portrays something as complex as the national healthcare system? Yep...your mental illness is getting worse.

As someone who works in healthcare, you learn on day one that the original sin of anything this is a societal necessity is that in a capitalist system, there is a non-congruency. In my case it's healthcare. It could also be newspapers/media, law enforcement, and a few other sectors of the economy. They are not supposed to turn a profit but that is what is expected from Capitalism. My hospital is a corporation. We have a stock ticker symbol and shareholders. They expect profit.

It would seem to me that (and this would be cutting my own throat) there should be certain sectors of the economy that are subsidized so you get the necessary service regardless of your ability to pay. Two areas of this are healthcare and the press.

We need healthcare. Yes...that means you. I'm sure there will be someone by in 5 seconds to tell us that they've never been sick a day in their lives. Bullshit.

We need an energized press. I'm not talking MSNBC. I'm talking the Rock County Star Herald or the Monterrey Gazette.
We need an energized press. I'm not talking MSNBC. I'm talking the Rock County Star Herald or the Monterrey Gazette.
No, you don't want that. Your ilk would be exposed as the soulless filth that it is with any kind of impartial media. You need complete censorship to survive under your rock.

Try to keep it real.
No, you don't want that. Your ilk would be exposed as the soulless filth that it is with any kind of impartial media. You need complete censorship to survive under your rock.

Try to keep it real.

Yet amazingly when there is an actual investigation the hard right usually becomes more and more repugnant. Its not the press that is to blame for the whacky things you guys do and say...that is all you.
Here’s a classic democrat issue to tackle. But our government is constantly giving us talks about foreign events and race relations.

How about the health of the American people. Is it the case that the politicians are always telling us a healthcare decision should be made between a doctor and a patient but in reality, it is made by the insurance companies? And in the so-called wealthiest country of the world, if somebody is deemed to not fall within some kind of a algorithm, then they die because their insurance company won’t cover a life saving operation?

Insurance companies and banks are the biggest robber barons in this country. They suck. They're the only rat bastards with enough money to sponsor sports venues. MAGA
Yet amazingly when there is an actual investigation the hard right usually becomes more and more repugnant. Its not the press that is to blame for the whacky things you guys do and say...that is all you.
Progs spend resources like spoiled women. Use credit cards and checks they can note even begin to pay for. So, someone else does. All the talk about who pays taxes and they passed a few pieces of legislation totaling trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars which was mostly pork and paying off the abysmal Prog run cities and states and privileged unions along with all of their grand socialist agendas which were running dry. The opportunity in Joe's first two years was there. And Progs did the Prog thing.
So let me see if I understand this correctly...... The Insurance Company is doing the surgery?
Your first sentence informs the second sentence; pure jibberish.
It might be easier to grasp w/examples then

Our medical community coded death certs 'C19', regardless of dying with or from it....because there was a $ in it for them

capitalist medicine......bows to capitalism

Our medical community's modus operandi is to dole out pharam like candy.....

capitalist medicine......bows to capitalism

Our medical community vets patients via insurance quality , assuming further specialized referrals

capitalist medicine......bows to capitalism

Our national health is predicated on one's income. Which is exactly why da Gub'mit enacted ACA because>>>

capitalist medicine......bows to capitalism

enjoy :cool:

So let me see if I understand this correctly...... The Insurance Company is doing the surgery?
by proxy


I hate heartlessness.
I once spent $1,200 on a dying cat that lived 3 more days. I wish I hadn't done that.
You’re a crazy cat lady. When it comes to humans you’ve demonstrated that your are indeed heartless
That is not just stupid, it is a lie.

You don't need permission from an Insurance Company to do surgery on someone. What you need is a Surgeon. And an operating room. And a nurse or two.

Insurance Company? Not required.

So if someone is not getting their needed surgery, ask yourself why? Because the Doctors and Hospitals are too greedy to save people's lives without getting THEIR money up front.

I guess the Doctor needs a new Bentley. Or another Condo in Bermuda. Or has to pay for his Ski Trip to the French Alps.

Grandma needs surgery? Fukk her.

Besides, I thought the Lying Cocksucker (You like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor/obama) was going to 'fix' our Insurance situation.

Spare us all your College Sophomore talking points

Don't you have an Anti-Israel demonstration you're late for?
It’s unthinkable. The healthcare policies we have in this country, the so-called wealthiest country in the world. Democrats and Republicans have been put into Jeopardy by our policies.

Why The ‘Saw’ Films Are Relatable To Anyone Who Is Chronically Ill

When seeking an experimental treatment for his cancer, Kramer is told by his insurance company, Umbrella Health, that the procedure will not be covered, mainly because it isn’t financially viable due to his age and prognosis. The algorithm used by the company makes a plethora of patients disqualified from treatments which could improve their conditions and potentially save their lives. This major injustice doesn’t sit well with Kramer.

Jigsaw’s solutions aren’t for the faint of heart, but his unwavering belief that life should be savored melts even the stone in my chest.
Kramer, of course, uses his insurance denial as another motivator, and a chance to examine the unjust areas of society he’s intent on adjusting. He exclaims, “Once you see death up close, then you know what the value of life is,” although his words aren’t enough to change the insurance company’s decision. Kramer sets traps for every Umbrella Health agent responsible for his denial from beyond the grave, by way of his ever-growing list of protégés
Here’s a classic democrat issue to tackle. But our government is constantly giving us talks about foreign events and race relations.

How about the health of the American people. Is it the case that the politicians are always telling us a healthcare decision should be made between a doctor and a patient but in reality, it is made by the insurance companies? And in the so-called wealthiest country of the world, if somebody is deemed to not fall within some kind of a algorithm, then they die because their insurance company won’t cover a life saving operation?

^ Leftist radical
If health insurance was a good idea, other countries would want the same. They don`t. Insurance companies have never cured anyone of anything. It`s an unnecessary and expensive "middleman".

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