Does GOP believe in Democracy?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Just wondering...does the GOP believe in Democracy? They spent trillions bombing countries for the sake of brining it. Do they believe in it for their own country? So what if most people decide they want a country that, while anyone can get rich, we'll all share a goal of making sure everyone has a safety net. What if in this Democracy, thats what most people decide they want. What if they decide they'd rather have that...even at the expense of not being the world superpower. Or even if it means they'll earn a bit less....but wont watch their neighbors starve.

Maybe the GOP needs to realize that SOME people may be ok with funding, training and building schools in Baghdad....but would rather see schools in Mississippi improve.

Maybe the GOP needs to realize that spending billions to train the Afghan police is all good and dandy....but they'd rather spend it on the Detroit, LA or Houston police.

Maybe the GOP needs to realize that while maybe many people dont necessarily cheerlead for the cause of gay marriage....that they dont really care either way, and are absolutely turned off by people who are passionately against it. Same for abortion.

Just sayin....maybe the GOP should leave the gated communities once in a while..and see what the rest of the world looks like, and thinks like.
Just wondering...because it seems they keep finding reasons to think others shouldnt have as much voice as they do.
1) Show in the constitution where the federal government is charged to be your safety net
2) We have a republic, not a democracy
3) Show where the federal government is charged to fund or provide education
4) Show where the federal government is supposed to fund or run local law enforcement
5) Show where we are not supposed to and do not discriminate against the choices of others every day... you choose not to let pot heads around your kids.. you choose not to associate with certain persons who do not agree with your beliefs or way of thinking... you choose not to rent your extra room to a slob or someone who runs around naked all day... More conservatives would be just fine with the whole 'gay marriage' thing if it was kept only in the realms where government should ensure equal treatment by government under law... I.E. taxation, inheritance, power of attorney etc.... but when this choice agenda is turned into forced acceptance, it becomes something more... look, I do not care if you accept or don't accept my inter-racial marriage.. I don't care if you don't want to call it marriage.. but as long as I can file our taxes as a family, see her in the hospital if something goes wrong, leave my estate to her if something happens, etc.. WHO GIVES A FUCK?? Stop trying to force acceptance and let government only deal with marriage in actual matters of government
5) And we are sick to death of this 'you can afford it more' argument... 'pay a little more' :rolleyes:.... how about equal treatment and leaving charity to the charities and those who wish to donate of their own free will.. not forced charity that you get to get your jollies off with while donating the moneys others have earned rather than your own....

To sum it up in 2 simple words

1) Show in the constitution where the federal government is charged to be your safety net
2) We have a republic, not a democracy
3) Show where the federal government is charged to fund or provide education
4) Show where the federal government is supposed to fund or run local law enforcement
5) Show where we are not supposed to and do not discriminate against the choices of others every day... you choose not to let pot heads around your kids.. you choose not to associate with certain persons who do not agree with your beliefs or way of thinking... you choose not to rent your extra room to a slob or someone who runs around naked all day... More conservatives would be just fine with the whole 'gay marriage' thing if it was kept only in the realms where government should ensure equal treatment by government under law... I.E. taxation, inheritance, power of attorney etc.... but when this choice agenda is turned into forced acceptance, it becomes something more... look, I do not care if you accept or don't accept my inter-racial marriage.. I don't care if you don't want to call it marriage.. but as long as I can file our taxes as a family, see her in the hospital if something goes wrong, leave my estate to her if something happens, etc.. WHO GIVES A FUCK?? Stop trying to force acceptance and let government only deal with marriage in actual matters of government
5) And we are sick to death of this 'you can afford it more' argument... 'pay a little more' :rolleyes:.... how about equal treatment and leaving charity to the charities and those who wish to donate of their own free will.. not forced charity that you get to get your jollies off with while donating the moneys others have earned rather than your own....

To sum it up in 2 simple words


He can't he's in his manic phase, the lily livered cock sucking fence sitter.
Just wondering...does the GOP believe in Democracy? They spent trillions bombing countries for the sake of brining it. Do they believe in it for their own country? So what if most people decide they want a country that, while anyone can get rich, we'll all share a goal of making sure everyone has a safety net. What if in this Democracy, thats what most people decide they want. What if they decide they'd rather have that...even at the expense of not being the world superpower. Or even if it means they'll earn a bit less....but wont watch their neighbors starve.

Maybe the GOP needs to realize that SOME people may be ok with funding, training and building schools in Baghdad....but would rather see schools in Mississippi improve.

Maybe the GOP needs to realize that spending billions to train the Afghan police is all good and dandy....but they'd rather spend it on the Detroit, LA or Houston police.

Maybe the GOP needs to realize that while maybe many people dont necessarily cheerlead for the cause of gay marriage....that they dont really care either way, and are absolutely turned off by people who are passionately against it. Same for abortion.

Just sayin....maybe the GOP should leave the gated communities once in a while..and see what the rest of the world looks like, and thinks like.

Your ignorance of our founding is showing. Everything your talking about are the responsibilites of state and local governments. The Unites States is a federal republic not a democracy.
1) Show in the constitution where the federal government is charged to be your safety net
2) We have a republic, not a democracy
3) Show where the federal government is charged to fund or provide education
4) Show where the federal government is supposed to fund or run local law enforcement
5) Show where we are not supposed to and do not discriminate against the choices of others every day... you choose not to let pot heads around your kids.. you choose not to associate with certain persons who do not agree with your beliefs or way of thinking... you choose not to rent your extra room to a slob or someone who runs around naked all day... More conservatives would be just fine with the whole 'gay marriage' thing if it was kept only in the realms where government should ensure equal treatment by government under law... I.E. taxation, inheritance, power of attorney etc.... but when this choice agenda is turned into forced acceptance, it becomes something more... look, I do not care if you accept or don't accept my inter-racial marriage.. I don't care if you don't want to call it marriage.. but as long as I can file our taxes as a family, see her in the hospital if something goes wrong, leave my estate to her if something happens, etc.. WHO GIVES A FUCK?? Stop trying to force acceptance and let government only deal with marriage in actual matters of government
5) And we are sick to death of this 'you can afford it more' argument... 'pay a little more' :rolleyes:.... how about equal treatment and leaving charity to the charities and those who wish to donate of their own free will.. not forced charity that you get to get your jollies off with while donating the moneys others have earned rather than your own....

To sum it up in 2 simple words


Show in the Constitution where....

- It says FEMA can give aid to storm victims
- It says the Feds can run their own law enforcement inside our borders (FBI, DEA, ATF, BP)

WE do a lot of stuff thats not in the Constitution. We LIKE a lot of that stuff. Thats why you idiots just lost the election. MORE OF US like that stuff than those of you that dont. If Detroit PD is going broke because the city is crumbling, we are OK with the Feds giving aid to restore or keep order there. Strict you...would say "FUCK OFF". Well, more of the country agrees with me. Which is why the GOP lost.
Just wondering...does the GOP believe in Democracy? They spent trillions bombing countries for the sake of brining it. Do they believe in it for their own country? So what if most people decide they want a country that, while anyone can get rich, we'll all share a goal of making sure everyone has a safety net. What if in this Democracy, thats what most people decide they want. What if they decide they'd rather have that...even at the expense of not being the world superpower. Or even if it means they'll earn a bit less....but wont watch their neighbors starve.

Maybe the GOP needs to realize that SOME people may be ok with funding, training and building schools in Baghdad....but would rather see schools in Mississippi improve.

Maybe the GOP needs to realize that spending billions to train the Afghan police is all good and dandy....but they'd rather spend it on the Detroit, LA or Houston police.

Maybe the GOP needs to realize that while maybe many people dont necessarily cheerlead for the cause of gay marriage....that they dont really care either way, and are absolutely turned off by people who are passionately against it. Same for abortion.

Just sayin....maybe the GOP should leave the gated communities once in a while..and see what the rest of the world looks like, and thinks like.

Your ignorance of our founding is showing. Everything your talking about are the responsibilites of state and local governments. The Unites States is a federal republic not a democracy.

Then I assume you'd advocate emliminating the FBI and FEMA, right? Since those powers (law enforcement and disaster aid inside our own borders, inside each state) are responsibilities of the states. Right? The United States military can't operate inside our own borders without martial law. And if law enforcement (according to the Constitution) is a state matter...then the FBI and ATF shouldn't exist, OR, should only exist for enforcing federal laws or crimes against federal property. But...they dont. They are all over the country, helping cities and states with issues exclusive to those places.

In other words.................THE WORLD HAS CHANGED. You should too. You folks are like the old grizzled football coach who has been coaching for 50 years....but thinks the playbook of 1950 will still work today. Times change. SOME people change. You all have not.
1) Show in the constitution where the federal government is charged to be your safety net
2) We have a republic, not a democracy
3) Show where the federal government is charged to fund or provide education
4) Show where the federal government is supposed to fund or run local law enforcement
5) Show where we are not supposed to and do not discriminate against the choices of others every day... you choose not to let pot heads around your kids.. you choose not to associate with certain persons who do not agree with your beliefs or way of thinking... you choose not to rent your extra room to a slob or someone who runs around naked all day... More conservatives would be just fine with the whole 'gay marriage' thing if it was kept only in the realms where government should ensure equal treatment by government under law... I.E. taxation, inheritance, power of attorney etc.... but when this choice agenda is turned into forced acceptance, it becomes something more... look, I do not care if you accept or don't accept my inter-racial marriage.. I don't care if you don't want to call it marriage.. but as long as I can file our taxes as a family, see her in the hospital if something goes wrong, leave my estate to her if something happens, etc.. WHO GIVES A FUCK?? Stop trying to force acceptance and let government only deal with marriage in actual matters of government
5) And we are sick to death of this 'you can afford it more' argument... 'pay a little more' :rolleyes:.... how about equal treatment and leaving charity to the charities and those who wish to donate of their own free will.. not forced charity that you get to get your jollies off with while donating the moneys others have earned rather than your own....

To sum it up in 2 simple words


Show in the Constitution where....

- It says FEMA can give aid to storm victims
- It says the Feds can run their own law enforcement inside our borders (FBI, DEA, ATF, BP)

WE do a lot of stuff thats not in the Constitution. We LIKE a lot of that stuff. Thats why you idiots just lost the election. MORE OF US like that stuff than those of you that dont. If Detroit PD is going broke because the city is crumbling, we are OK with the Feds giving aid to restore or keep order there. Strict you...would say "FUCK OFF". Well, more of the country agrees with me. Which is why the GOP lost.

FEMA?? Really?? Show that text from the constitution... I won't be holding my breath

Federal law enforcement and national defense is NOT local law enforcement.... not federal jurisdiction... but nice try, moron....

We have a lot of 'stuff' that is not in the constitution because the government has OVERSTEPPED ITS BOUNDARIES... if the federal government is to take on another power, it is to be granted thru CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT... it is SUPPOSED To be hard for the government to grab more power....

If most of the country says it is 'ok'.. GO THRU THE PROPER PROCEDURE.. you should be able to get the amendment done then.. but no, you and your ilk have ZERO regard for law.. you just want what you want (at the expense of someone else), law be damned... you are like crying 2 year olds.. and you should be treated as such
1) Show in the constitution where the federal government is charged to be your safety net
2) We have a republic, not a democracy
3) Show where the federal government is charged to fund or provide education
4) Show where the federal government is supposed to fund or run local law enforcement
5) Show where we are not supposed to and do not discriminate against the choices of others every day... you choose not to let pot heads around your kids.. you choose not to associate with certain persons who do not agree with your beliefs or way of thinking... you choose not to rent your extra room to a slob or someone who runs around naked all day... More conservatives would be just fine with the whole 'gay marriage' thing if it was kept only in the realms where government should ensure equal treatment by government under law... I.E. taxation, inheritance, power of attorney etc.... but when this choice agenda is turned into forced acceptance, it becomes something more... look, I do not care if you accept or don't accept my inter-racial marriage.. I don't care if you don't want to call it marriage.. but as long as I can file our taxes as a family, see her in the hospital if something goes wrong, leave my estate to her if something happens, etc.. WHO GIVES A FUCK?? Stop trying to force acceptance and let government only deal with marriage in actual matters of government
5) And we are sick to death of this 'you can afford it more' argument... 'pay a little more' :rolleyes:.... how about equal treatment and leaving charity to the charities and those who wish to donate of their own free will.. not forced charity that you get to get your jollies off with while donating the moneys others have earned rather than your own....

To sum it up in 2 simple words


Show in the Constitution where....

- It says FEMA can give aid to storm victims
- It says the Feds can run their own law enforcement inside our borders (FBI, DEA, ATF, BP)

WE do a lot of stuff thats not in the Constitution. We LIKE a lot of that stuff. Thats why you idiots just lost the election. MORE OF US like that stuff than those of you that dont. If Detroit PD is going broke because the city is crumbling, we are OK with the Feds giving aid to restore or keep order there. Strict you...would say "FUCK OFF". Well, more of the country agrees with me. Which is why the GOP lost.

FEMA?? Really?? Show that text from the constitution... I won't be holding my breath

Federal law enforcement and national defense is NOT local law enforcement.... not federal jurisdiction... but nice try, moron....

We have a lot of 'stuff' that is not in the constitution because the government has OVERSTEPPED ITS BOUNDARIES... if the federal government is to take on another power, it is to be granted thru CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT... it is SUPPOSED To be hard for the government to grab more power....

If most of the country says it is 'ok'.. GO THRU THE PROPER PROCEDURE.. you should be able to get the amendment done then.. but no, you and your ilk have ZERO regard for law.. you just want what you want (at the expense of someone else), law be damned... you are like crying 2 year olds.. and you should be treated as such

Thats the point. FEMA isnt in the Constitution. But the folks who are devastated by disaster sure can use that aid. obviously have no clue about law enforcement. The FBI, DEA, ATF, ICE, actively assist local law enforcement every single day. They cooperate. They share cases. In fact, its common practice that....say for example...a drug dealer is dealing across the border of NC and SC that the cops in both will request the FBI/DEA take it over, just for efficiency, so they can go back to focusing on other cases instead of working one big one and having to keep going back and forth. The Feds gladly take it on.

The Constitution is like a basic playbook in football. It sets the foundation. But sometimes...coaches will draw shit up on the fly. Doesn't mean you gotta reprint the whole playbook.

You right wingers are just so out of touch with the real world. We dont live in a bubble. And....there is a reason the original Constitution didn't include funding for NASA. Think hard about that, and maybe you'll get the point.
Thats the point. FEMA isnt in the Constitution. But the folks who are devastated by disaster sure can use that aid.

Yep. And I could use lots and lots of money. Would you cheer the feds cutting me a check?

It seems it's you that's missing the point: Might doesn't make right. Really, when you strip away all the big words and abstract principles, that's what the Constitution is all about. It's a promise that no matter who is in charge, even if they're representing the democratic will of the people, their power is limited.

It's never been clear to me whether statists don't get this concept, or whether they just don't want to think about it.

The Constitution is like a basic playbook in football. It sets the foundation. But sometimes...coaches will draw shit up on the fly. Doesn't mean you gotta reprint the whole playbook.

Hmm... on reflection, I'm going with "don't get it". The Constitution is nothing like a football playbook.
Nope. Means you better grow some wings instead of yelling at the herd trying to get them to stop. They aren't stopping. Grow some wings and survive.

Really? No way to persuade people at all?

Let me put the question this way: why are you opposed to those of us trying to raise awareness of the cliff? "Grow wings" doesn't really illuminate your position much.
Show in the Constitution where....

- It says FEMA can give aid to storm victims
- It says the Feds can run their own law enforcement inside our borders (FBI, DEA, ATF, BP)

WE do a lot of stuff thats not in the Constitution. We LIKE a lot of that stuff. Thats why you idiots just lost the election. MORE OF US like that stuff than those of you that dont. If Detroit PD is going broke because the city is crumbling, we are OK with the Feds giving aid to restore or keep order there. Strict you...would say "FUCK OFF". Well, more of the country agrees with me. Which is why the GOP lost.

FEMA?? Really?? Show that text from the constitution... I won't be holding my breath

Federal law enforcement and national defense is NOT local law enforcement.... not federal jurisdiction... but nice try, moron....

We have a lot of 'stuff' that is not in the constitution because the government has OVERSTEPPED ITS BOUNDARIES... if the federal government is to take on another power, it is to be granted thru CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT... it is SUPPOSED To be hard for the government to grab more power....

If most of the country says it is 'ok'.. GO THRU THE PROPER PROCEDURE.. you should be able to get the amendment done then.. but no, you and your ilk have ZERO regard for law.. you just want what you want (at the expense of someone else), law be damned... you are like crying 2 year olds.. and you should be treated as such

If you voted for Romney or Obama, you voted to increase the powers of those federal police agencies on US soil & against US citizens. Romney wants a police state with fewer rights for citizens. He bragged that he would have signed the same NDAA that Obama did.
The real question is do the Democrats believe in Democracy and the Constitution? But then again anyone that requires a government to wipe their pathetic ass and tell them how to live and blames someone else for their meritocracy wouldn't understand.

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