Does COVID-19 show us how unexceptional the US really is?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.

Are other countries paying thousands of dollars for every death that is diagnosed as due to the COVID-19?


We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population.
Some countries are indeed more fortunate than we without all the professional morticians, funeral directors, coroners, embalmers and medical examiners at official morgues, funeral homes, mortuaries, crematories, mausoleums, and cemetaries, not to mention life insurance salesmen.
View attachment 359904

Are other countries paying thousands of dollars for every death that is diagnosed as due to the COVID-19?



They aren’t actually. The US spends more per capita on healthcare than any other nation.

We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
Move to Wuhan
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population.
Some countries are indeed more fortunate than we without all the professional morticians, funeral directors, coroners, embalmers and medical examiners at official morgues, funeral homes, mortuaries, crematories, mausoleums, and cemetaries, not to mention life insurance salesmen.
Why do you assume other nations lack those? That’s so stupid. I get that it gives you the warm and fuzzies to just pretend the US is better in every way, but you’re just deluding yourself.
If you minus the old folks that Cuomo killed we are doing great considering we are an open society....don't listen to this OP and Trump hating tard....check it out for yourself.....

We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
Move to Wuhan
Wouldn’t matter if I did. The truth is still the truth.
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population.
Some countries are indeed more fortunate than we without all the professional morticians, funeral directors, coroners, embalmers and medical examiners at official morgues, funeral homes, mortuaries, crematories, mausoleums, and cemetaries, not to mention life insurance salesmen.

um, the other western nations that have less deaths than the US has all those things? Are you one of those Nimrods that thinks the US is the only first-world country??
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
Move to Wuhan
Wouldn’t matter if I did. The truth is still the truth.
You haven't told the truth yet in this thread....
If you minus the old folks that Cuomo killed we are doing great considering we are an open society....don't listen to this OP and Trump hating tard....check it out for yourself.....

How about you summarize what you think this source is trying to say?
If you minus the old folks that Cuomo killed we are doing great considering we are an open society....don't listen to this OP and Trump hating tard....check it out for yourself.....

How about you summarize what you think this source is trying to say?
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::aug08_031:
um, the other western nations that have less deaths than the US has all those things?
Less officially accounted deaths, no doubt. City Hall in the U.S. is bent on a population control agenda. In some of those other countries, city hall doesn't pay as much money for each death officially processed and reported.
If you minus the old folks that Cuomo killed we are doing great considering we are an open society....don't listen to this OP and Trump hating tard....check it out for yourself.....

How about you summarize what you think this source is trying to say?
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::aug08_031:
That’s what I thought.
View attachment 359904

Are other countries paying thousands of dollars for every death that is diagnosed as due to the COVID-19?



They aren’t actually. The US spends more per capita on healthcare than any other nation.



um, the other western nations that have less deaths than the US has all those things?
Less officially accounted deaths, no doubt. City Hall in the U.S. is bent on a population control agenda. In some of those other countries, city hall doesn't pay as much money for each death officially processed and reported.
You’re just making shit up based on nothing. Just because that SOUNDS true to you, it doesn’t mean it is.
If you minus the old folks that Cuomo killed we are doing great considering we are an open society....don't listen to this OP and Trump hating tard....check it out for yourself.....

How about you summarize what you think this source is trying to say?
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::aug08_031:
That’s what I thought.
Sorry if we don't automatically believe your stats.... :auiqs.jpg:
View attachment 359904

Are other countries paying thousands of dollars for every death that is diagnosed as due to the COVID-19?



They aren’t actually. The US spends more per capita on healthcare than any other nation.

View attachment 359905



I’m sorry what is this supposed to claim? Hospitals are inflating the numbers so that they get more funding? Where is the evidence they are lying?
um, the other western nations that have less deaths than the US has all those things?
Less officially accounted deaths, no doubt. City Hall in the U.S. is bent on a population control agenda. In some of those other countries, city hall doesn't pay as much money for each death officially processed and reported.
You’re just making shit up based on nothing. Just because that SOUNDS true to you, it doesn’t mean it is.
We don't have first responders, medical examiners and coroners? They don't get paid in the U.S.? What are you trying to hide? The Dems don't support abortion and birth control, either? What are you denying?
We do account for 25% of deaths for a country that is only 5% of the world’s population. I mean if European countries are so incompetent as republicans like to claim, the death rates in ALL those small, close-knit nations would be staggering but nations like Germany show us how a good health system operates.

Is it any wonder why other countries are barring travel from the US?

It definitely isn’t Trump’s fault the virus came here and China shares a lot of blame in failing to contain it, but obviously it matters how a nation chooses to respond once it arrives in their borders. For the US, we failed miserably. It doesn’t help we have a moron in the WH that likes to pretend it isn’t a problem.
Why do you assume that it's purely about the government and medical response? How much does a nation's culture and the cohesion of the citizenry affect the level of precaution taken by the average person?

You ever look at the studies they've done about empathy and population density? People in more densely populated areas are less likely to be closely knit with their surrounding communities. How much do you suppose that affects the efforts of say, young people who aren't particularly scared of the virus affecting them personally, still taking those precautions in the interest of protecting those around them who aren't as young and healthy?

Germany is 1/4 the size of the US in terms of population. Less total people means less regional groups of people. Less regional groups of people means less divergent cultures. Greater cultural similarity generally yields significantly greater community cohesion. How do you suppose those differences contribute to the overall conscientiousness of those people whose safety measures would be more necessary to protect others than themselves?

How much does a nation's relative level of international/intercontinental travel and tourism factor into these numbers?

I don't know the answers to these questions either. I'm just pointing out that there are many factors that we aren't accounting for, and nobody has done a very thorough analysis that normalizes nations' results in the context of even the tiny list of questions I've compiled, let alone tried to quantify all of the factors that would contribute to the covid results. There's also the inconvenient fact that no two nations are testing or classifying their covid dead at the same rates or according to the same criteria.

So yeah, I guess my point is that you probably shouldn't try to draw any deep conclusions from a couple of vague statistical totals of which your understanding is laughably far from complete.

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