Does anyone else think Trump is intentionally imploding his campaign?

One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.
---------------------------- maybe he is just giving voters a very CLEAR choice . Strategy is , hey , you are either with TRUMP or you aren't . Namby pambys moderates can vote against the Trump then they will get what they deserve . I think its cool , hard azz American Trump or 'hilary' , choose who you voters support and then go with it . ME , I am supporting and voting for the TRUMP Grandpa !!
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.

I never fall in with conspiracy theories and I'll just say this is starting to get a hue of intentional. Or, Trump IS this stupid and we are finally seeing it displayed in full color.
I hear ya. I am definitely not one for conspiracy theories but at this point I just can't rationalize his actions & words.
It's pretty sad that Trump can say the things he says, and is still the most qualified candidate - by far.
What's even sadder is how easily Trump manipulates his dim witted constituency.

It's sad, but funny.

Watching these clowns in the cult go down with the ship will be my personal highlight of this election.
And since Trump has defeated all the GOPs viable candidates while gaining the endorsement of the party establishment......they have nowhere else to go.
He is used to telling all his people what to do which is a bad habit. He doesn't have to comment on every little tid bit of info that gets put out there by the Clinton News Network. He's "taking the bait"

Meanwhile FBI Hillary is just snickering off to the side w/o having done a pressser in a year +
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.
It's a fair question, given his behavior.

My guess is that he literally can't control himself, that he has issues that are only getting worse with all the attention.
It's got to be in revenge for some imagined slight from the GOP. What did the GOP do to Trump? Answer that question and you'll figure out the truth.

Has to be something from the Reagan and Bush Sr. era then because I can't remember anything that Jr. did to the putz to make him want to implode the GOP...

Also it seem the Bush and Romney family are two families he has severe hatred for...
It doesn't have to be anything big, the guy is so thin skinned. It could be something simple like someone's wife didn't respond to his groping or he was seated next to some loser at a GOP event.

Or the Bush boys hands are bigger than his hands...

You are correct about him being so thin skinned and how he carries on and on with his little fits...

Also like Liminal pointed out the fact is Trump and Clinton have been close friends for years. Chelsea and Ivanka are close friends, so this is just a game to get Hillary Clinton elected and those voting for Trump would realize this and vote for Johnson then maybe this nonsense will stop...
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.

I never fall in with conspiracy theories and I'll just say this is starting to get a hue of intentional. Or, Trump IS this stupid and we are finally seeing it displayed in full color.
I hear ya. I am definitely not one for conspiracy theories but at this point I just can't rationalize his actions & words.

It is weird to say the least. I would say if this is really who he is and he loses in November I think he may have a nervous breakdown. He and his entire life will have been exposed as a looney sham as far as his internal beliefs. A longshot because narcissists like this usually NEVER see their true self. Ever. The wall is too thick.
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.


What you’ll hear after the polls close in November is something like this (if you don’t hear it before); “Politics is a profession” or “Professional politics is not something amateurs can pick up overnight. It took Hillary 30 years to figure out the winning formula.” Or (my favorite because I agree with it) “Politics is a profession; best left to the professionals.”

If you recall 1992; H. Ross Perot (rookie) looked just as bizarre at times. Perot had some class and decided to limit the damage he did to himself toward the end and he basically was apologizing for his campaign toward the end of the line.

From—I have colorized the most bizarre things about Ross.

Political Timeline

February 20: On CNN's "Larry King Live," Perot says he would run for president if supporters can get his name on all 50 state ballots.

March 18: Speaks at the National Press Club and says he will run on an independent ticket if supporters put his name on the ballot of all 50 states.

March 30: Names retired Vice Admiral James Stockdale as his "provisional" running mate.

April 28: A Washington Post/ABC News poll finds Bush at 36%, Clinton at 31% and Perot 30%. The poll is deemed especially significant because it is the first one that puts Perot within striking distance of the major party candidates.

May 29: Says on "20/20" he would not have any homosexuals in his cabinet and would not reverse the ban on gays in the military. Gay and lesbian activists actively protest Perot's candidacy at events throughout 1992.

June 3: Hires veteran Republican political consultant Ed Rollins and veteran Democratic political consultant Hamilton Jordan.

June 21: Media reports link Perot to the ordering of several private investigations of George Bush in the 1980s.

June 24: Appearing on "Larry King Live," Perot accuses the Republicans of "dirty tricks" against his campaign. RNC Chairman Rich Bond calls in and disputes the charge.

July 11: Speaks to NAACP and uses the phrase "your people." NAACP criticizes Perot, who later apologizes, saying he was unaware his language was offensive.

July 15: Veteran Republican political operative Ed Rollins quits the Perot campaign.

July 16: Perot quits presidential race, saying he decided to withdraw because the Democratic party has "revitalized" itself. (Perot's supporters continue their efforts to place his name on all state ballots.)

July 20: A volunteer in Perot's unannounced presidential campaign files suit against him in a federal court in Miami, accusing him of breaking a promise to run for president.

September 18: Qualifies for the Arizona ballot, completing efforts to put his name on all 50 state ballots.

October 1: Re-enters presidential race as an independent; makes the announcement at a Dallas press conference.

October 11: Debates Clinton and Bush in St. Louis, the first of three nationally televised debates.

November 3: Finishes third in the presidential election with 19,741,657 votes, or 18.9% of the popular vote. Fails to carry a single state, but places second in Maine with 30% of the popular vote, slightly ahead of George Bush, who vacationed in Kennebunkport. He also finishes second in Utah with 27% of the vote, three percent ahead of Clinton. Perot also carries more than 25% of the popular vote in Alaska (28%), Idaho (27%), Kansas (27%), Montana (26%), Nevada (26%) and Wyoming (26%).

November 5: FEC documents state Perot spent $65.6 million of his own money on the 1992 campaign.


The aftermath has been that Ross Perot’s company is still highly thought of; as is the man. Drumpf’s going to have a very bumpy ride business-wise after this. You saw from the convention how his “friends” in entertainment were all busy that week.
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.

I never fall in with conspiracy theories and I'll just say this is starting to get a hue of intentional. Or, Trump IS this stupid and we are finally seeing it displayed in full color.
I hear ya. I am definitely not one for conspiracy theories but at this point I just can't rationalize his actions & words.
We watched the news and entertainment media collude with Hilary in real time. This is what Americans discovered in 2016......

One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.

I'd say its a mix of all three.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.

People have for months been predicting that he never wanted to win. What he wants to do is promote Trump. People have predicted for months that he would find a way out. Now the elections may be "rigged". Trump wins even if he loses.
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.
---------------------------- maybe he is just giving voters a very CLEAR choice . Strategy is , hey , you are either with TRUMP or you aren't . Namby pambys moderates can vote against the Trump then they will get what they deserve . I think its cool , hard azz American Trump or 'hilary' , choose who you voters support and then go with it . ME , I am supporting and voting for the TRUMP Grandpa !!

Hard "azz" American Trump who .....endorses Putin.

One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.

I never fall in with conspiracy theories and I'll just say this is starting to get a hue of intentional. Or, Trump IS this stupid and we are finally seeing it displayed in full color.
I hear ya. I am definitely not one for conspiracy theories but at this point I just can't rationalize his actions & words.

It is weird to say the least. I would say if this is really who he is and he loses in November I think he may have a nervous breakdown. He and his entire life will have been exposed as a looney sham as far as his internal beliefs. A longshot because narcissists like this usually NEVER see their true self. Ever. The wall is too thick.
This thread sounds like an online therapy session . If the old man TRUMP loses he will be fine .
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.
---------------------------- maybe he is just giving voters a very CLEAR choice . Strategy is , hey , you are either with TRUMP or you aren't . Namby pambys moderates can vote against the Trump then they will get what they deserve . I think its cool , hard azz American Trump or 'hilary' , choose who you voters support and then go with it . ME , I am supporting and voting for the TRUMP Grandpa !!

Hard "azz" American Trump who .....endorses Putin.

---------------------- better than running and supporting arab and Persian muslims , Chinese and mexico Gary .
One stupid fucking blunder after another & he never backs down. The man seems incapable of humility. He is one of three things:
The biggest jackass to ever run for the office.
In the tank for Hillary.
Intentionally self imploding cause he never wanted to win to begin with.
---------------------------- maybe he is just giving voters a very CLEAR choice . Strategy is , hey , you are either with TRUMP or you aren't . Namby pambys moderates can vote against the Trump then they will get what they deserve . I think its cool , hard azz American Trump or 'hilary' , choose who you voters support and then go with it . ME , I am supporting and voting for the TRUMP Grandpa !!

Hard "azz" American Trump who .....endorses Putin.

---------------------- better than running and supporting arab and Persian muslims , Chinese and mexico Gary .

Was this supposed to make sense?

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