Does anyone believe the Feds will limit spending on EV charging stations to $7.5 billion dollars?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
What the so-called Infrastructure bill does is open the spicket on spending, it DOES NOT mean that is the limit on the spending. Does anyone believe the Feds can populate every major highway in the US with EV charging stations for $7.5 billion dollars? They'll run out of money and say "We ran into some problems and only finished 3 highways. Let's vote to get more money because it's for the people!"
EV's are destroying the Congo and many other 3rd world element rich nations....but the predisposed media hides this from you....
EV's are destroying the Congo and many other 3rd world element rich nations....but the predisposed media hides this from you....
Imagine the higher electricity demand as carbon is poured into the atmosphere to power the coming electric cars.

It's like watching a Stooge flick

What the so-called Infrastructure bill does is open the spicket on spending, it DOES NOT mean that is the limit on the spending. Does anyone believe the Feds can populate every major highway in the US with EV charging stations for $7.5 billion dollars? They'll run out of money and say "We ran into some problems and only finished 3 highways. Let's vote to get more money because it's for the people!"
I predict there will be some high profile projects, but the vast majority of that infrastructure money will go right into the pockets of illegal immigrants and other social programs.
What the so-called Infrastructure bill does is open the spicket on spending, it DOES NOT mean that is the limit on the spending. Does anyone believe the Feds can populate every major highway in the US with EV charging stations for $7.5 billion dollars? They'll run out of money and say "We ran into some problems and only finished 3 highways. Let's vote to get more money because it's for the people!"
Logical fallacy, ^^^; Slippery slope argument.


The above are Tesla charging stations, below are all the stations for all EC in the US and Canada:

What the so-called Infrastructure bill does is open the spicket on spending, it DOES NOT mean that is the limit on the spending. Does anyone believe the Feds can populate every major highway in the US with EV charging stations for $7.5 billion dollars? They'll run out of money and say "We ran into some problems and only finished 3 highways. Let's vote to get more money because it's for the people!"

Actually, for that money, I estimate they should be able to install about as many EV charging stations as we currently have gas pumps. The question is, why do we need all of them when EV cars only amount to a tiny fraction of all vehicles on the road?

The bigger question is how much will it cost to upgrade the electric grid to support all of the additional demand? Electricity doesn't grow on trees, and to support all of that added current draw, many new transformers will have to be installed, perhaps many new substations, not to mention the building of perhaps many new additional power plants.

And where will these new plants get their power? Coal? Dwindling rivers? Nuclear?
Logical fallacy, ^^^; Slippery slope argument.

View attachment 562531
The above are Tesla charging stations, below are all the stations for all EC in the US and Canada:

Dummy. Your photo above shows about 400 charging stations! Who is going to tow me to the nearest one? :auiqs.jpg:

I currently have about three gas stations each with about 8 pumps each within about 1000 feet of my house. Your second link shows that I now have about FOUR EV charging stations within about 2-3 MILES.

Wonder how many other people in my area are trying to charge at one of them as well?
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I live next to a national park...they installed a solar panel powered charging station for the Ranger EV's...but they don't have EV's at that ranger the rangers use it to park a tractor and roll their waste bin onto it...not to mention in order for the solar panels to work they must be in the sunlight...but they built it under a grove of trees.....your tax dollars at work....Lets Go Brandon....
I predict there will be some high profile projects, but the vast majority of that infrastructure money will go right into the pockets of illegal immigrants and other social programs.
Prove the money will be spent on Illegal Immigrants and other social programs.
What the so-called Infrastructure bill does is open the spicket on spending, it DOES NOT mean that is the limit on the spending. Does anyone believe the Feds can populate every major highway in the US with EV charging stations for $7.5 billion dollars? They'll run out of money and say "We ran into some problems and only finished 3 highways. Let's vote to get more money because it's for the people!"
Is the government going into the ev charging station business or will libs like algore get a big subsidy and the windfall profits?
Is the government going into the ev charging station business or will libs like algore get a big subsidy and the windfall profits?
Remember the Obama subsidies to Solyndra? More of the same. Collect federal $$$, pocket it, go bankrupt, run away rich on the backs of middle income taxpayers.
Shell is putting in 500,000 in next 5 yrs. No reason for the govt to be involved
But government wants to be involved

Maybe they will give a percentage of the charging stations to uneducated black people or illegal aliens that are at a disadvantage in the marketplace
I'm sure that there will be deals made with China on importing lithium for the batteries.
There are American producers, and there are just as many Canadian and Australian producers. Lithium is found in North America and Australia, and I don't know the extent found in China but there is no reason to import from there.

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