Does a 3-day waiting period violate your rights?

It's probably not Unconstitutional. Planned Parenthood and other Left Wing groups are suing over this Law. They're claiming the Law is Unconstitutional. I don't think they have much of a case there. Left Wingers have supported Laws like this for many years as well. I always find it pretty bizarre that when it comes to killing babies the Left suddenly starts pretending they care so much about the Constitution. Just seems way too convenient. Now we just need to get them to care about it all of the time.
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A waiting period that serves no other purpose than to expose the pregnant woman to propaganda is neither necessary nor appropriate.
Note that you STLL havent answered the question as to if it violates your rights.
And then, what of a waiting period that serves another purpose, such as this one?

It would violate the rights established in Roe v. Wade because there is no overriding compelling interest that justifies the infringement of those rights.

The pregnant women/young girls are subjected to Planned Parenthood propaganda, so why not have a little viewpoint propaganda from the pro-life side? Three days is not a long period to perhaps digest what has been fed by the pro-abortion side, think things over, perhaps ask for a friend's advice - either way - a 3-day waiting period does not infringe on anyone's right to ultimately have the abortion if abortion is the final decision of the woman. Everybody is so fixated on the right to abort that they tend to overlook the very severe psychological impact that could occur after the deed is done.

If a woman's very life depends on immediate termination of a pregnancy, there are plenty of emergency rooms available and on-call/on-staff OB/GYNs who are quite capable of carrying out emergency surgery.

I see no violation of any rights established in Roe v. Wade. Roe, to my knowledge, has no mandate that a woman must have an abortion as soon as she asks about it - the clinic may have to schedule 2 or 3 days later or even a week later before an opening comes available - in which case there would still be a waiting period before the actual event.

By the way, the woman who brought on Roe in the first place has had a change of heart and has made multiple attempts to ask the SCOTUS to reverse its ruling.

What is the difference between a 1st trimester fetus showing signs of miscarriage and the mother doing everything medically possible to prevent that miscarriage from happening and a woman who has a 1st trimester fetus aborted? Are both fetuses not equally viable and deserving of a chance at life?
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Because no case has been made.
So...the state has no compelling interest in protecting the lives of the innocent by requiring someone to wait three days before they exercise a right that may very well affect said innocent lives?
Constitutional law has determined that the fetus is not an 'innocent life' in the context you're using it, at least in the case of a 1st trimester abortion. The state can probably do this constitutionally with later term abortion.
So.... does a three day waiting period violate your rights?
Sure I do. You want to compare the legislation in the OP with a three day wait to purchase a firearm. The problem is this legislation goes beyond that. You know it. I know it. And I'm not foolish enough to buy what you are selling.
Your continued avoidance is noted.
I'm ready to answer when you prove that whenever I purchase a firearm, as part of the three day waiting period, I am required to meet with a counselor whose job it is to try and talk me out of buying said firearm.
None of that is at all necessary for you to answer the questions.
See, all you REALLY need to do is pick 'yes' or 'no' or 'maybe', explain your asnwer, and then, maybe, defend that explanation.
Until then, you're simply dodging.
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South Dakota Governor Signs Tough Abortion Bill Into Law
Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed a bill requiring women seeking an abortion to wait three days after meeting with a doctor and receive counseling before undergoing the procedure, news agencies reported.
South Dakota Governor Signs Tough Abortion Bill Into Law

Up to this point, liberals have regularly said no.
What say ye now?
In that it further restricts access to a LEGAL MEDICAL PROCEDURE, in that it adds a layer of politically charged guilt and inculcation, the answer is yes, it violates rights.
South Dakota Governor Signs Tough Abortion Bill Into Law
Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed a bill requiring women seeking an abortion to wait three days after meeting with a doctor and receive counseling before undergoing the procedure, news agencies reported.
South Dakota Governor Signs Tough Abortion Bill Into Law

Up to this point, liberals have regularly said no.
What say ye now?
In that it further restricts access to a LEGAL MEDICAL PROCEDURE, in that it adds a layer of politically charged guilt and inculcation, the answer is yes, it violates rights.
How, exactly, does -that- create the argument that it violates your rights?

And so, you'd similarly apply this argument to, say, guns?
In that it further restricts access to a LEGAL PRODUCT, in that it adds a layer of politically charged guilt and inculcation, the answer is yes, it violates rights?
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South Dakota Governor Signs Tough Abortion Bill Into Law

Up to this point, liberals have regularly said no.
What say ye now?
In that it further restricts access to a LEGAL MEDICAL PROCEDURE, in that it adds a layer of politically charged guilt and inculcation, the answer is yes, it violates rights.
And so, you'd similarly apply this argument to, say, guns?
In that it further restricts access to a LEGAL PRODUCT, in that it adds a layer of politically charged guilt and inculcation, the answer is yes, it violates rights?
A three day waiting period to buy a gun is a cool down period. Does anyone from the state come to you and 'counsel' you about the purchase of a gun?

Could you imagine a scenario where someone can be so incensed that buying a gun and shooting someone that day is a possibility? How does that compare to someone wanting an abortion?

It is possible that an abortion must be performed within a narrow time frame. Do you really need that gun today? Really? Why? Too pissed off to consider the consequences? Could owning a gun threaten you health the way a pregnancy could?
of course it violates your rights .
any restictions enforced by the govt on your right to choose is a violation .

how does it work?
the women has made up her mind to have a abortion (dont assume planned parenthood didnt counsel her about all the obtions )so then after she has made here decision some religious looney gets to brow beat her hopefuly to change her mind

Its all about control
these religious nutters need to put there own house in order before they try to control others
yet last week another case of a priest assualting young boys came to light were the bishops had covered it up
could it be the catholic church wants more boys born so the priests would have more targets to work there filth on ??? since its a good change those women who are brow beaten into changing there mind reject the child and he ends up dumped in a orphange/ home nice new fodder for the priests to droll over .
Funny that South Dakota wants to require a 72 hour waiting period for a woman to get an abortion, but only requires 48 hours to purchase a firearm.

How about a 72 hour waiting period and counseling for anyone wanting to purchase a firearm?

I, like many here, would want to know what this "counseling" entails and who is going to pay for it.
South Dakota Governor Signs Tough Abortion Bill Into Law
Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed a bill requiring women seeking an abortion to wait three days after meeting with a doctor and receive counseling before undergoing the procedure, news agencies reported.
South Dakota Governor Signs Tough Abortion Bill Into Law

Up to this point, liberals have regularly said no.
What say ye now?

we need more kids on welfare . three days will only advance the trimester , but what about the pill ? it has to be done within three days so they outlawed it ?
but really more kids on welfare is a good thing .
Funny that South Dakota wants to require a 72 hour waiting period for a woman to get an abortion, but only requires 48 hours to purchase a firearm.

How about a 72 hour waiting period and counseling for anyone wanting to purchase a firearm?

I, like many here, would want to know what this "counseling" entails and who is going to pay for it.

i think the differance is in the intent .
3 days before an applicant can own a gun gives time for the application to be checked to see if in fact its been done correctly and the applicant is in fact who he/she says he/she is and has no criminal background


with the 3 days before a applicant can get a abortion all sorts of pressure is put on the applicant by religious nutters to CHANGE THE APPLICANTS MIND .
two differant scenarios
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Who does this 'counseling' and what guidelines do they use?

Three days of religious propaganda and an opportunity to pile on more guilt? Leave it to the 'Religious' Right to come up with this crap!

And anything about counseling being 'religious' or 'propaganda' was stated in the bill where???

You sure as fuck don't seem to be one that would mind piling on guilt when a maniacal murderer is given the death penalty
What are the guidelines for this 'counselling'? Who would suggest three days of counseling? Why is it necessary? What is inculcated during this counseling?

Come on. Be honest. There's no reason for it other than to dissuade the poor girl and make her feel worse than she already feels. Guilt. The coin of the realm for the "Religious" Right.

You obviously didn't read the article, numb-nuts.
In that it further restricts access to a LEGAL MEDICAL PROCEDURE, in that it adds a layer of politically charged guilt and inculcation, the answer is yes, it violates rights.
And so, you'd similarly apply this argument to, say, guns?
In that it further restricts access to a LEGAL PRODUCT, in that it adds a layer of politically charged guilt and inculcation, the answer is yes, it violates rights?
A three day waiting period to buy a gun is a cool down period. Does anyone from the state come to you and 'counsel' you about the purchase of a gun?

Could you imagine a scenario where someone can be so incensed that buying a gun and shooting someone that day is a possibility? How does that compare to someone wanting an abortion?

It is possible that an abortion must be performed within a narrow time frame. Do you really need that gun today? Really? Why? Too pissed off to consider the consequences? Could owning a gun threaten you health the way a pregnancy could?

Are you vying for Board Moron of the Day Award?

Does anyone need a "cool down" period of three days? No. South Carolina was the first state to institute a waiting period. They had it for about 40 years and finally did away with it because it had no, zero, effect on crime. "Imagining" a situation is different from cold hard facts. For most people, I mean. Liberals seem content with imagining something and then assuming it's reality.
So you equally imagine that an abortion "must" be performed within 3 days? Why? Do you think the law has an exception for emergencies?
Do you actually know what is in the fucking law?
Or are you too busy inspecting toilets by sticking your head in and flushing?
So...the state has no compelling interest in protecting the lives of the innocent by requiring someone to wait three days before they exercise a right that may very well affect said innocent lives?
Constitutional law has determined that the fetus is not an 'innocent life' in the context you're using it, at least in the case of a 1st trimester abortion. The state can probably do this constitutionally with later term abortion.
So.... does a three day waiting period violate your rights?

It does if it cannot be justified with a greater good argument. In this case there is no such argument.
Constitutional law has determined that the fetus is not an 'innocent life' in the context you're using it, at least in the case of a 1st trimester abortion. The state can probably do this constitutionally with later term abortion.
So.... does a three day waiting period violate your rights?

It does if it cannot be justified with a greater good argument. In this case there is no such argument.

Of course there is such an argument. Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant. There is an argument, and it has won the day.
So.... does a three day waiting period violate your rights?

It does if it cannot be justified with a greater good argument. In this case there is no such argument.

Of course there is such an argument. Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant. There is an argument, and it has won the day.

Someone should post the argument then.

And it hasn't won the day because it hasn't passed constitutional muster.
It does if it cannot be justified with a greater good argument. In this case there is no such argument.

Of course there is such an argument. Whether you accept it or not is irrelevant. There is an argument, and it has won the day.

Someone should post the argument then.

And it hasn't won the day because it hasn't passed constitutional muster.

It passed the legislature and was signed into law. That makes it the law. That means it has won the day.
Sorry. Try again next time.

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