Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

Democrats are the modern incarnation of the cult of Baal, the Babylonians, Caananites, and Carthaginians all tossed babies into burning pits, or statuary, designed in the image of the demon, they had musicians play music in order to drown out the shrieking and terrifying squealing issuing forth from the babies as they tumbled into the fires!

Only two differences are noted between then and now, democrats, which includes all fake republicans(rinos)have industrialized the sacrificial process to Baal, and utterly sanitized it, so that murderous mothers/fathers do not hear the shrieks of their baby as its sacrificed to the demon! The other primary difference between then and now, is that the killers do not deliver the demon the entire body of the tiny life they just exterminated, just parts of it!

Such is because the fascist democrat evil, has discovered that the murdered babies bodies are a source of great wealth to them in and of themselves. Thus, they take the little bodies and like cleaning a fish, or poultry, they eviscerate them and harvest all of the internal organs and tissues, for sale to the highest bidders!

Most everyone of you celebrating a perceived political victory, or perceived political damage to the Christians who stood with God and the sanctity of life via their direct and open opposition to this demonic horror, are among the absolute blackest of evils ever perpetrated by human beings upon the most helpless of human beings! I have to resist the overwhelming urge to judge you and act upon that judgement, such is not mine to do, however every single one of you will be judged for the horror you have embraced and perpetrated!

Speaking of shrieking and squealing...

Can we catch you at The Cave Comedy Club?

Try the bottomless attempts to control the lives of others!

I said at the time of the decision that they fucked-up and the 15-week compromise was the way to go.....I knew what was in store because the holy-roller beholden politicians would not be able to help themselves.

Frankly, women who desire to live consequence-free lives probably shouldn’t be passing-on their DNA or that of the boys they are fucking. Let them abort themselves out of the gene pool.
Why compromise? Dobbs wasn’t about banning abortion, it was about correcting a states rights issue that was poorly interpreted 50 years ago.
Did they? The SC was charged with the matter of RvW and simply returned control of it to the states. It was not a Republican issue, but a legal issue not to ban abortions, but to simply de-federalize it and de-centralize the issue. All the rest of it has been nothing but shrill noise by the Left.

It went exactly as intended, control of the decisions moved closer to the actual people.

In other words, all of the panic and hysteria of the Left was once again baseless and unfounded. No women have had their "rights" taken away. All of the abortion rhetoric and panic is once again, nothing but a sheep horn to the bleating idiots on the Left.

If the SC had wanted to write law and end abortions, they could have simply banned them. Once again,the Left have scored a "victory," where no battle was ever waged. Just one more nothingburger to rally the mass legions of idiots in their flock.
^^^^ This poster gets it!
Republicans are truly the dog that caught the car.

They have been USING this issue for decades in a cynical ploy to raise money and get votes.

Well they won (by installing right wing SCOTUS Justices) and now they’re seeing the results..

Taking rights away from women is just not popular
When you realize what dobbs was, you’ll realize that scotus didn’t take away anyone’s rights. They just put the issue back to the states.

It’s the states who are taking away people’s ability to have abortions. That’s how it’s supposed to be. (States rights that is)
Women have ALWAYS controlled their sexual availability. They suffer the consequences, so they have controlled access. Short of rape there is no way for a man to get an unwilling woman pregnant. It takes two to tango. All a woman has to do is say NO and stick with it. If the man continues after that, it's rape and he should go to jail. If a woman decides to have unprotected sex, any pregnancy is as much her fault as the mans. And men face consequences for women's sexual decisions all the time. If a woman gets pregnant, the man can't insist she get an abortion or opt out of child support, he's on the hook for at least the next eighteen years even if he doesn't want children or can't afford them.
So you're saying we need Morality Police...

Maybe a cave in a Taliban-controlled region would be to your liking?

People like you equated that to conservatives banning abortion which never happened or was intended by anyone except religious nutters.
I wonder how long it will be until you and your friends are back in court demanding that all limits are removed since the states will generally set limits based upon viability.
Me and my kind want abortion on demand up until they graduate from whatever Satan-worshipping high school we may send them to! :eek:

Best for you to home school - I mean CAVE school!

Problem solved. :)
I propose that bankruptcy and abortion are equivalent legal principles.
Both are a way of erasing a mistake, at the determent of the innocent.
In one case, it's innocent lenders, in the other it's innocent babies.
If you want to be morally consistent, you have to either support both or reject both.

God hateth the hypocrite! :)
I don't think the far rights war against abortion was ever about "right to life" or "unborn babies." It was about sex and having sex without the religious blessing of marriage. Therefore, a pregnancy outside of marriage must be punished by forcing the mother to have the baby with the included demands of motherhood as her punishment for her sin. As the infamous Rush Limbaugh called it, "abortion on demand." If their real concern was about the babies, they would be more concerned about their needs after birth. As it stands now, they could care less.
^ Another filthy/Satanic speaker of logic and truth!

Get thee behind me!!!! :eek:

Speaking of shrieking and squealing...

Can we catch you at The Cave Comedy Club?

Try the bottomless attempts to control the lives of others!

There it is, see how the evil rolls, yet underneath all of that phony mockery and marginalization, they are not nearly as certain as they seem, fear continually haunts them, their bodies know what their minds deny! :fu:

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