Do you think your average tea partyer would take a pepper spray to the face-

That's what I thought, bad hygene and stubbornness is all the reason they need to spray chemical weapons into the faces of unarmed and non violent Americans. If they will do it to them they will do it to you under the right circumstances, also, it must be nice to feel that you actually have a voice in your elected representatives, I have no idea what that is like.

I have a feeling when this happens to Tea Partiers,many on this Board are going to feel differently. We should not allow our Police to meet peaceful protests with ignorance & brutality. That goes for all peaceful protesters.
Show us even ONE incident of the Tea Partiers infringing on the rights of others.

Fact is, once those protesters refused to move out of the way of those seeking to get to their classes, the infringing of the rights was done by those idiotic protesters.

YOU might be one to allow a group of your fellow americans to shit on your rights.

Me?.......I'm stomping through those rude bastards and getting where I need to go, and have the FULL RIGHT to get where I need to go, whether they like it or not.
Less right? You can't be any more wrong.....

You know I am right, if you would even passively participate in abridging the rights of your political opposites then you hardly deserve those rights for yourself.

being PAID to abridge the rights of YOUR POLITICAL OPPOSITES is NOT some Nobel movement..I'd call them COWARDS..
But you are good little sheep following your higher up masters who are paying you. you must FEEL PROUD.

Glad you feel that way about the lobbyists who just bought the house of representatives.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.
There is no right to break the law, damage public and private property, commit assault, rape, and be a danger to public health.

If you can find instances of TEA Party members doing any of that, you'll have a point. Until then, you don't.

Beating a dead horse, and we can hear the record skipping. Still falling into the bullshit of the "right wing vs left wing". Do you ever attempt to look deeper into the issues?

Is there anything that you agree with "the other side" about? Or do you label everyone a liberal who doesn't agree with you?
Read my posts and make up your own mind.

Or continue engaging in what you accuse me of: Making judgments based on generalizations.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

The OWS crowd is not civil.

When the police ask you to move, you move

That is true. I think that most of us would move if a cop were to tell us that he/she was about to blast our faces with OC. But because ALL cops have to be blasted in the face with this stuff before they're allowed to use it....what this cop did bordered on sadistic, and he almost appeared to enjoy it.

I do not agree at all with how he carried out this attack in California. He gives good and honest cops a bad name. He belongs in the unemployment check line.
He's not a cop, he's a campus security guard, nothing more.
Notice how Ows supporters are staying away from the story about their non existent leadership staying in expensive hotels.........

I love it...............
Do it some more, get all your buddies to pile on too, neg me back to zero and see if it makes me any less right. People who allow their government to oppress even people they do not like are participants in tyranny.

Less right? You can't be any more wrong.....

You know I am right, if you would even passively participate in abridging the rights of your political opposites then you hardly deserve those rights for yourself.

You keep speaking of abridged rights.

What rights do you think were abridged?
You know I am right, if you would even passively participate in abridging the rights of your political opposites then you hardly deserve those rights for yourself.

being PAID to abridge the rights of YOUR POLITICAL OPPOSITES is NOT some Nobel movement..I'd call them COWARDS..
But you are good little sheep following your higher up masters who are paying you. you must FEEL PROUD.

Glad you feel that way about the lobbyists who just bought the house of representatives.

Yeah Right. What form of Totalitarianism are you Lobbying for again? What Brand? What path to lead us all to Subjugation?
You know I am right, if you would even passively participate in abridging the rights of your political opposites then you hardly deserve those rights for yourself.
Pure projection. I don't think it gets any more pure than that.

You are a retard.

Retarded rebuttal, you can do better than that.
I already did rebut it - it's nothing but pure projection.

So, it's retarded or insane or whatever you want it to be, but it has nothing to do with facts.
As an anti-government protest the TP could not possibly have worked without tons of lobbyist cash, OWS does not not have a money firehose, they have only their bodies and minds and determination, is it scary to see such determination from a group most of you have written off as worthless human waste?

who purchased all those lovely tents? who's paying for the food kitchen and all the food they are cooking?
you people don't even lie good let alone Occupy..rapes, murders, disease..
just what the 99% of the people wish to have..:lol:
Bedtime people, have to be standing on the jobsite at day break. Feel free to continue defending tyranny while I sleep, see ya tomorrow.
There is no right to break the law, damage public and private property, commit assault, rape, and be a danger to public health.

If you can find instances of TEA Party members doing any of that, you'll have a point. Until then, you don't.

Beating a dead horse, and we can hear the record skipping. Still falling into the bullshit of the "right wing vs left wing". Do you ever attempt to look deeper into the issues?

Is there anything that you agree with "the other side" about? Or do you label everyone a liberal who doesn't agree with you?
Read my posts and make up your own mind.

Or continue engaging in what you accuse me of: Making judgments based on generalizations.

Many of us want the same things, we are just in disagreement on how to get there. The Tea Party had some valid complaints, and some of occupy has some valid complaints. Try to look past the eccentrics of the movement, and you'll find that there are some reasonable people within the movement.

Don't you think that there are people who count on our division? The whole insider trading scandal proved to me that much of both sides cannot be trusted to legislate for the people. Pelosi, Bachus, Boehner....two parties, and the same bullshit.

Would you agree with my last statement?
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

Is this indicative of the liberal mindset? Are you Zombies soo obsessed with party ideology that you sit around and think of shit like this? You're actually trying to turn a MAD SHITTER in to some kind of a martyr for the cause of handouts???? ROFLMAO:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Only in leftyland..
Beating a dead horse, and we can hear the record skipping. Still falling into the bullshit of the "right wing vs left wing". Do you ever attempt to look deeper into the issues?

Is there anything that you agree with "the other side" about? Or do you label everyone a liberal who doesn't agree with you?
Read my posts and make up your own mind.

Or continue engaging in what you accuse me of: Making judgments based on generalizations.

Many of us want the same things, we are just in disagreement on how to get there. The Tea Party had some valid complaints, and some of occupy has some valid complaints. Try to look past the eccentrics of the movement, and you'll find that there are some reasonable people within the movement.

Don't you think that there are people who count on our division? The whole insider trading scandal proved to me that much of both sides cannot be trusted to legislate for the people. Pelosi, Bachus, Boehner....two parties, and the same bullshit.

Would you agree with my last statement?
I've always said that the people who want the job are the very ones who can't be trusted with it. :cool:
Beating a dead horse, and we can hear the record skipping. Still falling into the bullshit of the "right wing vs left wing". Do you ever attempt to look deeper into the issues?

Is there anything that you agree with "the other side" about? Or do you label everyone a liberal who doesn't agree with you?
Read my posts and make up your own mind.

Or continue engaging in what you accuse me of: Making judgments based on generalizations.

Many of us want the same things, we are just in disagreement on how to get there. The Tea Party had some valid complaints, and some of occupy has some valid complaints. Try to look past the eccentrics of the movement, and you'll find that there are some reasonable people within the movement.

Don't you think that there are people who count on our division? The whole insider trading scandal proved to me that much of both sides cannot be trusted to legislate for the people. Pelosi, Bachus, Boehner....two parties, and the same bullshit.

Would you agree with my last statement?
I'm wondering why OWS not only does NOT eject those who give them a bad name, they have vigils/moments of silence/whatever to show their support of someone who shoots at the White House.

Whatever message they have, many cannot get past their means and what they are.
Read my posts and make up your own mind.

Or continue engaging in what you accuse me of: Making judgments based on generalizations.

Many of us want the same things, we are just in disagreement on how to get there. The Tea Party had some valid complaints, and some of occupy has some valid complaints. Try to look past the eccentrics of the movement, and you'll find that there are some reasonable people within the movement.

Don't you think that there are people who count on our division? The whole insider trading scandal proved to me that much of both sides cannot be trusted to legislate for the people. Pelosi, Bachus, Boehner....two parties, and the same bullshit.

Would you agree with my last statement?
I'm wondering why OWS not only does NOT eject those who give them a bad name, they have vigils/moments of silence/whatever to show their support of someone who shoots at the White House.

Whatever message they have, many cannot get past their means and what they are.

I think is has to do with Consensus. You know.... Rudderless and Powerless. Unable to decide or take decisive action.

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