Do You Know what America's Nuclear Triad is? Trump doesn't


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2014
Any of us of a 'certain age' knows what our Nuclear Triad is- it has been the basis of our nuclear deterrence strategy since the 1960's- that the United States doesn't rely upon one method of delivering nukes- we can deliver them by bomber, by ICMB or by submarine fired ballistic missiles.

But Trump doesn't know. How the hell can any well informed person who even pretends to care about the defense of the United States not know this?

Donald Trump, who claims to be the “best on the military” among the 2016 Presidential candidates because he is the best at everything, apparently has no idea what the nuclear triad is. The revelation came during last night’s Presidential Debate when conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Trump a question about the need to modernize our nuclear forces.

The exchange went as follows:

HEWITT: Mr. Trump... Dr. Carson just referenced the single most important job of the president, the command, the control and the care of our nuclear forces. And he mentioned the triad. The B-52s are older than I am. The missiles are old. The submarines are aging out. It’s an executive order. It’s a commander-in-chief decision.

What’s your priority among our nuclear triad?

TRUMP: Well, first of all, I think we need somebody absolutely that we can trust, who is totally responsible; who really knows what he or she is doing. That is so powerful and so important. And one of the things that I’m frankly most proud of is that in 2003, 2004, I was totally against going into Iraq because you’re going to destabilize the Middle East. I called it. I called it very strongly. And it was very important.

But we have to be extremely vigilant and extremely careful when it comes to nuclear. Nuclear changes the whole ball game. Frankly, I would have said get out of Syria; get out – if we didn’t have the power of weaponry today. The power is so massive that we can’t just leave areas that 50 years ago or 75 years ago we wouldn’t care. It was hand-to-hand combat.

The biggest problem this world has today is not President Obama with global warming, which is inconceivable, this is what he’s saying. The biggest problem we have is nuclear – nuclear proliferation and having some maniac, having some madman go out and get a nuclear weapon. That’s in my opinion, that is the single biggest problem that our country faces right now.

From Trump’s response, it’s clear that he either has no idea what the nuclear triad is, or that he had no idea what the question was and just decided to go with some sort of free-form jazz riff on the topic of “anything nuclear.” But even after Hewitt threw Trump another clue, he replied with total gibberish.

HEWITT: Of the three legs of the triad, though, do you have a priority? I want to go to Senator Rubio after that and ask him.

TRUMP: I think – I think, for me, nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to me.

Adding insult to bizarre injury, the exchange ended with Marco Rubio explaining the nuclear triad in detail.

HEWITT: Senator Rubio, do you have a response?

RUBIO: I do. First, let’s explain to people at home who the triad – what the triad is. Maybe a lot of people haven’t heard that terminology before. The triad is our ability of the United States to conduct nuclear attacks using airplanes, using missiles launched from silos or from the ground, and also from our nuclear subs’ ability to attack. And it’s important — all three of them are critical. It gives us the ability at deterrence.

Now, some have become more critical than others; for example, the submarines. And that’s the Ohio Class submarine that needs to be modernized. The air component also needs to be modernized. The B-52, as someone earlier pointed out, is an outdated model that was flown by the grandparents of people that are flying it now. And we need a serious modernization program as well on our silo-launched missiles. All three are critical for the defense of the country.

BLITZER: Thank you, Senator Rubio.
Why are you pulling out something from December? I'm sure after that embarrassing debate, Trump learned what the Triad is. I had never heard of it, either, even though I'm from the generation that did Bomb drills in school. I appreciated the explanation from Rubio.
Why are you pulling out something from December? I'm sure after that embarrassing debate, Trump learned what the Triad is. I had never heard of it, either, even though I'm from the generation that did Bomb drills in school. I appreciated the explanation from Rubio.

Why are you sure that Trump learned anything? Has he demonstrated any willingness to learn anything in his campaign? i can't remember an example.

Rubio- and probably every candidate on that forum knew what the nuclear Triad was- because if anyone who has paid attention to our national security for a few decades would have heard about it.

Maybe someone who is running for Commander in Chief should know something about our nuclear defense program?

Maybe Trump needs to take his own advice that he blatantly eschewed in his answer above when it comes to selecting the next Commander-In-Chief: “I think we need somebody absolutely that we can trust, who is totally responsible; who really knows what he or she is doing. That is so powerful and so important.” Not even knowing what the Nuclear Triad is, yet alone having an opinion on which legs need to be prioritized when it comes to expensive modernization, may disqualify himself by his own requirements.
Maybe someone should ask him again. I agree he needed to get up to speed; I hope he did. It will be a very dark day for this country if by some unbelievable stroke of mass insanity he is elected. I'm just surprised you pulled out something so old, considering all the new ammunition he gives us on a weekly basis.

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