Do you have kids in school facing white hate ??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
My sister ( left wing nut who lives in Chicago ) has all 3 of her kids being radically indoctrinated as the new future “ red guard “ . They take classes in white priv, transgender and gay studies , white racism and 1619 fake history nonsense and my sister and her schmendrick husband buy into all of it

My brother ( in Phoenix) has 3 kids and he is the type of guy that would confront the teacher and principle and threaten them and file millions in lawsuits . So far , the Phoenix schools don’t indoctrinate

Have your kids or grandchildren been indoctrinated by these genetically damaged Bolshevik insects
My sister ( left wing nut who lives in Chicago ) has all 3 of her kids being radically indoctrinated as the new future “ red guard “ . They take classes in white priv, transgender and gay studies , white racism and 1619 fake history nonsense and my sister and her schmendrick husband buy into all of it

My brother ( in Phoenix) has 3 kids and he is the type of guy that would confront the teacher and principle and threaten them and file millions in lawsuits . So far , the Phoenix schools don’t indoctrinate

Have your kids or grandchildren been indoctrinated by these genetically damaged Bolshevik insects

That is just totally disgusting in what they are doing to the kids. I know school was a form indoctrination and mind control but this is completely beyond that. That is great of your brother to confront the schools and stick up for his kids.
My brother would pull his kids out to a private or Jewish school
He hates the leftist cockroaches as much as I
My sister ( left wing nut who lives in Chicago ) has all 3 of her kids being radically indoctrinated as the new future “ red guard “ . They take classes in white priv, transgender and gay studies , white racism and 1619 fake history nonsense and my sister and her schmendrick husband buy into all of it

My brother ( in Phoenix) has 3 kids and he is the type of guy that would confront the teacher and principle and threaten them and file millions in lawsuits . So far , the Phoenix schools don’t indoctrinate

Have your kids or grandchildren been indoctrinated by these genetically damaged Bolshevik insects

That is just totally disgusting in what they are doing to the kids. I know school was a form indoctrination and mind control but this is completely beyond that. That is great of your brother to confront the schools and stick up for his kids.
I am only saying hypothetically..he would

My sister kids are all fully indoctrinated and I can’t unscramble their brains
My sister ( left wing nut who lives in Chicago ) has all 3 of her kids being radically indoctrinated as the new future “ red guard “ . They take classes in white priv, transgender and gay studies , white racism and 1619 fake history nonsense and my sister and her schmendrick husband buy into all of it

My brother ( in Phoenix) has 3 kids and he is the type of guy that would confront the teacher and principle and threaten them and file millions in lawsuits . So far , the Phoenix schools don’t indoctrinate

Have your kids or grandchildren been indoctrinated by these genetically damaged Bolshevik insects

That is just totally disgusting in what they are doing to the kids. I know school was a form indoctrination and mind control but this is completely beyond that. That is great of your brother to confront the schools and stick up for his kids.
I am only saying hypothetically..he would

My sister kids are all fully indoctrinated and I can’t unscramble their brains

It is hard to unscramble mind control. We are having a big problem like this now because the teachers teaching these things learned these things in their colleges. Colleges are very good at indoctrination also.
Jewish school is cool
You learn Hebrew , you don’t get laughed at for being a cut cock and you make super cool macaroni stuff while learning real things
My brother would pull his kids out to a private or Jewish school
He hates the leftist cockroaches as much as I

Yes, and these people are beyond lefties, they are WOKE commies.
Hey you do have something in common with black folks !! They also refuse to take the vaccine lol

Yea, well my mom has been a nurse for 30 years so she taught me a lot about vaccines. Most people don't know what they really are and believe what they are told. Black people have very good reason not to trust vaccines. If you ever heard of the Tuskegee experiment.

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